
Bayhorse to Undertake Underground Drilling Program at the Bayhorse Mine.

Bayhorse to Undertake Underground Drilling Program at the Bayhorse Mine.

newsfile ·  2023/11/14 21:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 14, 2023) - Bayhorse Silver Inc, (TSXV: BHS) (OTCQB: BHSIF) (FSE: 7KXN) (the "Company" or "Bayhorse") Is mobilizing for an underground drilling program at it's Bayhorse Silver Mine, Oregon, USA.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 11 月 14 日)- Bayhorse Silver Inc,(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BHHS)(場外交易代碼:BHSIF)(FSE:7KXN)(“公司” 或 “Bayhorse”) 正在爲美國俄勒岡州貝霍斯銀礦的地下鑽探計劃動員。

The program will initially drill test the 300 foot strike length of the Big Dog zone hanging wall to test it to depth, and along strike using its existing drill rig. This rig, which is capable of drilling 30 m (100 foot) holes, has been used to plan mining operations. The Company believes there are no historic drill holes under the lower level workings that have tested the mineralized zone to depth.

該項目最初將對 Big Dog 區域懸掛牆的 300 英尺衝擊長度進行鑽探測試,以測試其深度,然後使用現有的鑽機進行沿走向測試。該鑽機能夠鑽探 30 m(100 英尺)的孔,已用於規劃採礦作業。該公司認爲,在較低的礦井下沒有歷史性的鑽孔可以對礦化帶進行深度測試。

Gold grades up to 10 grams/ton were reported during the historic 1984 mining program, and the highest grade of silver/copper was 15% silver and 17% copper (BHS NR Jan14,2014). Bayhorse senior geological consultants, Drs, Gerry Ray and Clay Conway, believe that drill testing to depth should be a priority. For this the Company will secure an underground drill rig capable of up to 400 meter long holes (1,300 ft), while the initial drill program is underway.

據報道,在1984年曆史性的採礦計劃中,黃金品位高達10克/噸,銀/銅的最高品位爲15%的銀和17%的銅(BHS NR,2014年1月14日)。Bayhorse高級地質顧問格里·雷博士和克萊·康威博士認爲,深度鑽探測試應該是當務之急。爲此,在最初的鑽探計劃進行期間,該公司將獲得一臺能夠鑽孔長達400米(1300英尺)的地下鑽機。

Drs. Ray and Conway are currently assessing the Bayhorse structure and geology to determine how best to test at depth any underlying mineralization below the known mineral horizon from the extensive historic, underground workings.


The Company is aware of the significant trading volume attributed to the recent announcements by Hercules Silver on their property that lies approximately 40 km (26 miles) north-northeast of the Bayhorse Mine (see Figure below). Both the Bayhorse and Hercules mines have similar geological settings with similar silver mineralization, including significant copper , antimony, and zinc credits. This has spurred Bayhorse to explore and extend further the known silver-rich ore zones, including potential areas to depth.

該公司意識到,由於Hercules Silver最近宣佈其位於Bayhorse礦東北偏北約40公里(26英里)處的房產,交易量巨大(見下圖)。Bayhorse和Hercules礦的地質環境相似,銀礦化作用相似,包括大量的銅、銻和鋅礦產量。這促使Bayhorse進一步探索和擴展已知的富含銀的礦區,包括潛在的深度區域。

Figure 1

圖 1

The following excerpt is taken from the 2018, NI-43-101 Maiden Inferred Resource Estimate, by Apex Geoscience

以下摘錄摘自 Apex Geoscience 發佈的 2018 年《NI-43-101 首次推斷資源估算》

(Apex Geoscience NI-43-101 Technical Report, 2018)

(Apex Geoscience NI-43-101 技術報告,2018 年)

Bayhorse CEO, Graeme O'Neill, comments "a recent Substack article was posted that the Company's senior geologists have reviewed, and which they state gives a good summary of the geological similarities between the Hercules Discovery and the Bayhorse mineralization". (link here)


This News Release has been prepared on behalf of the Bayhorse Silver Inc. Board of Directors, which accepts full responsibility for its content. Dr. G.E. Ray, P.Geo, a Qualified Person and Consultant to the Company has prepared, supervised the preparation of, and approved the technical content of this press release.

本新聞稿代表Bayhorse Silver Inc.董事會編寫,董事會對其內容承擔全部責任。公司的合格人員和顧問 G.E. Ray 博士、P.Geo 已編寫、監督編寫並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

On Behalf of the Board.


Graeme O'Neill, CEO


About Bayhorse Silver Inc.

關於 Bayhorse Silver Inc

Bayhorse Silver Inc. is an exploration and production company with a 100% interest in the historic Bayhorse Silver Mine located in Oregon, USA. With state of the art Steinert Ore-Sorting technology reducing waste rock entering the processing stream by up to 85%, we have created a minimum environmental impact facility capable of mining 200 tons of mineralization per day and the ability to process and supply 3,600 tons per year of silver/copper/antimony concentrate ranging between 7,500 to 15,000 g/t using standard flotation processing at its milling facility in nearby Payette County, Idaho, USA, with an offtake agreement in place with Ocean Partners UK Limited. The Company also has an option to acquire an 80% interest in the Brandywine high grade silver/gold property located in B.C. Canada. The Company has an experienced management and technical team with extensive mining expertise in both exploration and building mines.

Bayhorse Silver Inc. 是一家勘探和生產公司,擁有位於美國俄勒岡州歷史悠久的貝霍斯銀礦的100%權益。憑藉最先進的Steinert礦石分選技術,將進入加工流的廢石減少多達85%,我們創建了一個對環境影響最小的設施,能夠每天開採200噸礦化物,並且能夠在其位於美國愛達荷州帕耶特縣附近的磨礦設施使用標準浮選處理每年處理和供應3,600噸銀/銅/銻精礦,價格在7,500至15,000克/噸之間,並簽訂了承購協議與英國海洋夥伴有限公司合作。該公司還可以選擇收購位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的Brandywine高品位白銀/黃金地產 80% 的權益。該公司擁有一支經驗豐富的管理和技術團隊,在勘探和建造礦山方面擁有豐富的採礦專業知識。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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