
Artroniq, United E-Motor to Transform Urban Mobility With Cutting-edge E-motor

Artroniq, United E-Motor to Transform Urban Mobility With Cutting-edge E-motor

Artroniq、United E-Motor將利用尖端的電動汽車改變城市交通
The Malaysian Reserve ·  2023/11/09 12:08

THE introduction of electric motorcycles (e-motor) resulting from the partnership between Artroniq Bhd and PT Terang Dunia Internusa's (PT TDI) subsidiary United E- Motor is set to transform urban mobility in Malaysia.

Artroniq Bhd和PT Terang Dunia Internusa(PT TDI)子公司聯合電動汽車公司合作推出的電動摩托車(電動機)將改變馬來西亞的城市交通。

According to Artroniq CFO Marcus Chin said the main objective of introducing the e-motor, TX3000 and TX1800, for the Malaysian market is to provide a certain level of assistance to the government in reducing petrol subsidies and helping the public to adopt the electric vehicle (EV) trend.

Artroniq首席財務官Marcus Chin表示,爲馬來西亞市場推出電動汽車 TX3000 和 TX1800 的主要目標是向政府提供一定程度的援助,以減少汽油補貼並幫助公衆採用電動汽車(EV)趨勢。

"We are thrilled to introduce United E-Motor's cutting-edge e-motor into the Malaysian market as this partnership aligns perfectly with our commitment to providing sustainable and innovative mobility solutions to our customers.

“我們很高興將United E-Motor的尖端電動汽車引入馬來西亞市場,因爲這種夥伴關係完全符合我們爲客戶提供可持續和創新的出行解決方案的承諾。

"I strongly believe the introduction of these two models of e-motor will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of urban mobility in Malaysia," Chin said at the unveiling event yesterday.


Asked about the expected sales for the e-motor, Chin stresses that the figure is not their main goal because their main concern is to assist the Malaysian government in reducing the petrol subsidies and achieving the targeted environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals.


Chin then revealed that they are planning to produce at least 2,000 units across two models in 2024 for the local market at their assembly plant in Batu Kawan, Penang.


"Currently, we will not be doing any export at this juncture because any export plan will be done after the completion of our other two assembly plants in Perlis and Johor," Chin said, adding that both Artroniq and United E-Motor will also be cooperating to market the e-motor to other Asean countries in the region beginning with Thailand.

欽說:“目前,我們不會進行任何出口,因爲任何出口計劃都將在玻璃市和柔佛州的另外兩家裝配廠建成後完成。” 他補充說,Artroniq和United E-Motor還將合作向該地區其他東盟國家銷售電動汽車,首先是泰國。

As for the pricing for the two models, he said it will be announced on Dec 24 and the public can start placing the booking the following day.


Meanwhile, United E-Motor founder Henry Mulyadi said the introduction of United E-Motor's e-motor into the Malaysian market marks the beginning of a new era in urban mobility.


"The successful launch of TX3000 and TX1800 has exceeded our expectation.

“TX3000 和 TX1800 的成功推出超出了我們的預期。

"We are excited to partner Artroniq in bringing our eco-friendly and high-performance e-motor to the discerning Malaysian public," Henry said, adding that both companies are dedicated to making eco-conscious commuting a reality, enhancing the lives of Malaysians while preserving the environment.

亨利說:“我們很高興與Artroniq合作,將我們的環保和高性能電動汽車帶給挑剔的馬來西亞公衆,” 他補充說,兩家公司都致力於將具有環保意識的通勤變成現實,在保護環境的同時改善馬來西亞人的生活。

