
American Eagle Buys Back Its 20% Interest in NAK From Orecap

American Eagle Buys Back Its 20% Interest in NAK From Orecap

American Eagle 從 Orecap 回購了 NAK 20% 的權益
newsfile ·  2023/11/09 19:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - November 9, 2023) - American Eagle Gold Corp. (TSXV: AE) (OTCQB: AMEGF) ("American Eagle" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has excercised its option to repurchase a 20% interest in its NAK copper-gold porphyry project from Orecap Invest Corp (TSXV: OCI) (OTCQB: ORFDF) ("Orecap"). American Eagle now owns a 100% option to purchase the NAK copper-gold project in the Province of British Columbia ("NAK").

安大略省多倫多--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 11 月 9 日)- 美國之鷹黃金公司。(TSXV: AE) (OTCQB: AMEGF) (”美國之鷹“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,它已行使從Orecap Invest Corp(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:OCI)(場外交易代碼:ORFDF)回購其NAK銅金斑岩項目20%權益的選擇權(”Orecap“)。American Eagle現在擁有收購不列顛哥倫比亞省NAK銅金項目的100%期權(”NAK“)。

In December 2022, the Company financed $1 million of its initial drill campaign at NAK by selling Orecap an option to acquire a 20% interest in NAK (see News Release here). American Eagle retained the option to repurchase this 20% pursuant to a call option agreement between the Company and Orecap dated October 11, 2022 (the "Call Option Agreement") at a predermined value of $1.5 million, exercisable in either cash or by the issuance of shares of the Company. The Company has determined to exercise the option and shall satisfy the payment by issuing a total of 6,976,744 common shares of the Company, at a price of $0.215 per share determined based on calculations in the Call Option Agreement. When American Eagle entered into the Call Option Agreement with Orecap, the Company's share price was $0.025 and it had not yet received any assays for its drilling on NAK. Since then, American Eagle made its discovery at NAK, conducted three funding rounds, including two with Teck Resources Limited, and witnessed a substantial increase in its share price.

2022年12月,該公司通過向Orecap出售收購NAK20%權益的期權,爲其在NAK的首次鑽探活動提供了100萬美元的融資(參見此處的新聞稿)。根據公司與奧雷卡普於2022年10月11日達成的看漲期權協議,American Eagle保留了回購這20%的選擇權(“看漲期權協議“) 預先設定的價值爲150萬美元,可以現金行使,也可以通過發行公司股票來行使。公司已決定行使期權,並將通過發行總計6,976,744股公司普通股來支付付款,價格爲每股0.215美元,價格根據看漲期權協議中的計算確定。當American Eagle與Orecap簽訂看漲期權協議時,該公司的股價爲0.025美元,尚未收到任何在NAK鑽探的化驗報告。此後,American Eagle發現了NAK,進行了三輪融資,包括與泰克資源有限公司的兩輪融資,並見證了其股價的大幅上漲。

"This option stems from a financing American Eagle entered into with Orecap before we made our major discovery at NAK. At the time, our shares were priced at 2.5c and the option was a creative alternative to a highly dilutive financing. American Eagle is very pleased with how this arrangement has worked out now that we are exercising our right to repurchase 20% of NAK with our VWAP now $0.215. This transaction facilitated the drilling that led to our discovery at NAK, and did so in a creative way that benefited shareholders. We appreciate the support from Orecap for facilitating this transaction," said Anthony Moreau, American Eagle's CEO.

“這種選擇源於我們在NAK做出重大發現之前,American Eagle與Orecap達成的融資。當時,我們的股票定價爲2.5攝氏度,該期權是高度稀釋性融資的創造性替代方案。American Eagle對這種安排的結果感到非常滿意,因爲我們正在行使回購NAK20%股份的權利,現在的VWAP爲0.215美元。這筆交易促進了鑽探,促成了我們在NAK的發現,並以一種創造性的方式使股東受益。我們感謝Orecap爲促進這筆交易提供的支持。” American Eagle首席執行官安東尼·莫羅說。



  • American Eagle now owns a 100% option to purchase the NAK copper-gold project
  • The Company issued 6,976,744 shares to OreCap for total value of $1.5 million
  • The number of shares issued is based on the 15 day VWAP of the Company's shares, $0.215, set three days prior to close
  • The deal closed on Thursday, November 9th
  • The option to repurchase the 20% of NAK at $1.5 million was predeterrmined in October 2022, a month before the announcement of NAK's discovery hole, NAK22-01
  • American Eagle現在擁有收購NAK銅金項目的100%期權
  • 該公司向OreCap發行了6,976,744股股票,總價值爲150萬美元
  • 發行的股票數量基於收盤前三天設定的公司股票的15天VWAP(0.215美元)
  • 該交易於11月9日星期四結束第四
  • 以150萬美元回購NAK20%股份的選擇是在2022年10月預先確定的,也就是NAK宣佈發現漏洞 NAK22-01 的前一個月

Forthcoming News for American Eagle


The Company has catalysts for 2023 and 2024, including releasing five remaining assay results from the 2023 drill program, an Induced Polarization study, and announcing details for 2024's drill plan. American Eagle is also engaged in studies at NAK that are expected to yield significant news between now and the commencement of the 2024 drill season.

該公司擁有2023年和2024年的催化劑,包括髮布2023年鑽探計劃剩餘的五項化驗結果、一項誘導極化研究,以及公佈2024年鑽探計劃的細節。American Eagle還參與了NAK的研究,預計從現在起到2024年鑽探季節開始之間,這些研究將產生重大消息。

Details of the Option


On October 11, 2022, the Company and Orecap entered into an option agreement (the "Option Agreement") and the Call Option Agreement. The Option Agreement granted Orecap the option to earn a 20% interest (the "Interest") in the Company's NAK Copper-Gold Porphyry project, consisting of 5 mineral claims located northeast of Smithers, British Columbia (the "Project"). Pursuant to the Option Agreement, Orecap was entitled to receive the Interest in return for the completion by Orecap of an aggregate of $1 million in exploration work obligations on the Project by the end of 2022.

2022 年 10 月 11 日,公司與 Orecap 簽訂了期權協議(即期權協議“)和看漲期權協議。期權協議授予Orecap賺取20%利息的選擇權(”利息“) 在該公司的NAK Copper-Gold Porphyry項目中,該項目包括位於不列顛哥倫比亞省史密瑟斯東北部的5個礦產權(即”項目“)。根據期權協議,Orecap有權獲得利息,以換取Orecap在2022年底之前完成該項目總額爲100萬美元的勘探工作債務。

In December 2022, in accordance with the Option Agreement and following the completion of the 2022 drill program, Orecap acquired the Interest in the Project from the 100% interest that the Company is earning under its option agreement which was entered into on December 10, 2021 (the "Original Option Agreement") where the Company assumed all of the rights and interest of the vendor on the Project under the terms of an option agreement between the vendor and the underlying claim owner.


The Call Option Agreement provided the Company the ability to repurchase the Interest from Orecap at a price of $1.5 million (the "Repurchase Price"), which was subject to regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The Repurchase Price for the reacquisition of the Interest may be paid in cash or by the issuance of Common Shares of the Company, at the sole option of the Company. If the payment for the repurchase of the Interest is made in Common Shares of the Company, the quantum of shares shall be determined by dividing the Repurchase Price into the price per share of the Common Shares as equal to the volume weighted trading price of the Company's shares on the TSXV for the fifteen trading days ending three business days prior to the closing date.


On October 19, 2023, the Company obtained shareholder approval from disinterested shareholders, which excluded approximtaly 27% of the issued and outstanding common shares held directly by Orecap or are beneficially held by Shareholders who are Insiders of Orecap, to repurchase the Interest. Furthermore, the approval from disinterested sharesholders required that in the event that the board of directors elects to pay the Repurchase Price in shares, that the number of common shares issued could not exceed 15,000,000.


Early Warning Disclosure


Upon closing the Company's option to repurchase the Interest and the subsequent issuance of 6,976,744 common shares to Orecap, Orecap now holds a total of 11,683,748 sommon shares of American Eagle, amounting to approximately 10.7% of American Eagle's issued and outstanding common shares on a non-diluted basis.

在完成公司回購利息的期權以及隨後向Orecap發行6,976,744股普通股後,Orecap現在共持有American Eagle的11,683,748股索蒙股票,約佔美國之鷹在未攤薄基礎上已發行和流通普通股的10.7%。

Orecap acquiring and maintaining ownership of American Eagle's common shares is made for investment purposes. In accordance with applicable securities laws and subject to ‎applicable stock exchange ‎requirements, ‎Orecap may, from time to time, increase or decrease its ownership, control or direction of the common shares of American Eagle in the open market, by privately negotiated agreement, or otherwise depending on market conditions and any other relevant factors. This release must be issued under the early warning requirements of applicable securities laws. Orecap's head office is located at Suite 1805 - 55 University Ave, Toronto, ON, M5J 2H7. A copy of Orecap's early warning report may be obtained from Alex Stewart at (416) 644-1567 or can be accessed on the Company's profile at .

Orecap收購和維持American Eagle普通股的所有權是出於投資目的。根據適用的證券法並受‎applicable sock exchange‎requirements 的約束,‎Orecap 可以通過私下談判協議或以其他方式不時增加或減少其在公開市場上對American Eagle普通股的所有權、控制權或指導權,具體取決於市場狀況和任何其他相關因素。本新聞稿必須根據適用證券法的預警要求發佈。Orecap的總部位於安大略省多倫多大學大道1805至55號套房,M5J 2H7。Orecap預警報告的副本可致電(416)644-1567向亞歷克斯·斯圖爾特索取,也可以在公司的個人資料上查閱,網址爲。

A copy of the early warning report in relation to the above repurchase will appear ‎with American Eagle's filings on SEDAR. The disclosure in this news release under the heading "Early Warning ‎Disclosure" has been issued under the early warning provisions of applicable Canadian securities ‎legislation.

與上述回購有關的預警報告的副本將出現‎with American Eagle在SEDAR上提交的文件。本新聞稿中標題爲 “預警‎Disclosure” 的披露是根據適用的加拿大證券‎legislation 的預警條款發佈的。

About American Eagle's NAK Project

關於 American Eagle 的 NAK 項目

The NAK Project is in the Babine copper-gold porphyry district of British Columbia, near past-producing mines and with excellent infrastructure. Previous drilling at NAK revealed a large near-surface copper-gold system measuring over 1.5 km x 1.5 km. Historical exploration was limited to shallow depths, averaging 170 m. In 2022, American Eagle's 2022 drilling program explored deeper and discovered significant copper-gold mineralization along a northerly trend. The objective for 2023 is to expand the known mineralized footprint at NAK and to identify higher-grade zones of copper and gold. The property is accessible by road and can be drilled year-round. The promising initial results make NAK an ideal candidate for further exploration. Outstanding payments to own 100% of the property are $75k due April 2024 and $150k due upon disclosure of a minimum of 1,000,000 ounces. American Eagle has the right to fast-track the option to purchase and the optionor has the right to receive shares in lieu of cash, with the number of shares subject to certain restrictions.

NAK項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省的巴賓銅金斑岩區,靠近過去生產的礦山,基礎設施完善。此前在NAK的鑽探發現了一個大型近地表銅金系統,其長度超過1.5 km x 1.5 km。歷史勘探僅限於淺水深度,平均深度爲170米。2022年,American Eagle的2022年鑽探計劃進行了更深的勘探,並沿着向北的趨勢發現了重要的銅金礦化區。2023年的目標是擴大NAK的已知礦化足跡,並確定銅和金的更高品位區域。該物業可通過公路進入,並且可以全年鑽探。令人鼓舞的初步結果使NAK成爲進一步探索的理想人選。擁有該房產100%的未付款項爲7.5萬美元,在披露至少100萬盎司後到期的15萬美元。American Eagle有權快速追蹤購買期權,期權人有權獲得股票以代替現金,股票數量受到某些限制。

For the latest videos from American Eagle, Ore Group, and all things mining, subscribe to our YouTube Chanel:

如需觀看 American Eagle、Ore Group 以及所有采礦領域的最新視頻,請訂閱我們的 YouTube Chanel: @theoregroup

About American Eagle Gold Corp.


American Eagle is focused on exploring its NAK project in the Babine Copper-Gold Porphyry district of central British Columbia. In May and August 2023, the Company announced strategic investments by Teck Resources Limited.

American Eagle專注於探索其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部Babine Copper-Gold Porphyry區的NAK項目。2023年5月和8月,公司宣佈了泰克資源有限公司的戰略投資。

Anthony Moreau, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 416.644.1567


QP Statement

QP 聲明

Mark Bradley, B.Sc., M.Sc., P.Geo., a Certified Professional Geologist and 'qualified person' for the purposes of Canada's National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Properties, has verified and approved the information contained in this news release.

Mark Bradley,理學學士、理學碩士、P.Geo.,加拿大國家儀器43-101礦產財產披露標準認證專業地質學家和 “合格人士”,他已經驗證並批准了本新聞稿中包含的信息。

Reader Advisory


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements or information ("forward-looking statements"). All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company ‎expects to occur, are forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, statements regarding whether the Company can exercise its option to acquire the Project as anticipated, whether the Company shall receive the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, whether the Company's exploration efforts on the Project produce the results anticipated by management, the forthcoming nature of the release of further results of the 2023 drill program or the release of the 2024 drill program, or the exact amount of shares that will be issued by the Company to satisfy the Repurchase Price. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond the ‎Company's control, including the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, volatility of ‎commodity prices, currency fluctuations, environmental risks, operational risks, competition from other ‎industry participants, stock market volatility. Although the Company believes that the expectations in its forward-‎looking statements are reasonable, its forward-looking statements have been based on factors and ‎assumptions concerning future events which may prove to be inaccurate. Those factors and assumptions are ‎based upon currently available information. Such statements are subject to known and unknown risks, ‎uncertainties and other factors that could influence actual results or events and cause actual results or events ‎to differ materially from those stated, anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, ‎readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, as no assurance can be ‎provided as to future results, levels of activity or achievements. Risks, uncertainties, material assumptions ‎and other factors that could affect actual results are discussed in the Company's public disclosure documents ‎available at . Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this document are ‎made as of the date of this document and, except as required by applicable law, the Company does not undertake ‎any obligation to publicly update or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a ‎result of new information, future events or otherwise. The forward-looking statements contained in this ‎document are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.‎

本新聞稿中的某些信息可能包含前瞻性陳述或信息(”前瞻性陳述“)。除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中涉及公司‎expects 將要發生的事件或事態發展的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於關於公司是否可以按預期行使收購該項目的選擇權、公司是否應獲得多倫多證券交易所風險交易所批准、公司在該項目上的勘探工作是否產生管理層預期的結果、該項目的未來性質的陳述公佈2023年鑽探計劃或2024年鑽探計劃的進一步結果,或公司爲滿足回購價格而將發行的股票的確切數量。就其性質而言,前瞻性陳述面臨許多風險和不確定性,其中一些是‎Company 無法控制的,包括總體經濟狀況、行業狀況、‎commodity 價格波動、貨幣波動、環境風險、運營風險、來自其他‎industry 參與者的競爭、股市波動的影響。儘管該公司認爲其遠期‎looking 陳述中的預期是合理的,但其前瞻性陳述是基於有關未來事件的‎assumptions,這些因素可能被證明是不準確的。根據目前可用的信息,這些因素和假設是‎based。此類陳述受已知和未知風險的影響,‎uncertainties 以及可能影響實際業績或事件並導致實際業績或事件‎to 與前瞻性陳述中陳述、預期或暗示的結果或事件存在重大差異的其他因素。因此,提醒‎readers 不要過分依賴前瞻性陳述,因爲‎provided 無法保證未來的業績、活動水平或成就。風險、不確定性、重大假設‎and 其他可能影響實際業績的因素已在公司的公開披露文件中討論‎available 。此外,截至本文件發佈之日,本文件中包含的前瞻性陳述爲‎made,除非適用法律要求,否則公司沒有義務公開更新或修改所包含的任何前瞻性陳述,無論是新信息、未來事件還是其他‎result 項。‎any本‎document 中包含的前瞻性陳述受本警示聲明的明確限制。‎

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