
Orosur Mining Inc Announces Lithium JV, Nigeria

Orosur Mining Inc Announces Lithium JV, Nigeria

Orosur Mining Inc宣佈在尼日利亞成立鋰合資公司
Accesswire ·  2023/11/28 15:00

· First results from mapping and sampling program on first licence.

· 首次獲得許可後,測繪和採樣程序的第一個結果。

· Abundant pegmatites evident, with LiO2 results in excess of 2%, analysed by way of XRF and LIBS.

· 通過XRF和LIBS進行分析,可以看出豐富的偉晶岩,其中LiO2結果超過2%。

· Two additional licences confirmed, expanding land position in the key Lithium districts to 533km2.

· 又確認了兩份許可證,將主要鋰區的土地面積擴大到533km2。

LONDON, UK / ACCESSWIRE / November 28, 2023 / Orosur Mining Inc. ("Orosur" or the "Company") (TSXV:OMI)(AIM:OMI), is pleased to provide an update on exploration progress at its new Lithium West Joint Venture ("the Project) in Nigeria,.

英國倫敦/ACCESSWIRE/2023年11月28日/Orosur Mining Inc.(“Orosur” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:OMI)(AIM: OMI)很高興地介紹其位於尼日利亞的新鋰西部合資企業(“該項目”)的最新勘探進展。

As announced on Oct 16th 2023, the Company has entered into a Joint Venture ("JV") with Nigerian company Jurassic Mines Ltd ("Jurassic"), whereby Orosur, via a new 100% owned UK subsidiary, Lithium West Limited ("Lithium West"), may earn up to 70% equity in the Project by spending US$5m over 5 years in two phases:

正如 10 月 16 日宣佈的那樣第四 2023年,該公司與尼日利亞公司侏羅紀礦業有限公司(“侏羅紀”)成立了合資企業(“合資企業”),根據該合資企業,Orosur可以通過新的100%持股的英國子公司Lithium West Limited(“Lithium West”)在5年內分兩個階段花費500萬美元,獲得該項目高達70%的股權:

1. Phase 1 - Lithium West can earn 51% equity in the Project by spending a total of US$3m over a maximum of three years.

1。第一階段-Lithium West可以在最多三年的時間內總共花費300萬美元,從而獲得該項目51%的股權。

2. Phase 2 - Lithium West can earn an additional 19% equity in the Project, up to a total of 70%, by spending an additional US$2m over a maximum of two years.

2。第二階段-Lithium West最多在兩年內額外花費200萬美元,可以額外獲得該項目19%的股權,最高可達70%。

Immediately upon signing of the JV, the Company's exploration teams mobilised to site to begin preliminary reconnaissance mapping and sampling, beginning on the western most Exploration Licence EL 43953. The decision to commence on EL 43953 was taken purely for logistical reasons, with no consideration of prospectivity.

合資公司簽署後,該公司的勘探小組立即動員到現場,開始初步的偵察測繪和採樣,從最西端的勘探許可證EL 43953開始。開始使用EL 43953的決定純粹是出於後勤原因,沒有考慮前景。

The objective of the program was to undertake preliminary geological mapping of the licence, in order to confirm the regional interpretation and prospectivity assessment that had led to its selection and to take a number of samples for assay with a view to planning further work.


Several hundred samples of various outcrops were taken, with approximately 70 then being analysed by way of XRF and LIBS for lithium content as well as a number of other pathfinder elements.


XRF/LIBS are not as accurate as laboratory chemical assay, but as no certified geochemical laboratory yet exists in Nigeria, XRF/LIBS provide a faster, cheaper and sufficiently accurate alternative for the purpose at hand.


Geological mapping quickly identified that the licence hosted numerous swarms of potentially lithium bearing pegmatites, consistent with granitic and gneissic lithologies and the major country scale "schist belt" structures, that had been postulated as the primary controlling structures.

地質測繪很快發現,該許可證含有大量可能含鋰的偉晶岩,這些偉晶岩與花崗岩和片麻岩巖性以及被假定爲主要控制結構的國家規模的 “片岩帶” 結構一致。

Mapped pegmatite system were noted over substantial strike lengths of several km's and of varying widths from sub metre, to over 30m in one massive example.


The primary analysis of interest was for elemental lithium, with secondary focus on the ratio of potassium ("K") to rubidium ("Rb") as the K/Rb ratio is a key indicator of the degree to which a granitic or gneissic body has undergone fractionation that may have led to the late-stage development of pegmatites. A K/Rb ratio of less than 100 is considered prospective, with less than 50 being highly prospective.

感興趣的主要分析是元素鋰,其次是鉀(“K”)與(“Rb”)的比例,因爲K/Rb比是衡量花崗岩或片麻岩體經歷分餾程度的關鍵指標,而分餾程度可能導致偉晶岩的後期發育。小於 100 的 K/Rb 比率被視爲前瞻性,小於 50 則被視爲極具前景性。

Numerous pegmatite samples returned high levels of lithium, with several over 2% LiO2, with substantial areas demonstrating K/Rb ratios of less than 100 and several locations of less than 50 suggesting very high levels of fractionation.


This work program, while preliminary in nature, has demonstrated this first licence to be highly prospective for the presence of lithium bearing pegmatites and thus worthy of follow up.


Crews have since moved east to the other licences in the package and it is anticipated that results from this work will be available in coming weeks.


In the meantime, follow-up soil sampling programs over EL 43953 are being planned and it is hoped these will commence in the near term once the other licences have been assessed.

同時,正在計劃對EL 43953進行後續土壤採樣計劃,希望在評估其他許可證後,這些計劃將在短期內啓動。

Figure 1 - Li and K/Rb

圖 1-Li 和 K/Rb

New Licences


As previously noted, the JV commenced with four exploration licences, for a total of 323km2, with more licences being examined with a view to being secured and included in the JV.


The Company is pleased to announce that two additional licences have now been confirmed, taking the total area of prospective land under title to 533km2, representing one of the most dominant land positions in Nigeria. While the total land area within the JV has increased, the new licences are included within the original terms of the JV agreement and thus no additional expenditure is required.


Figure 2 - Licences

圖 2-許可證

The Company continues to assess new licences and opportunities and it is hoped this land position may be added to in the medium term.


Orosur CEO Brad George commented:

Orosur 首席執行官布拉德·喬治評論說:

"These outstanding results from our first field program in Nigeria are exciting but not surprising. We pegged these licences with a very clear understanding of the geological processes in play and so we expected to find lithium. To then confirm this confidence and to find so many lithium bearing pegmatites, some extremely thick, is very positive and bodes well for work on the next 5 licences that is underway now."


For further information, visit , follow on twitter @orosurm or contact:

欲了解更多信息,請訪問、在推特上關注 @orosurm 或聯繫:

Orosur Mining Inc.
Louis Castro, Chairman,
Brad George, CEO
Tel: +1 (778) 373-0100

Orosur Mining Inc.
電話:+1 (778) 373-0100

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP - Nomad & Joint Broker
Jeff Keating / Kasia Brzozowska
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3 470 0470

SP Angel 企業融資有限責任公司-Nomad & 聯合經紀人
Jeff Keating /Kasia Brzozowska
電話:+44 (0) 20 3 470 0470

Turner Pope Investments (TPI) Ltd - Joint Broker

Turner Pope 投資(TPI)有限公司-聯合經紀人

Andy Thacker/James Pope
Tel: +44 (0)20 3657 0050

電話:+44 (0) 20 3657 0050

Flagstaff Communications and Investor Communications


Tim Thompson
Mark Edwards
Fergus Mellon
Tel: +44 (0)207 129 1474

電話:+44 (0) 207 129 1474

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 ('MAR') which has been incorporated into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service ('RIS'), this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

本公告中包含的信息被公司視爲《市場濫用條例》(歐盟)第 596/2014 號(“MAR”)規定的內幕消息,該條例已通過《2018年歐盟(退出)法》納入英國法律。通過監管信息服務(“RIS”)發佈本公告後,該內幕信息現在被視爲屬於公共領域。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


About Orosur Mining Inc.
Orosur Mining Inc. (TSX: OMI; AIM: OMI) is a minerals explorer and developer focused on identifying and advancing projects in Colombia, Argentina, Nigeria and Brazil.

關於 Orosur Mining Inc.
Orosur Mining Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:OMI;AIM:OMI)是一家礦產勘探和開發商,專注於識別和推進哥倫比亞、阿根廷、尼日利亞和巴西的項目。

Qualified Persons Statement
The information in this news release was compiled, reviewed and verified by Mr. Brad George, BSc Hons (Geology and Geophysics), MBA, Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (MAIG), CEO of Orosur Mining Inc. and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的信息由布拉德·喬治先生、榮譽學士(地質與地球物理學)、工商管理碩士、澳大利亞地球科學家協會(MAIG)會員、Orosur Mining Inc. 首席執行官以及國家儀器43-101定義的合格人員編寫、審查和驗證。

Orosur Mining staff and contractors follow standard operating and quality assurance procedures to ensure that sampling techniques and sample results meet international reporting standards.

Orosur Mining的工作人員和承包商遵循標準的操作和質量保證程序,以確保採樣技術和樣本結果符合國際報告標準。

Results contained in this announcement relate to reconnaissance mapping and rock chip sampling. Rock samples were taken at locations of outcrop of fresh or weathered material with several samples being taken at each outcrop so as to provide a more representative sample. Samples were not taken on a regular grid and so some sampling bias will be present.


Representative samples varied in size from 500g to 2kg in mass. Collected representative samples were bagged and labelled, before being transported to a preparation facility in Abuja for crushing, pulverising and homogenisation.


Small 10g sub samples were then taken to be formed into assay pellets with a 30T hydraulic press. Pellets were then then analysed with both XRF and LIBS analysers.


Both XRF and LIBS analysers are calibrated on a weekly basis via the use of CRMs.

使用 CRM 每週對 XRF 和 LIBS 分析儀進行一次校準。

Forward Looking Statements


All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this news release constitute "forward looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including but not limited to the "safe harbour" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and are based on expectations estimates and projections as of the date of this news release.

除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中包含的所有陳述均構成適用證券法所指的 “前瞻性陳述”,包括但不限於1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》的 “安全港” 條款,並且基於截至本新聞發佈之日的預期估計和預測。

Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, the exploration plans in Colombia and the funding from Monte Águila of those plans, Monte Águila ́s decision to continue with the Exploration Agreement, the formation of a new mining company or mining venture to hold the project, the ability for Loryser to implement the Creditor ́s Agreement successfully in Uruguay and other events or conditions that may occur in the future. The Company's continuance as a going concern is dependent upon its ability to obtain adequate financing, to reach profitable levels of operations and to reach a satisfactory implementation of the Creditor ́s Agreement in Uruguay. These material uncertainties may cast significant doubt upon the Company's ability to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business and accordingly the appropriateness of the use of accounting principles applicable to a going concern. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties including, but not limited, those as described in Section "Risks Factors" of the MDA and the Annual Information Form. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law.

前瞻性陳述包括但不限於哥倫比亞的勘探計劃和蒙特阿吉拉爲這些計劃提供的資金、蒙特阿吉拉決定繼續執行勘探協議、成立新的礦業公司或礦業企業來持有該項目、洛裏瑟在烏拉圭成功實施債權人協議的能力以及未來可能發生的其他事件或條件。該公司的持續經營取決於其能否獲得充足的融資、實現盈利的運營水平以及在烏拉圭令人滿意地執行債權人協議。這些重大不確定性可能會使人們對公司在正常業務過程中變現資產和清償負債的能力產生重大懷疑,因此也對使用適用於持續經營企業的會計原則的適當性產生重大懷疑。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的。實際業績和未來事件可能與此類前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異。此類聲明存在重大風險和不確定性,包括但不限於MDA “風險因素” 部分和年度信息表中所述的風險和不確定性。除非適用法律要求,否則公司不打算或沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論這些陳述是由於新信息、未來事件還是此類前瞻性陳述所致。

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該信息由倫敦證券交易所的新聞服務RNS提供。RNS已獲得金融行爲監管局的批准,成爲英國的主要信息提供商。與使用和分發此信息相關的條款和條件可能適用。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫 或訪問。

SOURCE: Orosur Mining Inc

來源:Orosur Mining Inc.

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