
ZK International Group Co., Ltd. Embarks On Global Expansion, Enters Southeast Asia And The Middle East To Drive Innovation And Sustainable Infrastructure Development

ZK International Group Co., Ltd. Embarks On Global Expansion, Enters Southeast Asia And The Middle East To Drive Innovation And Sustainable Infrastructure Development

Benzinga ·  01/09 21:45

ZK International Group Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ:ZKIN) ("ZKIN", "ZK International" or the "Company"), a leading innovator in stainless-steel products, announces a strategic expansion initiative into Southeast Asia and the Middle East, marking a significant milestone in the company's global growth strategy.

不鏽鋼產品的領先創新者中科國際集團有限公司(納斯達克股票代碼:ZKIN)(“ZKIN”、“ZK International” 或 “公司”)宣佈了一項向東南亞和中東的戰略擴張計劃,標誌着公司全球增長戰略的一個重要里程碑。

Penetrating New Markets: Southeast Asia and the Middle East


ZK International is proud to unveil its plans to extend its operations into Southeast Asia and the Middle East, capitalizing on emerging opportunities in these dynamic regions. With a proven track record of delivering high-quality stainless-steel solutions, the company aims to bring its innovative products and expertise to meet the growing demand for sustainable infrastructure and advanced technology.

ZK International很自豪地公佈了其計劃,利用這些充滿活力的地區的新興機遇,將其業務擴展到東南亞和中東。憑藉在提供高質量不鏽鋼解決方案方面的良好記錄,該公司旨在利用其創新產品和專業知識來滿足對可持續基礎設施和先進技術不斷增長的需求。

Strategic Partnerships for Regional Success


As part of its expansion strategy, ZK International is actively pursuing strategic partnerships with local businesses and key stakeholders in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. These partnerships will not only enhance the company's local market understanding but also facilitate seamless integration into the regional business landscape.

作爲其擴張戰略的一部分,ZK International正在積極尋求與東南亞和中東的當地企業和主要利益相關者建立戰略合作伙伴關係。這些合作伙伴關係不僅將增強公司對當地市場的了解,而且還將促進無縫融入區域業務格局。

Mr. Jiancong Huang, Chairman of ZK International Group, expressed enthusiasm about the company's expansion, stating, "Our decision to enter Southeast Asia and the Middle East aligns with our commitment to global growth and market leadership. These regions present exciting opportunities, and we are eager to bring our expertise, cutting-edge technology, and sustainable solutions to contribute to the development of these markets."

ZK International Group董事長黃建聰先生對公司的擴張表示熱情,他說:“我們進入東南亞和中東的決定符合我們對全球增長和市場領導地位的承諾。這些地區提供了令人興奮的機會,我們渴望利用我們的專業知識、尖端技術和可持續的解決方案,爲這些市場的發展做出貢獻。”

Commitment to Sustainable Infrastructure


ZK International is known for its dedication to sustainability and innovation. By expanding into Southeast Asia and the Middle East, the company seeks to play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable infrastructure development in these regions. ZK International's portfolio includes a range of stainless-steel products that cater to diverse industries, including water and gas utilities, automotive, and industrial applications.

ZK International 以其對可持續發展和創新的奉獻精神而聞名。通過向東南亞和中東擴張,該公司力求在促進這些地區的可持續基礎設施發展方面發揮關鍵作用。ZK International的產品組合包括一系列不鏽鋼產品,可滿足不同行業的需求,包括水和天然氣公用事業、汽車和工業應用。

