
Copper Shortage? First Quantum's Cobre Panama Mine Shuts Down, Threatening Supply Balance

Copper Shortage? First Quantum's Cobre Panama Mine Shuts Down, Threatening Supply Balance

銅短缺?First Quantum 的 Cobre 巴拿馬礦關閉,威脅到供應平衡
Benzinga ·  2023/12/15 23:33

Panama's government has formally ordered the shutdown of the First Quantum Minerals (TSE: FM) Cobre Panama copper mine.

巴拿馬政府已正式下令關閉第一量子礦業(TSE:FM)Cobre Panama銅礦。

Months of protests disrupted the region and led to a tragic event. Panama's Supreme Court subsequently ruled the mine's operating contract unconstitutional.


The Ministry of Commerce and Industry instructed the Canadian company to cease all operations at the Cobre Panama site, contributing to approximately 5% of Panama's gross domestic product.

工商部指示這家加拿大公司停止在Cobre Panama工廠的所有業務,這佔巴拿馬國內生產總值的約5%。

First Quantum's Panamian subsidiary is now requesting authorization to terminate the contracts of more than 4,000 employees. The announcement sent ripples through the regional economy that will cause the loss of as many as 33,000 indirect jobs.

First Quantum的巴拿馬子公司現在正在申請授權終止4,000多名員工的合同。該公告給該地區經濟帶來了波動,將導致多達33,000個間接工作崗位流失。

The global copper deficit is projected to persist throughout 2023, perhaps the rest of the decade. This additional development threatens to amplify the issue, given the region accounts for almost half of copper's global production. Peru, the second-biggest copper producer, boasts 10% of the global supply.


"We're already forecasting major deficits in copper to 2030," said Wood Mackenzie's Vice President of Metals and Mining, Robin Griffin. "We're already forecasting major deficits in copper to 2030," said Wood Mackenzie's Vice President of Metals and Mining, Robin Griffin.


"Anytime there's political unrest, it has a whole range of effects. And the obvious one is the potential for mining sites to have to close," he added.

“每當出現政治動盪時,都會產生各種各樣的影響。顯而易見的是,採礦場有可能不得不關閉,” 他補充說。

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立即閱讀:隨着 COP28 氣候峯會同意能源運輸,油價面臨壓力離子'

Driving Into A Copper Deficit


A growing demand for electric vehicles is expected to drive long-term demand for copper. The International Energy Agency estimates that the global electric car market share rose from 4% in 2020 to 14% in 2022 and could reach 18% by the end of 2023.


According to Bloomberg's Dr.Kwasi Ampofo, demand should exceed primary supply within the next four years, resulting in prices surging as much as 20%.

彭博社的Kwasi Ampofo博士表示,在未來四年內,需求將超過初級供應,導致價格飆升多達20%。

The sudden closure of major mines, such as the Cobre Panama, and production cuts by leading miners like Anglo American (LON: AAL) drive the market in that direction. The removal of around 600,000 tons of expected copper supply has shifted projections from a surplus to a potential deficit, with significant implications for global markets.

Cobre Panama等主要礦山的突然關閉,以及英美資源集團(LON:AAL)等主要礦業的減產,推動市場朝着這個方向發展。約60萬噸預期銅供應的減少使預測從盈餘轉向潛在赤字,對全球市場產生了重大影響。

In such an environment, copper might find itself between a rock and a hard place – blamed for choking economic growth in case of loosening monetary conditions that would re-ignite industrial capital expenditures.


Image: Shutterstock


