
Silver Spruce Announces Significant Staking of Base Metal and Gold Targets, Doubles Size of Melchett Lake Zn-Cu-Au-Ag Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Project, Nakina, Ontario

Silver Spruce Announces Significant Staking of Base Metal and Gold Targets, Doubles Size of Melchett Lake Zn-Cu-Au-Ag Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Project, Nakina, Ontario

Silver Spruce宣佈對賤金屬和黃金靶材進行大量質押,安大略省納基納的梅爾切特湖Zn-Cu-Au-Au-Ag火山成因塊狀硫化物項目規模擴大一倍
Accesswire ·  2023/12/13 22:30

BEDFORD, NS / ACCESSWIRE / December 13, 2023 / (TSXV:SSE) Silver Spruce Resources, Inc. ("Silver Spruce" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the acquisition by map staking of 6,377 hectares ("ha") of claims contiguous to the core Melchett Lake project ("Melchett" or the "Property"). Melchett now covers a total of 485 claims in one contiguous property (Figure 1).

新南威爾士州貝德福德/ACCESSWIRE/2023年12月13日/(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SSE)Silver Spruce Resource, Inc.(“Silver Spruce” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,通過地圖質押收購了與梅爾切特湖核心項目(“梅爾切特” 或 “財產”)相鄰的6,377公頃(“公頃”)。現在,梅爾切特共涵蓋了一處連續財產的485項索賠(圖1)。

"We are very excited to acquire a significant package of additional claims which effectively doubles our overall property coverage to 112 square kilometres (11,236 ha). These new claims follow to the east, west and north along and parallel to the principal structural trend and geological units," said Greg Davison, Silver Spruce Vice-President Exploration and Director. "The three new claim groups fall within the Area of Interest of the current Definitive Agreement and the Colpitts Lake group were acquired from the Vendor for staking costs."

“我們很高興獲得大量額外索賠,這實際上使我們的總體財產覆蓋面翻了一番,達到112平方千米(11,236公頃)。Silver Spruce副總裁兼勘探董事格雷格·戴維森說,這些新的主張沿着主要結構趨勢和地質單元向東、西和北延伸,並與之平行。“這三個新的索賠組屬於當前最終協議的利益範圍,而Colpitts Lake集團是出於質押成本從供應商手中收購的。”

Figure 1. Melchett Lake claims (outlined in red) show original Vendor claims surrounded by Silver Spruce staking, all of which was covered by 2021 and 2022 geophysical surveys. New staking by Silver Spruce on Key Lake and Relf North, and Vendor staking acquired for Colpitts Lake group.

圖 1。梅爾切特湖的索賠(以紅色概述)顯示了供應商最初的索賠被銀雲杉質押所包圍,所有這些索賠都被2021年和2022年的地球物理調查所涵蓋。Silver Spruce 在 Key Lake 和 Relf North 上獲得了新的權益,Colpitts Lake 集團收購了供應商權益。

The Melchett Lake Zn-Cu-Au-Ag volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") project is an advanced precious and base metal property located in the Thunder Bay Mining District, northern Ontario, Canada (the "Property"). The Property lies 110 km north of Geraldton and 60 km north of Nakina.

Melchett Lake Zn-Cu-Au-Ag火山成因塊狀硫化物(“VMS”)項目是一處先進的貴金屬和賤金屬礦產,位於加拿大安大略省北部的桑德貝礦區(“財產”)。該物業位於傑拉爾頓以北110公里處,納基納以北60公里處。

"We continue to steadily advance our exploration program for gold, silver and polymetallic targets at Melchett Lake and were pleased to augment the claim package to cover known gold occurrences in the Colpitts Lake claims, and potential extensions to the known Zn-Au-Ag mineralization at Key Lake and Relf Lake North showings," said Greg Davison, Vice-President Exploration and Director of Silver Spruce. "We plan to expand our LiDAR data coverage, continue to compile the regional and property-wide geophysical data to extract structural features and integrate with historical EM anomalies vectoring to sulphide mineralization. The proposed field program would include line-cutting followed by the Quantec Geoscience ("Quantec") deep-penetrating SPARTAN Magnetotelluric ("MT") survey, and targeted ground geological surveys in areas with known geochemical alteration and outcropping mineralization (Figure 2)."

Silver Spruce勘探副總裁兼董事格雷格·戴維森表示:“我們繼續穩步推進梅爾切特湖金、銀和多金屬目標的勘探計劃,並很高興擴大索賠計劃,以涵蓋科爾皮茨湖索賠中已知的金礦產地以及基湖和雷爾夫湖北部展區已知的Zn-Au-Ag礦化的潛在延伸。”“我們計劃擴大我們的激光雷達數據覆蓋範圍,繼續彙編區域和物業範圍的地球物理數據,以提取結構特徵,並與硫化物礦化的歷史電磁異常矢量整合在一起。擬議的實地計劃將包括切線,然後進行Quantec Geoscience(“Quantec”)的深層穿透SPARTAN Magnetoluric(“MT”)調查,以及在已知地球化學變化和露頭礦化區域進行有針對性的地面地質調查(圖2)。”

"The principal target area for the geophysical program has extensive soil and rock geochemical anomalies, known VMS style mineralization from surface to >500 metres depth, highly favorable alteration type and intensity, increasing Cu to Zn with depth, and deep Maxwell modelled plates off-hole from borehole EM surveys", stated Mr. Davison.


Figure 2. Drone image of the boreal forest cover with shallow historical DDH holes and 2007-2008 drilling collars and core storage <100m west of the main trench in the Relf Lake Zone (see Figure 3) centering the area of the planned deep-penetrating SPARTAN MT geophysical survey.

圖 2。無人機拍攝的北方森林覆蓋圖,里爾夫湖區主溝以西

Several additional trends coincident with or along strike with 1970, 1991 and 2002 EM anomalies, particularly along the northern and northeastern-directed zones north of the Nakina showings and west towards the Key Lake targets. Potential folding, stacking and/or fold repetition of EM anomalies may be associated with the core of the Relf Lake target area and the Nakina 1 and 2 targets, overprinted by dextral (imbricate) offsets related to the strike breaks of known geochemical and geological anomalies among others.

其他幾種趨勢與1970年、1991年和2002年的新興磁異常相吻合或伴隨而來,特別是在納基納峯以北和朝向基湖目標的北部和東北方向的區域沿線。電磁異常的潛在摺疊、堆疊和/或摺疊重複可能與 Relf Lake 目標區域的核心以及 Nakina 1 和 2 目標有關,被與已知地球化學和地質異常的打擊中斷相關的右側(模糊化)偏移量所覆蓋。

Property Highlights


The Property now covers 11,236 hectares (480 single cell mineral claims and 5 multi-cell mineral claims with 70 cells) with VMS and Au targets located in east to southeast-striking, tightly folded, subvertical to moderately north-dipping Archean metavolcanic quartz-sericite schists to coarse fragmental units (Figures 3 and 4). These units exhibit steep down-dip to southeast raking or plunging lineations. The Melchett Lake belt contains several occurrences of polymetallic Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Au VMS mineralization similar in several respects to deposits exploited at Geco, Mattabi, and Winston Lake, among others.

該物業現在佔地11,236公頃(480個單細胞礦物主張和5個多細胞礦物主張,共70個細胞),VMS和Au目標位於東至東南部,緊密摺疊,亞垂直至中度向北傾斜的太古代火山石英絲雲巖片岩片段形成粗糙的碎片單元(圖3和4)。這些單位表現出陡峭的向下傾斜至東南傾斜或暴跌的線條。梅爾切特湖帶包含幾處多金屬Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Au VMS礦化現象,在幾個方面與在Geco、Mattabi和Winston Lake等地開採的礦牀相似。

Figure 3. Relf Lake - 30m x 40m gossan zone exposure of moderate to steeply north-dipping zinc (Fe-sphalerite) mineralization in weathered quartz-sericite-pyrite schist.

圖 3。Relf Lake-30m x 40m gossan 帶暴露於風化的石英-硅灰巖-黃鐵礦片岩中中度至陡度向北傾斜的鋅(Fe-Sphalerite)礦化作用。

Highlights of the prospective geology, alteration and mineralization include a strike extent of more than 20 km, multiple folded or stacked horizons of coincident alteration and metal mineralization, high Zn/Cu, Zn/Pb and Ag/Au ratios, increasing Cu/Zn at depth, extensive remobilization of major and trace elements with defined enrichment (Fe, Mg, Co, Cr, Cd) and depletion (Na, Sr, Ca) zones.


Surface trenches, with Fe-sphalerite (blackjack or marmatite), contain locally high-grade lenses of Zn & Ag with variable Cu, Au and Pb, and historical gold grades to 28.8 g/t Au, silver grades to 560 g/t Ag and zinc grades to 19.1% (see Figure 3).

含有鐵閃鋅礦(二十一點或瑪瑪鐵礦)的地表溝槽含有當地高品位的鋅和銀透鏡,其中銅、金和鉛各不相同,歷史黃金等級爲28.8 g/t Au,銀等級爲 560 g/t,鋅等級爲 19.1%(見圖 3)。

Figure 4. Deformed, coarse proximal or vent facies fragmental debris deposit near Colpitts Lake, east of the Relf Lake targets; garnet-amphibole (after chlorite) matrix with quartz-feldspar±garnet clasts.

圖 4。變形、粗糙的近端或噴口相碎片沉積在雷爾夫湖目標以東的柯爾皮茨湖附近;帶有石英-feldspar±石榴石碎片的石榴-閃石(次於亞氯酸鹽)基質。

The claims to the east and west of the core Relf and Nakina targets cover 11 kilometres of known extensions of the Melchett Lake mineralized horizons and include high potential VMS and Au targets located along sub-parallel isoclinal fold limbs offset by oblique, imbricate structural breaks interpreted from recently acquired exploration MAG, VLF and GEOTEM data. Only limited and shallow exploration drilling was conducted in the Key Lake area (west) and Iron Lake area (east).

Relf和Nakina核心目標以東和以西的主張涵蓋了Melchett Lake礦化地平線的11公里已知延伸部分,包括位於亞平行等斜折線上的高潛力VMS和Au目標,但根據最近獲得的勘探MAG、VLF和GEOTEM數據解釋而產生的斜向模糊結構斷裂所抵消。僅在基湖地區(西部)和鐵湖地區(東部)進行了有限的淺層勘探鑽探。

Qualified Person


Greg Davison, PGeo, Silver Spruce VP Exploration and Director, is the Company's internal Qualified Person for the Melchett Lake Project and is responsible for approval of the technical content of this press release within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), under TSX guidelines.

格雷格·戴維森,pGeo,Silver Spruce勘探副總裁兼董事,是公司梅爾切特湖項目的內部合格人士,負責根據多倫多證券交易所指南,根據國家儀器43-101礦業項目披露標準(“NI 43-101”)的含義批准本新聞稿的技術內容。

About Silver Spruce Resources Inc.


Silver Spruce Resources Inc. is a Canadian junior exploration company which has signed Definitive Agreements to acquire 100% of the Melchett Lake Zn-Au-Ag project in northern Ontario, 100% interest in the Mystery Au project near recent discoveries by Sokoman Minerals Corp. and New Found Gold Corp. among others in the Exploits Subzone Gold Belt, Newfoundland and Labrador, 100% interest in the Pino de Plata Ag project located 15 kilometres west of Coeur Mining's Palmarejo Mine in western Chihuahua, Mexico and up to 50% interest in Colibri Resource's Diamante Au-Ag project located from 5 kilometres to 15 kilometres northwest from Minera Alamos's Nicho deposit in Sonora, Mexico. Silver Spruce recently signed a 50:50 joint venture agreement with Colibri on the nearby Jackie Au project. Silver Spruce Resources Inc. continues to investigate opportunities that Management has identified or that have been presented to the Company for consideration.

Silver Spruce Resource Inc. 是一家加拿大初級勘探公司,已簽署最終協議,收購安大略省北部梅爾切特湖Zn-Au-Ag項目100%的股權,索科曼礦業公司和新發現黃金公司最近發現的神祕金礦項目的100%權益,以及位於Coeur Minings以西15公里處的Pino de Plata Ag項目的100%權益位於墨西哥奇瓦瓦州西部的帕爾馬雷霍礦以及 Colibri Resource 旗下的 Diamante Au-Ag 高達 50% 的權益項目位於墨西哥索諾拉州阿拉莫斯礦業公司的 Nicho 礦牀西北 5 公里至 15 公里處。Silver Spruce最近與Colibri就附近的Jackie Au項目簽署了 50:50 的合資協議。Silver Spruce Resource Inc. 繼續調查管理層已經發現或已提交公司考慮的機會。



Silver Spruce Resources Inc.


Greg Davison, PGeo, Vice-President Exploration and Director
(250) 521-0444

(250) 521-0444

Michael Kinley, CEO and Director
(902) 402-0388

(902) 402-0388

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains "forward-looking statements," Statements in this press release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future.

本新聞稿包含 “前瞻性陳述”,本新聞稿中的陳述不純粹是歷史陳述,包括有關未來的信念、計劃、預期或意圖的任何陳述。

Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainties associated with mineral exploration and difficulties associated with obtaining financing on acceptable terms. We are not in control of metals prices and these could vary to make development uneconomic. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and we assume no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that the beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate.


SOURCE: Silver Spruce Resources Inc.


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