
Decade Announces Project Updates

Decade Announces Project Updates

Decade 宣佈項目更新
newsfile ·  2023/11/21 21:00

Stewart, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 21, 2023) - Decade Resources Ltd (TSXV: DEC) ("Decade") or the Company announces that it has conducted programs on 4 different properties in the Golden Triangle area of BC. The Company is awaiting assay results on all of the properties explored.

不列顛哥倫比亞省斯圖爾特--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年11月21日)-Decade Resources Ltd(多倫多證券交易所:DEC)(“Decade”)或公司宣佈,它已在不列顛哥倫比亞省金三角地區的4處不同物業上開展了項目。該公司正在等待所有勘探物業的化驗結果。

A summary of some of the work on these properties is as follows:


Terrace Project -Nobody Knows Zone:


The Company cored significant copper sulphide mineralization intercepts from the recently discovered Nobody Knows No 2 zone at the Copper River prospect. The project is part of a large claim holding consisting of 48 contiguous minerals claims which include Nobody Knows, Dardanelle (presently farmed out) and Treasure Mountain properties totaling 17,470 hectares. All 48 mineral claims are 100% owned by Decade Resources Ltd. The project stretches from 10 to 40 air kilometers east of Terrace, B.C., on the northern slopes of the Copper River valley. Highlights of the program include:

該公司從最近在銅河勘探區發現的 Nobody Knows No 2 區挖出了大量的硫化銅礦化截留物。該項目是包含48個毗連礦產索賠的大型索賠的一部分,其中包括Nobody Knows、Dardanelle(目前已耕種)和金銀山地產,總面積爲17,470公頃。所有 48 項礦產索賠均由 Decade Resources Ltd. 100% 擁有。該項目位於銅河谷北坡的不列顛哥倫比亞省特雷斯以東 10 至 40 個空裏處。該計劃的亮點包括:

  • Diamond drilling continues to intersect copper sulphides in felsic volcanic flow rocks. Primary sulphides are bornite with minor chalcocite and covellite as well as chalcopyrite.
  • Copper mineralization has been outlined along 200m of strike and to a depth of 150m.
  • 4000m of drilling has been completed in 33 drill holes.
  • The discovery drill holes show similarities to many of the world's major sediment-hosted copper systems with the association of silver with copper.
  • Rocks hosting the copper mineralization present have been sheared with abundant ground up copper mineralization (bornite) in the fault gouge.
  • During soil sampling, new zones of copper mineralization were located.
  • 金剛石鑽探繼續與長英質火山流巖中的硫化銅相交。初級硫化物是含有少量硫化物的硼鐵礦和拱長巖以及黃銅礦。
  • 已經概述了沿走向200米和深度爲150米的銅礦化情況。
  • 已經在 33 個鑽孔中完成了 4000 米的鑽探。
  • 這些發現的鑽孔顯示出與世界上許多主要沉積物承載的銅系統的相似之處,銀與銅有關。
  • 含有銅礦化的岩石已經被剪切,斷層槽中含有大量的磨碎銅礦化(bornite)。
  • 在土壤採樣期間,發現了新的銅礦化區域。

Assay results have only been received for parts of the first 2 holes and the Company expects results for additional holes shortly. Due to the industry high demand for analysis, the receipt of results has been slower than usual. The Company eagerly awaits the results for abundant copper mineral drill core intersections.


Results received for the first 2 holes: namely DDH-23-1 returned 1.82 % Cu eq over 3.5 m (including 7.25 % Cu eq over 0.76m) and DDH-NB-23-2 which returned 2.13m of 6.87 % Cu eq.

收到的前 2 個洞的結果:即 DDH-23-1 在 3.5 米以內返回了 1.82% 的銅當量(包括超過 0.76 米的 7.25% 銅當量),DDH-NB-23-2 返回 6.87% 銅當量中的 2.13 萬個。

Terrace project - Treasure Mountain


The Company also announces that it is completed 4 drill holes testing bornite and chalcocite bearing quartz-epidote veins approximately 1 .5 km north of the Purdex zone. High copper values with associated silver occur within replacement zones in volcanic rocks along a 14 km strike length. At present, there are 22 different copper-silver showings. This area is 20 km west of the Nobody Knows mineralization being drilled. Historic drilling has been carried out on 2 small areas of this mineralized trend. On the Purdex occurrence, the following results were obtained:

該公司還宣佈,已在Purdex區域以北約1.5公里處完成了4個鑽孔,測試了含石英附石礦脈和硫鐵礦脈。沿着14千米的走向長度,在火山岩的替代區域內,銅值和相關的銀會很高。目前,有22種不同的銅銀展覽。該區域位於正在鑽探的 “沒人知道” 礦化區以西 20 公里處。已經對這種礦化趨勢的兩個小區域進行了歷史性的鑽探。在發生Purdex事件時,得出了以下結果:

A 26 metre surface chip sample assayed 2.44 per cent copper and 0.4 grams per tonne silver (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1965). A total of nine chip samples ranging in length from 0.9 to 4.0 metres were collected from old trenches in 2017 by the Company confirming earlier work. They assayed from 0.49 to 5.51 % copper and from 7.2 to 42.7 g/t silver. They gave a weighted average of 3.37% copper and 30.68 g/t silver.


The 2023 drilling intersected quartz veining with bornite and chalcocite. The Company will release assay results once they have been received and compiled.

2023 年的鑽探使石英脈與硼鐵礦和方解石相交。公司將在收到並彙編分析結果後發佈這些結果。

In addition, surface sampling concentrated on areas with high assay results in past programs. Based on the 2023 work, an additional claim was staked to cover an area with chalcocite bearing float boulders that assayed > 5 % copper.


Red Cliff


The Company as operator conducted a drilling program that was in excess of 1600m of drilling in 23 drill holes to further define the Montrose zone. Initial results for the first 12 2023 holes are shown below:

該公司作爲運營商進行了一項鑽探計劃,在23個鑽孔中鑽了超過1600米,以進一步定義蒙特羅斯區域。2023 年前 12 個洞的初步結果如下所示:

DDH No. From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) Copper % Gold g/t
MON-2023-6 5.79 7.92 2.13 0.35 6.78
MON-2023-7 5.56 12.5 6.94 0.34 1.72
MON-2023-8 10.03 17.68 7.65 0.33 5.6
MON-2023-9 8.53 17.68 9.15 0.85 8.7
MON-2023-10 9.92 16.5 6.58 0.27 5.27
MON-2023-11 14.3 19.2 4.57 0.19 1.61
MON-2023-12 38.4 40 1.6 0.59 3.91
DDH No. 從 (m) 到 (m) 核心長度 (m) 銅% 金色 g/t
2023-6 週一 5.79 7.92 2.13 0.35 6.78
2023-7 週一 5.56 12.5 6.94 0.34 1.72
2023-8 週一 10.03 17.68 7.65 0.33 5.6
2023-9 週一 8.53 17.68 9.15 0.85 8.7
2023-10 星期一 9.92 16.5 6.58 0.27 5.27
2023-11 星期一 14.3 19.2 4.57 0.19 1.61
2023-12 星期一 38.4 40 1.6 0.59 3.91

The Company has received results for the remaining holes and is presently compiling them. Once completed results will be released.


In addition, geologists with climbing experience sampled above the original Red Cliff underground workings that had copper - gold production in the past. Exploration above the highest underground level indicated strong copper mineralization over several metres.




The project is located 2.5 km north of the Premier Gold-Silver mine pit and 3 km east of the Big Missouri mine where Ascot Resources released high - grade results recently.. The fault structures hosting mineralization over 3 km of strike are present on the claims. A 2 - day program was completed on the claims. Assay results have not been received and the Company expects results shortly.

該項目位於Premier Gold-Silver礦坑以北2.5公里處,密蘇里大礦以東3公里處,Ascot Resources最近在那裏發佈了高等級的業績。索賠中存在礦化超過3千米的斷層結構。針對索賠的2天計劃已經完成。尚未收到化驗結果,該公司預計很快就會有結果。

Del Norte


The Company can earn up to a 55% interest in the property by spending $4 million over a five - year period. The Company can an earn an additional 20% interest by carrying the property to commercial production. To date, the Company has spent over 3 million dollars. Geologists with climbing experience sampled in the area of the Eagle's Nest zone. Grab sampling of veins in 2021 was carried out with significant results below:

通過在五年內花費400萬美元,公司可以賺取該物業高達55%的權益。通過將財產用於商業生產,公司可以額外賺取20%的利息。迄今爲止,該公司已花費超過300萬美元。具有攀巖經驗的地質學家在鷹巢區域進行了採樣。2021 年對靜脈進行了採樣,其顯著結果如下:

Sample # Sample Type Au g/t Ag g/t
ENKM 76 Outcrop Select Grab 22.7 5220
ENKM 77 Outcrop Select Grab 15.9 675
ENKM 80 Outcrop Select Grab 66.9 957
ENKM 83 Outcrop Select Grab 6.8 6.7
A20-168 Float Grab 49.7 2290
示例 # 樣本類型 Au g/t Ag g/t
ENKM 76 露出選擇抓取 22.7 5220
ENKM 7 露出選擇抓取 15.9 675
ENKM 80 露出選擇抓取 66.9 957
ENKM 83 露出選擇抓取 6.8 6.7
A20-168 漂浮抓鬥 49.7 2290

Assay results have not been received and the Company expects results shortly.


In addition, the Company holds a 100 % interest in the Premier East property which is located on strike with the Ascot Resource Prew zone on which results were recently released.

此外,該公司持有Premier East物業的100%權益,該物業與最近公佈業績的Ascot Resource Prew區處於罷工狀態。

Assays are completed by ALS labs with preparation of pulps in Terrace and final results from analysis in North Vancouver BC.


Ed Kruchkowski, P. Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is responsible for the contents of this release. E. Kruchkowski is not independent of Decade as he is the president of the Company.

Ed Kruchkowski,P. Geo.,National Instrument 43-101規定的合格人員,對本新聞稿的內容負責。E. Kruchkowski並不是獨立於Decade的,因爲他是公司的總裁。

Decade Resources Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company actively seeking opportunities in the resource sector. Decade holds numerous properties at various stages of development and exploration from basic grass roots to advanced ones. Its properties and projects are all located in the "Golden Triangle" area of northern British Columbia. For a complete listing of the Company assets and developments, visit the Company website at which is presently being updated. For investor information please call 250-636-2264 or Gary Assaly at 604-377-7969.

Decade Resources Ltd.是一家總部位於加拿大的礦產勘探公司,積極在資源領域尋找機會。Decade擁有許多處於不同開發和勘探階段的房產,從基本的基層到先進的基層。其物業和項目均位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的 “金三角” 地區。如需查看公司資產和開發項目的完整清單,請訪問目前正在更新的公司網站。如需投資者信息,請致電250-636-2264或致電604-377-7969加里·阿薩利。



"Ed Kruchkowski"
Ed Kruchkowski, President

“Ed Kruchkowski”

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