
American Eagle Intersects 302 Metres of 1.09% Copper Equivalent Within 606 Metres of 0.74% Copper Equivalent

American Eagle Intersects 302 Metres of 1.09% Copper Equivalent Within 606 Metres of 0.74% Copper Equivalent

American Eagle 在 0.74% 銅當量的 606 米內與 302 米 1.09% 的銅當量相交
newsfile ·  01/08 19:00



  • NAK23-17 intersected 302 m of 1.09% Copper Equivalent within 606 m of 0.74% Copper Equivalent beginning at 98 m downhole.
  • NAK23-17 was collared 250 metres west of NAK23-11 (473 metres of 0.62% Copper Equivalent, beginning at surface), and more than 250 metres away from any previous hole drilled on the property, extending high-grade mineralization westward.
  • The fully funded 2024 drill program will prioritize expanding the large, high-grade, mineralized South Zone and testing linkages between it and other higher-grade parts of the extensive NAK system.
  • 從井下 98 米開始,NAK23-17 在 0.74% 銅當量的 606 米範圍內與 302 米 1.09% 的銅當量相交。
  • NAK23-17 位於 NAK23-11 以西 250 米(銅當量爲 473 米,從地表開始)以西 250 米處(從 0.62% 的銅當量開始),距離先前在該物業上鑽探的任何鑽孔超過 250 米,將高品位礦化向西延伸。
  • 2024 年資金充足的鑽探計劃將優先擴建大型、高品位、礦化的南區,並測試其與龐大的 NAK 系統中其他更高等級部分之間的聯繫。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 8, 2024) - American Eagle Gold Corp. (TSXV: AE) (OTCQB: AMEGF) ("American Eagle" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that hole NAK23-17 intersected 302 metres of 1.09% Copper Equivalent within 606 metres of 0.74% Copper Equivalent ("CuEq") beginning at 98 metres downhole, west of the South Zone at its NAK Copper Gold porphyry project ("NAK" or the "Project") in British Columbia, Canada.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 1 月 8 日)——美國之鷹黃金公司(TSXV:AE)(OTCQB:AMEGF)(“American Eagle” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,從南區以西 98 米處的 NAK 井下 98 米處開始,在 0.74% 銅當量(“CueQ”)606米處與302米的1.09%銅當量(“CueQ”)相交加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的銅金斑岩項目(“NAK” 或 “項目”)。NAK23-17

Hole NAK23-17 was collared more than 250 metres distant from any previous drill hole on the property, the nearest being hole NAK23-11, which intersected 473 metres of 0.62% Copper Equivalent from surface. The high-grade intercept in NAK23-17 has served to confirm and improve upon the scale and tenor of high-grade mineralization discovered west of the historically defined South Zone, by showing continuity between the higher-grade mineralization in hole NAK23-11 and that in holes NAK23-08 and NAK22-01. For the 2024 drill program, the Company intends to test and expand this area of higher-grade mineralization, identify where it reaches the surface, and to determine how much farther it extends to the south, west, and north, including possible connections to deeper, higher-grade mineralization at the North Zone, such as that intersected in drill holes NAK22-04 and NAK23-12.

NAK23-17 孔的開孔距離該物業上先前的任何鑽孔都超過 250 米,最近的是 NAK23-11 孔,該孔與地表相交了 473 米的 0.62% 銅當量。NAK23-17 中的高品位截距顯示了 NAK23-11 孔中更高品位的礦化與 NAK23-08 和 NAK22-01 孔中更高品位的礦化之間的連續性,從而證實和改善了在歷史定義的南區以西發現的高品位礦化的規模和基調。在 2024 年的鑽探計劃中,該公司打算測試和擴大這一更高品位的礦化區域,確定它到達地表的位置,並確定它向南、西和北延伸了多遠,包括可能與北區更深、更高品位的礦化區相連,例如 NAK22-04 和 NAK23-12 鑽孔中相交的礦化。

"The more we drill, the better NAK gets, as shown by the bold, westerly step out with NAK23-17. This risk paid off, revealing what may be a high-grade mineralized belt that remains open to the north and the south, and proving that the high-grade mineralization encountered previously in NAK23-11 is extensive in both the vertical and east-west dimensions. 2022's drill program demonstrated that NAK is a copper and gold porphyry system with a very large near-surface footprint that extends to depth. Since then, we have identified increasingly high-grade zones throughout 2023. Intersecting 302 metres of 1.09% Copper Equivalent grade in our final 2023 drill hole suggests that our evolving understanding of NAK's geology has been efficient and successful. We look forward to our 2024 drill campaign, and to continue making discoveries that deliver value to American Eagle shareholders and our partners in exploration in the Babine Lake region," stated CEO Anthony Moreau.

“我們鑽得越多,NAK 就越好,NAK23-17 向西大膽地向西邁出就證明了這一點。這種風險得到了回報,揭示了可能向北和向南開放的高品位礦化帶,並證明了先前在 NAK23-11 中遇到的高品位礦化在垂直和東西向維度上都非常廣泛。2022年的鑽探計劃表明,NAK是一個銅和金斑岩系統,其近地表足跡非常大,可以延伸到深度。從那時起,我們在整個 2023 年確定了越來越高的等級區域。在我們2023年的最後一個鑽孔中穿過 302 米的 1.09% 銅當量品位,這表明我們對NAK地質學不斷髮展的理解是有效和成功的。首席執行官安東尼·莫羅表示,我們期待着2024年的鑽探活動,並繼續做出能夠爲美國之鷹股東和我們在巴賓湖地區的勘探合作伙伴帶來價值的發現。

Sections and Drill Core Images relating to NAK23-17:

與 NAK23-17 相關的章節和鑽芯圖片:

  • Cross-section showing mineralization for NAK23-17
  • Plan view of drilling to date at NAK
  • Core images for the 2023 Drill Campaign
  • 橫截面顯示 NAK23-17 的礦化
  • NAK 迄今爲止的鑽探平面圖
  • 2023 年演習活動的核心圖片

NAK23-17 Assay Results (Table 1*) and Details*

NAK23-17 檢測結果(表 1*)和詳細信息*

Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Cu (%) Ag (g/t) Mo ppm CuEq (%)
NAK23-17 166.9 469 302.1 0.53 0.40% 1.27 431.4 1.09%

NAK23-17 98.8 549.5 450.7 0.44 0.33% 1.15 326.3 0.89%

NAK23-17 98.8 705 606.2 0.35 0.30% 1.14 255.70 0.74%

NAK23-17 44 815 771 0.28 0.25% 0.96 207 0.61%
從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) 金 (g/t) 銅 (%) 銀 (g/t) Mo ppm cueQ (%)
NAK23-17 166.9 469 302.1 0.53 0.40% 1.27 431.4 1.09%

NAK23-17 98.8 549.5 4507 0.44 0.33% 1.15 326.3 0.89%

NAK23-17 98.8 705 606.2 0.35 0.30% 1.14 255.70 0.74%

NAK23-17 44 815 771 0.28 0.25% 0.96 207 0.61%

* Copper Equivalent (CuEq) shown in Tables for drill intersections are calculated on a basis of US$ 3.75/lb for Cu, US$ 1,900/oz for Au, US$ 20/oz for Ag and US$ 25/lb for Mo, with 80% metallurgical recoveries assumed for all metals (Since it's unclear what metals will be the principal products, assuming different recoveries is premature at this stage). The formula is: CuEq. = Cu % + (Au grade in g/t x (Au recovery / Cu recovery) x [Au price ÷ 31] / [Cu price x 2200]) + (Ag grade in g/t x (Ag recovery / Cu recovery) x [Ag price ÷ 31] / [Cu price x 2200] + (Mo grade in % x (Mo recovery / Cu recovery) x [Mo price x 2200] / [Cu price x 2200]). The assays have not been capped.

* 鑽頭交叉點表中顯示的銅當量(CueQ)是根據銅3.75美元/磅,金爲1,900美元/盎司,銀爲20美元/盎司和鉬25美元/磅計算得出的,假設所有金屬的冶金回收率爲80%(因爲目前尚不清楚哪些金屬將是主要產品,假設現階段不同的回收還爲時過早)。公式爲:CueQ. = Cu% +(以 g/t 爲單位的金品位 x(金回收率/銅回收率)x [金價格 ÷ 31]/[銅價格 x 2200])+(以克/噸計 x(銀回收率/銅回收率)x [銀價格 ÷ 31]/[銅價格 x 2200] +(鉬回收率/銅回收率)x [鉬價格 x 2200]/[銅價 x 2200])。化驗沒有上限。

NAK23-17 was collared approximately 250 metres west of hole NAK23-11 in the westernmost part of the South Zone. The hole was drilled east-southeastward (105 degrees) at an inclination of -73 degrees and was targeted to confirm continuity between the higher-grade intervals of mineralization in holes NAK23-11 and NAK23-08, while also testing a broad zone of favourable induced polarization (IP) signature. NAK23-17 intersected strong mineralization throughout much of its length, beginning at 98 m and continuing until the Babine porphyry stock was intersected at approximately 700 m. Mineralization consists primarily of vein hosted and disseminated chalcopyrite, with minor bornite and molybdenite. Gold and molybdenum grades remained consistently high throughout the mineralized zone in NAK23-17, with the highest grades being closely related to the presence of chalcopyrite- and molybdenite-bearing purple anhydrite veins. Mineralization is dominantly hosted by coarser grained sedimentary rocks, chiefly conglomerate, and short intervals of relatively narrow dikes. The best-mineralized interval from 98.8 m to 705 m returned 606.2 m of 0.74 % CuEq (0.35 g/t Au, 0.30 % Cu, 1.14 g/t Ag, and 0.026 % Mo), while the strongest zone of mineralization returned 302 m of 1.09 % Cu equivalent (0.53 g/t Au, 0.40 % Cu, 1.27 g/t Ag, and 0.043 % Mo) between 166.87 and 469 m. This strongest zone occurred within a broader zone of 450.7m of 0.89 % CuEq (0.44 g/t Au, 0.33 % Cu, 1.15 g/t Ag, and 0.033 % Mo) from 98.8 to 549.5 m.

NAK23-17 位於南區最西端的 NAK23-11 洞以西約 250 米處。該孔是朝東南(105 度)鑽孔的,傾角爲 -73 度,旨在確認 NAK23-11 和 NAK23-08 孔中更高等級的礦化間隔之間的連續性,同時還測試了廣闊的誘導極化 (IP) 特徵區域。NAK23-17 在其大部分長度上都與強烈的礦化層相交,從 98 米開始,一直持續到大約 700 米處的巴賓斑岩儲量相交。礦化主要由礦脈宿主和浸染的黃銅礦組成,還有少量硼砂和輝鉬礦。在 NAK23-17 中,整個礦化區的金和鉬品位一直很高,最高品位與含有黃銅礦和輝鉬礦的紫色無水礦脈的存在密切相關。礦化主要由較粗的顆粒沉積岩(主要是礫岩)和間隔較短的相對狹窄的堤壩。返回了從 98.8 m 到 705 m 的最佳礦化間隔 606.2 m 的 0.74% cueQ (0.35 g/t Au、0.30% Cu、1.14 g/t Ag 和 0.026% Mo),而最強的礦化區域又回來了 302 m 的 1.09% 銅當量 (0.53 g/t Au、0.40% Cu、1.27 g/t Ag 和 0.043% Mo)介於 166.87 至 469 米之間。這個最強的區域出現在更寬的區域內 4.507 億個 0.89% 的 cueQ (0.44 g/t Au、0.33% Cu、1.15 g/t Ag 和 0.033% Mo)從 98.8 到 549.5 m。

Results from NAK23-13, -14, -15 and -16:

NAK23-13、-14、-15 和 -16 的結果:

Holes NAK23-13 to -16 intersected zones of copper and gold mineralization hundreds of metres across, and most of the holes also intersected higher-grade intervals as well. The holes help to expand the footprints of the higher-grade parts of both the North and the South zones, and holes NAK23-13 (south side of North Zone) and -16 (north end of South Zone) in particular give the Company further confidence that the area between the two zones will yield additional significant intercepts in both length and grade.

NAK23-13 至 -16 個孔與橫跨數百米的銅和金礦化區相交,大多數孔也與更高品位的間隔相交。這些洞有助於擴大北部和南部區域中較高等級部分的佔地面積,特別是 NAK23-13(北區南側)和-16洞(南區的北端)使公司更有信心,這兩個區域之間的區域將在長度和坡度上產生更多的大量截距。

Cross sections showing mineralization for NAK23-13 to -16

橫截面顯示 NAK23-13 至 -16 的礦化情況

NAK23-13 Assay Results (Table 2) and Details

NAK23-13 檢測結果(表 2)和詳細信息

Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Cu Ag (g/t) Mo ppm CuEq
NAK23-13 269 372 103 0.05 0.40% 1.53 130.0 0.54%

NAK23-13 233 429.42 196.42 0.05 0.28% 1.09 84.9 0.38%

NAK23-13 14 620 606 0.040 0.16% 0.72 44.20 0.23%

NAK23-13 14 134 120 0.07 0.22% 0.93 38.1 0.30%
從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) 金 (g/t) 銀 (g/t) Mo ppm cueQ
NAK23-13 269 372 103 0.05 0.40% 1.53 130.0 0.54%

NAK23-13 233 429.42 196.42 0.05 0.28% 1.09 84.9 0.38%

NAK23-13 14 620 606 0.040 0.16% 0.72 44.20 0.23%

NAK23-13 14 134 120 0.07 0.22% 0.93 38.1 0.30%

NAK23-13 was collared 110 metres south of NAK22-04 in the North Zone and drilled to the west at an inclination of -60 degrees. The drill hole targeted both the southern extension of the near surface North Zone mineralization intersected historically, as well as higher-grade and somewhat deeper North Zone mineralization intersected in holes NAK22-04 and NAK23-12. Consistent with other holes in this area drilled to date, NAK23-13 encountered conglomerate, sandstone, and interbedded fine grained sedimentary rocks that are cut by variably mineralized dykes of Babine stock granodiorite, and later-stage fine grained porphyries. NAK23-13 encountered copper mineralization of moderate grade from the bottom of overburden at 14 metres, to 134 metres depth, returning 120 m at 0.30 % CuEq (0.067 g/t Au, 0.22 % Cu, 0.34), with the strongest interval containing 103 m of 0.54 % Cu Eq (0.050 g/t Au, 0.40 % Cu, 1.53 g/t Ag and 0.013 % Mo) between 269 and 372 m. Hole NAK23-13 extended the near surface mineralization at the North Zone to the south and showed that a substantial body of strong mineralization occurs at moderate depths to the west.

NAK23-13 位於北區 NAK22-04 以南 110 米處,向西鑽探,傾角爲 -60 度。該鑽孔的目標是歷史上相交的近地表北區礦化的南部延伸,以及在 NAK22-04 和 NAK23-12 孔中相交的更高品位和更深的北區礦化。與迄今爲止在該區域鑽探的其他鑽孔一樣,NAK23-13 遇到了由巴賓種群花崗閃長巖的可變礦化巖和後期細顆粒斑岩開採的礫岩、砂岩和層間細顆粒沉積岩。NAK23-13 從 14 米的覆蓋層底部到 134 米深處遇到了中等品位的銅礦化,然後返回 在 0.30% CUeQ 時爲 120 m (0.067 g/t Au,0.22% Cu,0.34),最強區間含有 103 m 的 0.54% 銅當量 (0.050 g/t Au、0.40% Cu、1.53 g/t Ag 和 0.013% Mo)介於 269 至 372 米之間。NAK23-13 孔將北區的近地表礦化向南延伸,表明大量的強礦化發生在向西的中等深度。

NAK23-14 Assay Results (Table 3) and Details

NAK23-14 化驗結果(表 3)和詳細信息

Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Cu (%) Ag (g/t) Mo ppm CuEq (%)
NAK23-14 347.7 479.3 131.6 0.10 0.42 2.95 109.9 0.59

NAK23-14 347.7 560 212.3 0.09 0.35 2.14 99.0 0.51

NAK23-14 20 560 540 0.07 0.25 1.38 66.0 0.36

NAK23-14 20 749 729 0.06 0.21 1.12 53.3 0.30
從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) 金 (g/t) 銅 (%) 銀 (g/t) Mo ppm cueQ (%)
NAK23-14 347.7 479.3 131.6 0.10 0.42 2.95 109.9 0.59

NAK23-14 347.7 560 212.3 0.09 0.35 2.14 99.0 0.51

NAK23-14 20 560 540 0.07 0.25 1.38 66.0 0.36

NAK23-14 20 749 729 0.06 0.21 1.12 53.3 0.30

NAK23-14 was collared 110 metres to the northeast of NAK22-04 at the North Zone and drilled to the west at an inclination of -70 degrees. The drilling aimed to expand the known extent of near surface mineralization at the North Zone intersected both historically and in American Eagle holes NAK22-04 and NAK23-12 (please see News Releases dated January 25 and October 17, 2023). A further aim was to test to depth and along trend to the north from deeper and higher-grade mineralization intersected in holes NAK23-12 and 13. As in NAK23-13, NAK23-14 intersected extensive sequences of conglomerate interbedded with subordinate intervals of finer-grained sedimentary rocks that were intruded by mineralized dykes, including those resembling medium-grained granodiorite of the Babine porphyry stock. NAK23-14 intersected broad and consistently chalcopyrite and bornite mineralized rock of moderate tenor from surface to a depth of 560 metres, where the mineralized intervals become shorter and more sporadic. The best mineralization was encountered between 347.71 m and 560 m, returning 212.29 m of 0.51 % Cu Eq (0.089 g/t Au, 0.35 % Cu, 2.14 g/t Ag and 0.0098% Mo), while the entire hole, from the base of overburden at 20 m returned 729 m of 0.30 % Cu Eq (0.056g/t Au, 0.21 % Cu, 1.11 g/t Ag, and 0.0053 % Mo).

NAK23-14 位於北區 NAK22-04 東北 110 米處,向西鑽探,傾角爲 -70 度。該鑽探旨在擴大歷史上和美國鷹洞 NAK22-04 和 NAK23-12 中相交的北區近地表礦化的已知範圍(請參閱2023年1月25日和10月17日的新聞稿)。另一個目標是測試從 NAK23-12 和 13 號孔中交叉的更深、更高品位的礦化區域向北延伸的深度和趨勢。與 NAK23-13 一樣,NAK23-14 穿插了大量的礫岩序列,這些岩層與次要間隔的細顆粒沉積岩相交,這些沉積岩被礦化堤壩侵入,包括那些類似於巴賓斑岩種群中粒度花崗閃長巖的沉積岩。NAK23-14 從地表穿過寬闊且持續穩定的黃銅礦和硼砂礦化岩石從地表到 560 米的深度,礦化間隔變得更短,更具零星性。在 347.71 m 到 560 m 之間遇到了最佳礦化效果,返回 212.29 m 的 0.51% 銅當量 (0.089 g/t Au、0.35% Cu、2.14 g/t Ag 和 0.0098% Mo),而從 20 米處覆蓋層底部的整個鑽孔返回 729 m 的 0.30% 銅當量 (0.056g/t Au、0.21% Cu、1.11 g/t Ag 和 0.0053% Mo)。

NAK23-15 Assay Results (Table 4) and Details

NAK23-15 檢測結果(表 4)和詳細信息

Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Cu (%) Ag (g/t) Mo ppm CuEq (%)
NAK23-15 20.6 563 542.4 0.05 0.11 0.49 163.0 0.27
從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) 金 (g/t) 銅 (%) 銀 (g/t) Mo ppm cueQ (%)
NAK23-15 20.6 563 542.4 0.05 0.11 0.49 163.0 0.27

NAK23-15 was collared 110 m south of NAK23-11 and was drilled to the west at an inclination of -60 degrees. It is the most southerly hole drilled by the Company at Nak and was designed to test the southern and western extents of mineralization at the Nak South Zone, as well as to more completely test the western part of the high chargeability phyllic alteration halo defined by IP and drill data around the Babine porphyry stock. NAK23-15 encountered broad intervals of medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, and conglomerate, intruded by a variety of porphyry dykes. Compared to holes drilled farther north, copper mineralization was less consistent downhole, although metre-scale zones of better grade, ranging up to approximately 10 metres in core length, occur throughout the hole, being hosted primarily within conglomerate and sandstone. NAK23-15 returned 542.4m of 0.25 % Cu Eq (0.05 g/t Au, 0.11 % Cu, 0. 49 g/t Ag, and 0.016% Mo) and, as expected, pyrite was both more abundant overall and increased in abundance downhole to the west, confirming that the phyllic alteration is present at depth and suggesting that the higher-grade mineralization encountered in holes NAK23-17 and 11 may track with the moderate chargeability response to the east.

NAK23-15 在 NAK23-11 以南 110 米處鑽孔,向西鑽探,傾角爲 -60 度。這是該公司在納克鑽探的最南端的鑽孔,旨在測試納克南區的南部和西部礦化範圍,以及更全面地測試由知識產權和圍繞巴賓斑岩種群的鑽探數據定義的高可充電性斑岩蝕變光環的西部。NAK23-15 遇到了大片中等到粗粒度的砂岩和礫岩,受到各種斑岩堤壩的侵擾。與向北鑽探的鑽孔相比,井下銅礦化不太穩定,儘管鑽孔中存在岩心長度高達約10米的米級地帶,主要存在於礫岩和砂岩中。NAK23-15 回來了 5.424 億個 0.25% 銅當量 (0.05 g/t Au,0.11% Cu,0.49 g/t Ag,0.016% Mo),正如預期的那樣,黃鐵礦總體上更加豐富,向西的井下丰度也有所增加,這證實了深度存在葉狀蝕變,這表明在 NAK23-17 和 11 號孔中遇到的更高品位礦化可能與向東的適度電荷反應有關。

NAK23-16 Assay Results (Table 5) and Details

NAK23-16 檢測結果(表 5)和詳細信息

Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Cu (%) Ag (g/t) Mo ppm CuEq (%)
NAK23-16 262 652.9 390.9 0.07 0.23 0.95 78.7 0.34

NAK23-16 55.3 743 687.7 0.08 0.17 0.75 69.9 0.28

NAK23-16 262 336 74 0.11 0.37 1.04 155.2 0.57
and Including

NAK23-16 575 652.9 77.9 0.09 0.39 2.21 107.3 0.54
and including

NAK23-16 698 711 13 0.36 0.82 4.91 100.8 1.20
從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) 金 (g/t) 銅 (%) 銀 (g/t) Mo ppm cueQ (%)
NAK23-16 262 652.9 390.9 0.07 0.23 0.95 78.7 0.34

NAK23-16 55.3 743 687.7 0.08 0.17 0.75 69.9 0.28

NAK23-16 262 336 74 0.11 0.37 1.04 155.2 0.57

NAK23-16 575 652.9 77.9 0.09 0.39 2.21 107.3 0.54

NAK23-16 698 711 13 0.36 0.82 4.91 100.8 1.20

NAK23-16 was collared 150 m north-northwest of NAK23-11 at the South Zone and was drilled at an azimuth of 265 degrees and an inclination of -65 degrees. The hole was designed to test along trend to the north of the higher-grade mineralization intersected at depth in holes NAK23-11, 23-08, and to a lesser extent in hole NAK23-10. The rocks encountered were predominantly conglomerate and sandstone, beginning at top of hole, interbedded locally with finer-grained sedimentary rocks and intruded by metre-scale porphyry dykes, including some of similar granodioritic composition to the Babine porphyry stock. Vein and disseminated copper-gold-molybdenum mineralization in NAK23-16 was intersected from the base of overburden at 55.25 m until end of the hole at 743 m, and was strongest within conglomeratic host rocks between 262 m and 652.87 m, yielding 390.87 m of 0.34 % Cu Eq (0.071 g/t Au, 0.23 % Cu, 0.95 g/t Ag, and 0.0078 % Mo). Disseminated and vein hosted pyrrhotite was first encountered at approximately 600 m, and pyrrhotite became the dominant sulfide by approximately 660 m. While the appearance of pyrrhotite in holes NAK21-11 and NAK23-08 corresponded with a marked decrease in the abundance of copper sulfide, in hole NAK23-16 a zone of strong chalcopyrite mineralization was intersected between 698 and 711 m, being manifest as distorted wispy sulfide veins within a fine-grained porphyry dyke. This intersection returned 13 m of 1.20 % Cu Eq (0.36 g/t Au, 0.82 % Cu, 4.91 g/t Ag and 0.010 % Mo), suggesting potential for higher grade zones within and associated with dykes at depth beyond the limit of known mineralized zones, as well as within the high chargeability phyllic alteration halo surrounding the Babine porphyry stock.

NAK23-16 位於南區 NAK23-11 西北偏北 150 米處,鑽探方位角爲 265 度,傾角爲 -65 度。該洞旨在測試在 NAK23-11、23-08 號孔深度交叉的高品位礦化層以北的趨勢,在較小程度上在 NAK23-10 孔中相交。遇到的岩石主要是礫岩和砂岩,從洞頂開始,局部與更細粒度的沉積岩交織,並受到米級斑岩巖的侵入,其中包括一些與巴賓斑岩種群相似的花崗閃長巖成分。NAK23-16 中的礦脈和浸染型銅金鉬礦化從 55.25 米的覆蓋層底部穿過 743 米處的孔洞盡頭,在 262 米至 652.87 米的礫岩宿主巖中最強,產生 390.87 m 的 0.34% 銅當量 (0.071 g/t Au、0.23% Cu、0.95 g/t Ag 和 0.0078% Mo)。在大約 600 米處首次遇到浸潤型和靜脈宿主的黃鐵礦,在大約 660 米處首次遇到硫化物。雖然在 NAK21-11 和 NAK23-08 孔洞中出現了硫化銅丰度的顯著下降,但 NAK23-16 孔中一個強烈的黃銅礦礦化區域在 698 至 711 米之間相交,表現爲扭曲的細小硫化物礦脈在細顆粒斑岩堤中。這個十字路口回來了 13 m 的 1.20% 銅當量 (0.36 g/t Au、0.82% Cu、4.91 g/t Ag 和 0.010% Mo),這表明在深度超過已知礦化帶極限的深度以及巴賓斑岩種群周圍的高電荷性斑岩蝕變光環內,有可能出現更高品位的區域。

Update on IP Survey and Offseason Geological Work


Data from a late-season three-line, deeper-looking IP survey are currently being integrated with historical geophysical data. Preliminary results indicate a strong correlation between Cu-bearing sulfide mineralization and coincident moderate resistivity and chargeability responses along a northerly trend near the western side of the main area of focus for the Company's 2022-23 drilling. Work is also underway to integrate this season's geochemical and hyperspectral results with a detailed re-examination of the drill core to more conclusively identify and constrain intrusive lithologies, which appear to play an important role in controlling the distribution of copper mineralization.


Preliminary SOW for 2024 Drill Program

2024 年鑽探計劃的初步工作清單

Following this season's encouraging results, planning is underway for an early and aggressive follow-up drill program in 2024. Early work will include expanding and better defining the high-grade mineralized zone intersected in drill holes NAK23-08, -11 and -17. A specific emphasis will be to determine where the best grade mineralization comes to surface. Following that, possible connections to deeper, higher-grade mineralization at the North Zone, such as that intersected in drill holes NAK22-04 and NAK23-12, will be evaluated.

繼本賽季取得令人鼓舞的成果之後,正在計劃在2024年進行早期和積極的後續演習計劃。早期工作將包括擴大和更好地定義與 NAK23-08、-11 和 -17 鑽孔相交的高品位礦化帶。具體的重點將是確定最佳等級的礦化進入地表的地方。之後,將評估與北區更深、更高品位的礦化可能存在的聯繫,例如 NAK22-04 和 NAK23-12 鑽孔中相交的礦化。

Later in the season, attention may focus on linking known mineralization to the newly identified, near surface mineralization encountered to the east in drill hole NAK23-09. Before drilling, additional IP surveying is planned for the spring of 2024 to complement the survey completed in 2023-the aim is to provide more confidence at depth in the IP inversion model.

在本季晚些時候,注意力可能集中在將已知礦化與 NAK23-09 鑽孔東部新發現的近地表礦化聯繫起來。在鑽探之前,計劃在2024年春季進行額外的IP測量,以補充2023年完成的調查。目的是增強IP反演模型的深度信心。

Collar Details for Holes Drilled in the 2022 and 2023 Drill Program: Table 6

在 2022 年和 2023 年鑽探計劃中鑽孔的項圈詳情:表 6

Hole UTM_Grid UTM_East UTM_North Azimuth Dip
NAK22-01 NAD83_Z9 675281 6129359 n/a -90
NAK22-02 NAD83_Z9 675281 6129359 340 -70
NAK22-03 NAD83_Z9 675201 6129658 n/a -90
NAK22-04 NAD83_Z9 675181 6129862 n/a -90
NAK22-05 NAD83_Z9 675105 6130067 n/a -90
NAK22-06 NAD83_Z9 675376 6129782 260 -77
NAK22-07 NAD83_Z9 675181 6129862 170 -81
NAK23-08 NAD83_Z9 675341 6129341 270 -60
NAK23-09 NAD83_Z9 675990 6129284 20 -65
NAK23-10 NAD83_Z9 675357 6129415 270 -60
NAK23-11 NAD83_Z9 675215 6129340 270 -60
NAK23-12 NAD83_Z9 674999 6129846 80 -70
NAK23-13 NAD83_Z9 675205 6129773 270 -60
NAK23-14 NAD83_Z9 675260 6129934 260 -70
NAK23-15 NAD83_Z9 675211 6129232 270 -60
NAK23-16 NAD83_Z9 675166 6129479 265 -65
NAK23-17 NAD83_Z9 674969 6129377 105 -73
UTM_Grid UTM_East UTM_North 方位角
NAK22-01 NAD83_Z9 675281 6129359 不適用 -90
NAK22-02 NAD83_Z9 675281 6129359 340 -70
NAK22-03 NAD83_Z9 675201 6129658 不適用 -90
NAK22-04 NAD83_Z9 675181 6129862 不適用 -90
NAK22-05 NAD83_Z9 675105 6130067 不適用 -90
NAK22-06 NAD83_Z9 675376 6129782 260 -77
NAK22-07 NAD83_Z9 675181 6129862 170 -81
NAK23-08 NAD83_Z9 675341 6129341 270 -60
NAK23-09 NAD83_Z9 675990 6129284 20 -65
NAK23-10 NAD83_Z9 675357 6129415 270 -60
NAK23-11 NAD83_Z9 675215 6129340 270 -60
NAK23-12 NAD83_Z9 674999 6129846 80 -70
NAK23-13 NAD83_Z9 675205 6129773 270 -60
NAK23-14 NAD83_Z9 675260 6129934 260 -70
NAK23-15 NAD83_Z9 675211 6129232 270 -60
NAK23-16 NAD83_Z9 675166 6129479 265 -65
NAK23-17 NAD83_Z9 674969 6129377 105 -73

QA/QC and Sampling Protocol


Sampling at NAK follows a rigorous methodology and internal QA/QC protocol. Drill core is halved on site, and samples are submitted to ALS Geochemistry in Langley, British Columbia for preparation and analysis. ALS is accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard for assays. All analytical methods include quality control standards inserted at set frequencies. The entire sample interval is crushed and homogenized, and 250 g of the homogenized sample is pulped. All samples were analyzed for gold, silver, copper, molybdenum and a suite of 45 other major and trace elements. Analysis for gold is by fire assay fusion followed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) on 30 g of pulp. Analysis for silver, copper, and molybdenum is by four acid digestion followed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS). All other major and trace elements are analyzed by four-acid digestion followed by ICP-MS.

NAK的採樣遵循嚴格的方法和內部質量保證/質量控制協議。鑽芯在現場切成兩半,樣品提交給位於不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的ALS地球化學公司進行準備和分析。ALS 已獲得 ISO/IEC 17025 檢測標準的認證。所有分析方法都包括以設定頻率插入的質量控制標準。整個樣品間隔被粉碎和均質化,250 g 的均質樣品被製成漿狀。對所有樣品進行了金、銀、銅、鉬和其他45種主要和微量元素的分析。金的分析是通過火法分析融合,然後對30 g紙漿進行電感耦合等離子體原子發射光譜(ICP-AES)。銀、銅和鉬的分析是通過四次酸消化,然後進行電感耦合等離子體質譜(ICP-MS)。所有其他主要和微量元素均通過四酸消化,然後進行ICP-MS分析。

Internal QA/QC protocols dictate that individual core samples are no less than 70 cm, and no greater than 3 m in length. To control standard, blank sample, and duplicate frequency, and to better constrain pass/fail re-analysis intervals, samples are submitted to the lab in 50 sample batches. Within each 50-sample batch, there is one gold-copper standard and two coarse reject duplicates, inserted at regular intervals, and two blank samples inserted sequentially, following mineralization where possible, for a total of 10% QA/QC samples. All gold and copper standard analyses from the 2023 program passed within 2 standard deviations of expected values. Where duplicate values differed significantly, the lower values from the resulting re-analyses were used.

內部質量保證/質量控制協議規定,單個岩心樣本的長度不小於 70 cm,長度不超過 3 m。爲了控制標準、空白樣本和重複頻率,並更好地限制通過/失敗的再分析間隔,樣本分50批次提交給實驗室。在每50個樣品批次中,有一份金銅標準樣本和兩份粗糙不合格樣品,定期插入,並儘可能在礦化之後依次插入兩個空白樣品,總共佔10%的質量保證/質量控制樣品。2023 年計劃中的所有金和銅標準分析均在預期值的 2 個標準差之內通過。如果重複值差異顯著,則使用重新分析得出的較低值。

About American Eagle's NAK Project

關於 American Eagle 的 NAK 項目

The NAK Project lies within the Babine copper-gold porphyry district of central B.C. It has excellent infrastructure, being accessed by a network of active all-season logging roads, and being supported by proximity not only by nearby logging camps, but also by the vibrant town of Smithers B.C., through which a cross-Canada rail line and a major Provincial Highway (Hwy. 16) pass. The property is also close to the past-producing Bell and Granisle open pit Cu-Au mines. Historical drilling and geophysical, geological and geochemical work at NAK, which began in the 1960's, tested only to shallow depths, but the work revealed a very large near-surface copper-gold system that measures over 1.5 km x 1.5 km. Drilling by the Company in 2022 and 2023 has returned significant intervals of high grade copper-gold mineralization that lie beyond the extent of historical drilling, indicating that a number of zones of near surface and deeper mineralization, locally with considerably higher grades, exist within the broad NAK property mineralizing system.

NAK項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部的巴賓銅金斑岩區內。它擁有良好的基礎設施,可通過四季活躍的伐木道路網絡進入,不僅有附近的伐木營地,而且還有充滿活力的不列顛哥倫比亞省史密瑟斯鎮,一條橫貫加拿大的鐵路線和一條主要的省道(16號高速公路)穿過這裏。該物業還靠近過去生產的貝爾和格拉尼斯爾露天銅金礦。NAK的歷史鑽探以及地球物理、地質和地球化學工作始於1960年代,僅對淺層深度進行了測試,但該工作揭示了一個非常大的近地表銅金系統,其尺寸超過1.5 km x 1.5 km。該公司在2022年和2023年的鑽探中發現了長時間的高品位銅金礦化,這些礦化間隔超出了歷史鑽探的範圍,這表明在廣泛的NAK地質礦化系統中存在許多近地表和更深的礦化區域,當地的品位要高得多。

For the latest videos from American Eagle, Ore Group, and all things mining, subscribe to our YouTube Channel:

要了解來自 American Eagle、Ore Group 和所有礦業的最新視頻,請訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道: @theoregroup

About American Eagle Gold Corp.


American Eagle is focused on exploring its NAK project in the Babine Copper-Gold Porphyry district of central British Columbia. In May, the Company announced a strategic investment by Teck Resources Limited, who now owns a 19.9% equity stake in the Company after subsequent investments in August and November 2023.

American Eagle專注於探索其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部巴賓銅金斑岩區的NAK項目。5月,該公司宣佈了泰克資源有限公司的戰略投資,該公司在2023年8月和11月進行了後續投資後,現在擁有公司19.9%的股權。

Anthony Moreau, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 416.644.1567


QP Statement

QP 聲明

Mark Bradley, B.Sc., M.Sc., P.Geo., a Certified Professional Geologist and 'qualified person' for the purposes of Canada's National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Properties, has verified and approved the information contained in this news release.

Mark Bradley,理學學士、理學碩士、P.Geo.,加拿大國家儀器43-101礦物特性披露標準認證專業地質學家和 “合格人士”,已經驗證並批准了本新聞稿中包含的信息。

Reader Advisory


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the TSX Venture Exchange policies) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release include but are not limited to, statements regarding whether the Company can exercise its option to acquire the Project as anticipated and whether the Company's exploration efforts on the Project produce the results anticipated by management. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual results might differ materially from those suggested in forward-looking statements. American Eagle Gold Corp. assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to American Eagle Gold Corp. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in filings by American Eagle Gold Corp. with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available under American Eagle Gold Corp. profile at .


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