
Ehang(EH.US): Hold full and accurate orders on the new path, just denoise and cohere to embrace the spectacular pros

Ehang(EH.US): Hold full and accurate orders on the new path, just denoise and cohere to embrace the spectacular pros

富途資訊 ·  2023/11/09 09:41  · 研報

The EH216-S unmanned aerial vehicle system, the flagship product of Ehang, has obtained the world's first unmanned eVTOL type certification on October 13, 2023, and is qualified for commercial operation in the Chinese market. It holds a leading position and uniqueness in the industry. In addition to the announced domestic order reserves of Ehang, the company continues to receive inquiries and interests from some local governments and scenic spots after obtaining the TC. The prospects for future orders delivery and revenue will continue to improve.

億航旗艦產品 EH216-S 無人駕駛飛行器系統已於 2023 年 10 月 13 日獲得全球首個無人駕駛 eVTOL 型式認證,並有資格在中國市場進行商業運營。它在行業中處於領先地位和獨特性。除了Ehang公佈的國內訂單儲備外,該公司在獲得TC後,還繼續收到一些地方政府和景區的詢問和興趣。未來訂單交付和收入的前景將繼續改善。

1、The low altitude tourism policies are introduced frequently, and eVTOL tourism and sightseeing application scenarios will be the first to benefit

1、低海拔旅遊政策頻繁出臺,eVTOL 旅遊觀光應用場景將率先受益

1.1 Strong demand for tourism and sightseeing in China

1.1 中國對旅遊和觀光的強勁需求

At present, the domestic low altitude tourism and sightseeing market has a capacity of approximately 60 billion RMB, but it has not been effectively met. There are over 12000 scenic spots in China, including 280 5A level scenic spots, 3720 4A level scenic spots.The number and scale of scenic spots suitable for low-level tourism cannot be underestimate.


1.2 Laws and regulations tend to improve

1.2 法律法規趨於改善

The Provisional Regulations on the Flight Management of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles will come into effect on January 1, 2024 in China. The isolated flight mentioned in the "Regulations" is beneficial for the tourism and tourism industry in unregulated airspace.


1.3 The policies are introduced frequently

1.3 政策經常出臺

Recently, four departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, and the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the "Outline for the Development of Green Aviation Manufacturing Industry (2023-2035)", which mentioned the goals of putting electric navigation aircraft into commercial application and achieving pilot operation of eVTOL by 2025, further verifying the positive promotion of market and policies.


The above scenic spots are mainly distributed in suburban areas outside the urban area, and comply with the flight restrictions mentioned in the TC content. Tourism itself is about visiting the beautiful rivers and mountains , while flying in densely populated areas, thunderstorms, strong winds, dark nights and other prerequisites does not meet its definition


2、Ehang orders reserve


2.1 Domestic orders for tourism and sightseeing:

2.1 國內旅遊觀光訂單:

2.1.1 20 EH216-S intended purchase order from Xi’an Sci-Tech Innovation Development Holding Group of Aerospace Investment Co., Ltd.

2.1.1 20 來自航天投資有限公司西安科技創新發展控股集團的 EH216-S 意向採購訂單

2.1.2 25 EH216 intended purchase order from Jishou Aizhai Scenic Area, Hunan Province

2.1.2 25 EH216 來自湖南省吉首愛寨風景區的意向採購訂單

2.1.3 10 EH216-S have been purchased, with an operating scale of no less than 120 aircraft in the next five years from Western Regions Tourism Development Co.,Ltd.(SZ.300859)

2.1.3 已從西部地區旅遊開發公司購買了 10 架 EH216-S,其運營規模在未來五年內不少於 120 架飛機。, Ltd. (SZ.300859)

2.1.4 Strategic cooperation with Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, to build the "Bay Area Wing" in Bao'an Happy Harbor - the world's first urban air traffic operation demonstration center. Shenzhen Boling Holdings Group Co., Ltd. plans to purchase 100 EH216-S , of which 5 have been delivered

2.1.4 與深圳市寶安區進行戰略合作,在寶安歡樂港打造 “灣區翼” ——世界上第一個城市空中交通運營示範中心。深圳博靈控股集團有限公司計劃購買 100 臺 EH216-S,其中 5 臺已交付

2.1.5 Established as the East China Regional Headquarters through strategic cooperation with the Hefei Municipal Government,and will receive various support worth $100 million from the Hefei Municipal Government, including coordinating or promoting purchase orders for no less than 100 EH216-S aircraft

2.1.5 通過與合肥市政府的戰略合作,作爲華東地區總部成立,並將獲得合肥市政府價值1億美元的各種支持,包括協調或促進不少於 100 架 EH216-S 飛機的採購訂單

The above orders are expected to be gradually delivered according to customer needs after Ehang obtains the TC.


2.2 The overseas orders need to obtain relevant regulatory approval before delivery, thus result in a long delivery cycle . Customers purchase in batches and stages according to their needs

2.2 海外訂單在交貨前需要獲得相關監管部門的批准,因此交貨週期較長。客戶根據需求分批和分階段購買

2.2.1 In 2016, Ehang signed a long-term procurement contract with United Therapeutics (hereinafter referred to as "UTHR") for a period of fifteen years, planning to purchase a total of 100 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. UTHR is a high-tech company engaged in artificial organs. Currently, Ehang has delivered 5 EH216 aircraft, and the UTHR team has established a flight testing base in Canada to conduct relevant operational testing and performance flights of the EH216 series. In the future, UTHR will continue to purchase products from Ehang in stages, including but not limited to the EH216 series.

2.2.1 2016年,億航與聯合療法(以下簡稱 “UTHR”)簽訂了爲期十五年的長期採購合同,計劃共購買100架無人駕駛飛行器。UTHR是一家從事人造器官的高科技公司。目前,Ehang 已經交付了 5 架 EH216 飛機,UTHR 團隊已在加拿大建立了飛行測試基地,以進行 EH216 系列的相關作戰測試和性能飛行。未來,UTHR 將繼續分階段從 Ehang 購買產品,包括但不限於 EH216 系列。

2.2.2 In 2022, Ehang successively received 100 EH216 pre orders from Indonesian airline Prestige Aviation, as well as 50 EH216 series pre orders from Japanese leading air traffic digital platform company AirX. The former engages in high-end automotive agency business in Indonesia, while the latter engages in helicopter related operational services in Japan. Both customers are highly optimistic about the application scenarios of the emerging eVTOL industry, therefore they purchase products from Ehang and promote them at local exhibitions and events to increase public interest and acceptance.

2.2.2 2022年,億航連續收到了印度尼西亞威望航空的100份 EH216 預購訂單,以及日本領先的空中交通數字平台公司AirX的50份 EH216 系列的預訂單。前者在印度尼西亞從事高端汽車代理業務,而後者在日本從事與直升機相關的運營服務。兩位客戶都對新興的eVTOL行業的應用場景非常樂觀,因此他們從Ehang購買產品並在當地的展覽和活動中進行推廣,以提高公衆的興趣和接受度。

2.2.3 In 2019,Ehang signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Sinotrans DHL regarding logistics and transportation. Both sides maintain communication unchanged in areas such as logistics express delivery and peer-to-peer delivery, jointly exploring the possibilities and areas of further cooperation, and hope to provide customers with diversified unmanned eVTOL commercial services in the future.

2.2.3 2019年,億航與中國外運敦豪簽署了有關物流和運輸的戰略合作協議。雙方在物流快遞和點對點配送等領域保持溝通不變,共同探索進一步合作的可能性和領域,並希望未來爲客戶提供多樣化的無人駕駛eVTOL商業服務。

2.2.4 Ehang has signed orders with AEROTREE in Malaysia for 50 EH216 series , including EH216-S, EH216-L, and EH216-F, as well as 10 VT-30 long-range eVTOL.

2.2.4 Ehang 已與馬來西亞的 AEROTREE 簽訂了 50 個 EH216 系列的訂單,包括 EH216-S、EH216-L 和 EH216-F,以及 10 個 VT-30 遠程 eVTOL。

After an aircraft obtains the airworthiness certificate in its manufacturing country, if the aircraft needs to be operated or flown commercially in another country, it usually requires to be airworthy abroad according to bilateral agreements reached with the target country. This means that the aircraft needs to meet the airworthiness standards and requirements of the target country, and go through the airworthiness certification process of the target country. This process is also known as "verifying model qualification", abbreviated as VTC. The TC issued by the CAAC can provide a certification basis and correspondingly shorten the airworthiness certification process of products in the target country.

飛機在其製造國獲得適航證書後,如果飛機需要在另一個國家運營或進行商業飛行,則通常要求根據與目標國家達成的雙邊協議在國外適航。這意味着飛機需要滿足目標國家的適航標準和要求,並通過目標國家的適航認證程序。此過程也稱爲 “驗證模型資格”,縮寫爲 VTC。民航局頒佈的TC可以提供認證依據,相應地縮短產品在目標國家的適航認證流程。

3、Financial situation


3.1 Compliance of financial statements

3.1 財務報表的合規性

Ehang strictly adheres to the requirements of financial disclosure regulations for listed companies in the US, providing investors with accurate, comprehensive, and timely information. Ehang's financial reports have been audited by PwC.


3.2 Financial forecast summary (Unit: RMB 1000)

3.2 財務預測摘要(單位:人民幣1000元)



Market assumption: With the improvement of corresponding support policies and the maturity of market acceptance, large-scale scenario applications will gradually begin in 2024/25;


Gross profit assumption: EH216-S product sales gross profit margin is about 60%

毛利假設:EH216-S 產品銷售毛利率約爲 60%



Ehang obtains the TC for the first time around the world by its diligent efforts surrounded by auspicious clouds which reflect a beautiful implication ,all Ehangers are fully prepared for the spring of the eVTOL industry.


Ehang holds full and accurate orders on the new path of eVTOL,all related aspects just denoise and cohere to embrace the spectacular prospects.




Exceeding expectations of market demand leads to insufficient production capacity and extended delivery cycles.


Competition intensifies


