
Atlas Salt Announces Core Project Execution Team and New CFO

Atlas Salt Announces Core Project Execution Team and New CFO

Atlas Salt 宣佈核心項目執行團隊和新任首席財務官
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/12/19 22:34

Mine Project Manager, Andrew Smith


Mine Project Manager, Andrew Smith

Michael Psihogios, Chief Financial Officer


Michael Psihogios, Chief Financial Officer

ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland and Labrador, Dec. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atlas Salt (the "Company" or "Atlas" – TSXV: SALT; OTCQB: REMRF) is pleased to announce the formation of the Core Project Execution Team for the development of its new underground salt mine in St. Georges, Newfoundland. This strategic move underscores the company's commitment to excellence and its dedication to developing the Great Atlantic Salt Project in Newfoundland.

ST。JOHN'S,紐芬蘭和拉布拉多,2023 年 12 月 19 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——阿特拉斯鹽業公司(“公司” 或 “阿特拉斯” ——多倫多證券交易所:SALT;OTCQB:REMRF)欣然宣佈成立核心項目執行小組,負責開發其位於紐芬蘭聖喬治的新地下鹽礦。這一戰略舉措凸顯了該公司對卓越的承諾以及對在紐芬蘭開發大西洋鹽業項目的承諾。

Core Project Execution Team


Leading the team as Mine Project Manager, Andrew Smith, P. Eng., ICD.D, offers over a decade of expertise in mining engineering and project management. Throughout his career, he has adeptly managed international mine-building contracts with a total value exceeding $500 million. Recently, Mr. Smith served as the Manager of the Project Management Office at Dumas Mining, where he championed advanced business intelligence systems, real-time monitoring and management, and proactive data-driven decision-making. These initiatives have contributed to the sustainable growth of a globally respected mining contractor. His expertise and leadership, further distinguished by receiving the prestigious Mel W. Bartley Award from the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), are invaluable to the success of the Great Atlantic Salt Project.

ICD.D. 工程師安德魯·史密斯以礦山項目經理的身份領導團隊,在採礦工程和項目管理方面擁有十多年的專業知識。在他的整個職業生涯中,他熟練地管理了總價值超過5億美元的國際礦山建設合同。最近,史密斯先生擔任杜馬斯礦業項目管理辦公室經理,在那裏他支持先進的商業智能系統、實時監控和管理以及主動的數據驅動決策。這些舉措爲一家全球知名的採礦承包商的可持續增長做出了貢獻。他的專業知識和領導能力對大大西洋鹽業項目的成功至關重要,他還獲得了加拿大礦業、冶金和石油學會(CIM)頒發的久負盛名的梅爾·巴特利獎。

Joining Mr. Smith in this venture are a core group of seasoned professionals, each an expert in their respective field:


  • Senior Project Engineer: Shaun McGlade brings extensive experience in underground mining engineering and design since 1978. His deep experience in engineering and contract Management, overseeing mine layout, equipment design, feasibility studies, and contractors, combined with understanding of mine infrastructure and project management is crucial for Atlas' success.
  • Senior Mine Engineer: Doug Harris P. Eng., PMP bringing significant expertise from his tenure at Vale in evaluating major mining projects. His skills in mine development, production profiling, and economic evaluations, honed over three decades, are vital for our underground salt mine's potential.
  • Project Controls Manager: Jennifer Harkins joins as the Project Controls Manager, bringing her robust experience from Vale, and Hudbay where she excelled in project planning, management, and contract management. Jennifer's proven track record in project control will be invaluable in steering this project to success.
  • Project Scheduler/Planner: Adam Pranszka, will be responsible for developing and maintaining project schedules. Adam's extensive background in project planning and control, combined with his skill in using Primavera P6, will be instrumental in keeping the project on schedule.
  • Senior Power Systems Consultant: Kyle Tucker, our Senior Power Systems Engineer. With nearly 25 years of experience in Electrical Power Systems, Kyle brings a wealth of knowledge in high-voltage transmission and power generation technology. His expertise encompasses all aspects of transmission system development, from concept analysis to construction management.
  • Senior Environmental Consultant: David Robbins. With over twenty-five years of experience, Mr. Robbins is an expert in environmental impact assessments and environmental management strategies. His extensive work with NL Hydro demonstrates his capability in environmental science, particularly in fisheries science and biophysical studies.
  • 高級項目工程師:肖恩·麥格萊德自1978年以來在地下采礦工程和設計方面擁有豐富的經驗。他在工程和合同管理、監督礦山佈局、設備設計、可行性研究和承包商方面的豐富經驗,加上對礦山基礎設施和項目管理的理解,對於 Atlas 的成功至關重要。
  • 高級礦山工程師:Doug Harris P. Eng.,PMP,他在淡水河谷任職期間在評估重大采礦項目方面擁有豐富的專業知識。他在礦山開發、產量分析和經濟評估方面的技能歷經三十年的磨練,對我們地下鹽礦的潛力至關重要。
  • 項目控制經理:詹妮弗·哈金斯以項目控制經理的身份加入,她在淡水河谷和哈德貝擁有豐富的經驗,在那裏她在項目規劃、管理和合同管理方面表現出色。詹妮弗在項目控制方面的良好記錄對於指導該項目取得成功將是非常寶貴的。
  • 項目計劃員/計劃員:亞當·普蘭斯卡,將負責制定和維護項目進度。亞當在項目規劃和控制方面的廣泛背景,加上他在使用Primavera P6方面的技巧,將有助於使項目按計劃進行。
  • 高級電力系統顧問:凱爾·塔克,我們的高級電力系統工程師。Kyle 在電力系統領域擁有近 25 年的經驗,在高壓輸電和發電技術方面擁有豐富的知識。他的專業知識涵蓋了輸電系統開發的各個方面,從概念分析到施工管理。
  • 高級環境顧問:大衛·羅賓斯。Robbins先生擁有超過二十五年的經驗,是環境影響評估和環境管理策略方面的專家。他在NL Hydro的廣泛工作證明了他在環境科學方面的能力,特別是在漁業科學和生物物理研究方面的能力。

This Core Project Execution Team, aggregating over two centuries of collective experience in the mining industry, epitomizes a union of diverse expertise and seasoned professionalism. This diverse team, unified in their mission, brings an unparalleled depth of expertise in mining engineering, project management, underground design, economic evaluation, power systems, and environmental management, to advancing the Great Atlantic Salt Project.


Bob Booth, P.Eng., PMP, Atlas Salt's VP of Engineering and Construction, commented, "I couldn't think of a better combination of skillsets and talent to gather together in one place to deliver on this unique and dynamic project."

阿特拉斯鹽業工程與施工副總裁 PMP 工程師鮑勃·布斯評論說: “我想不出比這更能將技能和才能結合在一起來完成這個獨特而充滿活力的項目了。”

Changes to Corporate Management Team
Mr. Peter Newton has resigned as Chief Financial Officer after steering the Company's financial operations during the initial transition to the new management team. The Company recognizes and thanks Mr. Newton for his valued contribution at this pivotal stage of the Company's evolution.


Mr. Michael Psihogios has been appointed the new Chief Financial Officer of the Company. Michael will oversee Financial Management, Capital Structure, Investor Relations and Business Development and will work closely with the executive team to transform and unlock shareholder value for Atlas Salt in the construction, execution and financing of the Great Atlantic Salt Project.


Michael Psihogios is an experienced financial executive working with public, private and investment companies in the natural resource industry over the past 20 years.


Michael was the CFO of DUMAS Mining, an underground mine builder from 2016 to 2021, where he established the systems and controls for a successful financial turnaround and profitable growth strategy, while proactively ensuring access to financial capital across equity, debt, and asset-backed lenders.

邁克爾在2016年至2021年期間擔任地下礦山建設商DUMAS Mining的首席財務官,在那裏他爲成功的財務轉型和盈利增長戰略建立了系統和控制措施,同時積極確保股權、債務和資產支持貸款機構獲得金融資本的機會。

Most recently (2021 to 2023), Michael was the Chief Investment Officer of Carbon Streaming, an investment company focused on royalties, streaming and long-term off-take investments, where he was responsible for structuring and negotiating transactions, alongside establishing on-going portfolio reporting and risk management systems.

最近(2021年至2023年),邁克爾擔任Carbon Streaming的首席投資官。Carbon Streaming是一家專注於特許權使用費、流媒體投資和長期承購投資的投資公司,負責交易的架構和談判,同時建立持續的投資組合報告和風險管理系統。

Prior to DUMAS Mining, Michael worked with an international natural resource private equity fund on numerous executive and corporate development secondment roles within portfolio companies, leading financial management and corporate development, including raising capital and the ultimate sale of each business. Of note, Michael was instrumental in financing and the sale of an integrated mineral sands mining and infrastructure operation in Africa.

在加入DUMAS Mining之前,Michael曾在一家國際自然資源私募股權基金工作,在投資組合公司中擔任過許多高管和企業發展借調職務,領導財務管理和企業發展,包括籌集資金和最終出售每項業務。值得注意的是,邁克爾在非洲綜合礦砂開採和基礎設施業務的融資和出售方面發揮了重要作用。

Michael started his career in investment banking with National Bank Financial in the M&A group. He holds an MBA from the University of Toronto (Canada) and the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland).


Rick LaBelle commented, "Michael's background compliments the overall executive team. He will help shape the company's strategic financial roadmap during a period of transformative growth underpinned by our high caliber project execution team." He further added "I will provide an update on project execution early in the new year."


Equity Incentives
The Company's board of directors has approved the grant of 72,000 restricted share units, 128,000 performance share units and 150,000 deferred share units to certain directors and officers of the Company. All security based compensation was granted pursuant to the Company's Equity Incentive Plan and are ‎subject to the terms of the applicable grant agreements and the requirements of the TSX Venture Exchange.‎

公司董事會已批准向公司某些董事和高級管理人員授予72,000股限制性股票單位、12.8萬股績效股票單位和15萬份遞延股份單位。所有基於證券的薪酬均根據公司的股權激勵計劃發放,並且‎subject 符合適用的補助協議的條款和多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的要求。‎

Ensuring Project Success
Atlas Salt Inc. remains committed to the successful execution of the Great Atlantic Salt Project, leveraging the expertise of our core team and incorporating valuable insights from a peer review process. Our refined corporate management team and board of directors' focus on sustainability, community engagement, operational excellence and innovative mining practices positions us as a leader in the industry.

Atlas Salt Inc. 仍然致力於利用我們核心團隊的專業知識並整合同行評審過程中的寶貴見解,成功執行大西洋鹽業項目。我們完善的企業管理團隊和董事會對可持續發展、社區參與、卓越運營和創新採礦實踐的關注使我們成爲行業的領導者。

About Atlas Salt Inc.
Atlas Salt Inc. is a leader in the salt mining industry, committed to responsible and sustainable mining practices. With a focus on innovation and efficiency, the company is poised to make significant contributions to the North American salt market while upholding its values of environmental stewardship and community engagement.

Atlas Salt Inc. 是鹽礦開採行業的領導者,致力於採用負責任和可持續的採礦方式。該公司專注於創新和效率,有望爲北美鹽業市場做出重大貢獻,同時維護其環境管理和社區參與的價值觀。

For information, please contact:
Richard LaBelle, CEO


We seek Safe Harbor.


Cautionary Statement


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider, (as the term is defined in the Policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This press release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, without limitation, statements relating to the future operating or financial performance of the Company, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible", and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results "will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements in this press release relate to, among other things: completion, delivery and timing of project components and requirements, and analysis and assumptions related thereto. Actual future results may differ materially. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections on the date the statements are made and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the respective parties, are inherently subject to significant business, technical, economic, and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and the parties have made assumptions and estimates based on or related to many of these factors. Such factors include, without limitation: the timing, completion and delivery of required permits, supply arrangements and financing. Readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release concerning these times. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law

多倫多證券交易所風險交易所及其監管服務提供商(該術語在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。本新聞稿包括適用的加拿大證券立法所指的某些 “前瞻性信息” 和 “前瞻性陳述”(統稱 “前瞻性陳述”)。除歷史事實陳述外,此處包含但不限於與公司未來運營或財務業績有關的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述通常由諸如 “期望”、“預期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估計”、“潛在”、“可能” 和類似的表達方式來識別,或者關於事件、條件或結果 “將”、“可能” 或 “應該” 發生或實現的陳述來識別。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述除其他外涉及:項目組成部分和要求的完成、交付和時間安排,以及與之相關的分析和假設。未來的實際結果可能存在重大差異。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明中的預期存在重大差異。前瞻性陳述反映了陳述發表之日的信念、觀點和預測,並基於許多假設和估計,儘管各方認爲這些假設和估計是合理的,但本質上會受到重大的業務、技術、經濟和競爭不確定性和突發事件的影響。許多已知和未知的因素可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或可能表達或暗示的結果、業績或成就存在重大差異,各方已根據其中許多因素做出了假設和估計。這些因素包括但不限於:所需許可證的時間、完成和交付、供應安排和融資。讀者不應過分依賴本新聞稿中包含的有關這些時代的前瞻性陳述和信息。除非法律要求,否則除非法律要求,否則如果信念、觀點、預測或其他因素的前瞻性陳述發生變化,公司不承擔任何義務對其進行更新

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