
Strathmore Hits Uranium Mineralization on 93% of Holes Drilled

Strathmore Hits Uranium Mineralization on 93% of Holes Drilled

斯特拉斯莫爾在 93% 的鑽孔中發現了鈾礦化
newsfile ·  2023/11/16 19:00

Kelowna, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 16, 2023) - Strathmore Plus Uranium Corporation (TSXV: SUU) (OTCQB: SUUFF) ("Strathmore" or "the Company") is pleased to announce the completion of the first phase of exploratory drilling at the Agate project where uranium mineralization was encountered within 93 of the 100 holes drilled. The uranium mineralization is typical of the classic, Wyoming-type roll front deposit that was first described historically in the Shirley Basin district in the 1960s. The results of the newly completed 50 holes are tabled below. The highlight was the drilling of holes, AG-10-23 (8.5 feet @ 0.114% eU3O8) and AG-16-23 (14.5 feet @ 0.110% eU3O8) completed 800 feet apart and with open mineralization apparent outwards of each of the drill holes. The 100 holes totalled 14,765 feet drilled. Strathmore is planning and permitting for up to 400 additional drill holes to be completed during the spring/summer of 2024.

不列顛哥倫比亞省基洛納--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 11 月 16 日)- Strathmore Plus 鈾業公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SUU)(OTCQB:SUUFF) (”斯特拉斯莫爾“或”該公司“)很高興地宣佈,Agate項目的第一階段勘探鑽探已經完成,在100個鑽孔中,有93個發現了鈾礦化。鈾礦化是典型的懷俄明型滾前礦牀的典型特徵,該礦牀最早於1960年代在雪莉盆地地區被描述出來。下面列出了新完成的50個洞的結果。亮點是鑽孔, AG-10-23 (8.5 英尺 @ 0.114% eU3O8) AG-16-23 (14.5 英尺 @ 0.110% eU3O8) 相距 800 英尺,每個鑽孔的外側都有明顯的露天礦化現象。這100個洞總共鑽了14,765英尺。斯特拉斯莫爾計劃並允許在2024年春季/夏季再完成多達400個鑽孔。

Phase 1 of exploratory drilling at the Agate project targeted the Lower "A" sand of the Eocene Wind River Formation, an arkosic-rich sandstone which is noted for its high porosity and permeability, and high groundwater transmissivity. Strathmore explored an area of the Agate project where historical drilling completed by Kerr McGee Corporation in the 1970s encountered uranium roll-front deposits, saturated with groundwater, from 80-150 feet deep. The intercept results are reported at a minimum thickness of 2-feet and a grade cutoff of 0.02% eU3O8 (equivalent uranium), including holes with below cutoff intercepts italicized in the table below.

瑪瑙項目第一階段的勘探性鑽探目標是始新世風河組的 “A” 級下層沙子,這是一種富含阿科西克的砂岩,以其高孔隙度和滲透性以及高地下水透過率而聞名。斯特拉斯莫爾探索了瑪瑙項目的一個區域,Kerr McGee Corporation在1970年代完成的歷史鑽探在80-150英尺深處遇到了飽和地下水的鈾卷前沉積物。報告的截距結果的最小厚度爲 2 英尺,坡度截止值爲 0.02% eU3O8 (等效鈾),包括截止截距低於以下的孔 斜體 在下表中。

Hole ID Latitude Longitude Top (ft) Bottom (ft) Thickness
Grade %
Grade x Thickness
AG-50-23 42.31472 -106.28732 84.0 91.5 7.5 0.014 0.105
AG-51-23 42.31497 -106.25890 83.0 90.5 7.5 0.052 0.390
AG-52-23 42.31499 -106.28635 82.0 86.0 4.0 0.032 0.128
98.5 102.0 3.5 0.014 0.049
AG-53-23 42.31530 -106.28476 76.0 78.0 2.0 0.024 0.048
AG-54-23 42.31502 -106.28481 73.0 75.5 2.5 0.042 0.105
AG-55-23 42.31528 -106.28407 88.5 91.0 2.5 0.015 0.038
AG-56-23 42.31500 -106.28443 69.0 73.5 4.5 0.036 0.162
AG-57-23 42.31501 -106.28402 67.5 69.5 2.0 0.026 0.052
AG-58-23 42.31471 -106.28437 80.5 89.0 8.5 0.014 0.119
AG-59-23 42.31469 -106.28506 80.0 85.5 5.5 0.044 0.242
92.0 94.5 2.5 0.026 0.065
AG-60-23 42.31431 -106.28618 BELOW CUTOFF
AG-61-23 42.31395 -106.28665 82.0 84.0 2.0 0.011 0.022
88.0 91.0 3.0 0.012 0.036
AG-62-23 42.31443 -106.28413 80.0 82.0 2.0 0.021 0.042
AG-63-23 42.31416 -106.28444 72.5 75.5 3.0 0.013 0.039
85.5 90.5 5.0 0.013 0.065
AG-64-23 42.31427 -106.28370 75.5 83.0 7.5 0.021 0.158
86.5 91.0 4.5 0.012 0.054
AG-65-23 42.31476 -106.28397 75.0 77.0 2.0 0.014 0.028
85.5 91.5 6.0 0.011 0.066
AG-66-23 42.31462 -106.28357 69.5 73.0 3.5 0.011 0.039
76.5 79.5 3.0 0.014 0.042
81.5 83.5 2.0 0.013 0.026
AG-67-23 42.31445 -106.28572 73.5 78.5 5.0 0.126 0.630
92.0 96.0 4.0 0.047 0.188
AG-68-23 42.31443 -106.28468 77.0 87.5 10.5 0.013 0.137
89.5 96.5 7.0 0.012 0.084
AG-69-23 42.31480 -106.28738 81.5 84.0 2.5 0.012 0.030
90.5 95.5 5.0 0.012 0.060
97.0 103.5 6.5 0.016 0.104
AG-70-23 42.31484 -106.28796 113.0 116.0 3.0 0.051 0.153
AG-71-23 42.31455 -106.28809 82.0 86.0 4.0 0.017 0.068
98.5 101.5 3.0 0.059 0.177
AG-72-23 42.31448 -106.28748 76.0 79.0 3.0 0.019 0.057
91.5 101.5 10.0 0.016 0.160
AG-73-23 42.31424 -106.28813 96.0 98.5 2.5 0.028 0.070
AG-74-23 42.31532 -106.28758 108.4 116.9 8.5 0.014 0.119
AG-75-23 42.31524 -106.28805 113.0 118.0 5.0 0.013 0.065
AG-76-23 42.31508 -106.28830 115.5 121.0 5.5 0.059 0.325
AG-77-23 42.31458 -106.28857 110.5 114.0 3.5 0.077 0.270
123.0 125.0 2.0 0.032 0.064
AG-78-23 42.31438 -106.28903 96.0 102.0 6.0 0.032 0.192
AG-79-23 42.31413 -106.28864 90.0 93.0 3.0 0.019 0.057
94.5 97.0 2.5 0.016 0.040
98.5 101.0 2.5 0.012 0.030
AG-80-23 42.31467 -106.28934 93.5 95.5 2.0 0.048 0.096
100.0 103.0 3.0 0.012 0.036
112.0 114.0 2.0 0.012 0.024
AG-81-23 42.31485 -106.28887 117.0 120.5 3.5 0.030 0.105
AG-82-23 42.31439 -106.28958 98.5 102.5 4.0 0.024 0.096
104.5 106.5 2.0 0.023 0.046
109.0 112.0 3.0 0.012 0.036
118.5 120.5 2.0 0.012 0.024
AG-83-23 42.31411 -106.28928 103.5 106.0 2.5 0.013 0.033
AG-84-23 42.31584 -106.28391 BELOW CUTOFF
AG-85-23 42.31545 -106.28377 BELOW CUTOFF
AG-86-23 42.31666 -106.28744 123.0 126.5 3.5 0.017 0.060
AG-87-23 42.31658 -106.28710 112.0 114.0 2.0 0.013 0.026
AG-88-23 42.31723 -106.28719 BELOW CUTOFF
AG-89-23 42.31699 -106.28751 113.0 116.5 3.5 0.019 0.067
AG-90-23 42.31505 -106.28511 82.5 97.0 14.5 0.092 1.334
Including 84.0 90.5 6.5 0.132 0.858
99.5 101.5 2.0 0.025 0.050
AG-91-23 42.31496 -106.28355 50.5 52.5 2.0 0.013 0.026
77.0 80.5 3.5 0.012 0.042
88.5 92.5 4.0 0.011 0.044
AG-92-23 42.31252 -106.28587 86.0 89.5 3.5 0.012 0.042
91.0 94.5 3.5 0.011 0.039
AG-93-23 42.31240 -106.28535 62.0 64.0 2.0 0.016 0.032
86.5 89.0 2.5 0.018 0.045
91.0 94.0 3.0 0.011 0.033
AG-94-23 42.31260 -106.28624 62.0 64.0 2.0 0.016 0.032
86.5 89.0 2.5 0.018 0.045
91.0 94.0 3.0 0.011 0.033
AG-95-23 42.31236 -106.29028 98.0 100.0 2.0 0.057 0.114
103.5 107.5 4.0 0.017 0.068
AG-96-23 42.31274 -106.29000 107.0 113.0 6.0 0.012 0.072
AG-97-23 42.31292 -106.28946 109.0 112.5 3.5 0.040 0.140
AG-98-23 42.31245 -106.28956 111.0 113.5 2.5 0.035 0.088
115.0 119.5 4.5 0.013 0.059
AG-99-23 42.31294 -106.29059 101.0 107.5 6.5 0.027 0.176
AG-100-23 42.31310 -106.29115 97.0 100.5 3.5 0.027 0.095
Hole ID 緯度 經度 上衣 (英尺) 底部(英尺) 厚度
等級 x 厚度
AG-50-23 42.31472 -106.28732 84.0 91.5 7.5 0.014 0.105
AG-51-23 42.31497 -106.25890 83.0 90.5 7.5 0.052 0.390
AG-52-23 42.31499 -106.28635 82.0 86.0 4.0 0.032 0.128
98.5 102.0 3.5 0.014 0.049
AG-53-23 42.31530 -106.28476 76.0 78.0 2.0 0.024 0.048
AG-54-23 42.31502 -106.28481 73.0 75.5 2.5 0.042 0.105
AG-55-23 42.31528 -106.28407 88.5 91.0 2.5 0.015 0.038
AG-56-23 42.31500 -106.28443 69.0 73.5 4.5 0.036 0.162
AG-57-23 42.31501 -106.28402 67.5 69.5 2.0 0.026 0.052
AG-58-23 42.31471 -106.28437 80.5 89.0 8.5 0.014 0.119
AG-59-23 42.31469 -106.28506 80.0 85.5 5.5 0.044 0.242
92.0 94.5 2.5 0.026 0.065
AG-60-23 42.31431 -106.28618 在截止值以下
AG-61-23 42.31395 -106.28665 82.0 84.0 2.0 0.011 0.022
88.0 91.0 3.0 0.012 0.036
AG-62-23 42.31443 -106.28413 80.0 82.0 2.0 0.021 0.042
AG-63-23 42.31416 -106.28444 72.5 75.5 3.0 0.013 0.039
85.5 90.5 5.0 0.013 0.065
AG-64-23 42.31427 -106.28370 75.5 83.0 7.5 0.021 0.158
86.5 91.0 4.5 0.012 0.054
AG-65-23 42.31476 -106.28397 75.0 77.0 2.0 0.014 0.028
85.5 91.5 6.0 0.011 0.066
AG-66-23 42.31462 -106.28357 69.5 73.0 3.5 0.011 0.039
76.5 79.5 3.0 0.014 0.042
81.5 83.5 2.0 0.013 0.026
AG-67-23 42.31445 -106.28572 73.5 78.5 5.0 0.126 0.630
92.0 96.0 4.0 0.047 0.188
AG-68-23 42.31443 -106.28468 77.0 87.5 10.5 0.013 0.137
89.5 96.5 7.0 0.012 0.084
AG-69-23 42.31480 -106.28738 81.5 84.0 2.5 0.012 0.030
90.5 95.5 5.0 0.012 0.060
97.0 103.5 6.5 0.016 0.104
AG-70-23 42.31484 -106.28796 113.0 116.0 3.0 0.051 0.153
AG-71-23 42.31455 -106.28809 82.0 86.0 4.0 0.017 0.068
98.5 101.5 3.0 0.059 0.177
AG-72-23 42.31448 -106.28748 76.0 79.0 3.0 0.019 0.057
91.5 101.5 10.0 0.016 0.160
AG-73-23 42.31424 -106.28813 96.0 98.5 2.5 0.028 0.070
AG-74-23 42.31532 -106.28758 108.4 116.9 8.5 0.014 0.119
AG-75-23 42.31524 -106.28805 113.0 118.0 5.0 0.013 0.065
AG-76-23 42.31508 -106.28830 115.5 121.0 5.5 0.059 0.325
AG-77-23 42.31458 -106.28857 110.5 114.0 3.5 0.077 0.270
123.0 125.0 2.0 0.032 0.064
AG-78-23 42.31438 -106.28903 96.0 102.0 6.0 0.032 0.192
AG-79-23 42.31413 -106.28864 90.0 93.0 3.0 0.019 0.057
94.5 97.0 2.5 0.016 0.040
98.5 101.0 2.5 0.012 0.030
AG-80-23 42.31467 -106.28934 93.5 95.5 2.0 0.048 0.096
100.0 103.0 3.0 0.012 0.036
1120 114.0 2.0 0.012 0.024
AG-81-23 42.31485 -106.28887 117.0 120.5 3.5 0.030 0.105
AG-82-23 42.31439 -106.28958 98.5 102.5 4.0 0.024 0.096
104.5 106.5 2.0 0.023 0.046
109.0 1120 3.0 0.012 0.036
118.5 120.5 2.0 0.012 0.024
AG-83-23 42.31411 -106.28928 103.5 106.0 2.5 0.013 0.033
AG-84-23 42.31584 -106.28391 在截止值以下
AG-85-23 42.31545 -106.28377 在截止值以下
AG-86-23 42.31666 -106.28744 123.0 126.5 3.5 0.017 0.060
AG-87-23 42.31658 -106.28710 1120 114.0 2.0 0.013 0.026
AG-88-23 42.31723 -106.28719 在截止值以下
AG-89-23 42.31699 -106.28751 113.0 116.5 3.5 0.019 0.067
AG-90-23 42.31505 -106.28511 82.5 97.0 14.5 0.092 1.334
包括 84.0 90.5 6.5 0.132 0.858
99.5 101.5 2.0 0.025 0.050
AG-91-23 42.31496 -106.28355 50.5 52.5 2.0 0.013 0.026
77.0 80.5 3.5 0.012 0.042
88.5 92.5 4.0 0.011 0.044
AG-92-23 42.31252 -106.28587 86.0 89.5 3.5 0.012 0.042
91.0 94.5 3.5 0.011 0.039
AG-93-23 42.31240 -106.28535 62.0 64.0 2.0 0.016 0.032
86.5 89.0 2.5 0.018 0.045
91.0 94.0 3.0 0.011 0.033
AG-94-23 42.31260 -106.28624 62.0 64.0 2.0 0.016 0.032
86.5 89.0 2.5 0.018 0.045
91.0 94.0 3.0 0.011 0.033
AG-95-23 42.31236 -106.29028 98.0 100.0 2.0 0.057 0.114
103.5 107.5 4.0 0.017 0.068
AG-96-23 42.31274 -106.29000 107.0 113.0 6.0 0.012 0.072
AG-97-23 42.31292 -106.28946 109.0 112.5 3.5 0.040 0.140
AG-98-23 42.31245 -106.28956 111.0 113.5 2.5 0.035 0.088
115.0 119.5 4.5 0.013 0.059
AG-99-23 42.31294 -106.29059 101.0 107.5 6.5 0.027 0.176
AG-100-23 42.31310 -106.29115 97.0 100.5 3.5 0.027 0.095

Note: The geophysical results are based on equivalent uranium (eU3O8) of the gamma-ray probes calibrated at the Department of Energy's Test Facility in Casper, Wyoming. A geophysical tool with gamma-ray, spontaneous potential, resistivity, and drift detectors was utilized. The reader is cautioned that the reported uranium grades may not reflect actual concentrations due to the potential for disequilibrium between uranium and its gamma emitting daughter products.

注:地球物理結果基於等效鈾 (eU)3O8)在懷俄明州卡斯珀的能源部測試設施中校準的伽瑪射線探測器。使用了帶有伽瑪射線、自發電位、電阻率和漂移探測器的地球物理工具。提醒讀者,報告的鈾等級可能無法反映實際濃度,因爲鈾與其伽瑪發射子產物之間可能存在不平衡。

  • Mineralized holes with thicker, higher-grade intercepts are interpreted to be in the Near Interface, Nose (main front), or Near Seepage ground located within the projected roll front system.
  • 截距較厚、更高等級的礦化孔被解釋爲位於投影前沿系統內的近界面、鼻部(主正面)或近滲漏地面。
  • Mineralized holes with thinner, below cutoff grade intercepts are interpreted to be in the Limb/Tails or Remote Seepage ground located behind (altered) or ahead (reduced) of the projected roll front system, respectively.
  • 截距值較薄、低於截止等級的礦化孔被解釋爲位於投射前傾系統後面(已更改)或前方(縮小)的邊緣/尾部或遠程滲漏地面。
  • Non-mineralized holes are interpreted to be in the Barren Exterior ground located ahead of the projected roll front system in reduced ground.
  • 非礦化孔洞被解釋爲位於荒蕪的外部地面,位於縮小地面的投射前傾系統之前。

The 2023 drilling was completed by Single Water Services utilizing a mud-rotary rig and the geophysical logging was completed by Hawkins CBM Logging, both of Wyoming with extensive experience in the uranium industry. Mr. Terrence Osier, PG, VP Exploration for Strathmore, was the supervising Geologist and oversaw the drilling activities and lithologic descriptions of the drilled cuttings which were sampled at 5-foot intervals. The drilling was completed on budget (US$275,000) and in a timely manner over a month's time. The results of the exploration will be analyzed and assist in the layout of additional drill sites proposed for the 2024 drilling season.

2023年的鑽探由Single Water Services使用泥漿旋轉鑽機完成,地球物理測井由懷俄明州的Hawkins CBM Logging完成,兩者在鈾行業都有豐富的經驗。Terrence Osier先生,PG,Strathmore勘探副總裁,是監督地質學家,負責監督每隔5英尺採樣的鑽探岩屑的鑽探活動和巖性描述。鑽探是在預算(27.5萬美元)內按時完成的,持續了一個月。將分析勘探結果,並協助佈局2024年鑽探季節提議的其他鑽探地點。

About the Agate Property
The Agate property consists of 52 wholly owned lode mining claims covering 1,075 acres. The uranium mineralization is contained in classic Wyoming-type roll fronts within the Eocene Wind River Formation, an arkosic-rich sandstone. Historically, 51 million pounds of uranium were mined in Shirley Basin, including from open-pit, underground, and the first commercial in-situ recovery operation in the USA during the 1960s. At the property, the uranium mineralization is shallow, from 80 to approximately 150 feet deep, much of which is below the water table and likely amenable to in-situ recovery. Kerr McGee Corporation, the largest US uranium mining company at the time, drilled at least 650 holes across the project area, delineating several targets of potential mineralization across the project.

Agate的財產包括52項全資礦脈採礦權,佔地1,075英畝。鈾礦化包含在始新世風河組的經典懷俄明型卷巖中,這是一塊富含阿科西克的砂岩。從歷史上看,雪莉盆地開採了5100萬磅的鈾,包括來自露天和地下開採的鈾,也是1960年代美國第一個商業原地回收作業。該物業的鈾礦化較淺,深度從80英尺到大約150英尺不等,其中大部分低於地下水位,可能適合就地回收。當時美國最大的鈾礦開採公司Kerr McGee Corporation在項目區域上鑽了至少650個洞,劃定了整個項目的幾個潛在礦化目標。

About Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp. Strathmore has three permitted uranium projects in Wyoming, including Agate, Beaver Rim, and Night Owl. The Agate and Beaver Rim properties contain uranium in typical Wyoming-type roll front deposits based on historical drilling data. The Night Owl property is a former producing surface mine that was in production in the early 1960s.

關於 Strathmore Plus 鈾公司 斯特拉斯莫爾在懷俄明州有三個獲准的鈾礦項目,包括瑪瑙、Beaver Rim和Night Owl。根據歷史鑽探數據,Agate和Beaver Rim的礦區在典型的懷俄明型卷前沉積物中含有鈾。Night Owl 礦產曾是一座露天生產礦山,於 1960 年代初投入生產。

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警示聲明: “多倫多證券交易所風險交易所及其監管服務提供商(該術語在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。”

Certain information contained in this press release constitutes "forward-looking information", within the meaning of Canadian legislation. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur", "be achieved" or "has the potential to". Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may include statements regarding the future operating or financial performance of Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp. which involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties which may not prove to be accurate. Actual results and outcomes may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in these forward-looking statements. Such statements are qualified in their entirety by the inherent risks and uncertainties surrounding future expectations. Among those factors which could cause actual results to differ materially are the following: market conditions and other risk factors listed from time to time in our reports filed with Canadian securities regulators on SEDAR at . The forward-looking statements included in this press release are made as of the date of this press release and Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp. disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable securities legislation.

本新聞稿中包含的某些信息構成加拿大立法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。通常,這些前瞻性陳述可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別,例如 “計劃”、“預期” 或 “不期望”、“預期”、“預期”、“預測”、“打算”、“預期” 或 “未預期”,或 “相信”,或此類詞語和短語的變體,或聲明某些行動、事件或結果 “可能”, “會”, “可能” 或 “將被採取”, “發生”, “被實現” 或 “有潛力”.本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述可能包括有關Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp. 未來運營或財務表現的陳述,這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性,可能被證明是不準確的。實際結果和結果可能與這些前瞻性陳述中表達或預測的結果存在重大差異。此類陳述完全受圍繞未來預期的固有風險和不確定性的限制。可能導致實際業績存在重大差異的因素包括:我們在SEDAR上向加拿大證券監管機構提交的報告中不時列出的市場狀況和其他風險因素,網址爲。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述截至本新聞稿發佈之日作出,除非適用的證券立法明確要求,否則Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp. 不打算或沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

Qualified Person
The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed on behalf of the company by Terrence Osier, P.Geo., Vice President, Exploration of Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp., a Qualified Person.

本新聞稿中的技術信息是根據國家儀器43-101中規定的加拿大監管要求編寫的,由合格人士Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp. 勘探副總裁Terrence Osier代表公司審查。

Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp.
Contact Information:
Investor Relations
Telephone: 1 888 882 8177

Strathmore Plus 鈾公司
電話:1 888 882 8177

"Dev Randhawa"
Dev Randhawa, CEO

“Dev Randhawa”
首席執行官 Dev Randhawa

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