
Gladiator Announces High-Grade Copper Mineralisation Identified at Middle Chief and Class 1 Permit Extension Granted

Gladiator Announces High-Grade Copper Mineralisation Identified at Middle Chief and Class 1 Permit Extension Granted

Gladiator 宣佈在中酋長處發現高品位銅礦化並獲准延期 1 級許可證
newsfile ·  2023/11/16 20:00



  • Recent collation of historic data identifies the Middle Chief prospect a significant highly prospective unmined zone of mineralisation, commencing from 120m below surface at the northern extent of the former Little Chief open cut and underground mine at the Whitehorse Copper Project, including:
  • 最近整理的歷史數據顯示,Middle Chief勘探了一個前景極具前景的未開採礦化帶,該礦區從懷特霍斯銅業項目前小酋長露天礦和地下礦的北部地表以下120米處開始,包括:
  • LCU-009: 49.83m @ 3.06% Cu from 70.26m
  • LCU-017: 54.10m @ 2.05% Cu from 77.42m
  • LCU-023: 33.99m @ 2.10% Cu from 148.89m, Incl. 15.24m @ 3.26%Cu
  • LCU-503: 32.22m @ 2.11% Cu from 83.91m, Incl. 17.07m @ 3.47% Cu
  • LCU-543: 13.72m @ 1.28% Cu from 66.14m and 41.15m @ 2.22% Cu from 87.48m
  • LCU-610: 50.99m @ 1.87% Cu from 18.11m, Incl. 39.84m @ 2.19% Cu from 23.16m
  • LCU-009: 49.83m @ 銅含量從 70.26 萬英鎊中提取 3.06%
  • LCU-017: 54.10m @ 來自7742萬的銅含量爲2.05%
  • LCU-023: 33.99 m @ 來自 148.89 米的 2.10% 銅,包括 15.24 米 @ 3.26% 銅
  • LCU-503: 322m @ 2.11% 銅來自8,391m,包括 1707 萬 @ 3.47% 銅
  • LCU-543: 13.72m @ 來自6614m的銅含量爲1.28%,來自8748m的4115m @ 2.22%銅含量
  • LCU-610: 5099 萬 @ 來自 1811 萬的 1.87% 銅,包括來自 2316 萬的 39.84 萬 @ 2.19% 銅
  • High grade copper skarn mineralisation at Middle Chief remains open in all directions. Unmined historic resources were established, and drilling completed just prior to the closure of the Little Chief mine in 1982, due to the prevailing low copper prices at the time.

  • Approval has now received from the Yukon Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR) for a Class 1 exploration permit allowing up to 10,000 metres of diamond drilling, to test the Middle Chief prospect area and extensions to mineralisation at the Little Chief historical production area.

  • Compiled historical drilling data is limited to selective sampling and assaying for copper only. Gladiator intends to assay all future drilling and sampling for additional credits including Molybdenum, Silver and Gold which were proven contributors to the economics of historic operations.

  • Middle Chief 的高品位銅矽卡巖礦化區仍然向四面八方開放。 由於當時銅價普遍較低,在1982年小酋長礦關閉之前發現了未開採的歷史資源並完成了鑽探。

  • 現已獲得育空地區能源、礦業和資源部(EMR)的批准 獲得1級勘探許可證,允許鑽探長達10,000米的鑽石,以測試中酋長勘探區和小酋長曆史生產區的礦化延伸區。

  • 彙編的歷史鑽探數據僅限於銅的選擇性採樣和化驗。Gladiator 打算對未來的所有鑽探和取樣進行分析 其他積分,包括鉬幣、白銀和黃金 事實證明,它們是歷史運營經濟學的貢獻者。

Gladiator CEO, Jason Bontempo, commented:


"With the identification of the Middle Chief mineralization Gladiator continues to define areas of high-grade copper skarn mineralisation with significant exploration upside from its data compilation of historic drilling datasets. The Middle Chief mineralization represents a near surface area of mineralization open in all directions with limited exploration or development away from historical underground infrastructure.

“隨着中酋長礦化的確定,Gladiator繼續定義高品位銅矽卡巖礦化區域,其歷史鑽探數據集的數據彙編具有巨大的勘探前景。Middle Chief 礦化區代表近地表礦化區域,向四面八方開放,在遠離歷史地下基礎設施的地方進行有限的勘探或開發。

Historical drilling and past production from the Little Chief mine area as a whole remains shallow, and this data compilation represents an opportunity to review the deposit in 3D for the first time to begin to appreciate the exploration potential of the high-grade copper-gold skarn, which remains open in all directions, for future resource growth.

整個Little Chief礦區的歷史鑽探和過去的產量仍然很淺,本次數據彙編爲首次以三維方式審查該礦牀提供了機會,可以開始了解高品位銅金矽卡巖的勘探潛力,該礦區仍向四面八方開放,以促進未來資源增長。

Planned diamond drilling is scheduled to commence in the coming months and will be testing the Middle Chief target as well as near mine extensions to the historic Little Chief mine."


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 16, 2023) - Gladiator Metals Corp. (TSXV: GLAD) (OTCQB: GDTRF) (FSE: ZX7) ("Gladiator" or the "Company"), provides an update to its ongoing data compilation over the Whitehorse Copper Project with the identification of significant widths of unmined, Copper-Gold skarns over more than 700m of strike at the historic Little Chief mine trend (refer to Figure 1 below).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 11 月 16 日)- 角鬥士金屬公司 (TSXV:GLAD)(OTCQB:GDTRF)(FSE:ZX7)(”角鬥士“或者”公司“),提供了其正在進行的懷特霍斯銅礦項目數據彙編的最新情況,該項目在歷史性的Little Chief礦趨勢下發現了超過700米的未開採銅金硅卡石(參見下圖1)。

Little Chief Mine & Middle Chief Target


The former Little Chief mining trend is the largest historically producing Mine in the Whitehorse Copper Belt with a total mined production of approximately 8.54 million tonnes grading > l.5% copper and 0.75g/t gold (Watson, 1984). Production from the Little Chief Open Cut Mine commenced in May 1967, with mining of the Open Cut completed in 1969. Underground mining development commenced in 1971 and ceased operation in 1982 due to the prevailingly low copper price environment. On review, Gladiator has identified down dip potential for the mineralization to continue, where little or no drilling has been completed to date and mineralization remains open.

以前的 Little Chief 採礦趨勢是懷特霍斯銅帶歷史上最大的礦山,總開採產量約爲 854 萬噸,銅品位超過 l .5%,黃金品位超過 0.75 克/噸(Watson,1984)。Little Chief 露天採礦於 1967 年 5 月開始生產,露天採礦於 1969 年完成。地下采礦開發始於1971年,由於銅價普遍較低,於1982年停止運營。在審查中,Gladiator已經確定了礦化持續下跌的可能性,迄今爲止,幾乎沒有或根本沒有完成鑽探,礦化仍處於開放狀態。

Gladiator has recently completed collating historic drilling for the Little Chief historical production area. Supporting this work, the Company has completed a LIDAR survey and undertaken reconnaissance, prospecting and sampling of outcropping Cu-Au skarn mineralization proximal to the historic Little Chief underground and open cut mine. From this, the Company has confirmed the existence of significant mineralization that was drilled initially from the decline constructed to access the former Little Chief underground mine, with further drilling being undertaken prior to the mine closure in 1982.

Gladiator最近完成了對小酋長曆史生產區的歷史鑽探的整理工作。爲支持這項工作,該公司完成了激光雷達測量,並對位於歷史悠久的 Little Chief 地下和露天礦山附近的露出銅金矽卡巖礦化進行了偵察、勘探和取樣。由此,該公司證實了大量礦化物的存在,該礦化區最初是在爲進入前小酋長地下礦而建造的斜坡上鑽出的,在1982年礦山關閉之前,正在進行進一步的鑽探。

This was supported by David Tenney (1981), who reported remaining underground reserves at Little chief and Middle Chief).


The recently collated historical drilling data has identified a significant, a greater than 200m long body of shallow mineralization (120m below surface), located underneath the decline and to the north of the Little Chief Open pit and underground mine, named the Middle Chief mineralization. This mineralization appears to remain intact with drilling completed to date being limited in scope and size and has not closed off the unmined high grade copper skarn mineralization at Middle Chief. Further drilling is also planned to test the extent of remnant mineralization from the Little Chief orebody that remains open along strike and down dip, (see Figures 2 and 3 below):

最近整理的歷史鑽探數據發現了一個長度超過200米的淺層礦化區(地表以下120米),位於小酋長露天礦和地下礦山以北,名爲中酋長礦化區。這種礦化似乎完好無損,迄今爲止完成的鑽探範圍和規模都有限,而且 封閉了 Middle Chief 未開採的高品位銅矽卡巖礦化區。還計劃進行進一步的鑽探,以測試小酋長礦體的殘餘礦化程度,該礦體在走向和向下傾斜時仍處於開放狀態(見下圖2和圖3):

Figure 1: Plan map of the Whitehorse Copper Project showing geology and location of the newly defined Little Chief mineralized trend (please refer to Company's news releases dated February 13, 2023, April 3, 2023, July 31st 2023 and November 2nd 2023 for details).

圖 1:懷特霍斯銅業項目平面圖,顯示了新定義的 Little Chief 礦化趨勢的地質和位置(請參閱 公司發佈的新聞稿日期爲 2023 年 2 月 13 日、2023 年 4 月 3 日、7 月 31 日st 2023 年和 11 月 2 日 2023 了解詳情)。

Figure 2: Plan view of recently collated Little Chief and Middle Chief drillhole data showing historic open pit as well as areas of historical production and unmined mineralization.

圖 2:最近整理的 Little Chief 和 Middle Chief 鑽孔數據的平面視圖,顯示了歷史上的露天礦以及歷史生產區和未開採的礦化區域。

Figure 3: Isometric long section view (looking west) of recently collated Little Chief and Middle Chief drillhole data showing historic open pit and underground development as well as areas of historical production, unmined mineralization and near mine, undrilled exploration potential.

圖 3:最近整理的 Little Chief 和 Middle Chief 鑽孔數據的等距長剖面圖(向西看),顯示了歷史上的露天礦和地下開發,以及歷史產量、未開採礦化和礦山附近的未鑽探潛力。

The recently collated historic drilling (628 Underground holes LCU-001-619, BC2490-1-2, BC2500-1-2 and 166 Surface holes LC-001-121, MC-001-014, XLC-001-028 & BCF-001-006) & D-001-4 for 68,940 metres) none of which had been previously reported by the Company, highlighted significant mineralization that potentially remains intact, this includes the following drill holes from Middle Chief that have been collared underground:

最近整理的歷史鑽探(628個地下鑽孔 LCU-001-619、BC2490-1-2、BC2500-1-2 和166個地表孔 LC-001-121、MC-001-014、XLC-001-028 和 BCF-001-006),公司此前均未報告過這些鑽探,突出顯示了可能完好無損的重大礦化作用,其中包括Middle Chief在地下鑽出的以下鑽孔:D-001-4

LCU-003: 53.56m @ 1.23% Cu from 88.54m

LCU-009: 49.83m @ 3.06% Cu from 70.26m

LCU-013 23.01m @ 2.07% Cu from 87.78m

LCU-017: 54.10m @ 2.05% Cu from 77.42m

LCU-023: 33.99m @ 2.10% Cu from 148.89m, Incl. 15.24m @ 3.26%Cu from 167.64m

LCU-151: 32.92m @ 2.08% Cu from 86.87m

LCU-371: 9.30m @ 4.73% Cu from 0m

LCU-500: 22.52m @ 2.23% Cu from 79.86m

LCU-503: 32.22m @ 2.11% Cu from 83.91m, Incl. 17.07m @ 3.47% Cu from 99.06m

LCU-528: 30.85m @ 1.68% Cu from 18.68m, Incl.22.47m @ 2.06% Cu from 18.68m

LCU-542: 28.04m @ 1.84% Cu from 91.14m, Incl. 19.81m @ 2.35% Cu 96.32m

LCU-543: 13.72m @ 1.28% Cu from 66.14m and 41.15m @ 2.22% Cu from 87.48m

LCU-550: 37.49m @ 1.90% Cu from 74.68m

LCU-551: 24.9m @ 2.27% Cu from 93.97m

LCU-571: 11.06m @ 3.79% Cu from 89.37m

LCU-578; 30.17m @ 1.97% Cu from 31.09m

LCU-580: 24.14m @ 1.86% Cu from 45.96m, Incl. 21.10m @ 2.00% Cu from 45.96m

LCU-604: 26.21m @ 1.86% Cu from 16.46m

LCU-610: 50.99m @ 1.87% Cu from 18.11m, Incl. 39.84m @ 2.19% Cu from 23.16mm

LCU-614: 38.22m @ 1.39% Cu from 10.24m, Incl. 32.13m @ 1.53% Cu from 14.81m

LCU-616: 37.79m @ 1.55% Cu from 21.34m, Incl. 28.65m @ 1.9% Cu from 30.48m

LCU-003: 5356 米 @ 銅含量爲 1.23%,來自 88.54 萬

LCU-009: 49.83m @ 銅含量從 70.26 萬英鎊中提取 3.06%

LCU-013 2301 萬 @ 銅含量從 8778 萬英鎊中提取 2.07%

LCU-017: 54.10m @ 來自7742萬的銅含量爲2.05%

LCU-023: 33.99 米 @ 來自 148.89 米的 2.10% 銅,包括 15.24 米 @ 來自 167.64 米的 3.26% 銅

LCU-151: 32.92m @ 來自 8687 萬的銅 2.08%

LCU-371: 930m @ 4.73% 銅從 0 米處獲得

LCU-500: 22.52m @ 2.23% 銅含量從 79.86 萬英寸

LCU-503: 322m @ 來自8,391m的銅含量爲2.11%,包括來自9,9906萬的1707m @ 3.47%的銅

LCU-528: 30.85m @ 來自1868m的銅含量爲1.68%,包括22.47m @ 來自1868萬的銅含量爲2.06%

LCU-542: 28.04m @ 1.84% 銅來自9114m,包括19.81m @ 2.35% 銅 9632m

LCU-543: 13.72m @ 來自6614m的銅含量爲1.28%,來自8748m的4115m @ 2.22%銅含量

LCU-550: 37.49 米 @ 1.90% 銅來自 74.68 米

LCU-551: 249m @ 來自9397萬的銅含量爲 2.27%

LCU-571: 11.06 萬 @ 3.79% 銅含量從 8937 萬英鎊中提取

LCU-578; 3,017 萬 @ 1.97% 銅含量從 3109 萬英寸

LCU-580: 24.14 米 @ 來自 4596 米的 1.86% 銅,包括來自 4596 萬的 21.10 米 @ 2.00% 銅

LCU-604: 2621 萬 @ 1646 萬銅含量 1.86%

LCU-610: 50.99 米 @ 來自 18.11 萬的銅,包括 39.84 米 @ 23.16 毫米的 2.19% 銅

LCU-614: 38.22 m @ 來自1024萬的銅含量爲1.39%,包括來自1481萬的銅含量爲3,213萬的銅含量爲1.53%

LCU-616: 37.79 米 @ 來自 21.34 米的 1.55% 銅,包括 28.65 米 @ 來自 3048 萬的 1.9% 銅

The compilation of the available data completed by Gladiator is the first time that the mineralization has been able to be reviewed and modeled in three dimensions, providing Gladiator with a unique opportunity to target further mineralization and utilize modern geophysics such as down hole electromagnetics (DHEM).


Gladiator intends to commence exploration drilling at Middle Chief in the coming months under its recently approved Class 1 exploration notification. This drilling will be complemented by DHEM surveying of the holes to identify undrilled extensions to the mineralization.

根據最近批准的1級勘探通知,Gladiator打算在未來幾個月內開始在Middle Chief進行勘探鑽探。此次鑽探將輔之以DHEM對鑽孔的調查,以確定未鑽探的礦化延伸部分。

In addition to this, Gladiator is currently undertaking a high-resolution drone borne aeromagnetic survey over the Little Chief area. On completion, Gladiator plans to have the magnetics processed and a three-dimensional inversion model completed. This is of significant importance given that mineralization previously exploited along the Little Chief trend is associated with Magnetite enriched Skarns and is able to be directly targeted from its magnetic signature.


Historical drilling at Little Chief and Middle Chief was selectively sampled for copper only. Gladiator intends to assay all future drilling and sampling for additional credits including gold, silver and molybdenum which were proven significant contributors to the economics of historic operations at Little Chief.

Little Chief 和 Middle Chief 的歷史鑽探僅有選擇地抽取了銅礦樣本。Gladiator打算對未來的所有鑽探和取樣進行分析,以尋找包括金、銀和鉬在內的其他信貸,事實證明,這些信貸對Little Chief歷史業務的經濟性有重要貢獻。

Holes were drilled at various dips on variable, prospect specific, nominal grids. Gladiator obtained the drill records and logs from the Yukon Geological Survey archives and have captured the data within an industry standard database.


Drill holes with the prefixes "LCU-", "D- "and "BC2" were "Collared" or conducted from underground mining infrastructure, including drill drives and the main decline used to access the Little Chief Mine and Mineralization. For this reason, down hole depth of mineralization as reported do not give a true sense of depth below surface for reported intersections.

以 “LCU-”、“D-” 和 “BC2” 爲前綴的鑽孔是通過地下采礦基礎設施進行的,包括鑽機驅動裝置和用於進入小酋長礦和礦化的主斜坡。因此,據報道,井下礦化深度 不要 對於報告的交叉路口,可以真實地感受到地表以下的深度。

A complete list of the collated historic drilling noted above, including hole location, azimuth and dip can be accessed at:


Regional Exploration


Work completed to date has identified more than 30, drill ready, high-grade regional targets associated with copper rich skarns at the contact between the Cretaceous age Whitehorse Plutonic Suite and the Triassic to Jurassic Lewes River Group's clastic and carbonate metasediments. Cumulatively, there is more than 35km of underexplored strike on the contact which is highly prospective for high-grade copper+/-molybdenum+/-silver+/- gold.


Gladiator's position is enhanced at Whitehorse, with the project having near year-round access for work programs, including an established road and drill access network, low capital infrastructure requirements due to the project's proximity to Whitehorse and a strong partnership with the owners of the Whitehorse Copper Project, an experienced local drilling service provider.

Gladiator在懷特霍斯的地位得到了提高,該項目幾乎可以全年使用工作計劃,包括完善的道路和鑽井通道網絡,由於該項目靠近懷特霍斯,以及與經驗豐富的當地鑽探服務提供商Whitehorse Copper Project的所有者建立了牢固的合作伙伴關係,因此對資本基礎設施的要求較低。

QA / QC and Data Verification


The drill results reported in this news release are historical in nature. Gladiator has not undertaken any independent investigation, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. The Company believes that the historical drill results do not conform to the presently accepted industry standards. Gladiator considers these historical drill results relevant as the Company will use this data as a guide to plan future exploration and drilling programs. The Company also considers the data to be reliable for these purposes, however, the Company's future exploration work will include verification of the data through drilling. The Company has provided drill results derived form the compilation of historic data relating to prospects which were mined or partially mined by prior operators. The Company is using this data as it attempts to identify trends within the prospect areas. The Company expects to use this data as a guide to plan future exploration and drilling programs.

本新聞稿中報道的鑽探結果本質上是歷史性的。角鬥士沒有進行任何獨立調查,也沒有獨立分析歷史勘探工作的結果以驗證結果。 該公司認爲,歷史鑽探結果不符合目前公認的行業標準。 Gladiator認爲這些歷史鑽探結果是相關的,因爲公司將使用這些數據作爲指導來規劃未來的勘探和鑽探計劃。該公司還認爲這些數據對於這些目的來說是可靠的,但是,該公司未來的勘探工作將包括通過鑽探對數據進行驗證。該公司提供的鑽探結果來自彙編與先前運營商開採或部分開採的前景有關的歷史數據。該公司正在使用這些數據來確定潛在領域的趨勢。該公司希望使用這些數據作爲指導來規劃未來的勘探和鑽探計劃。

The historical mineral resources discussed in this press release were calculated using mining industry standard practices for estimating Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves prior to the implementation of the current CIM standards for mineral resource estimation (as defined by the CIM Definition Standard on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves dated May 10, 2014). The reader is cautioned not to treat them, or any part of them, as current mineral resources or reserves. An independent Qualified Person ('QP'), has not done sufficient work to classify the estimate discussed as current mineral resources or reserves and therefore the estimate should be treated as historical in nature and not current mineral resources or mineral reserves. The historical resources have been included simply to demonstrate the mineral potential of the Whitehorse Copper Project. A thorough review of all historical data performed by a QP, along with additional exploration work to confirm results, would be required in order to produce a current mineral resource estimate for each of the key prospects. For greater certainty, the Company confirms that it does not have a current mineral resource on any part of its Whitehorse Copper Project.




Watson P.H. (1984) The Whitehorse Copper Belt - A Compilation. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 1984-1.()

Watson P.H.(1984)《白馬銅帶》——彙編。育空地質調查局,1984-1 開放文件。()

Tenney D. (1981) - The Whitehorse Copper Belt: Mining, Exploration and Geology (1967-1980). ()

Tenney D.(1981)-懷特霍斯銅帶:採礦、勘探和地質學(1967-1980)。()

The Whitehorse Copper Project


The Whitehorse Copper Project is an advanced-stage copper (Cu) ± molybdenum (Mo) ± silver (Ag) ± gold (Au) skarn exploration project in the Yukon Territory, Canada. The property comprises 314 contiguous claims covering approximately 5,380 Hectares (13,294 acres) in the Whitehorse Mining District.

懷特霍斯銅礦項目是加拿大育空地區的高級銅(Cu)± 鉬(Mo)± 銀(Ag)± 金(Au)矽卡巖勘探項目。該物業包括314個連續的土地,佔地約5,380公頃(13,294英畝),位於懷特霍斯礦區。

Copper mineralization was first discovered in 1897 on the Whitehorse Copper Belt, as it became to be known. The Whitehorse Copper Belt comprised over 30 copper-related, primarily skarn occurrences covering an area of 35 by 5 km in a north westerly trending arc. Exploration and mining development have been carried out intermittently since that time with the main production era lasting between 1967 and 1982 where production totaled 267,500,000 pounds copper, 225,000 ounces of gold and 2,838,000 ounces of silver from 11.1 million tons of mineralized material milled (Watson, 1984).

銅礦化最早於 1897 年在懷特霍斯銅帶上被發現,衆所周知。懷特霍斯銅帶包括30多個與銅有關的、主要是矽卡巖礦點,佔地面積爲35 x 5 km,呈西北走向。從那時起,勘探和採礦開發斷斷續續,主要生產時代持續在1967年至1982年之間,在研磨的1110萬噸礦化材料中,總產量爲26.75萬磅銅、22.5萬盎司黃金和28.38萬盎司銀(Watson,1984年)。

The Project is accessible through with numerous access roads and trails located within 2 km of the South Klondike Highway and the Alaska Highway. An extensive network of historical gravel exploration and haul roads exists throughout the project area, providing excellent access to the majority of the claim package. Access to existing electric power facilities is available through the main Yukon power grid.


In November 2022, Gladiator executed an option agreement to acquire 100% of the Whitehorse Copper Project by incurring exploration expenditures of $12m on the project, staged payment of $300,000 in cash and the staged issue of 15m shares over 6 years. Following the exercise of the option, the Company must pay the Optionor, or such other person(s) as the Optionor may direct from time to time, a 1.0% net smelter returns royalty on the Whitehorse Copper Project.


Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared or reviewed and approved by Kell Nielsen, the Company's Vice President Exploration, a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101.

本新聞稿中的所有科學和技術信息均由公司勘探副總裁凱爾·尼爾森編寫、審查和批准,凱爾·尼爾森是NI 43-101定義的 “合格人員”。



"Jason Bontempo"
Jason Bontempo
President and CEO


For further information contact:
Dustin Zinger, Investor Relations


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Certain of the statements and information in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information". Any statements or information that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "estimates", "intends", "targets", "goals", "forecasts", "objectives", "potential" or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions) that are not statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements or information..

本新聞稿中的某些陳述和信息構成 “前瞻性陳述” 或 “前瞻性信息”。任何表達或涉及有關預測、期望、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設或未來事件或績效的討論的陳述或信息(通常,但並非總是如此,使用諸如 “期望”、“預期”、“相信”、“計劃”、“估計”、“打算”、“目標”、“預測”、“目標”、“潛力” 或其某些變體之類的詞語或短語)“可能”、“可能”、“會”、“可能” 或 “將會” 採取、發生或實現的行動、事件或結果,或這些條款的負面影響;以及不是歷史事實陳述的類似表達)可能是前瞻性陳述或信息...

Forward-looking statements or information are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, the need for additional capital by the Company through financings, and the risk that such funds may not be raised; the speculative nature of exploration and the stages of the Company's properties; the effect of changes in commodity prices; regulatory risks that development of the Company's material properties will not be acceptable for social, environmental or other reasons; availability of equipment (including drills) and personnel to carry out work programs; and that each stage of work will be completed within expected time frames. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements or information. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, described or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


The Company's forward-looking statements and information are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date of this news release, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements and information if circumstances or management's assumptions, beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, or changes in any other events affecting such statements or information.


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