
Venue Turmoil: Pharma Companies Oppose States' Bid to Relocate Price-Fixing Cases

Venue Turmoil: Pharma Companies Oppose States' Bid to Relocate Price-Fixing Cases

Benzinga ·  2023/12/05 03:02

Major pharmaceutical firms, including generic manufacturers such as Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (NYSE: TEVA), Sandoz Group (OTC: SDZNY) (OTC: SDZXF), and Aurobindo Pharma, are resisting a bid by several states to transfer antitrust lawsuits out of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, cautioning against potential "chaos" and duplicity in litigating identical price-fixing claims across multiple venues.

大型製藥公司,包括梯瓦製藥工業有限公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:TEVA)、山德士集團(場外交易代碼:SDZNY)(場外交易代碼:SDZXF)和奧羅賓多製藥公司,都在抵制多個州提出的將反壟斷訴訟移出賓夕法尼亞東區的提議,並警告說,在多個場所提起相同的定價索賠時可能出現 “混亂” 和重複性。

The companies filed a motion urging the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation to maintain the consolidation of the lawsuits in Pennsylvania federal court, opposing the states' initiative to move their cases back to federal court in Connecticut, where the litigation originated in 2016, Reuters noted.


The extensive litigation encompasses allegations against dozens of generic pharmaceutical companies for conspiring to fix prices on hundreds of drugs.


At the center of the dispute over venue lies a new federal law empowering states to select their preferred jurisdictions for pursuing antitrust cases.


This legal development, known as the Venue Act, has already influenced decisions in unrelated cases, notably one involving Google, wherein a U.S. appeals court allowed a state to exit multidistrict litigation in Manhattan federal court.


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