
QMC Welcomes Canada's New EV Mandate

QMC Welcomes Canada's New EV Mandate

QMC 歡迎加拿大新的電動汽車法令
newsfile ·  2023/12/21 22:10

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 21, 2023) - QMC Quantum Minerals Corp., (TSXV: QMC) (FSE: 3LQ) (OTC Pink: QMCQF) ("QMC" or "the Company") praises the Canadian Government's new Electric Vehicle Availability Standard ("EV Mandate") announced on December 19. The EV mandate revealed by Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, will gradually increase the number of zero-emission vehicles ("ZEVs") until they account for 100% of new car sales in 2035, thereby eliminating the sale of conventional internal combustion vehicles in Canada. The Canadian Federal Government will also invest $1.2 billion to build 84,500 chargers across the country by 2029, expanding the infrastructure. Automotive and battery manufacturers, such as Northvolt, Volkswagen and Stellantis, have already invested more than $34 billion toward establishing a battery supply chain in Canada.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 12 月 21 日)- QMC Quantum Minerals Corp.,(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:QMC)(FSE:3LQ)(場外交易粉紅:QMCQF) (”QMC“或 “公司”)對加拿大政府於12月19日宣佈的新電動汽車可用性標準(“電動汽車強制令”)表示讚賞。環境和氣候變化部長史蒂芬·吉爾博閣下公佈的電動汽車授權將逐步增加零排放汽車(“ZEV”)的數量,直到它們佔2035年新車銷量的100%,從而取消加拿大傳統內燃機的銷售。到2029年,加拿大聯邦政府還將投資12億美元,在全國範圍內建造84,500個充電器,擴大基礎設施。汽車和電池製造商,例如Northvolt、大衆汽車和Stellantis,已經投資了超過340億美元,用於在加拿大建立電池供應鏈。

With the need to supply lithium, copper and other critical minerals to meet battery and automotive manufacturing needs, the Company is strategically positioned to supply material from its Irgon Lithium Mine, Rocky Lake and Rocky-Namew Lake projects.




  • Historic Resource: Between 1953 and 1954, the Lithium Corporation of Canada Limited ("LCOC") reported a historical resource estimate on the Irgon Dike of 1.2 million tons grading 1.51% Li20 over a strike length of 365 metres and to a depth of 213 metres. This historical resource is documented in a 1956 Assessment Report by B. B. Bannatyne for LCOC (Manitoba Assessment Report No. 94932). This historical resource estimate is believed to be based on reasonable assumptions and both the Company and QP has no reason to contest the document's relevance and reliability.
  • Existing Underground Development: During 1956/1957 a complete mining plant was installed, and since removed, on site designed to process 500 tons of ore per day and a three-compartment shaft was sunk to a depth of 74 metres. On the 61-metre level, lateral development was extended off the shaft for a total of 366 metres of drifting from which six crosscuts transected the dike.
  • Excellent Historic Recoveries: Historic metallurgical tests reported an 87% recovery from which a concentrate averaging 5.9% Li2O was obtained.
  • Excellent Local Infrastructure: The Irgon Property is transected by Manitoba Highway 314 with access to hydro, water, nearby rail head and is located only 20 kilometres north of the Sinomine Rare Metal Resources Group's TANCO Mine which is currently mining spodumene and producing a lithium concentrate on site.
  • Pending NI 43-101 Report: A NI 43-101 technical report is nearing completion which will update the historical lithium resource to current NI 43-101 standards.
  • 歷史資源: 1953年至1954年間,加拿大鋰業有限公司(“LCOC”)報告稱,鐵礦的歷史資源估計爲120萬噸,品位爲1.51% Li20 的打擊長度爲 365 米,深度爲 213 米。這種歷史資源記錄在B. B. Bannatyne於1956年爲LCOC編寫的評估報告(曼尼托巴省評估報告編號94932)中。據信,這一歷史資源估算是基於合理的假設,公司和昆士蘭石油公司都沒有理由質疑該文件的相關性和可靠性。
  • 現有的地下開發項目: 在1956/1957年期間,在現場安裝了一座設計爲每天處理500噸礦石的完整採礦廠,此後該廠被拆除,並將一個三隔間的豎井沉入74米深。在61米的高度上,橫向開發延伸到豎井外,總共漂移了366米,有六個橫斷路口橫穿了堤壩。
  • 卓越的歷史恢復: 歷史冶金測試顯示,回收率爲87%,其中精礦的回收率平均爲5.9%2O 已獲得。
  • 卓越的本地基礎設施: Irgon Property被曼尼托巴省314號公路橫穿馬尼托巴省314號公路,可通往水電,附近有鐵路起點,位於中礦稀有金屬資源集團的坦科礦以北僅20公里處,該礦目前正在開採鋰輝石並在現場生產鋰精礦。
  • 待處理的 NI 43-101 報告: NI 43-101技術報告即將完成,該報告將把歷史鋰資源更新爲當前的NI 43-101標準。

The mineral reserve cited above is presented as a historical estimate and uses historical terminology which does not conform to current NI43-101 standards. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. Although the historical estimates are believed to be based on reasonable assumptions, they were calculated prior to the implementation of National Instrument 43-101. These historical estimates do not meet current standards as defined under sections 1.2 and 1.3 of NI 43-101; consequently, the issuer is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves.

上面引用的礦產儲量是作爲歷史估計值列出的,使用的歷史術語不符合當前 NI43-101 標準。合格人員沒有做足夠的工作將歷史估算值歸類爲當前的礦產資源或礦產儲量。儘管人們認爲歷史估計是基於合理的假設,但它們是在國家儀器43-101實施之前計算得出的。這些歷史估計值不符合NI 43-101第1.2和1.3節定義的當前標準;因此,發行人沒有將歷史估計值視爲當前的礦產資源或礦產儲量。

Qualified Person and NI 43-101 Disclosure
The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Daniel Leroux, P. Geo. who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

合格人員和 NI 43-101 披露
本新聞稿的技術內容已由P. Geo. Daniel Leroux審查和批准,他是國家儀器43-101所定義的合格人員。

About the Company
QMC is a British Columbia-based company engaged in the business of acquisition, exploration and development of resource properties. Its objective is to locate and develop precious, base and rare metal resource properties of merit. The Company's properties include the Irgon Lithium Mine Project and two VMS properties, the Rocky Lake and Rocky-Namew, known collectively as the Namew Lake District Project. Currently, all of the company's properties are located in Manitoba.


On behalf of the Board of Directors of



QMC 量子礦業公司

"Balraj Mann"
Balraj Mann
President and Chief Executive Officer

“Balraj Mann”
Balraj Mann

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