
Bayhorse Engages Geotech to Conduct VTEM Survey of Bayhorse Silver Mine Property

Bayhorse Engages Geotech to Conduct VTEM Survey of Bayhorse Silver Mine Property

newsfile ·  2023/12/19 00:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 18, 2023) - Bayhorse Silver Inc, (TSXV: BHS) (OTCQB: BHSIF) (FSE: 7KXN) (the "Company" or "Bayhorse") has engaged Geotech Ltd. to conduct a helicopter- borne VTEM and Horizontal Magnetic Gradiometer Geophysical Survey over its Bayhorse Silver Mine Property, Oregon, USA.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 12 月 18 日)- Bayhorse Silver Inc,(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BHHS)(場外交易代碼:BHSIF)(FSE:7KXN)(“公司” 或 “Bayhorse”) 已聘請Geotech Ltd.對其位於美國俄勒岡州的Bayhorse Silver Mine物業進行直升機載的VTEM和水平磁梯度計地球物理調查。

The VTEM survey over the entire Bayhorse property in both Idaho and Oregon (Figure 1) is to determine whether a long-postulated feeder anomaly is present that could indicate the presence of either more high-grade silver mineralization as present at the Bayhorse Mine or a porphyry copper deposit.

VTEM對愛達荷州和俄勒岡州整個Bayhorse礦區(圖1)的調查旨在確定是否存在長期假設的饋線異常,該異常可能表明存在更高品位的銀礦化(例如Bayhorse Mine)或斑岩銅礦牀。

The Company anticipates that, depending on the availability of the equipment, the approximate 75-line km survey will commence within the next 30 days. The survey will cover the entire Bayhorse property.


Historic geological mapping (Figure 1) shows that the rhyolite body hosting silver mineralization at the Bayhorse Mine in Oregon extends into Idaho. Recent geological mapping by Dr. Clay Conway identified numerous copper-silver showings and old surface workings.

歷史地質圖(圖 1)顯示,俄勒岡州貝霍斯礦中承載銀礦化的流紋岩體延伸到愛達荷州。克萊·康威(Clay Conway)博士最近進行的地質測繪發現了許多銅銀礦物和古老的地表工程。

Since the Hercules Silver discovery of a copper porphyry deposit approximately 40 km (26 miles) north-northeast of the Bayhorse Mine (see Figure 2 below), and Hercules acquiring a second property 24 km (14 miles) NE of Bayhorse, the Company is aware that significant staking of additional claims by a number of staking parties (including the Company) on properties between the Bayhorse Silver Mine and Hercules ground has taken place, including the Wolf Creek Property, 11 Km (7 miles) to the northeast of Bayhorse.

自從Hercules Silver在Bayhorse礦東北偏北約40千米(26英里)處發現銅斑岩礦牀(見下圖2),以及Hercules在Bayhorse東北24千米(14英里)處收購第二處房產以來,公司意識到,許多質押方(包括公司)已經對Bayhorse銀礦和赫拉克勒斯礦場之間的財產提出了大量額外索賠,包括 Wolf Creek Property,位於 Bayhorse 東北 11 千米(7 英里)處。

Figure 1.

圖 1。

The Bayhorse and Hercules Silver properties, and the recently staked Wolf Creek prospect, have similar geological settings and copper/silver mineralization, including significant copper, antimony, and zinc credits. This has spurred Bayhorse to extend further the known silver-rich zones, including exploring potential areas at the Mine to depth.

Bayhorse和Hercules Silver礦產以及最近質押的Wolf Creek勘探區具有相似的地質環境和銅/銀礦化作用,包括大量的銅、銻和鋅礦產量。這促使Bayhorse進一步擴展已知的富含銀區域,包括深入探索礦山的潛在區域。

Gold grades up to 10 grams/tonne were reported at the Bayhorse Mine during the historic 1984 mining program. Dr, G.E. Ray, P.Geo., sampled the highest grade of silver/copper at 15% silver and 17% copper as reported in (BHS NR January 14th, 2014).

據報道,在1984年曆史性的採礦計劃期間,Bayhorse礦的黃金品位高達10克/噸。據報道,G.E. Ray博士,P.Geo.,對最高等級的銀/銅進行了採樣,分別爲15%的銀和17%的銅(BHS NR,2014年1月14日)。

On December 12th, 2021, during the 2021-2022 drill program at the Bayhorse Mine, there was an unreported assay result in a 0.6 m (2 ft) drill intersection of 3.06% copper and 46 g/t silver. Other drill intersections during the 2020/2021 drill program were only assayed for the silver content. They will be re-assayed for copper and other base metals.

2021 年 12 月 12 日,在 Bayhorse 礦的 2021-2022 年鑽探計劃中,在 0.6 米(2 英尺)的鑽探交叉點中,銅含量爲 3.06%,銀含量爲 46 克/噸。在2020/2021年鑽探計劃期間,僅對其他鑽井交叉口進行了銀含量檢測。將對它們進行銅和其他基本金屬的重新檢測。

The Company's geological consultants, Drs. Ray and Conway, and geologist Mark Abrams, CPG, all who are QP's, in conjunction with the Geotech Ltd. Geophysics team will determine how best to test to depth any underlying mineralization below the known mineralized horizon. This testing will initially be by drilling from the extensive historic underground workings at the Bayhorse Mine.

該公司的地質顧問雷博士和康威博士以及CPG的地質學家馬克·艾布拉姆斯以及Geotech Ltd.地球物理團隊將確定如何最好地測試已知礦化地平線以下的任何潛在礦化深度。這項測試最初將通過在Bayhorse礦的大量歷史地下作業中進行鑽探。

It is possible that the silver-rich Bayhorse epithermal mineralization may be underlain by a gold-rich zone, as suggested by Buchanan's 1981 model (Figure 3).


Figure 2.

圖 2。

Figure 3. Idealized section of a bonanza epithermal deposit after Buchanan (1981).

圖 3。繼布坎南(1981)之後,富礦淺熱礦牀的理想化部分。

This News Release has been prepared on behalf of the Bayhorse Silver Inc. Board of Directors, which accepts full responsibility for its content. Dr. G.E. Ray, P.Geo, a Qualified Person and Consultant to the Company has prepared, supervised the preparation of, and approved the technical content of this press release.

本新聞稿代表Bayhorse Silver Inc.董事會編寫,董事會對其內容承擔全部責任。公司的合格人員和顧問 G.E. Ray 博士、P.Geo 已編寫、監督編寫並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

On Behalf of the Board.


Graeme O'Neill, CEO


About Bayhorse Silver Inc.

關於 Bayhorse Silver Inc

Bayhorse Silver Inc. is an exploration and production company with a 100% interest in the historic Bayhorse Silver Mine located in Oregon, USA. With state of the art Steinert Ore-Sorting technology reducing waste rock entering the processing stream by up to 85%, we have created a minimum environmental impact facility capable of mining 200 tons of mineralization per day and the ability to process and supply 3,600 tons per year of silver/copper/antimony concentrate ranging between 7,500 to 15,000 g/t silver and 10-12% copper, 10-12% antimony, and 15-18% zinc using standard flotation processing at its milling facility in nearby Payette County, Idaho, USA, with an offtake agreement in place with Ocean Partners UK Limited. The Company also has an option to acquire an 80% interest in the Brandywine high grade silver/gold property located in B.C. Canada. The Company has an experienced management and technical team with extensive mining expertise in both exploration and building mines.

Bayhorse Silver Inc. 是一家勘探和生產公司,擁有位於美國俄勒岡州歷史悠久的貝霍斯銀礦的100%權益。憑藉最先進的施泰納特礦石分選技術,將進入加工流的廢石減少多達85%,我們創建了一個對環境影響最小的設施,能夠每天開採200噸礦化物,並且能夠使用標準浮選處理每年加工和供應3,600噸銀/銅和10-12%的銅、10-12%的銻和15-18%的鋅工廠位於美國愛達荷州帕耶特縣附近,與Ocean簽訂了承購協議英國合夥人有限公司該公司還可以選擇收購位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的Brandywine高品位白銀/黃金地產 80% 的權益。該公司擁有一支經驗豐富的管理和技術團隊,在勘探和建造礦山方面擁有豐富的採礦專業知識。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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