
Torr Completes Extensive 2023 Field Program at the Kolos Copper-Gold Project in South-Central British Columbia

Torr Completes Extensive 2023 Field Program at the Kolos Copper-Gold Project in South-Central British Columbia

托爾在不列顛哥倫比亞省中南部的 Kolos 銅金項目中完成了 2023 年的廣泛實地計劃
newsfile ·  2023/11/16 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 16, 2023) - Torr Metals Inc. (TSXV: TMET) ("Torr" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of its extensive 2023 field program, consisting of the first ever large-scale surface geochemical and ZTEM airborne geophysical surveys conducted over known historical copper-gold occurrences that have never been drill tested. During the field program Torr collected 47 rock and 3348 soil samples, focused within an area of ~48 km2 that tested multiple styles of residual magnetic intensity (RMI) geophysical anomalies coincident with outcrop mineralization; with the potential to delineate large-scale copper-gold porphyry and epithermal mineralizing systems (Figure 1). Completion of the property-wide ZTEM geophysical survey combined with the 2023 rock and soil samples will provide essential insight into the district-scale controls of mineralization, as well as context of geochemical vectors for future drill targeting at the Kolos Project.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 11 月 16 日)-托爾金屬公司(TSXV:TMET)(”托爾” 或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈其2023年廣泛的實地計劃已經完成,其中包括首次對從未進行過鑽探測試的已知歷史銅金礦點進行的大規模地表地球化學和ZTEM航空地球物理調查。在實地考察期間 Torr 收集了 47 個岩石和 3348 個土壤樣本,集中在大約 48 千米的區域內2 它測試了與露頭礦化相吻合的多種類型的殘餘磁強度 (RMI) 地球物理異常;有可能描繪出大規模的銅金斑岩和超熱礦化系統(圖 1)。完成全物業範圍的 ZTEM 地球物理調查與 2023 年的岩石和土壤樣本相結合,將爲未來以科洛斯項目爲目標的鑽探提供重要見解,了解區域規模的礦化控制以及地球化學矢量的背景。

The 100% owned ~140 km2 Kolos Copper-Gold Project (the "Project") is located near multiple operating copper porphyry mines in the southern Quesnel Trough, British Columbia's primary copper-gold producing belt; this includes the Highland Valley Copper Mine owned by Teck ~30 km to the northwest (Figure 2). The Project is divided by paved Highway 5, which provides direct access to all of the Project area through an extensive network of well-maintained access roads. The nearby town of Merritt, British Columbia, and excellent surrounding infrastructure provides potential for low-cost year-round operations.

100% 擁有大約 140 公里2 科洛斯銅金項目(以下簡稱 “項目”)位於不列顛哥倫比亞省的主要銅金產地帶 Quesnel Trough 南部的多個正在運營的銅斑岩礦附近;其中包括泰克擁有的高地谷銅礦,位於西北約 30 公里處(圖 2)。該項目由鋪好的5號公路隔開,該高速公路可通過維護良好的廣泛通道網絡直接進入項目的所有區域。附近的不列顛哥倫比亞省梅里特鎮以及良好的周邊基礎設施爲全年低成本運營提供了潛力。

Malcolm Dorsey, President and CEO, commented, "These highly pronounced geophysical and geological features in addition to the coincident historical occurrences are what first attracted our attention to the area, as we know that similar geophysical patterns have proven to be highly prospective within the region; such as at Kodiak Copper Corp's West and Gate Zones ~60 km to our south. It is with Torr's extensive systematic approach that the district-scale potential of the Kolos Project will for the first time be tested and with the successful completion of the 2023 geochemical sampling and ZTEM geophysical surveys we will have the tools to prioritize future exploration targeting to the benefit of our shareholders."


Regional Comparisons and Geophysical Targeting:


During the Fall of 2023 rock and soil sampling at the Kolos Project focused on a distinct pattern of north-south (N-S) oriented linear high magnetic geophysical anomalies as well as zones where "breaks" or disruptions to this trend occurred. These patterns and orientations of magnetic anomalies are comparable to Kodiak Copper Corp's West and Gate Zones on the MPD property1 ~60 km to the south (Figure 2), where mineralization is commonly spatially associated with the north-south high magnetic geophysical trend as well as zones where that trend is disrupted by a lower magnetic signature. In particular, the Gate Zone, which was discovered by Kodiak Copper in 2019, is a disruption in the high magnetic geophysical signature that occurs at the intersection of a north-south and northwest-southeast high magnetic trend; which is a comparable geophysical setting to a 3.5 km by 3.9 km area identified within the northern portion of the Kolos Project (Figure 1).

2023年秋季,科洛斯項目的岩石和土壤取樣側重於南北(N-S)方向的線性高磁地球物理異常的獨特模式,以及這種趨勢出現 “斷裂” 或中斷的區域。這些磁異常的模式和方向可與科迪亞克銅業公司在MPD物業上的西區和門區相媲美1 向南約60千米(圖2),那裏的礦化通常與南北高磁地球物理趨勢以及因磁信號較低而中斷該趨勢的區域相關。特別是,科迪亞克銅業公司於2019年發現的門區破壞了發生在南北和西北-東南高磁趨勢交匯處的高磁地球物理特徵;與科洛斯項目北部確定的3.5千米乘3.9千米區域相當(圖1)。

With high-quality regional geophysical datasets Torr targeted the following anomalies with extensive rock and soil geochemical sampling (Figure 1):

憑藉高質量的區域地球物理數據集,托爾通過大量的岩石和土壤地球化學採樣瞄準了以下異常(圖 1):

  • High magnetic anomalies: surface geochemical sampling tested >6 kilometres (km) of strike-length to a north-south trending high magnetic anomaly coincident with the Lodi and Kirby copper-gold occurrences, the latter containing historical rock grab samples taken from outcrop exposures of quartz-carbonate veining within propylitic altered Nicola Group volcanics that yielded up to 4.24 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au), 0.52% copper (Cu), and 11.3 g/t silver (Ag) (Figure 1).
  • 高磁異常: 測試了地表地球化學採樣 >6 千米(千米) 從走向長度到與洛迪和柯比銅金礦點相吻合的南北向高磁異常,後者包含從丙裂變化的尼古拉集團火山岩中露出石英碳酸鹽脈露出暴露中採集的歷史岩石採集樣本,這些岩脈的產量高達 每噸 4.24 克黃金(金)、0.52% 銅(銅)和 11.3 克/噸銀(銀) (圖 1)。
  • Breaks in high magnetic anomalies: surface geochemical sampling tested a 3.5 km by 3.9 km "break" or disruption in high magnetic anomalies at the intersection of north-south and northwest-southeast geophysical trends, manifested as a low to moderately magnetic signature associated with a highly prospective Late Triassic to Early Jurassic diorite intrusion (Figure 1). Coincident mineralization occurs in outcrop with propylitic and phyllic alteration at the Helmer and Clapperton occurrences, where historical rock grab sampling of quartz-carbonate veinlets within the intrusion and adjacent Nicola Group volcanics yielded up to 1.26 g/t Au, 0.18% Cu, and 7.0 g/t Ag.
  • 高磁異常中斷: 地表地球化學採樣測試了 3.5 千米 x 3.9 千米 南北和西北-東南地球物理趨勢交匯處的高磁異常 “斷裂” 或破壞,表現爲與極具前景的晚三疊紀至侏羅紀早期閃長巖侵入相關的低至中等磁特徵(圖 1)。同時礦化發生在露頭中,在海爾默和克拉珀頓礦點出現丙裂變和枝葉變化,歷史岩石採集了侵入體內石英碳酸鹽礦脈和鄰近的尼古拉集團火山岩的取樣 1.26 g/t Au、0.18% 銅和 7.0 g/t Ag
  • Linear northwest-trending low magnetic anomalies: potential for significant shear-related copper-gold epithermal systems, as evidenced by historical rock grab sampling at the Rea occurrence that yielded up to 4.7 g/t Au, 1.0% Cu, and 144 g/t Ag (Figure 1). Field crews have confirmed the trend to the shear system is associated with a linear low magnetic anomaly. Similar geophysical signatures and structural trends have been observed throughout the Kolos Project area and were a target for prospecting during the 2023 program.
  • 線性西北趨勢的低磁異常: 與剪切有關的重要銅金超熱系統的潛力,歷史上在 Rea 礦點採集的岩石採樣可證明這一點,該採樣產生的結果高達 4.7 g/t Au、1.0% Cu 和 144 g/t Ag (圖 1)。現場工作人員已經證實,剪切系統的趨勢與線性低磁異常有關。在整個科洛斯項目區域都觀察到了類似的地球物理特徵和結構趨勢,這也是2023年計劃期間的勘探目標。

2023 Field Program Geochemical and ZTEM Surveys

2023 年實地計劃地球化學和 ZTEM 調查

The 2023 soil sampling grids were composed of 100 metre (m) line spacing over known historical mineral occurrences as well as 300 m reconnaissance line spacing over the remaining underexplored areas. Sample spacing on both grids was 50 m, assays are pending for both rock and soil samples collected in 2023. Torr also contracted Geotech Ltd. to conduct the high resolution Z-Tipper Axis Electromagnetic (ZTEM) airborne geophysical survey on 200 m line spacings for a total of 1077 line km over the Kolos Project. ZTEM has been extensively used in mineral exploration for vectoring and identifying the distinctive alteration haloes that are associated with large-scale porphyry deposits and provides more detail at-depth than other survey systems. Initial interpretation of the preliminary ZTEM data will be announced once the final data is received and processed.

2023 年的土壤採樣網格由在已知歷史礦產地上的 100 米 (m) 線間距以及其餘未開發區域的 300 米偵察線間距組成。兩個網格上的樣本間距均爲 50 m, 2023 年收集的岩石和土壤樣本正在等待化驗。托爾還與Geotech Ltd.簽訂合同,在科洛斯項目上空在200米的線間距上進行高分辨率Z-Tipper Axiper Axiper(ZTEM)機載地球物理勘測,總長度爲1077線千米。ZTEM 已被廣泛用於礦產勘探,用於向量化和識別與大型斑岩礦牀相關的獨特變化光環,並且比其他測量系統提供更多的深度細節。收到並處理最終數據後,將公佈對ZTEM初始數據的初步解釋。

1Comparisons disclosed are not necessarily indicative of mineralization on the Kolos Copper-Gold Project.
2Mitchinson, D.E., Fournier, D., Hart, C.J.R., Astic, T., Cowan, D.C., and Lee, R.G. (2022). Identification of New Porphyry Potential Under Cover in British Columbia. Geoscience BC Report 2022-07, MDRU Publication 457, 97 p.

2D.E. Mitchinson、D. Fournier、C.J.R. Hart、T. Astic、D.C. Cowan 和 R.G. Lee (2022)。不列顛哥倫比亞省掩護下發現新的斑岩潛力。《2022-07 年不列顛哥倫比亞省地球科學報告》,MDRU 出版物 457,第 97 頁

Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Michael Dufresne, M.Sc., P.Geol., P.Geo., a consultant to the Company who is a qualified person defined under National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由理學碩士、P.Geol.、P.Geol. Michael Dufresne審查和批准,他是公司顧問,是National Instrument 43-101規定的合格人員。

About Torr Metals

關於 Torr Metals

Torr Metals is a Vancouver based mineral exploration company focused on defining and developing the substantial exploration potential of the ~140 km2 Kolos Copper-Gold Project, located within the prolific Quesnel Terrane in Central British Columbia. Year-round access is provided by Highway 5, with the project being favourably located 23 km north of the city of Merritt and 286 km by highway from Vancouver, British Columbia. For further details about the Company's additional 689 km2 Latham Copper-Gold Project please refer to the Company's website or current geological Technical Report (August 24, 2021) filed on November 25, 2021 under the Company's profile on SEDAR at .

Torr Metals是一家總部位於溫哥華的礦產勘探公司,專注於定義和開發約140公里的巨大勘探潛力2 Kolos Copper-Gold Project,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部多產的 Quesnel Terrane 內。5號公路提供全年通行,該項目地理位置優越,位於梅里特市以北23公里處,從不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華經高速公路286公里。有關該公司新增 689 公里的更多詳情2 瑞生銅金項目請參閱公司網站或2021年11月25日提交的最新地質技術報告(2021年8月24日),該報告位於公司在SEDAR上的簡介下,網址爲。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Torr Metals Inc.

Torr Metals Inc.

"Malcolm Dorsey"


Malcolm Dorsey
President, CEO and Director


For further information:
Malcolm Dorsey
Telephone: 236-982-4300


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Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information includes, without limitation, statements regarding the use of proceeds from the Company's recently completed financings, and the future plans or prospects of the Company. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to business, market and economic risks, uncertainties and contingencies that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Other factors which could materially affect such forward-looking information are described in the risk factors in the Company's most recent annual management's discussion and analysis which is available on the Company's profile on SEDAR at . The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

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