
KWIK Announces Ananda

KWIK Announces Ananda

KWIK 宣佈阿南達
Accesswire ·  2023/12/15 02:00

BOUNTIFUL, UT / ACCESSWIRE / December 14, 2023 / KwikClick, Inc. (OTCQB:KWIK) ("the Company or "KWIK"), is a performance-based SAS model providing a cloud-based, multi-purpose rewards and social selling platform that utilizes, in part, an industry-first patented program to pay "waves" of commissions and other incentives to anyone willing to make a product recommendation electronically or through social media. Today KWIK announced the selection of its platform by Ananda, a rapidly growing nutrition company based in Paris, France.

猶他州BOUNTIFUL/ACCESSWIRE/2023年12月14日/kwikClick, Inc.(OTCQB: KWIK)(“公司或 “KWIK”)是一種基於績效的SAS模式,提供基於雲的多用途獎勵和社交銷售平台,該平台部分利用行業首創的專利計劃向任何願意通過電子或社交媒體推薦產品的人支付 “一波又一波” 的佣金和其他激勵措施。今天,KWIK宣佈總部位於法國巴黎的快速增長的營養公司Ananda選擇其平台。

Ananda, part of the Epycure group, formulates and distributes their private line of nutrition directly to consumers. Already a multi*millions dollar brand in less than five years, Ananda established itself as a brand "who will make your life easier with super-complete, ultra-natural and effective formulas that make you feel good."

Ananda隸屬於Epycure集團,負責配製私人營養品並將其直接分發給消費者。在不到五年的時間裏,Ananda已經是一個價值數百萬美元的品牌,它確立了自己的 “超完整、超自然和有效的配方,讓你感覺良好,讓生活更輕鬆” 的品牌。

"Ananda's appeal to the consumer is evidenced by its rapid growth in such a short period of time," said Dr. Fred Cooper, Chairman and CEO of KWIK. "With the use of our patented waves of pay, we believe we will accelerate Ananda's growth even faster with the power of incentivized word-of-mouth marketing. This partnership with Ananda in France marks the beginning of our expansion in Europe for our multilingual rewards platform."


Ananda CEO Paul Etienne Jacob said, "We selected KWIK because of their expertise in developing rewards programs. KWIK helped us designed a specialized rewards program exclusive to us. Their expertise in building billion-dollar sales organizations through loyalty and incentive programs proved to be invaluable when building our rewards program."

阿南達首席執行官保羅·艾蒂安·雅各布說:“我們之所以選擇KWIK,是因爲他們在制定獎勵計劃方面的專業知識。KWIK 幫助我們設計了我們專屬的專業獎勵計劃。事實證明,他們在通過忠誠度和激勵計劃建立數十億美元的銷售組織方面的專業知識在建立我們的獎勵計劃時是無價的。”

KWIK's global platform makes it possible to implement rewards programs all over the world. We're excited that Ananda, located in France, will expand our reach in Europe and will help fuel our worldwide growth. The design of our platform will make it easy to spread across Europe.


For more information about KwikClick, Inc., please visit our website at

有關 kwikClick, Inc. 的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。

About KWIK


KWIK is a SAS consolidating social selling platform that offers the potential for increased sales for brands via customer acquisition and engagement. Any brand can easily install and utilize KWIK on their storefront free of charge through simple proprietary API's. Once installed, the patented platform integrates and manages the brand's rewards, reviews, cashback, loyalty, influencer, affiliate, and/or rewards programs. Brands using KWIK have the potential to turn all social media from their consumers, into a solicitation in an unobtrusive manner. Just like sharing a location pin, ANYONE sharing the product link earns a commission from purchasers utilizing the link. Uniquely, all subsequent purchases earn equivalent commissions even when re-purchasing is done directly on the brand's website. KWIK's patented "Waves of Influence program" further pays commissions to the referrer on the friends of their followers who reshare a link. This allows anyone to earn income beyond the span of their followers by simply sharing a link that results in an initial sale. A single share can potentially result in hundreds, even thousands, of waves of earnings possibilities. Visit us at
Safe Harbor Statement
This release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to buy any securities of any entity. This release contains certain forward-looking statements based on our current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements in this release are based on information available to us as of the date hereof. Our actual results may differ materially from those stated or implied in such forward-looking statements, due to risks and uncertainties associated with our business, which include the risk factors disclosed in our Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 17, 2023. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our expectations, beliefs, intentions, or strategies regarding the future and can be identified by forward-looking words such as "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "should," and "would" or similar words. All forecasts are provided by management in this release are based on information available at this time and management expects that internal projections and expectations may change over time. In addition, the forecasts are entirely on management's best estimate of our future financial performance given our current contracts, current backlog of opportunities and conversations with new and existing customers about our products and services. We assume no obligation to update the information included in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

KWIK是SAS整合社交銷售平台,通過獲取客戶和參與度爲品牌提供了增加銷售額的潛力。任何品牌都可以通過簡單的專有API輕鬆地在其店面免費安裝和使用KWIK。安裝後,該專利平台將整合和管理品牌的獎勵、評論、現金返還、忠誠度、網紅、聯盟和/或獎勵計劃。使用KWIK的品牌有可能以一種不顯眼的方式將所有來自消費者的社交媒體轉變爲招攬活動。就像共享位置密碼一樣,任何共享產品鏈接的人都會使用該鏈接從購買者那裏獲得佣金。獨特的是,即使直接在品牌網站上重新購買,所有後續購買也能獲得同等的佣金。KWIK獲得專利的 “影響力浪潮計劃” 還會向轉發鏈接的粉絲朋友的推薦人支付佣金。這使任何人都可以通過共享導致首次銷售的鏈接來賺取超出其粉絲範圍的收入。一股股票有可能帶來數百甚至數千波的盈利可能性。通過 訪問我們
本新聞稿不構成出售要約或招攬購買任何實體任何證券的要約。本新聞稿包含某些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述基於我們當前的預期、預測和假設,涉及風險和不確定性。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述基於截至本文發佈之日我們獲得的信息。由於與我們的業務相關的風險和不確定性,包括我們在2023年4月17日向美國證券交易委員會提交的10-K表格中披露的風險因素,我們的實際業績可能與此類前瞻性陳述中陳述或暗示的業績存在重大差異。前瞻性陳述包括有關我們對未來的預期、信念、意圖或策略的陳述,可以用前瞻性詞語來識別,例如 “預期”、“相信”、“可能”、“估計”、“期望”、“打算”、“可能”、“應該” 和 “會” 或類似的詞語。在本新聞稿中,管理層提供的所有預測均基於目前可用的信息,管理層預計內部預測和預期可能會隨着時間的推移而發生變化。此外,這些預測完全基於管理層對我們未來財務業績的最佳估計,因爲我們目前的合同、當前積壓的機會以及與新老客戶就我們的產品和服務進行的對話。無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因,我們都沒有義務更新本新聞稿中包含的信息。

Kwik Click Marketing:

Kwik 點擊營銷:

Investor Relations:


SOURCE: KwikClick, Inc.

來源:kwikClick, Inc.

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