Avanti Gold Announces Formalization of Artisanal Mining Agreement at Misisi Gold Project
Avanti Gold Announces Formalization of Artisanal Mining Agreement at Misisi Gold Project
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 4, 2023) - AVANTI GOLD CORPORATION (CSE: AGC) (FSE: X37) ( "Avanti" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the signing of a formal profit sharing and cooperation agreement governing all gold production with Sycomines, the licensed and permitted artisanal gold mining association, which is currently operating on the Avanti project areas. Under the agreement, all gold mining activities will be done by Sycomines with all gold produced to be sold to Primera Gold DRC SA ("Primera Gold"). Primera Gold is a joint venture between the Primera Group, a United Arab Emirates ("UAE") company based in Abu Dhabi, and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo ("DRC"). The DRC and Primera Gold agreement grants Primera Gold the right to purchase and export artisanally-mined gold with the aim to facilitate supply chain traceability with direct access to the end purchaser.
不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 12 月 4 日)- AVANTI GOLD CORPORATION(CSE:AGC)(FSE:X37) (”阿凡提“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,與Sycomines簽署了管理所有黃金生產的正式利潤分享與合作協議。Sycomines是一家獲得許可和許可的手工金礦開採協會,目前正在Avanti項目區開展業務。根據該協議,所有金礦開採活動將由Sycomines完成,所有生產的黃金將出售給Primera Gold DRC SA(”Primera 金牌“)。Primera Gold 是阿拉伯聯合酋長國 Primera 集團的合資企業(”阿聯酋“) 總部位於阿布扎比的公司和剛果民主共和國政府 (”剛果民主共和國“)。剛果民主共和國和Primera Gold協議授予Primera Gold購買和出口手工開採的黃金的權利,目的是通過直接聯繫最終購買者來促進供應鏈的可追溯性。
"The association between Avanti, Sycomines, and Primera Gold represents a comprehensive solution to ensuring the traceability and accountability of all gold produced from the Misisi license areas and conforms to all established Government regulations," commented Dr. Colin Porter, CEO of Avanti Gold. "This not only provides for a system with checks and balances, but also ensures that all mining activities will be implemented with international best practices. With this agreement now in place, the Company can turn its attention to significantly expanding the defined resources with an extensive regional exploration program along the entire 55 kilometre project."
Avanti Gold首席執行官科林·波特博士評論說:“Avanti、Sycomines和Primera Gold之間的關聯是一個全面的解決方案,可確保從密西西許可證區生產的所有黃金的可追溯性和問責性,並符合所有既定的政府法規。”“這不僅提供了一個具有制衡機制的系統,而且還確保了所有采礦活動都將按照國際最佳實踐實施。該協議現已簽訂,該公司可以將注意力轉向通過在整個55公里的項目中進行廣泛的區域勘探計劃,顯著擴大既定資源。”
Sycomines will sell all gold production to Primera Gold, with Avanti profit sharing and distributions calculated on a monthly basis, net of operating costs and final pricing adjustments. Both parties are also evaluating the implementation of small-scale industrialized mining equipment to improve efficiencies and increase gold production rates. As part of their involvement, Primera Gold has been implementing community development programs in addition to direct profit sharing with the Government.
Sycomines將把所有黃金產量出售給Primera Gold,Avanti的利潤分享和分配按月計算,扣除運營成本和最終定價調整。雙方還在評估小型工業化採礦設備的實施情況,以提高效率和提高黃金產量。作爲其參與的一部分,Primera Gold除了與政府直接分享利潤外,還一直在實施社區發展計劃。
About Primera Group
關於 Primera 集團
The Primera Group is a dynamic and diversified Abu Dhabi based conglomerate with an extensive investment portfolio of successful businesses and partnerships that operate across Tanzania, the wider East African Region and the Middle East. The group's assets and interests span across a wide range of industries that include green energy, agriculture, mining and metals trading, carbon credit schemes, AI and blockchain solutions. Specifically within the DRC, the group signed a US$1.9 billion deal with a state-owned mining company in July 2023 which will see the development of at least four mines and processing facilities within the eastern regions of South Kivu and Maniema. In addition, the Primera Group signed a 25 year contract in December 2022 covering export rights for artisanally-mined ores and preferential export rates for gold, coltan, tin, tantalum and tungsten.
Primera Group是一家總部位於阿布扎比的充滿活力和多元化的企業集團,擁有廣泛的成功企業和合作夥伴關係投資組合,業務遍及坦桑尼亞、更廣泛的東非地區和中東。該集團的資產和利益涵蓋多個行業,包括綠色能源、農業、採礦和金屬貿易、碳信用計劃、人工智能和區塊鏈解決方案。特別是在剛果民主共和國境內,該集團於2023年7月與一家國有礦業公司簽署了一項19億美元的協議,該協議將在南基伍和馬尼埃馬的東部地區開發至少四個礦山和加工設施。此外,Primera集團於2022年12月簽署了一份爲期25年的合同,涵蓋手工開採礦石的出口權以及黃金、鉭鐵礦石、錫、鉭和鎢的優惠出口費率。
About Avanti Gold Corporation
Avanti Gold Corporation is a mineral exploration company working on a Tier-1 gold opportunity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ("DRC"), located in the Fizi territory of South Kivu province, in the DRC. The Misisi Gold Project (or the "Project") has a contained Inferred Mineral Resource of 3 million ounces of gold as reported in the Company's National Instrument 43-101 technical report on the Misisi Gold Project (the "Technical Report").
Avanti Gold Corporation是一家礦產勘探公司,致力於在剛果民主共和國開發一級黃金機會(”剛果民主共和國“),位於剛果民主共和國南基伍省的菲齊地區。Misisi Gold Project(或”項目“) 包含的推斷礦產資源爲300萬盎司的黃金,正如該公司關於米西西黃金項目的國家儀器43-101號技術報告所報告的那樣(技術報告“)。
The Project is located 250 kilometres south of Bukavu, the provincial capital of the South Kivu Province, in the DRC. The Project is comprised of three contiguous 30-year mining leases, valid until 2045, covering 133 square kilometres of prospective exploration ground along the 55-kilometre-long Kibara Gold Belt. The Kibara Belt is a well-known metallogenic province and hosts a number of other deposits including the Twangiza (5.1 Moz oz Au, source: S&P Global) and Namoya (1.9 Moz, source: S&P Global) gold mines. The Project is host to the Akyanga deposit, which is the subject to Inferred Resource of 44.3 million tonnes at an average grade of 2.16 grams per tonne gold containing 3.0 million ounces.
該項目位於剛果民主共和國南基伍省省會布卡武以南250公里處。該項目由三份連續的30年採礦租約組成,有效期至2045年,涵蓋長達55千米的木原金帶沿線133平方千米的潛在勘探區域。木原地帶是著名的成礦省,擁有許多其他礦牀,包括Twangiza(5.1 moz oz Au,來源:標普全球)和Namoya(1.9 Moz,來源:標普全球)金礦。該項目是Akyanga礦牀的所在地,該礦牀的推斷資源爲4,430萬噸,平均品位爲每噸黃金2.16克,含300萬盎司。
Qualified Person
Ephraim Masibhera, a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), has reviewed the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release and has approved the disclosure herein. Historical information contained in this news release cannot be relied upon as the Company's Qualified Person, as defined under NI 43-101 has not prepared nor verified the historical information.
Ephraim Masibhera,National Instrument 43-101 定義的 “合格人員”- 礦產項目披露標準 (”在 43-101“),已經審查了構成本新聞稿基礎的科學和技術信息,並批准了此處的披露。本新聞稿中包含的歷史信息不可靠,因爲根據NI 43-101的定義,公司的合格人員尚未準備或驗證歷史信息。
This news release also includes references with respect to the Twangiza (5.1 Moz oz Au, source: S&P Global) and Namoya (1.9 Moz, source: S&P Global) gold mines, which are located near the Misisi Gold Project. The Company advises that, notwithstanding their proximity of location, discoveries of minerals on such properties, any promising results thereof are not necessarily indicative of the mineralization of, or located on the Misisi Gold Project, or the Company's ability to commercially exploit the minerals claims which comprise the property or to locate any commercially exploitable deposits therefrom.
本新聞稿還提到了位於密西西黃金項目附近的Twangiza(5.1 Moz Oz Au,來源:S&P Global)和Namoya(1.9 Moz,資料來源:S&P Global)金礦。該公司表示,儘管這些礦產位於附近,但在這些礦產上發現的礦物,但其任何令人鼓舞的結果都不一定表明米西西黃金項目已經礦化或位於該項目上,也不一定表明公司有能力對構成該財產的礦產索賠進行商業開發或從中找到任何商業可開採的礦牀。
For more information on the Misisi Gold Project, please refer to the Technical Report filed under the Company's profile on SEDAR.
有關 Misisi Gold Project 的更多信息,請參閱公司簡介下提交的技術報告 塞達爾。
On behalf of the Board of Directors
For further information please contact:
Colin Porter
Chief Executive Officer Telephone: +44 7535 322790
Email: colin.porter@avantigoldcorp.com
首席執行官電話:+44 7535 322790
Email: info@avantigoldcorp.com
Office: +1 (604) 908-1679
辦公室:+1 (604) 908-1679
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