
Trump's Lawyer Strikes Back At NY Attorney General Letitia James During Fraud Trial: 'She's Just Not That Bright'

Trump's Lawyer Strikes Back At NY Attorney General Letitia James During Fraud Trial: 'She's Just Not That Bright'

Benzinga ·  2023/11/08 08:51

In a recent development in the ongoing legal battle, Donald Trump's attorney, Alina Habba, has publicly criticized New York Attorney General Letitia James, as the case against the former President unfolds.

在正在進行的法律鬥爭的最近事態發展中, 唐納德·特朗普的律師阿麗娜·哈巴公開批評了紐約總檢察長 萊蒂蒂亞·詹姆斯, 隨着針對前總統的案件的展開.

What Happened: Alina Habba, attorney for former President Donald Trump, took aim at New York Attorney General Letitia James on Monday, questioning her intelligence in a Newsmax interview. James is spearheading a civil trial against Trump and his adult sons for alleged business fraud, reported The Hill.

發生了什麼:Alina Habba,前總統的律師 唐納德·特朗普,瞄準了紐約總檢察長 萊蒂蒂亞·詹姆斯 週一,在Newsmax的一次採訪中質疑她的情報。希爾報道,詹姆斯正率先對特朗普及其成年兒子進行民事審判,罪名是涉嫌商業欺詐。

"She's just not that bright. I'm sorry, I have to say it," Habba said in the interview. "I've seen their case; I've seen their lawyers. They don't know what they're talking about."

“她只是沒那麼聰明。對不起,我得說出來。” 哈巴在接受採訪時說。“我看過他們的案子;我見過他們的律師。他們不知道自己在說什麼。”

Despite Judge Arthur Engoron's ruling confirming the occurrence of fraud, Habba dismissed the strength of James' case. She claimed that the actions deemed fraudulent by the judge are actually commonplace in the industry.

儘管有法官 亞瑟·恩戈倫的 哈巴在確認欺詐行爲的裁決中駁回了詹姆斯案的依據。她聲稱,被法官視爲欺詐的行爲實際上在業內司空見慣。

Habba's comments were made as Trump testified on Monday, leading to tense exchanges with Judge Engoron. During the trial, Trump's responses veered off into political commentary, prompting Engoron to intervene and request order.


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New York's Attorney General is pursuing $250 million in financial penalties and aims to prohibit Trump and his sons from managing businesses in the state. Despite Trump's confrontational testimony, James expressed her resolve to not be swayed by what she termed as "distractions" from Trump.

紐約總檢察長正在追究2.5億美元的經濟處罰,旨在禁止特朗普及其兒子在該州管理企業。儘管特朗普作了對抗性的證詞,但詹姆斯表示決心不被她所謂的 “干擾” 特朗普所左右。

Why It Matters: The legal scrutiny of Trump's business practices has intensified. In November last year, Trump labeled James a "political hack" during his testimony, suggesting the trial was a form of "election interference." His statements were part of the ongoing narrative that the trial is politically motivated, especially since it followed testimonies from his sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.

它爲何重要: 對特朗普商業行爲的法律審查已經加強。去年11月,特朗普在作證時將詹姆斯標記爲 “政治黑客”,暗示審判是一種 “干預選舉”。他的陳述是目前的說法的一部分, 即審判是出於政治動機, 特別是因爲審判是在他兒子的證詞之後進行的, 小唐納德·特朗普 埃裏克·特朗普

Prior to that, the trial gained attention in October when details emerged about the valuation of Trump's Mar-A-Lago property and other assets. The trial, devoid of a jury, saw Judge Engoron's decision to rescind several of Trump's business licenses after determining fraud had occurred. This decision was a significant precursor to the current proceedings, as detailed in a Benzinga report on the trial's early developments.


The outcome of this trial could have substantial implications for Trump's future business endeavors in New York, including a potential ban on managing businesses, alongside a sizable financial penalty.


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繼續閱讀:瑪喬麗·泰勒·格林在 “問責制來臨” 後在網上被嘲笑。帖子適得其反:“富人來自像你這樣的騙子”

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