
How Much Do Canadians Spend On Marijuana? A Look At Third Quarter 2023 Sales Data

How Much Do Canadians Spend On Marijuana? A Look At Third Quarter 2023 Sales Data

加拿大人在大麻上花了多少錢?看看 2023 年第三季度的銷售數據
Benzinga ·  2023/12/08 21:52
Five years into its legalization, the Canadian cannabis market reveals intriguing regional disparities and growth trends, as highlighted in the latest report from cannabis equity research firm Zuanic & Associates.
正如大麻股票研究公司Zuanic & Associates的最新報告所強調的那樣,加拿大大麻市場在合法化五年後揭示了有趣的地區差異和增長趨勢。
Despite the usual market drivers like affordability, access, and variety, Canada emerges as an outlier.
The report delves into how lower prices and an abundance of retail stores are counterbalanced by factors such as high excise taxes, product caps, strict packaging regulations, and marketing restrictions, which collectively contribute to the nation's lower spending levels in the cannabis sector.
"Among the five largest cannabis formats in Canada, flower accounts for...

