
Amid Recent News About Lithium-Ion Battery Fires, Is There A Need For More Stringent Product Testing In The Industry? One Company May Have Answers

Amid Recent News About Lithium-Ion Battery Fires, Is There A Need For More Stringent Product Testing In The Industry? One Company May Have Answers

Accesswire ·  2023/12/05 22:25

RENO, NV / ACCESSWIRE / December 5, 2023 / In recent years, there has been a concerning and increasing number of lithium-ion battery fires, posing a significant threat to communities. In November, a tragic incident occurred in Brooklyn, where members of three generations of a family lost their lives in a blaze caused by a lithium-ion battery used to power an electric scooter. According to FDNY officials, the ignited battery created a "wall of fire" that made it extremely challenging for residents to escape the building.

內華達州里諾/ACCESSWIRE/2023年12月5日/近年來,鋰離子電池火災令人擔憂且越來越多,對社區構成了重大威脅。 在十一月,布魯克林發生了一起悲慘事件,一個家庭的三代成員在一場大火中喪生,這場大火是由用於爲電動滑板車供電的鋰離子電池造成的。據紐約消防局官員稱,點燃的電池形成了 “火牆”,使居民很難逃離大樓。

The sheer volume of fire generated from lithium-ion batteries creates highly dangerous conditions not only for residents attempting to evacuate but also for firefighters trying to contain and extinguish the flames. The intensity and speed at which these fires can spread pose a significant risk to both life and property. In this particular incident, three relatives were critically injured and later pronounced dead, while 14 others sustained injuries. Even one firefighter suffered serious injuries during the rescue operation. Unfortunately, this incident is just one in a series of recent lithium-ion battery fires.


The New York City Fire Department commissioner, Laura Kavanaugh, was not shy to call out private industry as culprits in this tragedy. She even went so far as to name Amazon, Walmart, Grubhub and Uber Eats as among those responsible due to those companies' lack of adherence to regulations that would prevent the sale of products with untested batteries.

紐約市消防局局長勞拉·卡瓦諾毫不害羞地將私營企業列爲這場悲劇的罪魁禍首。她甚至將亞馬遜、沃爾瑪、Grubhub和Uber Eats列爲責任人,因爲這些公司不遵守禁止銷售電池未經測試的產品的法規。

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for proper precautions and adherence to safety regulations when it comes to the use and storage of lithium-ion batteries. As the commissioner alluded to, oftentimes lithium-ion batteries are imported from foreign countries that have less stringent regulations. Hazmat shipping is required to ship within the U.S., but it is expensive and unfortunately, a lot of battery imports go under the radar. For consumers to truly trust lithium-ion batteries, manufacturers must ensure that their lithium-ion batteries meet rigorous safety standards to prevent further incidents that may endanger lives and properties.


One company that is laying the foundation for best safety practices in the industry is Dragonfly Energy Corp. (NASDAQ:DFLI), and a look at the company's safety practices provides insight into the types of standards that manufacturers should look into to help ensure safety. While Dragonfly Energy does not yet cater to electric vehicle or consumer electronic markets, it is a leading manufacturer of deep-cycle lithium-ion batteries that has a history of prioritizing testing and certificates of safety. The company designs and assembles its batteries in the United States today and is driving research and development initiatives towards the development of a domestically manufactured non-flammable solid-state battery solution.

Dragonfly Energy Corp.(納斯達克股票代碼:DFLI)是一家爲業內最佳安全實踐奠定基礎的公司,通過查看該公司的安全實踐,可以深入了解製造商爲幫助確保安全而應考慮的標準類型。儘管Dragonfly Energy尚未迎合電動汽車或消費電子市場,但它是深循環鋰離子電池的領先製造商,有着優先考慮測試和安全認證的歷史。該公司目前在美國設計和組裝電池,並正在推動研發計劃,以開發國產的不易燃固態電池解決方案。

Dragonfly Energy works hard to prove its dedication to manufacturing batteries that are not only reliable but also safe. To achieve this, they put their batteries through rigorous testing procedures to ensure their quality and safety. These tests examine how the batteries respond to various conditions such as overcharging, over-discharging, short circuits, temperature changes, and mechanical shocks.

Dragonfly Energy努力證明其致力於製造不僅可靠而且安全的電池。爲了實現這一目標,他們對電池進行了嚴格的測試程序,以確保其質量和安全。這些測試檢查電池如何應對各種條件,例如過度充電、過度放電、短路、溫度變化和機械衝擊。

By subjecting their batteries to extensive electrical abuse testing, Dragonfly Energy can identify potential hazards and design safety measures to prevent accidents or malfunctions. These tests are crucial in evaluating the batteries' performance and ensuring that they meet industry standards for safety. The company performs other essential tests, such as Shock Tests, Drop Tests, Vibration tests and comprehensive assessments of the Battery Management System (BMS).

通過對電池進行廣泛的電氣濫用測試,Dragonfly Energy可以識別潛在的危險,並設計安全措施以防止事故或故障。這些測試對於評估電池的性能和確保它們符合行業安全標準至關重要。該公司還進行其他基本測試,例如衝擊測試、跌落測試、振動測試和電池管理系統 (BMS) 的全面評估。

In line with their commitment to safety, Dragonfly Energy has made significant strides in the development of non-flammable lithium-ion batteries. By focusing on this area of research, they are actively working to reduce the risks associated with traditional lithium-ion batteries, such as fire hazards. Through their dedicated efforts, Dragonfly Energy aims to create batteries that are even safer for everyday use. The company's progress in this field was marked by an announcement of a patent earlier this year, indicating that they are making tangible advancements in the development of non-flammable lithium-ion battery technology. If successful, their technology could become instrumental in the next generation of lithium-ion batteries.

根據對安全的承諾,蜻蜓能源在不易燃鋰離子電池的開發方面取得了長足的進步。通過專注於這一研究領域,他們正在積極努力降低與傳統鋰離子電池相關的風險,例如火災隱患。通過他們的不懈努力,Dragonfly Energy的目標是製造出更安全的日常使用電池。該公司在這一領域的進展以一項公告爲標誌 今年早些時候的專利,這表明他們在不易燃鋰離子電池技術的開發方面取得了切實的進展。如果成功,他們的技術可能會在下一代鋰離子電池中發揮重要作用。

Battery brands that fail to conduct rigorous testing and certification processes risk releasing unsafe and potentially dangerous products onto the market. Without proper testing, electric vehicles and other battery brands may fail to take into account real-world scenarios and user environments, which could impact the functionality and safety of their products. While it is inspiring to see organizations like the FDNY campaign for lithium-ion battery safety regulations, manufacturers should be taking the necessary precautions from the get-go. However, part of the solution also lies in supporting American businesses, like Dragonfly Energy, that must adhere to stricter regulations; and in the case of Dragonfly Energy, not only adhering to these regulations but going above and beyond to test beyond the required amount to ensure community safety.


Featured photo by Денис Марчук from Pixabay.

精選照片來自 Денис МарчукPixabay



Sioban Hickie, ICR, Inc.

Sioban Hickie,ICR, Inc.

SOURCE: Dragonfly Energy


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