
Pertama Digital CEO Resigns

Pertama Digital CEO Resigns

Pertama Digital 首席執行官辭職
The Malaysian Reserve ·  2023/11/09 12:08

Pertama Digital Bhd has announced the resignation of its CEO, Saifullah Akhtar, citing personal interests as the reason for his departure.

Pertama Digital Bhd宣佈其首席執行官賽夫拉·阿赫塔爾辭職,理由是個人利益是他離職的原因。

Saifullah, who took on the role in December, previously held the position of director of strategy in 2021.


He is the son-in-law of Pertama Digital's ED and substantial shareholder, Sabri Ab Rahman.

他是Pertama Digital董事兼大股東薩布里·阿布·拉赫曼的女子。

In August, the company sought a 12-month extension, with a deadline of August 9, 2024, to submit its regularisation plan to authorities.


This request followed the reclassification of the company as an 'affected listed issuer' due to the sale of its China-based textile subsidiary, Be Top Group Ltd, to transition into a pure-play digital services provider.

該請求是在該公司被重新歸類爲 “受影響的上市發行人” 之後提出的,原因是出售了其位於中國的紡織子公司Be Top Group Ltd,轉型爲純粹的數字服務提供商。

Pertama Digital operates the MyPay mobile app, consolidating Malaysian government e-services, and the eJamin website app for electronic payments of criminal court bails.

Pertama Digital運營MyPay移動應用程序,整合了馬來西亞政府的電子服務,以及用於電子支付刑事法庭保釋金的eJamin網站應用程序。

Pertama Digital's share price closed 1.98% lower at RM3.96 today, with a market capitalisation of RM1.74 billion.

Pertama Digital的股價今天收盤下跌1.98%,至3.96令吉,市值爲17.4億令吉。

