
Riverside Samples 7.30 G/t Gold From Rock Samples Along a 0.8 Km Transect Expanding Target Zone at the Cecilia Project in Sonora, Mexico

Riverside Samples 7.30 G/t Gold From Rock Samples Along a 0.8 Km Transect Expanding Target Zone at the Cecilia Project in Sonora, Mexico

Riverside 在墨西哥索諾拉州塞西莉亞項目,從 0.8 公里橫斷面擴張目標區的岩石樣本中採集 7.30 g/t 的黃金
newsfile ·  2023/12/20 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 20, 2023) - Riverside Resources Inc. (TSXV: RRI) (OTCQB: RVSDF) (FSE: 5YY) ("Riverside" or the "Company"), is pleased to report on rock sampling and fieldwork from the Cecilia Gold-Silver Project (the "Project") in Sonora, Mexico. The results fit within the larger context of a district scale gold-silver composite dome system with superimposed gold-rich veins. Past drilling by Riverside intercepted high-grade gold in 4 of the 7 holes and this sampling over new areas, doubles the strike of the defined mineralization footprint This large footprint is consistent with other rhyolite dome gold systems including those in New Mexico like Mogollon and in Sonora like at La India mine of Agnico Eagle.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 12 月 20 日)- 河濱資源公司 (多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:RRI)(場外交易代碼:RVSDF)(FSE:5YY)(“Riverside” 或 “公司”), 很高興地報告墨西哥索諾拉的塞西莉亞金銀項目(“項目”)的岩石取樣和實地考察。這些結果符合區域規模的金銀複合穹頂系統的更大背景,該系統具有疊加的富含金礦脈。Riverside過去的鑽探在7個洞中的4個孔中截獲了高品位黃金,這次採樣是在新區域進行的,使確定的礦化足跡翻了一番。這個巨大的足跡與其他流紋岩穹頂金系統一致,包括新墨西哥州的Mogollon和索諾拉州的Agnico Eagle礦等流紋岩穹頂金系統。

Key Highlights:


  • 34 rock samples were collected at the primary targets.
  • 22 samples in the main target "Cerro Magallanes" confirming Au grades up 7.3 g/t Au and Ag > 100 g/t.
  • Five (5) primary structural trends were identified with field data and historic geochemical data reprocessing.
  • Updated drilling permits, valid for the next several years, have been obtained along with signed agreements for surface access over the targets.
  • 在主要目標處採集了34個岩石樣本。
  • 主要目標 “Cerro Magallanes” 中有22個樣本證實金等級上升 7.3 g/t Au 和 Ag > 100 g/t。
  • 通過實地數據和歷史地球化學數據再處理,確定了五(5)個主要結構趨勢。
  • 現已獲得更新的鑽探許可證,有效期爲未來幾年,並簽署了在目標上空進入地表的協議。

Riverside collected rock chip samples from selective areas along 0.8 km length in the Magallanes Target area that returned gold values in assays up to 7.3 g/t Au and 144 g/t Ag (Figure 1A., Table 1). The sampling confirms the consistent Au grades obtained in past surface workings and diamond core drilling that includes 24.2m @1.51 g/t Au in CED21-005 by the Company. The mapping and exploration activities combined with data reprocessing allows the company geologists to define the main structural trends (Agua Prieta, San Jose, North Breccia, Central and East trends) that are the main mineral corridors (Figure 2). The structural trends are interpreted as the surface expression of a rooted rhyolite dome system where higher grades lie at the base of the hill (Figure 1B). The geochemical data obtained, and the geologic mapping are helpful to refine the geological model for the deposit type and target delineation for the next drill program planned for 2024.

Riverside 從麥哲倫目標區域長度爲 0.8 千米的選定區域收集了岩屑樣本,這些樣本在化驗中返回的金值高達 7.3 g/t Au 和 144 g/t Ag (圖 1A.,表 1)。抽樣證實,該公司在過去的露天工作和金剛石岩心鑽探中獲得的金品位是一致的,其中包括該公司在 CED21-005 中的24.2m @1 .51 g/t Au。測繪和勘探活動與數據再處理相結合,使公司地質學家能夠定義作爲主要礦物走廊的主要結構趨勢(阿瓜普列塔、聖何塞、北角礫岩、中部和東部趨勢)(圖 2)。結構趨勢被解釋爲扎根流紋岩穹頂系統的表面表現,在該系統中,較高的等級位於山腳下(圖 1B)。獲得的地球化學數據和地質測繪有助於完善計劃於2024年進行的下一個鑽探計劃的礦牀類型和目標劃定的地質模型。

Table 1: Selected assay results from Riverside's recent sampling at Cecilia.

表 1:Riverside 最近在塞西莉亞採樣的精選化驗結果。

Area East North Elevation Sample Type Au_g/t Ag_g/t
Cerro Magallanes 612215 3436934 1779selected 7.3 144
Cerro Magallanes 611598 3436932 2165selected 6.18 9.21
Cerro Magallanes 612362 3437066 1711dump 3.87 38.7
Cerro Magallanes 611469 3436911 2167chip 2.64 1.33
Cerro Magallanes 611425 3436898 2133chip 2.08 2.3
Cerro Magallanes 611935 3436954 1936chip 1.86 12.65
La Cruz 615365 3438484 1431chip 1.63 3.29
區域 東方 北方 海拔 樣本類型 au_g/t ag_g/t
Cerro Magallanes 612215 3436934 1779 已選擇 7.3 144
Cerro Magallanes 611598 3436932 2165 個已選擇 6.18 9.21
Cerro Magallanes 612362 3437066 1711dump 3.87 38.7
Cerro Magallanes 611469 3436911 2167 芯片 2.64 1.33
Cerro Magallanes 611425 3436898 2133 芯片 2.08 2.3
Cerro Magallanes 611935 3436954 1936 芯片 1.86 12.65
拉克魯茲 615365 3438484 1431 芯片 1.63 3.29

Cecilia Project


The Cecilia project consists of six mineral concessions, collectively covering over 77 sq km (7,739 hectares) in size, thus a large district covered by the Company. The Project is located 40 kilometers southwest of the Agua Prieta border between Mexico and the USA, and 50 kilometers east of Mexico's largest mining complex, Cananea copper mining complex producing the largest amount of copper in Mexico.


In the Cecilia Project, the rhyolitic tuffs and dome complex units intrude and unconformably overlie a sequence of marine clastic sedimentary rocks consisting of interbedded siltstone and sandstone of the Cretaceous Cabullona Group which hosts gold mineralization in other portions of northern Sonora as well as here at Cecilia. The age of the mineralization obtained by Riverside yielded ca. 18 Ma using U-Pb in zircons in syn-volcanic mineralized rhyolite flow dome in the top of the sequence. This age for mineralization tied to magmatism has also been reported in large Au camps in Arizona (e.g. Oatman area, DeWitt et al.,1986).

在塞西莉亞項目中,流紋凝灰岩和穹頂複合體單元侵入並不合時宜地覆蓋了由白堊紀卡布洛納群的層間粉砂岩和砂岩組成的一系列海洋碎屑沉積岩,該群在索諾拉州北部的其他地區以及塞西莉亞也有金礦化。Riverside在序列頂部的同步火山礦化流紋岩流穹中使用鋯石中的U-Pb獲得的礦化年齡約爲18 Ma。據報道,在亞利桑那州的大型金礦區(例如奧特曼地區、德威特等人,1986年),也有這種與岩漿作用相關的礦化年齡。

Riverside work in the district has developed additional targets including the Cruz 1, Cruz 2, Cruz 3, Casa de Piedra, Los Llanos, and Magallancito targets (Figure 3). These targets represent different levels of exposure and make the Cecilia project a potential district for multiple gold discoveries.

該地區的河濱工作已經制定了其他目標,包括克魯茲1、克魯茲2、克魯茲3、Casa de Piedra、Los Llanos和Magallancito目標(圖3)。這些目標代表了不同的暴露水平,使塞西莉亞項目成爲發現多個黃金的潛在地區。

Qualified Person & QA/QC:


The scientific and technical data contained in this news release pertaining to the Cecilia Project was reviewed and approved by Julian Manco, P.Geo, a non-independent qualified person to Riverside Resources focusing on the work in Sonora, Mexico, who is responsible for ensuring that the information provided in this news release is accurate and who acts as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中包含的與塞西莉亞項目有關的科學和技術數據由P.Geo的Julian Manco審查和批准,他是Riverside Resources的非獨立合格人士,專注於墨西哥索諾拉的工作,他負責確保本新聞稿中提供的信息準確無誤,並根據國家儀器43-101礦產項目披露標準充當 “合格人員”。

Rock samples from the exploration program discussed above at Cecilia were taken to the Bureau Veritas Laboratories in Hermosillo, Mexico for fire assaying for gold. The rejects remained with Bureau Veritas in Mexico while the pulps were transported to Bureau Veritas laboratory in Vancouver, BC, Canada for 45 element ICP/ES-MS analysis. A QA/QC program was implemented as part of the sampling procedures for the exploration program. Standard samples were randomly inserted into the sample stream prior to being sent to the laboratory.


About Riverside Resources Inc.:


Riverside is a well-funded exploration company driven by value generation and discovery. The Company has over $6M in cash, no debt, and less than 75M shares outstanding with a strong portfolio of gold-silver and copper assets and royalties in North America. Riverside has extensive experience and knowledge operating in Mexico and Canada and leverages its large database to generate a portfolio of prospective mineral properties. In addition to Riverside's exploration spending, the Company also strives to diversify risk by securing joint-venture and spin-out partnerships to advance multiple assets simultaneously and create more chances for discovery. Riverside has properties available for option, with information available on the Company's website at .




"John-Mark Staude"


Dr. John-Mark Staude, President & CEO

John-Mark Staude 博士,總裁兼首席執行官

For additional information contact:


John-Mark Staude
President, CEO
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
Fax: (778) 327-6675

電話:(778) 327-6671
傳真:(778) 327-6675

Mehran Bagherzadeh
Corporate Communications
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

Mehran Bagherzadeh
電話:(778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

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