
Prospecting Legend Ken Reading Returns to New Break's Sundog Gold Project at Age 93

Prospecting Legend Ken Reading Returns to New Break's Sundog Gold Project at Age 93

探險傳奇人物肯·雷丁在 93 歲時重返 New Break 的 Sundog 黃金項目
newsfile ·  2023/11/08 20:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - November 8, 2023) - New Break Resources Ltd. (CSE: NBRK) ("New Break" or the "Company") is pleased to report that in September 2023, a New Break field team comprised of famed Canadian prospector Ken Reading, Shaun Parent, P. Geo. of Superior Exploration Ltd. and a field assistant, accessed the Sundog Gold Project in Kivalliq Region, Nunavut ("Sundog") by float plane from Thompson, Manitoba. The team performed a reconnaissance site visit to confirm access to the project area, assess the impact of environmental changes, reproduce historical gold assays from a small sample of historical trenches and gather samples from previously unsampled vein structures near existing historical trenches.

安大略省多倫多--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 11 月 8 日)-New Break Resources Ltd. (案例:NBRK) (“New Break” 或者 “公司”) 很高興地向大家報告,2023年9月,由加拿大著名探礦者肯·雷丁、肖恩·帕倫特、Superior Explorated Ltd.的P. Geo和一名現場助理組成的新布雷克實地考察小組訪問了位於努納武特地區基瓦利克地區的Sundog Gold Project(”Sundog“) 從曼尼托巴省湯普森乘坐水上飛機。該小組進行了實地考察,以確認進入項目區域的通道,評估環境變化的影響,從少量歷史戰溝樣本中複製歷史黃金分析結果,並從現有歷史戰溝附近先前未抽樣的礦脈結構中收集樣本。

For Ken Reading, the trip back to Sundog came about a month before his 94th birthday, which he celebrated on October 15, 2023, and almost a decade after Ken last visited the property. In total, Ken's involvement with Sundog spans almost half of his 80-year career, having first visited Sundog in June 1986 and again in the summer of 1987 on behalf of Abermin Corporation ("Abermin"). Ken's prospecting experience in the Arctic may be unmatched, having prospected historically for various minerals for Pan Ocean Oil Ltd., and predominantly for gold for Abermin, Homestake Mineral Development Corp. on what is now New Breaks' SY property in Kivalliq and for Comaplex Minerals Corp. ("Comaplex"). In fact, it was Ken's ground breaking exploration work and report, that led to the discovery of the Tiriruniak gold deposit by WMC International after optioning the property from Comaplex. Tiriruniak is known today as the Meliadine mine, operated by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited.

對於肯·雷丁來說,回到 Sundog 的旅程是在他 94 歲之前大約一個月第四 生日,他在 2023 年 10 月 15 日慶祝,也就是 Ken 最後一次訪問該物業將近十年之後。總體而言,肯在Sundog的參與跨越了他80年職業生涯的近一半,他於1986年6月首次訪問了Sundog,並於1987年夏天代表Abermin Corporation再次訪問了Sundog(”Abermin“)。肯在北極的勘探經驗可能是無與倫比的,他歷來曾爲泛洋石油有限公司勘探各種礦物,主要爲Abermin、Homestake Mineral Development Corp. 在現在位於基瓦利克的SY地產上勘探黃金,也爲Comaplex Minerals Corp.(”Comaplex“)。實際上,正是肯的開創性勘探工作和報告,促使WMC International在從Complex手中選出蒂裏魯尼亞克金礦後發現了該礦牀。蒂裏魯尼亞克今天被稱爲梅里亞丁礦,由Agnico Eagle Mines Limited運營。

Figure 1: Sundog Gold Project - Property Location

圖 1: Sundog Gold 項目-物業位置

Bill Love, New Break's Vice-President, Exploration commented, "The world will never see another Ken Reading. At age 94, his prospecting mind is as sharp as ever. He is quite literally a living database of knowledge as it relates to gold exploration in Nunavut. The significant mineral potential of the Sundog Project is what led New Break in 2020, to target Nunavut for gold exploration and in June 2021, New Break purchased all of Ken's historical library of exploration data which includes information on both the Sundog and Sy gold projects, but also on areas only previously known to Ken. Ken has emphasized that you drill where you find gold, as was the case at Meliadine, and New Break's Sundog property has a lot of gold at surface. Sundog has yielded high grade gold assays from samples taken from outcrops and trenches exhibiting visible gold, that have never been tested through drilling."

New Break Exploration副總裁比爾·洛夫評論說:“世界再也見不到肯·雷丁了。在94歲時,他的勘探頭腦一如既往地敏銳。他實際上是一個活生生的知識數據庫,因爲它與努納武特地區的金礦勘探有關。Sundog Project的巨大礦產潛力促使New Break在2020年將努納武特作爲黃金勘探目標。2021年6月,New Break購買了肯的所有歷史勘探數據庫,其中包括有關Sundog和Sy黃金項目的信息,也包括肯以前僅知道的區域的信息。肯曾強調,你可以在找到黃金的地方鑽探,就像在梅里亞丁一樣,而New Break的Sundog房產表面有大量黃金。Sundog從露頭和溝槽中採集的樣本中得出了高品位的黃金化驗結果,這些樣本從未通過鑽探測試過。”

The Sundog property lies approximately 16 km northeast of the former Cullaton Lake gold mine, which produced over 100,000 ounces of gold from October 1981 to September 1985. Cullaton Lake was first prospected in 1960 by Thomas Skimming and Huntley ("Red") MacDonald, working for Selco Exploration, who were tracking an iron formation. Later, in 1962, MacDonald took a grab sample from quartz veins from what today is known as trench 10 on the Sundog property, that graded 102.9 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au"). As a result of its banded iron formation ("BIF") style mineralization, similar to the Lupin gold mine, exploration and development focused on Cullaton Lake instead of Sundog. The mine was finally closed in 1985 by Peter Steen, President of the mine's operator, Royex Gold Corp. In a March 7, 1988 Northern Miner article, of the areas discovered by Skimming and MacDonald, Steen noted, "I think that the area's real potential is in exploration. There's a lot of gold in that area. If that property were down in Arizona, it would be one big open pit."

Sundog的房產位於前庫拉頓湖金礦東北約16公里處,該金礦從1981年10月到1985年9月生產了超過10萬盎司的黃金。庫拉頓湖是托馬斯·斯基明和亨特利在 1960 年首次勘探的 (“紅色”) 麥克唐納,在塞爾科勘探公司工作,他正在追蹤鐵礦層。後來,在1962年,麥克唐納從Sundog地產上今天所謂的10號溝槽中採集了石英礦脈樣本,該地塊每噸黃金的品位爲102.9克(”g/t Au“)。由於其形成帶狀鐵(”BIF“)式的礦化,類似於盧平金礦,勘探和開發的重點是庫拉頓湖而不是Sundog。該礦運營商Royex Gold Corp.總裁彼得·斯蒂恩終於在1985年關閉了該礦。斯蒂恩在1988年3月7日北方礦業公司的一篇關於Skimming和MacDonald發現的區域的文章中指出:“我認爲該地區的真正潛力在於勘探。那個區域有很多黃金。如果那處房產在亞利桑那州倒閉,那將是一個很大的露天礦坑。”

In his June 1986 trip to Sundog, Ken took 9 grab samples, 3 from what is now Trench 29 and 6 from what is now Trench 10, with the best assay being 62.8 g/t Au. Ken returned in August and September 1986, and collected a further 26 rock chip samples with the best assay being 39.1 g/t Au and 13 panned concentrate samples with the best assay being 206.7 g/t Au, from what is now Trench 17. A description of the historical results from the August and September 1986 rock, vein and panned concentrate samples is provided at .

在1986年6月的Sundog之行中,Ken採集了9份樣本,其中3份來自現在的29號海溝,6份來自現在的海溝10號,最好的檢測結果爲62.8 g/t Au。肯於1986年8月和9月返回,從現在的17號海溝中又收集了26份岩屑樣本,其中最好的檢測結果爲39.1 g/t Au,13份經過平移的濃縮物樣本的最佳檢測結果爲206.7 g/t Au。有關1986年8月和9月岩石、礦脈和平移濃縮物樣本的歷史結果的描述,請訪問。

When asked about his thoughts on the potential at Sundog, Ken replied, "Quite simply, barring Tiriruniak (Meliadine), I cannot recall having ever found or personally investigated a more interesting gold occurrence site here in Canada! The site's potential can only be determined by the thoroughness with which it is investigated." Ken believes that the best exploration results come from boots on the ground, to which he added, "Sweat is a wonderful educator."

當被問及他對Sundog潛力的看法時,肯回答說:“很簡單,除了Tiriruniak(Meliadine)之外,我不記得在加拿大發現或親自調查過一個更有趣的金礦開採地!該地點的潛力只能由對其進行調查的徹底性來決定。”肯認爲,最好的探索結果來自於地面上的靴子,他補充說:“Sweat 是一位出色的教育家。”

About the Sundog Gold Project

關於 Sundog 黃金項目

Sundog is located approximately 235 km west of Arviat, Nunavut, 640 km north of Thompson, Manitoba and lies 16 km to the northeast of the Cullaton Lake airstrip on parcel AR-35 of Inuit Owned Land ("IOL") and covers approximately 9,415 hectares (the "Exploration Area"). The surface rights are managed by the Kivalliq Inuit Association ("KIVIA") and administration of mineral rights is managed by Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated ("NTI"). The Exploration Area represents an under-explored part of the Henik Group, central Ennadai-Rankin Archean greenstone belt, the second largest greenstone belt in Canada, second only to the Abitibi greenstone belt in Ontario and Quebec. The Sundog property is characterized by high grade surface gold exposures over a minimum 2,500 x 500 m area. There are two banded iron formations on the property, with the potential for Musselwhite-Meadowbank-Meliadine type mineralization.

Sundog 位於努納武特省阿爾維亞特以西約 235 公里處,位於曼尼托巴省湯普森以北 640 公里處,位於因紐特人擁有土地 AR-35 地塊上的庫拉頓湖簡易機場東北 16 千米處(”IOL“),佔地面積約爲 9,415 公頃(即”探索區“)。地表版權由基瓦利克因紐特人協會管理(”KIVIA“)礦產權的管理由努納武特 Tunngavik Incorporated 管理(”NTI“)。勘探區是Henik集團中尚未開發的部分,位於恩納代-蘭金太空綠巖帶中部,是加拿大第二大綠巖帶,僅次於安大略省和魁北克的阿比提比綠巖帶。Sundog物業的特點是在至少2,500 x 500 m的區域內暴露出高品位的表面金。該物業上有兩個帶狀鐵層,有可能出現 Musselwhite-Meadowbank-Meliadine 型礦化。

Indigenous Engagement and Draft Nunavut Land Use Plan


New Break considers consultation with indigenous communities impacted by mineral exploration to be a critical component of advancing its projects in Nunavut, including Sundog. In May 2022, Bill Love and John Todd, former Minister of Finance for the Northwest Territories and an advisor to New Break, travelled to Arviat to meet with the Hunters and Trappers Organization ("HTO") to present New Break's exploration plans at Sundog and to address any concerns that they may have. The meeting was highly productive with the HTO confirming that the Sundog property does not serve as a caribou migration route or contain any culturally significant sites that would impede mineral exploration or development. New Break further confirmed that there are no proposed restrictions that would pertain to Sundog as a result of recommendations made in the Nunavut Planning Commission's Draft Nunavut Land Use Plan, which was submitted for approval to the government of Nunavut and NTI in June 2023 after 16 years in development.

New Break認爲,與受礦產勘探影響的土著社區進行磋商是推進其在努納武特地區的項目(包括Sundog)的關鍵組成部分。2022年5月,比爾·洛夫和前西北地區財政部長、New Break顧問約翰·託德前往Arviat,與獵人和捕獸者組織(“HTO”)會面,向Sundog介紹New Break的勘探計劃,並解決他們可能存在的任何擔憂。這次會議富有成效,HTO證實,Sundog的財產不作爲馴鹿的遷徙路線,也不包含任何可能阻礙礦產勘探或開發的具有文化意義的地點。New Break 進一步證實,根據努納武特規劃委員會在努納武特地區土地使用計劃草案中提出的建議,沒有任何與 Sundog 有關的擬議限制措施。該草案在制定了 16 年後於 2023 年 6 月提交給努納武特政府和 NTI 批准。

Why to Consider Investing in Junior Gold Exploration in Nunavut


746,659 ounces of gold were produced in Nunavut in 2022 by Agnico Eagle from their Meliadine and Meadowbank mines in Kivalliq Region. Agnico Eagle acquired Meadowbank and Meliadine respectively, through their 2007 acquisition of Cumberland Resources Ltd. for approximately CDN$710 million and their 2010 acquisition of Comaplex for approximately CDN$700 million. 2023 drilling by Agnico Eagle at the Hope Bay deposit in Kitikmeot Region continues, with a view of ultimately putting Hope Bay back into production following their February 3, 2021 acquisition of TMAC Resources Inc. for approximately CDN$287 million. On April 21, 2023, another major gold producer, B2Gold Corp. completed the acquisition of Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. for CDN$1.1 billion to gain ownership of the Back River Gold District, located in Kitikmeot Region, including the Goose Project, currently under construction with completion expected in 2025.

2022年,Agnico Eagle在努納武特地區從其位於基瓦利克地區的梅里亞丁和梅多班克礦生產了746,659盎司的黃金。Agnico Eagle分別通過2007年以約7.1億加元收購坎伯蘭資源有限公司,以及2010年以約7億加元收購Comaplex來收購梅多班克和梅里亞丁。Agnico Eagle在2023年繼續在基蒂克梅奧特地區的希望灣礦牀進行鑽探,以期在2021年2月3日以約加元的價格收購TMAC資源公司之後,最終使希望灣恢復生產 2.87 億。2023年4月21日,另一家主要黃金生產商B2Gold Corp. 以11億加元完成了對薩賓娜金銀公司的收購,以獲得位於基蒂克梅奧特地區的後河黃金區的所有權,包括目前在建的鵝項目,預計將於2025年完工。

Michael Farrant, President and CEO of New Break commented, "A Sundog, or mock sun, is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that occurs when light is refracted through significant ice crystals suspended in clouds or freezing moist air, causing a bright spot to one or both sides of the sun. Similar to a rainbow, they are seen as a sign of good luck. It is clear that Nunavut has become a growing focus for major gold producers looking to replace reserves and resources and maintain gold production within a top tier mining jurisdiction that also offers large underexplored land packages hosting significant exploration potential. It is our belief that the Sundog project holds this potential and will continue to serve as a sign of good luck for New Break shareholders. For more information on what others, including Ammar Al-Joundi, my former colleague at Barrick Gold Corporation and now President and CEO of Agnico Eagle are saying about mineral exploration and mining in Nunavut, watch the video in this link: ."

New Break總裁兼首席執行官邁克爾·法蘭特評論說:“Sundog(模擬太陽)是一種大氣光學現象,當光線折射到懸浮在雲層中的重要冰晶或凍結潮溼空氣時,就會發生這種現象,從而在太陽的一側或兩側形成亮點。與彩虹類似,它們被視爲好運的標誌。顯然,努納武特已成爲主要黃金生產商越來越關注的焦點,他們希望在頂級礦業管轄區內替代儲量和資源,維持黃金產量,該司法管轄區還提供大量未開發的土地,具有巨大的勘探潛力。我們相信,Sundog項目具有這種潛力,並將繼續成爲New Break股東好運的標誌。要了解包括我在巴里克黃金公司的前同事、現任Agnico Eagle總裁兼首席執行官阿瑪爾·瓊迪在內的其他人對努納武特地區的礦產勘探和採礦的看法的更多信息,請觀看此鏈接中的視頻:。”

Stay Tuned for New Break's Technical Update on the Sundog Gold Project

敬請關注 New Break 關於 Sundog Gold Project 的技術更新

New Break expects to have assay results from the September 2023 trip imminently and intends to provide a technical update on the Sundog property, including a review of Sundog assay results from 1986 to present and a discussion of Sundog's geology and nature of gold occurrences in assays.

New Break預計很快將獲得2023年9月旅行的化驗結果,並打算提供有關Sundog物業的最新技術信息,包括對1986年至今的Sundog化驗結果的審查,以及對Sundog化驗中金礦的地質和性質的討論。

Qualified Person


Peter C. Hubacheck, P. Geo., consulting geologist to New Break, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this news release.

Peter C. Hubacheck,P. Geo.,New Break的諮詢地質學家,國家儀器43-101所定義的合格人員,已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術披露。

About New Break Resources Ltd. and Nunavut Property Portfolio


In addition to the Sundog, New Break's portfolio of gold exploration projects in Kivalliq Region, Nunavut include the Sy, Esker-Noomut and Angikuni Lake properties, collectively covering an additional 21,960 hectares, situated on Crown Land. These mineral claims were acquired in 2021 through staking, using the new on-line Nunavut Map Selection System operated by the federal government of Canada through the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada ("CIRNAC").

除了Sundog,New Break在基瓦利克地區的黃金勘探項目組合外,努納武特還包括位於Crown Land的Sy、Esker-Noomut和Angikuni Lake地產,共佔地21,960公頃。這些礦產權是在2021年通過質押獲得的,使用加拿大聯邦政府通過加拿大皇家土著關係和北方事務部運營的新在線努納武特地圖選擇系統(”CIRNAC“)。

New Break is a Canadian mineral exploration company with a dual vision for value creation. In northern Ontario, New Break is focused on its Moray Project, in a well-established mining camp, within proximity to existing infrastructure, while at the same time, through our prospective land holdings in Nunavut, we provide our shareholders with significant exposure to the vast potential for exploration success in one of the most up and coming regions in Canada for gold exploration and production. New Break is supported by a highly experienced team of mining professionals committed to placing a premium on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance. Information on New Break is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at and on the Company's website at . New Break began trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange () on September 7, 2022 under the symbol CSE: NBRK.

New Break 是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,具有創造價值的雙重願景。在安大略省北部,New Break專注於其Moray項目,該項目位於一個完善的採礦營地,靠近現有基礎設施,同時,通過我們在努納武特地區擁有的潛在土地,我們爲股東提供了大量機會,讓他們了解加拿大最具前途的黃金勘探和生產地區之一的巨大勘探成功潛力。New Break由一支經驗豐富的礦業專業人員團隊提供支持,他們致力於重視環境、社會和公司治理。有關New Break的信息可在SEDAR+上的公司個人資料下找到,也可以在公司的網站上找到。New Break 於 2022 年 9 月 7 日開始在加拿大證券交易所 () 上市,代碼爲 案例:NBRK

For further information on New Break, please visit or contact:

有關 New Break 的更多信息,請訪問 或者聯繫:

Michael Farrant, President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 416-278-4149


And follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook


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Except for statements of historic fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to receipt of regulatory and stock exchange approvals, grants of equity-based compensation, renouncement of flow-through exploration expenses, property agreements, timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, an inability to predict and counteract the effects global events on the business of the Company, including but not limited to the effects on the price of commodities, capital market conditions, restriction on labour and international travel and supply chains etc. Forward-looking information addresses future events and conditions and therefore involves inherent risks and uncertainties, including factors beyond the Company's control. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise any forward-looking information, except as may be required by law. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's financial statements and management's discussion and analysis (the "Filings"), such Filings available upon request.

除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的某些 “前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息通常以 “計劃”、“期望”、“項目”、“打算”、“相信”、“預期”、“估計” 和其他類似詞語爲特徵,或者關於某些事件或條件 “可能” 或 “將” 發生的陳述。前瞻性陳述基於陳述發表之日的意見和估計,受各種風險和不確定性以及其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性陳述中預期的事件或結果存在重大差異,包括但不限於獲得監管和證券交易所的批准、基於股權的補償、放棄直通勘探費用、財產協議、即將到來的工作計劃的時間和內容、地質解釋、收據財產所有權,無法預測和抵消全球事件對公司業務的影響,包括但不限於對大宗商品價格的影響、資本市場狀況、對勞動力、國際旅行和供應鏈的限制等。前瞻性信息涉及未來事件和條件,因此涉及固有的風險和不確定性,包括公司無法控制的因素。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。除非法律要求,否則公司沒有義務公開或以其他方式更新任何前瞻性信息。識別可能影響財務業績的風險和不確定性的其他信息包含在公司的財務報表和管理層的討論和分析(“申報文件”)中,此類文件可應要求提供。

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