
Danone's Strategic Move: Sells U.S. Organic Dairy To Focus On Core Health Brands

Danone's Strategic Move: Sells U.S. Organic Dairy To Focus On Core Health Brands

Benzinga ·  01/02 18:44

Danone SA (OTC:DANOY) disclosed the agreement to sell its premium organic dairy activity in the U.S. to Platinum Equity, a U.S.-based investment firm, for an undisclosed amount.

達能股份公司(場外交易代碼:DANOY)披露了將其在美國的優質有機乳製品業務出售給Platinum Equity的協議一家總部位於美國的投資公司,金額未公開。

In 2022, the U.S. premium organic dairy activity (including Horizon Organic and Wallaby businesses) accounted for about 3% of global revenues and had a dilutive impact on its' like-for-like sales growth and recurring operating margin.

2022年,美國優質有機乳製品活動(包括Horizon Organic和Wallaby業務)約佔全球收入的3%,並對其同比銷售增長和經常性營業利潤率產生了稀釋性影響。

The divestiture is part of Danone's portfolio review and asset rotation program, which was announced in March 2022, as part of its Renew Danone strategy.


Antoine de Saint-Affrique, Chief Executive Officer said, "As part of our Renew Danone strategy, we committed to a portfolio review and asset rotation for businesses that fell outside our priority growth areas of focus to drive value creation."

首席執行官Antoine de Saint-Affrique表示:“作爲我們振興達能戰略的一部分,我們承諾對不在我們優先增長領域的企業進行投資組合審查和資產輪換,以推動價值創造。”

"Today marks an important milestone in delivering this commitment while giving the Horizon Organic and Wallaby businesses the opportunity to thrive under new leadership. This sale, once completed, will allow us to concentrate further on our current portfolio of strong, health-focused brands and reinvest in our growth priorities."

“今天是兌現這一承諾的重要里程碑,同時爲Horizon Organic和Wallaby業務提供了在新領導層領導下蓬勃發展的機會。此次出售一旦完成,將使我們能夠進一步專注於我們目前的強大、以健康爲重點的品牌組合,並對我們的增長優先事項進行再投資。”

Adam Cooper, Platinum Equity Managing Director, stated, "Premium offerings, including organic and value-added products, are driving the growth in the dairy milk category. Horizon Organic is a pioneer of that segment and is in position to continue capitalizing on and accelerating the trend."

鉑金股票董事總經理亞當·庫珀表示:“包括有機和增值產品在內的優質產品正在推動乳製品類別的增長。Horizon Organic是該細分市場的先驅,有望繼續利用和加速這一趨勢。”

Post-deal closure, Danone will retain a non-consolidated minority stake in the business.


Price Action: DANOY shares closed higher by 0.15% at $12.95 on Friday.


