
Kumpulan Jetson Eyes RM32m Stake in Land-rich Firm

Kumpulan Jetson Eyes RM32m Stake in Land-rich Firm

Kumpulan Jetson 計劃持有土地資源豐富的公司的 3200 萬令吉股份
The Malaysian Reserve ·  2023/11/09 12:09

Kumpulan Jetson Bhd is in negotiations to acquire a 51% stake in Magical Era (M) Sdn. Bhd. for RM32 million. Magical Era is a financial consultancy services firm that owns an unencumbered property in Alor Gajah, Malacca.

Kumpulan Jetson Bhd正在談判收購Magical Era(M)Sdn的51%股份。Bhd. 售價3200萬令吉。Magical Era是一家金融諮詢服務公司,在馬六甲的亞羅牙也擁有一處未設抵押的房產。

The acquisition proposal is currently in the form of a non-binding letter of intent (LOI), and further negotiations are needed to finalise the terms.


Jetson's subsidiary, Jetson Development Sdn. Bhd., is leading the negotiations, with Datuk Sri Baljinder Singh as the seller.

Jetson 的子公司 Jetson Development SdnBhd. 牽頭談判,拿督斯里·巴爾金德·辛格是賣方。

The LOI has a termination date of November 30, 2023, if a share sale agreement is not executed.


The acquisition aims to leverage the growth potential of prime industrial land and aligns with Jetson's expansion strategy.


As of now, the LOI is not expected to have an immediate financial impact on Jetson. None of the company's directors, major shareholders, or affiliated individuals have vested interests in the LOI, and the board believes the move is in the company's best interest.


