
The Real Stories Behind GTA 6 Trailer's Iconic 'Florida Man' Moments, Did You Catch This Reference?

The Real Stories Behind GTA 6 Trailer's Iconic 'Florida Man' Moments, Did You Catch This Reference?

GTA 6 預告片中標誌性的 “佛羅里達人” 時刻背後的真實故事,你看到了這個參考文獻嗎?
Benzinga ·  2023/12/07 03:36

Take-Two Interactive Software Inc's (NASDAQ:TTWO) Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6) trailer attracted intense scrutiny from fans, revealing numerous references to real-life events and individuals.

Take-Two Interactive Software Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:TTWO)的俠盜獵車手6(GTA 6)預告片吸引了粉絲的嚴格審查,透露了許多提及現實生活中的事件和個人的內容。

Set in the state of Leonida, Rockstar's rendition of Florida, and the neon-drenched streets of Vice City, the company's take on Miami, the trailer mirrors elements of real-world culture.


See Also: First Look: GTA 6 Trailer Takeaways — Meet Lucia, The First Female Lead, Set For 2025 Release

另見:搶先看:GTA 6 預告片要點——認識定於 2025 年上映的第一位女主角露西亞

Eagle-eyed viewers have pinpointed several scenes resembling actual occurrences. Notably, a depiction reminiscent of the "Florida Joker," a viral internet sensation from 2017 known for facial tattoos and neon green hair, emerges in the trailer.

目光敏銳的觀衆已經確定了幾個與實際事件相似的場景。值得注意的是,預告片中出現了一幅讓人聯想到以面部紋身和霓虹綠色頭髮而聞名的網絡風靡一時的 “佛羅里達小丑” 的描繪。

Additionally, comparisons have been drawn between a woman wielding hammers in the trailer and a similar real-life incident in Los Angeles, albeit not Miami.


The footage showcases alligators prowling near buildings, mirroring their behavior in Florida, and references local news coverage highlighting the state's peculiar happenings.


Scenes like a naked man tending to his garden recall a 2018 incident of a Floridian performing yard work in the nude. Furthermore, a clip featuring a woman twerking atop a moving car appears inspired by real-world events.


Rockstar's GTA series is renowned for parodying American culture, evident in the trailer's emphasis on Leonida's "Florida man" moments.

Rockstar的GTA系列以模仿美國文化而聞名,這在預告片中強調萊昂尼達的 “佛羅里達人” 時刻就證明了這一點。

The 2025 release of GTA 6, following a 12-year gap since GTA 5, aligned with a modern-day context steeped in social media obsession. The trailer seemingly critiques this phenomenon by portraying "Florida man" incidents through the lens of the TikTok generation, or as termed in-game, "Leonida man."

《俠盜獵車手6》於2025年發佈,自GTA 5以來已有12年的間隔,這與沉迷於社交媒體的現代背景相吻合。這部預告片似乎通過TikTok一代的鏡頭描繪 “佛羅里達男子” 事件來批評這種現象,或者在遊戲中被稱爲 “萊昂尼達人”。

It's worth noting that the trailer's announcement of a 2025 release exclusively for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S raised concerns for PC gamers, potentially excluding them from initial access.

值得注意的是,該預告片宣佈將於2025年專門針對PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X/S發佈,這引起了PC遊戲玩家的擔憂,這可能會將他們排除在初始訪問權限之外。

Read Next: Hidden In Plain Sight: Rockstar's Subtle GTA 6 Trailer Date Clue Lurked Unnoticed For Months On GTA Online Clothing

繼續閱讀:Hidden In Plain Sight:Rockstar 的 Subtle GTA 6 預告片日期線索在 GTA Online 服裝上潛伏了好幾個月

Photo: Rokas Tenys on Shutterstock.

照片:Shutterstock 上的 Rokas Tenys。

