
MicroAlgo Inc. Announced Bitcoin Trading Prediction Algorithm Based on Machine Learning and Technical Indicators

MicroAlgo Inc. Announced Bitcoin Trading Prediction Algorithm Based on Machine Learning and Technical Indicators

MicroAlgo Inc. 宣佈基於機器學習和技術指標的比特幣交易預測算法
PR Newswire ·  2023/12/26 23:59

BEIJING, Dec. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- MicroAlgo Inc. (NASDAQ: MLGO) (the "Company" or "MicroAlgo"), today announced a Bitcoin trading prediction algorithm based on machine learning and technical indicators. The algorithm combines deep learning, technical analysis and quantitative trading strategies to provide investors with more accurate and intelligent decision support. By learning and analyzing a large amount of data from the Bitcoin market, the algorithm can better capture the characteristics and patterns of the market and provide more reliable price predictions.

北京,2023年12月26日 /PRNewswire/ — MicroAlgo Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:MLGO)(“公司” 或 “MicroAlgo”)今天宣佈了一種基於機器學習和技術指標的比特幣交易預測算法。該算法結合了深度學習、技術分析和量化交易策略,爲投資者提供更準確、更智能的決策支持。通過學習和分析來自比特幣市場的大量數據,該算法可以更好地捕捉市場的特徵和模式,並提供更可靠的價格預測。

The booming digital asset market and the rapid rise of finance and tech companies offer the opportunity to develop innovative trading algorithms. Algorithms based on machine learning and technical indicators are not only better adapted to the complexity of the Bitcoin market, but are also expected to provide investors with smarter and more efficient trading decision-making tools. MicroAlgo Inc. believes that the future of the digital asset market is promising, and MicroAlgo Inc. believes that through algorithmic innovation, it can better meet the challenges of the market and capitalize on the opportunities. MicroAlgo Inc. believes that its innovative algorithm can be applied not only to the Bitcoin market, but also to other digital assets, providing investors with more reliable decision-making support.

蓬勃發展的數字資產市場以及金融和科技公司的迅速崛起爲開發創新交易算法提供了機會。基於機器學習和技術指標的算法不僅可以更好地適應比特幣市場的複雜性,而且有望爲投資者提供更智能、更有效的交易決策工具。MicroAlgo Inc. 認爲數字資產市場的未來前景光明,MicroAlgo Inc. 認爲,通過算法創新,它可以更好地應對市場的挑戰並抓住機遇。MicroAlgo Inc. 認爲,其創新算法不僅可以應用於比特幣市場,還可以應用於其他數字資產,爲投資者提供更可靠的決策支持。

MicroAlgo Inc.'s Bitcoin trading prediction algorithm based on machine learning and technical indicators utilizes a large amount of market data to train a model to predict the future movement of the Bitcoin price. The following are the main machine learning models used:

MicroAlgo Inc. '基於機器學習和技術指標的比特幣交易預測算法利用大量的市場數據來訓練模型來預測比特幣價格的未來走勢。以下是使用的主要機器學習模型:

Support vector machines (SVM): SVM is a powerful classification and regression algorithm that performs well in dealing with non-linear relationships.MicroAlgo Inc. uses SVM to capture complex patterns in Bitcoin's price movements to help us better understand the market.

支持向量機(SVM):SVM 是一種強大的分類和回歸算法,在處理非線性關係方面表現良好。Microalgo Inc. 使用 SVM 來捕捉比特幣價格走勢的複雜模式,以幫助我們更好地了解市場。

Deep learning model: The long short-term memory network (LSTM) is a deep learning model for sequential data that captures long-term dependencies in data. Using LSTM for Bitcoin price time series allows for better prediction of future price changes.

深度學習模型:長短期記憶網絡 (LSTM) 是一種用於捕獲數據長期依賴關係的順序數據的深度學習模型。使用LSTM作爲比特幣價格時間序列可以更好地預測未來的價格變化。

Decision tree: A decision tree is a tree model that is capable of performing complex classification and regression by recursively dividing data. Using decision trees to model different states of the market provides our algorithms with more flexible predictive capabilities.


To more fully understand the technical aspects of the Bitcoin market, MicroAlgo Inc.'s machine learning and technical indicator-based Bitcoin trading prediction algorithm employs a series of technical indicators that analyze market data, such as price and volume, to extract potential market patterns. Below are the main technical indicators:

爲了更全面地了解比特幣市場的技術方面,microAlgo Inc.”基於機器學習和技術指標的比特幣交易預測算法採用了一系列技術指標來分析市場數據,例如價格和交易量,以提取潛在的市場模式。以下是主要的技術指標:

Moving averages (MA): MA are curves formed by averaging prices over a certain period, which can be used to smooth out price fluctuations and help us capture trends in the market.


Relative strength index (RSI): RSI is an indicator used to measure overbought and oversold conditions in the market, which helps us determine the strength of the market.


Bollinger Bands: Bollinger Bands is an indicator that measures price volatility by calculating the standard deviation of prices, which can be used to determine the extent of price fluctuations and potential trend reversals.


The combined use of these technical indicators allows the algorithmic technique to analyze the Bitcoin market in a more comprehensive and multifaceted manner, providing the model with richer characteristics.


MicroAlgo Inc.'s Bitcoin trading prediction algorithm based on machine learning and technical indicators plays a crucial role in the construction of the technical foundation with data processing and feature engineering. A large amount of raw market data from multiple Bitcoin exchanges was required, including price, volume, and market depth. In the data preparation phase, the following processing was required:

MicroAlgo Inc. '基於機器學習和技術指標的比特幣交易預測算法在數據處理和特徵工程技術基礎的構建中起着至關重要的作用。需要來自多個比特幣交易所的大量原始市場數據,包括價格、交易量和市場深度。在數據準備階段,需要進行以下處理:

Data cleaning: Removing abnormal values, filling in missing values, and ensuring that the data used is clean and complete.


Data standardization: Standardize different features to ensure the stability of the model during the training process.


Feature engineering: A series of representative features are constructed through the calculation and transformation of technical indicators, including the crossover of moving averages, the value of RSI, and the width of Bollinger bands, etc., in order to better reflect the dynamics of the market.


These data processing and feature engineering steps provide high-quality training data for our model and a solid foundation for the performance of the algorithm.


Overall, the technical foundation of the algorithm is built on an in-depth understanding and full utilization of machine learning models and metrics, and through data processing and feature engineering, the raw data is transformed into valuable information that provides more comprehensive and accurate inputs to the model. The synergy of these tools enables us to better manage and transform data during data processing and ensure data quality for model training.


By integrating these technical frameworks, we have built a robust and flexible system capable of analyzing, modelling, and forecasting the full spectrum of the Bitcoin market. The selection and design of this technical framework allows our algorithms to not only meet current needs, but also have the feasibility for future expansion and upgrades. The successful development of a Bitcoin trading prediction algorithm based on machine learning and technical indicators amid a booming digital asset market and a wave of fintech innovation. Provide an intelligent decision-making tool for Bitcoin trading.


By incorporating machine learning models, technical indicator analysis, and advanced quantitative trading strategies, a Bitcoin trading prediction algorithm based on machine learning and technical indicators from MicroAlgo Inc. has demonstrated superior performance on historical data. MicroAlgo Inc. will continue to optimize and upgrade this algorithm to better adapt to the ever-changing market environment and help investors achieve more sustainable and robust investment growth in the digital asset market.

通過整合機器學習模型、技術指標分析和先進的量化交易策略,MicroAlgo Inc. 基於機器學習和技術指標的比特幣交易預測算法在歷史數據上表現出卓越的性能。MicroAlgo Inc. 將繼續優化和升級該算法,以更好地適應不斷變化的市場環境,並幫助投資者在數字資產市場上實現更可持續和更強勁的投資增長。

MicroAlgo Inc.'s Bitcoin trading prediction algorithm based on machine learning and technical indicators will become an important milestone in the field of financial technology, leading the way for the future of investment. This is not only an affirmation of technological innovation, but also a strong proof that the financial sector is constantly moving towards intelligence and efficiency.

MicroAlgo Inc. '基於機器學習和技術指標的比特幣交易預測算法將成爲金融科技領域的重要里程碑,爲未來的投資鋪平道路。這不僅是對技術創新的肯定,也是金融部門不斷向智能和效率邁進的有力證據。

About MicroAlgo Inc.

關於 microAlgo Inc.

MicroAlgo Inc. (the "MicroAlgo"), a Cayman Islands exempted company, is dedicated to the development and application of bespoke central processing algorithms. MicroAlgo provides comprehensive solutions to customers by integrating central processing algorithms with software or hardware, or both, thereby helping them to increase the number of customers, improve end-user satisfaction, achieve direct cost savings, reduce power consumption, and achieve technical goals. The range of MicroAlgo's services includes algorithm optimization, accelerating computing power without the need for hardware upgrades, lightweight data processing, and data intelligence services. MicroAlgo's ability to efficiently deliver software and hardware optimization to customers through bespoke central processing algorithms serves as a driving force for MicroAlgo's long-term development.

MicroAlgo Inc.(“MicroAlgo”)是一家開曼群島豁免公司,致力於開發和應用定製的中央處理算法。MicroAlgo 通過將中央處理算法與軟件或硬件(或兩者兼而有之)集成來爲客戶提供全面的解決方案,從而幫助他們增加客戶數量,提高最終用戶滿意度,直接節省成本,降低功耗並實現技術目標。MicroAlgo 的服務範圍包括算法優化、無需硬件升級即可加速計算能力、輕量級數據處理和數據智能服務。MicroAlgo能夠通過定製的中央處理算法有效地爲客戶提供軟件和硬件優化,這是MicroAlgo長期發展的推動力。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains statements that may constitute "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements are subject to numerous conditions, many of which are beyond the control of MicroAlgo, including those set forth in the Risk Factors section of MicroAlgo's periodic reports on Forms 10-K and 8-K filed with the SEC. Copies are available on the SEC's website, Words such as "expect," "estimate," "project," "budget," "forecast," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "may," "will," "could," "should," "believes," "predicts," "potential," "continue," and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, MicroAlgo's expectations with respect to future performance and anticipated financial impacts of the business transaction.

本新聞稿包含可能構成 “前瞻性陳述” 的陳述。前瞻性陳述受許多條件的約束,其中許多條件超出了MicroAlgo的控制範圍,包括MicroAlgo向美國證券交易委員會提交的10-K和8-K表定期報告的風險因素部分中規定的條件。副本可在美國證券交易委員會的網站www.sec.gov上查閱。諸如 “預期”、“估計”、“項目”、“預算”、“預測”、“預期”、“打算”、“計劃”、“可能”、“可以”、“應該”、“相信”、“預測”、“潛力”、“繼續” 等詞語以及類似的表達方式旨在識別此類前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述包括但不限於MicroAlgo對未來業績的預期以及商業交易的預期財務影響。

MicroAlgo undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as may be required by law.


SOURCE Microalgo.INC

來源 microalgo.Inc

