
RETRANSMISSION: Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd Announces Government Approval - Further Interest in Orinduik

RETRANSMISSION: Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd Announces Government Approval - Further Interest in Orinduik

Accesswire ·  2023/11/15 23:45

Receipt of Government Approval for Operatorship and Acquisition of Additional 60% Interest in Orinduik Block offshore Guyana


TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 15, 2023 / Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd. (AIM:ECO)(TSXV:EOG), the oil and gas exploration company focused on the offshore Atlantic Margins, is pleased to announce Government approval of the transfer of 60% Working Interest and Operatorship in the offshore Orinduik Block in Guyana from the Minister of Natural Resources, Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2023年11月15日/專注於近海大西洋邊緣的石油和天然氣勘探公司Eco(大西洋)石油和天然氣有限公司(AIM: ECO)(TSXV: EOG)欣然宣佈,政府批准圭亞那合作共和國自然資源部長轉讓圭亞那海上奧林杜克區塊60%的營運權益和運營權。

On 10 August 2023, the Company announced the signing of a Sale Purchase Agreement pursuant to which its wholly owned subsidiary, Eco Guyana Oil and Gas (Barbados) Limited ("Eco Guyana"), will acquire a 60% Operated Interest in Orinduik Block, offshore Guyana, through the acquisition of Tullow Guyana B.V. ("TGBV"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tullow Oil Plc. ("Tullow") in exchange for a combination of upfront US$700,000 cash and contingent consideration. The Company is pleased to announce that it has now received approval from Minister of Natural Resources and the Government of Guyana for the transfer of the one hundred percent (100%) shareholding interest in TGBV to Eco Guyana.

2023年8月10日,公司宣佈簽署銷售購買協議,根據該協議,其全資子公司生態圭亞那石油和天然氣(巴巴多斯)有限公司(“生態圭亞那”)將通過收購塔洛石油公司的全資子公司塔洛圭亞那有限公司(“TGBV”)收購圭亞那近海奧林杜克區塊60%的運營權益。(“Tullow”),以換取70萬美元預付現金和或有對價的組合。該公司很高興地宣佈,現已獲得自然資源部長和圭亞那政府的批准,將TGBV的百分之百(100%)股權轉讓給Eco Guyana。

On completion of the transaction, Eco will become the Operator and hold an aggregate 75% Participating Interest in the Orinduik Block, via subsidiary Eco Orinduik B.V. following a scheduled name change ("Eco Orinduik"), which will hold a 60% Operated Interest, and Eco (Atlantic) Guyana Inc. which holds a 15% Participating Interest. TOQAP Guyana B.V will continue to hold a Participating Interest of 25%. Completion of the transaction is expected before year-end 2023.

交易完成後,Eco將成爲運營商,通過子公司Eco Orinduik B.V.(“Eco Orinduik”)(持有60%的運營權益)和Eco(大西洋)圭亞那公司(持有15%的參與權益),通過子公司Eco Orinduik B.V.持有奧林杜克區塊合計75%的參與權益。TOQAP 圭亞那有限公司將繼續持有25%的分紅權益。該交易預計在2023年年底之前完成。

Colin Kinley, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Eco Atlantic, commented:

Eco Atlantic聯合創始人兼首席運營官科林·金利評論說:

"We are very happy to have support from the Minister of Natural Resources and the Government of Guyana and their approval to transfer 60% of the Working Interest and Operatorship of the Orinduik Block to Eco. We have always been very involved with the exploration and interpretation of the Block, and our experienced team will step directly into Operatorship to finalize target selection.


"After nearly 10 years of exploration and interpretation, and multiple regional discoveries at the Cretaceous level of close to 11 Billion Barrels of recoverable oil, our team has a good understanding of the Cretaceous play and we have a great deal of confidence in drilling our first well, targeting a stacked pay target in this well proven horizon. This Transaction structure allows Tullow to continue to share upside in a discovery.


"Eco now seeks qualified partners in this high-value play and has commenced a formal farm-out process for the Block. Recent interest from supermajors and other well capitalized energy companies in the latest licencing bid round in Guyana, for blocks up dip of us, supports our thesis of the oil migration and the high quality and charged reservoirs we see on our Block."




For more information, please visit or contact the following:

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 或者聯繫以下人員:

Eco Atlantic Oil and Gas

c/o Celicourt +44 (0) 20 8434 2754

Gil Holzman, CEO
Colin Kinley, COO
Alice Carroll, Head of Corporate Sustainability

+44(0)781 729 5070

Strand Hanson (Financial & Nominated Adviser)

+44 (0) 20 7409 3494

James Harris
James Bellman

Berenberg (Broker)

+44 (0) 20 3207 7800

Matthew Armitt
Detlir Elezi

Echelon Capital (Financial Adviser N. America Markets)

Ryan Mooney
Simon Akit

+1 (403) 606 4852

+1 (416) 8497776

Celicourt (PR)

+44 (0) 20 7770 6424

Mark Antelme
Jimmy Lea


c/o Celicourt +44 (0) 20 8434 2754

Colin Kinley,首席運營官

+44 (0) 781 729 5070


+44 (0) 20 7409 3494



+44 (0) 20 3207 7800

Detlir Elezi

Echelon Capital(北美市場財務顧問)


+1 (403) 606 4852

+1 (416) 8497776

Celicourt (PR)

+44 (0) 20 7770 6424


The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 as it forms part of United Kingdom domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (as amended).


About Eco Atlantic:


Eco Atlantic is a TSX-V and AIM-quoted Atlantic Margin-focused oil & gas exploration company with offshore license interests in Guyana, Namibia, and South Africa. Eco aims to deliver material value for its stakeholders through its role in the energy transition to explore for low carbon intensity oil and gas in stable emerging markets close to infrastructure.

Eco Atlantic是一家在多倫多證券交易所和AIM上市的專注於大西洋按金的石油和天然氣勘探公司,在圭亞那、納米比亞和南非擁有海上許可權益。Eco旨在通過其在能源轉型中的作用爲利益相關者創造物質價值,在靠近基礎設施的穩定新興市場中探索低碳強度的石油和天然氣。

Offshore Guyana in the proven Guyana-Suriname Basin, the Company holds a 15% Working Interest in the 1,800 km2 Orinduik Block Operated by Tullow Oil. In Namibia, the Company holds Operatorship and an 85% Working Interest in four offshore Petroleum Licences: PELs: 97, 98, 99, and 100, representing a combined area of 28,593 km2 in the Walvis Basin.

在圭亞那近海,位於久經考驗的圭亞那-蘇里南盆地,該公司持有1,800公里15%的營運權益2 奧林杜克區塊由塔洛石油公司運營。在納米比亞,該公司持有四個海上石油許可證的運營權和85%的營運權益:PEL:97、98、99和100,總面積爲28,593千米2 在沃爾維斯盆地。

Offshore South Africa, Eco is Operator and holds a 50% working interest in Block 2B and a 26.25% Working Interest in Block 3B/4B operated by Africa Oil Corp., totalling some 20,643km2.


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SOURCE: Eco (Atlantic) Oil and Gas Ltd.


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