Decade Announces Update at the Treasure Mountain Surface Program on the Copper River Project, Terrace BC
Decade Announces Update at the Treasure Mountain Surface Program on the Copper River Project, Terrace BC
Stewart, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 30, 2023) - Decade Resources Ltd (TSXV: DEC) ("Decade") is providing an update on surface exploration on the Treasure Mountain-Nobody Knows-Terrace Gold projects in the Terrace BC area. The project stretches from 10 to 40 air kilometers east of Terrace, B.C., on the northern slopes of the Copper River valley. The project consists of 52 contiguous minerals claims totaling over 21,000 hectares which form Treasure Mountain, Nobody Knows and Dardanelle (presently farmed out) properties. All 52 mineral claims are 100% owned by Decade Resources Ltd. Highlights of the property include:
不列顛哥倫比亞省斯圖爾特--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年11月30日)——十年資源有限公司(TSXV:DEC)(“十年”)將提供位於不列顛哥倫比亞省露臺地區的金銀山-沒人知道-露臺金礦項目的最新地表勘探情況。該項目位於銅河谷北坡的不列顛哥倫比亞省特雷斯以東10至40空公里處。該項目包括52處毗連礦產權,總面積超過21,000公頃,構成了寶藏山、無人知曉和達達內爾(目前已耕種)的財產。所有52項礦產索賠均由Decade Resources Ltd 100%擁有。該物業的亮點包括:
- Located 25 km east of the newly discovered Nobody Knows copper zone.
- A total of 22 copper showing have been identified over 20 km of strike length stretching from Clore River to Kleanza Creek. The copper zones are located over a minimum 1500 m of vertical height.
- Located a new claim to cover area of float rocks carrying chalcocite that assayed over 5 % in previous Company sampling.
- Chalcocite, bornite and minor chalcopyrite occur as disseminations and veinlets along beds of pyroclastic rock'
- Brecciated quartz-calcite shear zones up to 8m hosting significant chalcopyrite and bornite
- Quartz - epidote veins with coarse bornite and chalcocite that generally have significant gold associated with copper-silver.
- Identified new zone of mineralization exposed over a 50m width and 30 m strike length. Grab sampling of bornite rich rocks by the Company returned over 10 % copper and 502 g/t silver with 4 g/t gold.
- 位於新發現的 “沒人知道” 銅礦區以東 25 公里處。
- 從克洛爾河一直延伸到克萊安扎溪的走向長度超過20千米,共發現了22塊銅礦。銅區位於至少 1500 m 的垂直高度上。
- 找到了一項新的聲稱,該索賠涵蓋了載有鈣石的浮巖區域,在公司先前的採樣中,該地區的測定值超過5%。
- 鈣石、硼鐵礦和少量黃銅礦以散佈和靜脈的形式出現在火山碎屑岩牀上
- 角礫石英-方解石剪切區最長可達 8 米,含有大量的黃銅礦和硼鐵礦
- 石英-帶有粗糙硼鐵礦和方解石的附體礦脈,通常含有大量與銅銀相關的金。
- 發現了新的礦化區域,其寬度超過50米,走向長度超過30米。該公司對富含硼鐵礦的岩石進行採樣,返回了超過 10% 的銅和 502 克/噸的銀和 4 克/噸的黃金。
The 2023 exploration concentrated on evaluating the area of the Drill Stem showing (drilled in 1964 and 1987 with no recorded work) and locating the historic Montana showing. Core located in the area of drilling indicates it was A-size (2.59 cm in diameter).
2023 年的勘探重點是評估鑽桿顯示區域(在 1964 年和 1987 年鑽探,沒有工作記錄),並找到歷史悠久的蒙大拿州岩石。位於鑽探區域的岩心表明它是 A 尺寸(直徑 2.59 cm)。
Photos of zones tested are shown below:
Below: Samples taken from large quartz-carbonate-epidote vein/shear zone to the north of Treasure Mountain Peak. Disseminated to blebby bornite up to 7% locally, strong malachite staining across 8m width.
下圖:從金銀山峯以北的大型石英-碳酸鹽附體靜脈/剪切帶採集的樣本。局部播散至氣泡硼石,最高 7%,寬度爲 8m,強烈的孔雀石染色。
Above: Quartz breccia sample with clasts of volcanic and disseminated bornite, taken near Drill Stem showing.
The Treasure Mountain - Nobody Knows properties have a great potential to host copper-silver deposits and/or copper-gold bearing stockworks. At present there are over 22 known copper bearing areas. They feature numerous individual copper occurrences of which only part have been examined in the 2023 exploration program. The main copper occurrences appear to be associated either with basalt or its subvolcanic equivalent (diabase). Other copper occurrences are related to faults and fracture zones. Almost all showings in this area have a similar mineralogy (mostly bornite and chalcocite) and geochemical signature (copper-silver) which suggest the same source of mineralization.
Treasure Mountain——Nobody Knows 房產擁有銅銀礦牀和/或含銅金礦牀的巨大潛力。目前有超過22個已知的含銅區域。它們以許多個別銅礦點爲特色,其中只有一部分已在2023年勘探計劃中進行了檢查。主要的銅礦點似乎與玄武岩或其亞火山當量(輝綠岩)有關。其他銅礦現象與斷層和斷裂帶有關。該地區幾乎所有的礦物都具有相似的礦物學(主要是硼鐵礦和鈣石)和地球化學特徵(銅銀),這表明礦化來源相同。
The Company has received numerous queries on timing for assays. Analytical procedure involves ICP analysis for 41 elements. Any analysis that has over 10,000 ppm (1 %) copper is then subjected to ore grade-ME-OG46 analysis. Over 5 %, the lab performs Cu-OG46 ore grade analysis using aqua regia. The Company is aware of analysis being performed for high copper values. At present the Company has only received partial results for the first 2 holes on the Nobody Knows drilling and none of surface samples or additional holes.
該公司收到了許多關於化驗時間的詢問。分析程序涉及對41種元素的ICP分析。然後,任何含銅量超過 10,000 ppm (1%) 的分析都要進行礦石 Grade-Me-OG46 分析。超過 5%,實驗室使用王水進行 Cu-Og46 礦石品位分析。該公司知道正在對高銅值進行分析。目前,該公司僅收到Nobody Knows鑽探前兩個孔的部分結果,沒有收到地表樣本或其他孔的部分結果。
Ed. Kruchkowski, P. Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is in charge of the exploration programs on behalf of the Company and is responsible for the contents of this release. E. Kruchkowski is not independent of Decade as he is the president of the Company.
埃德。Kruchkowski,P. Geo. 是美國國家儀器公司43-101的合格人員,他代表公司負責勘探計劃,並對本新聞稿的內容負責。E. Kruchkowski並非獨立於Decade,因爲他是公司的總裁。
Decade Resources Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company actively seeking opportunities in the resource sector. Decade holds numerous properties at various stages of development and exploration from basic grass roots to advanced ones. Its properties and projects are all located in the "Golden Triangle" area of northern British Columbia. For a complete listing of the Company assets and developments, visit the Company website at which is presently being up dated. For investor information please call 250-636-2264 or Gary Assaly at 604-377-7969.
Decade Resources Ltd.是一家總部位於加拿大的礦產勘探公司,積極在資源領域尋找機會。Decade擁有許多處於不同開發和勘探階段的房產,從基本的基層到先進的基層。其物業和項目均位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的 “金三角” 地區。如需查看公司資產和開發項目的完整清單,請訪問目前正在更新的公司網站。如需投資者信息,請致電250-636-2264或致電604-377-7969加里·阿薩利。
"Ed Kruchkowski"
Ed Kruchkowski, President
“Ed Kruchkowski”
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