
Teo Seng Plans to Sell Singapore Factory for S$8.5m

Teo Seng Plans to Sell Singapore Factory for S$8.5m

Teo Seng計劃以850萬新元出售新加坡工廠
The Malaysian Reserve ·  2023/11/15 18:01

Teo Seng Capital Bhd plans to sell its two-storey factory in Singapore for S$8.5 million (RM29.4 million) to divest its under-utilised assets and strengthen its financial position.

Teo Seng Capital Bhd計劃以850萬新元(合2940萬令吉)的價格出售其在新加坡的兩層樓工廠,以剝離其未充分利用的資產並鞏固其財務狀況。

In an exchange filing today (Nov 14), Teo Seng said the move comes as the company faces regulatory limitations affecting its egg exports to Singapore, leading to the property's under-utilisation.

Teo Seng在今天(11月14日)的交易所文件中表示,此舉是在該公司面臨監管限制之際採取的,這些限制影響了其向新加坡的雞蛋出口,導致該物業的利用率不足。

The property, currently used by Teo Seng Group for operations in Singapore, also houses a central kitchen rented by LHK Food Industries Pte Ltd until Aug 14, 2024.

該物業目前由Teo Seng集團用於在新加坡開展業務,還設有LHK食品工業私人有限公司在2024年8月14日之前租用的中央廚房。

The proposed sale involves its subsidiary, BH Fresh Food Pte Ltd (BHFF) and Rachelle The Rabbit Meadery Pte Ltd (the purchaser).

擬議的出售涉及其子公司BH Fresh Food Pte Ltd(BHFF)和Rachelle The Rabbit Meadery Pte Ltd(買方)。

The sale is seen as an opportunity for Teo Seng to streamline its assets.

此次出售被視爲Teo Seng精簡資產的機會。

The purchaser Rachelle The Rabbit Meadery Pte Ltd specialises in distilling, rectifying, and blending spirits, including ethyl alcohol production from fermented materials.

購買者Rachelle The Rabbit Meadery Pte Ltd專門從事蒸餾、精餾和混合烈酒,包括用發酵材料生產乙醇。

In today's trading, Teo Seng shares closed at 1.38 sen, down 3% (4 sen) with a market capitalisation of RM414 million.

在今天的交易中,Teo Seng股價收於1.38美分,下跌3%(4秒),市值爲 RM414 百萬美元。

