
The Fresh Factory Reports Strong Q3 2023 Results, With Record YTD Billed Revenue of $17.2M

The Fresh Factory Reports Strong Q3 2023 Results, With Record YTD Billed Revenue of $17.2M

Accesswire ·  2023/11/29 20:30
  • The Company reported quarterly billed revenue of $5.8M ($7.7M CAD), representing a year-over-year increase of 3.2%.
  • Year-to-date billed revenue of $17.2M ($22.9M CAD) represents a YoY increase of 19.4%.
  • Year-to-date total revenue of $16.9M ($22.5M CAD) represents a YoY increase of 22.7%.
  • The Company increased adjusted gross margins to 30.2% in Q3 2023 vs. 27.2% in Q3 2022.
  • The Company achieved +$0.1M (+$0.1M CAD) adjusted EBITDA, the first target on the path to sustainable positive net income.
  • 該公司公佈的季度賬單收入爲580萬美元(合770萬加元),同比增長3.2%。
  • 年初至今的賬單收入爲1720萬美元(2,290萬加元),同比增長19.4%。
  • 年初至今的總收入爲1,690萬美元(合2,250萬加元),同比增長22.7%。
  • 該公司在2023年第三季度將調整後的毛利率提高至30.2%,而2022年第三季度爲27.2%。
  • 經調整後,該公司實現了+10萬美元(+10萬加元)的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤,這是實現可持續正淨收入之路上的第一個目標。

CAROL STREAM, IL / ACCESSWIRE / November 29, 2023 / The Fresh Factory B.C. Ltd. (TSXV:FRSH)(FRA:Q4Z) ("The Fresh Factory" or the "Company"), a mission-driven company for fresh, clean-label, and better-for-you food and beverage brands, reports quarterly and year-to-date financial results for the period ending September 30, 2023 ("Q3 2023" and "YTD 2023," respectively).

伊利諾伊州 CAROL STREAM /ACCESSWIRE /2023 年 11 月 29 日/不列顛哥倫比亞省生鮮工廠有限公司(TSXV: FRSH)(FRA: Q4Z)(“生鮮工廠” 或 “公司”)是一家以使命爲導向的公司,主營新鮮、清潔標籤和更適合你的食品和飲料品牌,公佈截至2023年9月30日的季度和年初至今財務業績(“2023年第三季度” 和 “2023 年年初至今,分別爲”)。

Bill Besenhofer, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of The Fresh Factory, commented: "We are thrilled to announce our continued growth, with billed revenue totaling $5.8 million ($7.7M CAD) for the quarter. In addition, the team worked hard to achieve our first quarter of positive adjusted EBITDA results. We feel we have set the table for continued success by implementing a more disciplined, metric-driven approach to managing our day-to-day operations. As we continue to grow, we want to do so profitably and allow companies to turn to us as a trusted partner, relying on our expertise in everything from product formulation to product fulfillment. Furthermore, we recently began trading on the TSX Venture Exchange, opening up new opportunities to share our story with a broader investor audience."

The Fresh Factory首席執行官兼聯合創始人比爾·貝森霍夫評論說:“我們很高興地宣佈我們的持續增長,本季度的賬單收入總額爲580萬美元(合770萬加元)。此外,該團隊努力實現第一季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲正的業績。我們認爲,通過實施更嚴格、更以指標爲導向的方法來管理我們的日常運營,我們已經爲持續的成功奠定了基礎。隨着我們的持續發展,我們希望依靠我們在從產品配方到產品交付等各個方面的專業知識,從而實現盈利,並允許各公司將我們視爲值得信賴的合作伙伴。此外,我們最近開始在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所進行交易,這爲與更廣泛的投資者受衆分享我們的故事開闢了新的機會。”

Financial Highlights: YTD 2023 vs. YTD 2022

財務亮點:2023 年年初至今 2022 年初至今

  • Record billed revenue of $17.2M ($22.9M CAD) YTD 2023, vs. $14.4M ($19.2M CAD) YTD 2022, an increase of 19.4%, was driven by the onboarding of new customers, worth approximately $1.4M ($1.9M CAD) and increased demand from existing customers, representing approximately 14% organic growth.
  • Adjusted EBITDA of $(0.7)M ($(0.9)M CAD) YTD 2023, an improvement of approximately ~$0.6M compared to YTD 2022, was driven by increased sales and efficiencies across the supply chain.
  • Adjusted gross margin of $4.9M ($6.5M CAD) in YTD 2023, vs. $3.9 ($5.2M CAD) in YTD 2022, represents a 56.7% increase.
  • 2023年年初至今的賬單收入爲創紀錄的1720萬美元(合2,290萬加元),與2022年年初至今的1440萬美元(1,920萬加元)相比,增長了19.4%,這得益於價值約140萬美元(190萬加元)的新客戶入駐以及現有客戶需求的增加,有機增長約爲14%。
  • 2023年年初至今,調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲70萬美元(90萬加元),與2022年年初至今相比增長了約60萬美元,這得益於整個供應鏈的銷售和效率的提高。
  • 2023年年初至今,調整後的毛利率爲490萬美元(合650萬加元),而2022年年初至今的調整後毛利率爲390萬美元(合520萬加元),增長了56.7%。

Financial and Operational Highlights: Q3 2023 vs Q2 2023

財務和運營亮點:2023 年第三季度與 2023 年第二季度

  • Total billed revenue was $5.8M ($7.7M CAD) in Q3 2023 vs. $5.9M ($7.8M CAD) for Q2 2023.
  • Adjusted EBITDA was +$0.1M (+$0.1M CAD) in Q3 2023 vs. $(0.1)M ($(0.1)M CAD) in Q2 2023, an increase of $0.2M despite slightly lower sales.
  • Adjusted gross margin was $1.8M ($2.4M CAD) in Q3 2023 vs. $1.7M ($2.3M CAD) in Q2 2023.
  • On October 5, 2023, the Company began trading on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") and in conjunction was delisted from the Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE").
  • 2023年第三季度的總賬單收入爲580萬美元(合770萬加元),而2023年第二季度爲590萬美元(780萬加元)。
  • 2023年第三季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲+10萬美元(+10萬加元),而2023年第二季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲+10萬美元(合10萬加元),儘管銷售額略有下降,但仍增長了20萬美元。
  • 2023年第三季度調整後的毛利率爲180萬美元(240萬加元),而2023年第二季度調整後的毛利率爲170萬美元(230萬加元)。
  • 2023年10月5日,公司開始在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所(“TSXV”)上市,並同時從加拿大證券交易所(“CSE”)退市。

Strategic Areas of Focus


The Fresh Factory is building a platform to serve emerging food and beverage brands in the fresh-food sector with an emphasis on better-for-you products. The Company has established three key areas of focus on which it will report on a quarterly basis moving forward.

Fresh Factory正在建立一個平台,爲新鮮食品領域的新興食品和飲料品牌提供服務,重點是更適合您的產品。該公司已經確定了三個關鍵重點領域,今後將按季度報告這些領域。

Execution: Focus on safety, high-quality operations, and strong margins.


  • Adjusted gross margins, on a percentage basis, increased by 0.7% from 29.5% in Q2 2023 to 30.2% in Q3 2023.
  • Operating profits increased 1.3% to $1.0M ($1.3M CAD) in Q3 2023 from $0.9M ($1.2M CAD) in Q2 2023.
  • Operating profit, on a percentage basis, increased from 16.6% in Q2 2023 to 16.9% in Q3 2023 due to operational efficiencies.
  • 按百分比計算,調整後的毛利率從2023年第二季度的29.5%增長到2023年第三季度的30.2%,增長了0.7%。
  • 營業利潤從2023年第二季度的90萬美元(120萬加元)增長了1.3%,至2023年第三季度的100萬美元(130萬加元)。
  • 由於運營效率,按百分比計算,營業利潤從2023年第二季度的16.6%增加到2023年第三季度的16.9%。

Growth: Invest in and grow with the right brands across diversified channels.


  • The Company onboarded four new customers, expanding its product portfolio.
  • The increase in revenue through 2022 and into 2023 was due to both the addition of new customers and increased sales to existing customers, and the company expects that trend to continue.
  • The Company produced 3.2M total units in Q3 2023, a 23% increase from Q3 2022.
  • 該公司吸引了四個新客戶,擴大了其產品組合。
  • 到2022年和2023年,收入的增長既是新客戶的增加,也是對現有客戶的銷售額的增加,該公司預計這種趨勢將持續下去。
  • 該公司在2023年第三季度共生產了320萬套,比2022年第三季度增長了23%。

Sustainability: Become a market leader in sustainability.


  • The Company continues to use solar energy to help offset its electrical usage.
  • The Company continues to compost 100% of its food waste and donate 100% of produce extras.
  • The Company improved its FOG (fats, oils, grease) mitigation system, enabling better collection and recycling of the oils used in production and improving the quality of wastewater expelled from the facility.
  • The Company launched a project to determine the Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon-emissions output from each of its production facilities and vehicles.
  • 該公司繼續使用太陽能來幫助抵消其用電量。
  • 該公司繼續對100%的食物垃圾進行堆肥,並捐贈100%的額外農產品。
  • 該公司改進了其FOG(脂肪、油、油脂)緩解系統,從而可以更好地收集和回收生產中使用的油,並提高從設施排出的廢水的質量。
  • 該公司啓動了一個項目,以確定其每個生產設施和車輛的範圍1和範圍2的碳排放量。

The earnings news release should be read in conjunction with the Company's interim financial statements for the quarterly and year-to-date financial results for the period ending September 30, 2023, which can be found on The Fresh Factory's issuer profile on SEDAR+ at .

業績新聞稿應與公司截至2023年9月30日的季度和年初至今財務業績的中期財務報表一起閱讀,該財務報表可在The Fresh Factory的SEDAR+發行人資料中找到,網址爲。

For conversion purposes, this release used $0.75 as the conversion rate from CAD to USD.


All figures in this press release are in US dollars unless otherwise stated.


About The Fresh Factory B.C. Ltd.


The Fresh Factory is a vertically integrated company focused on accelerating the growth of the fresh, clean-label, plant-based food and beverage brands of tomorrow. The Fresh Factory owns or partners with emerging brands in the plant-based space to develop, manufacture, and sell products made from fresh produce and recognizable ingredients. It operates from its centrally located manufacturing facility near Chicago, serving customers across the United States. As a public benefits corporation, The Fresh Factory is ESG-focused, driven to make a lighter, greener impact on the environment and a stronger, positive impact on local communities and the food system as a whole. Learn more about The Fresh Factory at and find The Fresh Factory on social media at Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. To receive news and updates about The Fresh Factory, visit their website at .

Fresh Factory是一家垂直整合的公司,致力於加速未來新鮮、清潔標籤、植物性食品和飲料品牌的發展。Fresh Factory擁有植物基領域的新興品牌或與之合作,開發、製造和銷售由新鮮農產品和知名食材製成的產品。它位於芝加哥附近的中心製造工廠運營,爲美國各地的客戶提供服務。作爲一家公共福利公司,The Fresh Factory以ESG爲重點,致力於對環境產生更輕、更綠色的影響,並對當地社區和整個食品系統產生更強有力的積極影響。要了解有關 “新鮮工廠” 的更多信息,請訪問 Instagram、Twitter 和 LinkedIn,並在社交媒體上找到 “新鮮工廠”。要接收有關新鮮工廠的新聞和更新,請訪問他們的網站,網址爲。



Bill Besenhofer
CEO and Co-founder


Alyssa Barry
Media and Investor Relations


Non-IFRS Measures


There are measures included in this news release that do not have a standardized meaning under international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and therefore may not be comparable to similarly titled measures and metrics presented by other publicly traded companies. The Company includes these measures because it believes certain investors use them as a means of assessing financial performance. Billed revenue, adjusted gross margin, operating profit, EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA are financial measures that do not have a standardized meaning under IFRS. EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA refers to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, stock-based compensation, one-time transaction expenses, costs related to scaling the business, and change in fair value of derivative liabilities. Adjusted gross margin is defined as billed revenue minus food, packaging, and labor (i.e., COGs). Operating profit is adjusted gross margin less utilities, facilities, and maintenance costs. Billed revenue is a financial measure defined as the revenue billed to customers as opposed to total revenue, which represents billed revenue less trade and variable selling and any production credits and samples.


We prepare and release quarterly unaudited and annual audited financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. We also disclose and discuss certain non-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) financial information used to evaluate our performance in this and other earnings releases and investor conference calls as a complement to results provided in accordance with IFRS. We believe that current shareholders and potential investors in the Company use non-GAAP financial measures, such as billed revenue, adjusted gross margin, operating profit, EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA in making investment decisions about the Company and measuring its operational results.


Management believes that investors and financial analysts measure our business on the same basis, and we are providing the billed revenue, adjusted gross margin, operating profit, EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA as financial metrics to assist in this evaluation and to provide a higher level of transparency into how we measure our own business.


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" (collectively referred to hereafter as "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements that address activities, events, or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will, or may, occur in the future, including statements about the Company's new product offerings, its ability to execute on its goals, general macro and micro economic impacts of inflation on the business and operation of the Company, the timing pertaining to these goals and receipt of applicable consents and approvals, and Company's business prospects, future trends, plans, and strategies. In some cases, forward-looking statements are preceded by, followed by, or include words such as "may", "will," "would", "could", "should", "believes", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "expects", "plans", "intends", "proposes", "anticipates", "targeted", "continues", "forecasts", "designed", "goal", "anticipate" or the negative of those words or other similar or comparable words. Although the management of the Company believes that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that a forward-looking statement herein will prove to be accurate. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, or intended. Risks and uncertainties applicable to the Company, as well as trends identified by the Company affecting its industry, can be found in the final long-form prospectus of the Company dated November 10, 2021, and the Company's continuous disclosure record available on SEDAR+ at. Such cautionary statements qualify all forward-looking statements made in this news release. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的 “前瞻性陳述” 或 “前瞻性信息”(以下統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)。所有涉及公司預期或預期將在或未來可能發生的活動、事件或發展的陳述,包括有關公司新產品供應、其實現目標的能力、通貨膨脹對公司業務和運營的總體宏觀和微觀經濟影響、實現這些目標和獲得適用同意和批准的時間以及公司的業務前景、未來趨勢、計劃和戰略的陳述。在某些情況下,前瞻性陳述之前、後面加上或包括諸如 “可能”、“將”、“可以”、“應該”、“相信”、“估計”、“項目”、“潛力”、“預期”、“計劃”、“打算”、“提議”、“預期”、“目標”、“繼續”、“預測”、“設計”、“目標” 等詞語”、“預期” 或這些詞語的否定詞語或其他類似或類似的詞語。儘管公司管理層認爲此類陳述所做的假設和所代表的預期是合理的,但無法保證此處的前瞻性陳述會被證明是準確的。前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。儘管公司管理層試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息中包含的結果存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績未達到預期、估計或預期。適用於公司的風險和不確定性,以及公司確定的影響其行業的趨勢,可在公司於2021年11月10日發佈的最終詳細招股說明書中找到,SEDAR+上的公司持續披露記錄可在SEDAR+上查閱。此類警示性陳述符合本新聞稿中作出的所有前瞻性陳述。除非適用法律要求,否則公司沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

SOURCE: The Fresh Factory B.C. Ltd.


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