
TriStar Gold - Permit Milestone Update

TriStar Gold - Permit Milestone Update

TriStar Gold-許可證里程碑更新
newsfile ·  2023/11/28 00:30

Scottsdale, Arizona--(Newsfile Corp. - November 27, 2023) - TriStar Gold Inc. (TSXV: TSG) (OTCQX: TSGZF) (the Company or TriStar) is pleased to disclose that the previously announced public hearing (equivalent to a townhall meeting), related to the Licença Prévia (Preliminary license or LP) for the Castelo de Sonhos gold project, took place as planned on November 22, 2023 in the village of Castelo dos Sonhos.

亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 11 月 27 日)- TriStar Gold Inc. 多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:TSG)(場外交易代碼:TSGZF)(公司或TriStar)欣然透露,先前宣佈的與卡斯特洛·德·索尼奧斯黃金項目許可證(初步許可或有限合夥企業)有關的公開聽證會(相當於市政廳會議)按計劃於2023年11月22日在卡斯特洛多斯索尼奧斯村舉行。

Mr. Nick Appleyard, CEO, stated, "It was great to see so many people in attendance, both in person and via the live feed. This reflects the outstanding work our team has done in open, honest, and transparent communications with our neighbors and the authorities. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the staff at the Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS) for Pará State for their ongoing professionalism and collaboration in advancing a responsible, environmentally sound project."


The meeting was attended by nearly 600 people, with an additional 400 people viewing parts of the live stream. An unedited replay of the full event can be seen in Portuguese here:


TriStar will now compile a report on the public hearing which documents all of the informational meetings held ahead of the public hearing, as well as a full transcript of the meeting itself for submittal to SEMAS. It's then up to the State of Pará authorities to review and, if they decide it's appropriate, to issue the LP. There is no formal timeframe for this process, however TriStar feels that giving guidance of possible receipt of the LP in Q1 2024 is appropriate.

TriStar現在將編寫一份公開聽證會報告,其中記錄了公開聽證會之前舉行的所有信息會議,以及會議本身的完整記錄,以提交給SEMAS。然後,由帕拉州當局進行審查,如果他們認爲合適,則發行 LP。這一過程沒有正式的時間表,但是TriStar認爲,就可能在2024年第一季度收到唱片提供指導是適當的。

About TriStar

關於 TriStar

TriStar Gold is an exploration and development company focused on precious metals properties in the Americas that have the potential to become significant producing mines. The Company's current flagship property is the Castelo de Sonhos gold project in Pará State, Brazil. TriStar has completed a pre-feasibility study and is now advancing permitting while evaluating optimization options. The Company's shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol TSG and on the OTCQX under the symbol TSGZF. Further information is available at .

TriStar Gold是一家勘探和開發公司,專注於美洲有可能成爲重要生產礦山的貴金屬地產。該公司目前的旗艦物業是位於巴西帕拉州的Castelo de Sonhos黃金項目。TriStar已經完成了預可行性研究,目前正在推進許可,同時評估優化選項。該公司的股票在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所上市,代碼爲 TSG 並在 OTCQX 上代碼下方 TSGZF。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。



Nick Appleyard
President and CEO


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.


Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements under Canadian securities legislation which are not historical facts and are made pursuant to the "safe harbour" provisions under the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expects" or "it is expected", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "will" occur. Forward-looking statements in this press release include statements about the Company's ability to complete the current drilling program, the results of further exploration target identification and the anticipated ongoing effects of the COVID-19 virus. Such forward-looking statements are based upon the Company's reasonable expectations and business plan at the date hereof, which are subject to change depending on economic, political and competitive circumstances and contingencies. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause a change in such assumptions and the actual outcomes and estimates to be materially different from those estimated or anticipated future results, achievements or position expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company's plans to change include changes in demand for and price of gold and other commodities (such as fuel and electricity) and currencies; changes or disruptions in the securities markets; legislative, political or economic developments in Brazil; effects of the COVID-19 virus on all aspects of the Company's business, the need to obtain permits and comply with laws and regulations and other regulatory requirements; the possibility that actual results of work may differ from projections/expectations or may not realize the perceived potential of the Company's projects; risks of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in development programs; operating or technical difficulties in connection with exploration, mining or development activities; the speculative nature of gold exploration and development, including the risks of diminishing quantities of grades of reserves and resources; and the risks involved in the exploration, development and mining business. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

根據加拿大證券法,本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述可能構成前瞻性陳述,這些陳述不是歷史事實,而是根據1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》的 “安全港” 條款作出的。通常,可以通過使用諸如 “期望” 或 “預期” 之類的前瞻性術語來識別前瞻性信息,也可以通過使用此類詞語和短語的變體來識別,即某些行動、事件或結果 “將” 發生。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括有關公司完成當前鑽探計劃的能力、進一步勘探目標確定的結果以及 COVID-19 病毒的預期持續影響的聲明。此類前瞻性陳述基於公司截至本文發佈之日的合理預期和商業計劃,這些預期和商業計劃可能會根據經濟、政治和競爭環境及突發情況而變化。提醒讀者,此類前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致此類假設發生變化,實際結果和估計與這些前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的估計或預期的未來業績、成就或立場存在重大差異。可能導致公司計劃變化的風險、不確定性和其他因素包括黃金和其他大宗商品(例如燃料和電力)和貨幣的需求和價格的變化;證券市場的變化或中斷;巴西的立法、政治或經濟發展;COVID-19 病毒對公司業務各個方面的影響,獲得許可和遵守法律法規和其他監管要求的需求;實際工作結果可能與之不同的可能性預測/期望或可能沒有意識到公司項目的預期潛力;事故、設備故障和勞資糾紛或其他意想不到的困難或中斷的風險;開發計劃中可能出現成本超支或意外支出;與勘探、採礦或開發活動相關的運營或技術困難;黃金勘探和開發的投機性質,包括儲量和資源品位下降的風險;以及勘探、開發和開發所涉及的風險採礦業務。儘管公司管理層試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述或前瞻性信息中包含的業績存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績不如預期、估計或預期。除非適用的證券法另有要求,否則公司不打算或沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

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