
Elon Musk's Dislike For Bright Colors, Ambitious Timelines Have Made SpaceX An Unsafe Workplace, Says Damning Report

Elon Musk's Dislike For Bright Colors, Ambitious Timelines Have Made SpaceX An Unsafe Workplace, Says Damning Report

Benzinga ·  2023/11/12 04:26

A recent report by Reuters suggests that SpaceX employees are resorting to drastic measures, including using stimulants and IV fluids and even sleeping in restrooms, to keep pace with Elon Musk's ambitious project timelines.

路透社最近的一份報告表明 SpaceX 員工正在採取嚴厲措施,包括使用興奮劑和靜脈輸液,甚至在洗手間睡覺,以跟上步伐 埃隆馬斯克雄心勃勃的項目時間表。

What Happened: The investigation by Reuters, which examined the period from 2014 to the present, revealed over 600 work-related injuries at SpaceX.

發生了什麼: 路透社的調查調查了從2014年至今的時期,顯示SpaceX有600多起與工傷有關的傷害。

The investigation also uncovered the extreme lengths to which employees have gone to meet the demands of their work. Some staff members have reportedly taken Adderall without a prescription and have been found sleeping in the company's bathrooms to save time.


Former SpaceX employee Travis Carson shared insights with Reuters about the work culture, highlighting the staff's long hours and challenging conditions. The company's welders, in particular, often dealt with high temperatures while working on rocket machinery, leading them to seek IV treatments to endure the heat and continue working, he said.

SpaceX 前員工 特拉維斯·卡森 與路透社分享了有關工作文化的見解,重點介紹了員工的長時間工作和艱難的條件。他說,特別是該公司的焊工,在火箭機械上工作時經常會遇到高溫,這導致他們尋求靜脈治療以承受高溫並繼續工作。

"SpaceX's idea of safety is: 'We'll let you decide what's safe for you,' which really means there was no accountability," said Carson. "That's a terrible approach to take in industrial environments."


Also Read: Elon Musk Shares Bizarre List Of Elon'Jobs In The Future,' Causes Stir on Twitter

另請閱讀:埃隆·馬斯克分享了 Elon “未來的就業機會” 的奇異名單,這在推特上引起了轟動

With approximately 13,000 employees, SpaceX has reported many worker injuries over the past nine years. The number of injuries could be higher than reported, as the company has not consistently submitted comprehensive reports to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, according to Reuters. Furthermore, injury rates at three major SpaceX industrial facilities far exceeded the space-industry average last year.

SpaceX擁有約13,000名員工,在過去九年中報告了許多工人受傷。受傷人數可能高於報告的數量,因爲該公司沒有持續向該公司提交全面的報告 職業的 安全與健康管理局,據路透社報道。此外,去年,SpaceX三大工業設施的受傷率遠遠超過了航天工業的平均水平。

The report also highlighted concerns regarding workplace safety practices at SpaceX. For instance, Musk's preferences for certain colors reportedly led to the repainting of machinery and discouraged the use of standard safety vests. Several SpaceX workers told Reuters that Musk discouraged employees from wearing yellow-colored clothes for safety purposes because he does not like bright colors.


The employees also said that Musk would play around with a novelty flamethrower during visits that the billionaire made to SpaceX sites.


While SpaceX did not respond to Reuters' requests for comment, the company previously informed OSHA that it provides adequate safety training to its workforce.


Now Read: Elon Musk Announces New AI Chatbot 'Grok' — And It's Already Giving Its Peers A Run For Their Money

立即閱讀:埃隆·馬斯克宣佈推出新的人工智能聊天機器人 “Grok” ——而且它已經讓同行們大吃一驚

This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.


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