
Soil Geochemistry and IP Outline Further Targets on MTB's Telegraph Copper-Gold Project

Soil Geochemistry and IP Outline Further Targets on MTB's Telegraph Copper-Gold Project

newsfile ·  2023/11/06 20:30
  • Copper and gold in soils over several kilometres

  • Good correlation between soil anomalies and high IP chargeability

  • Gold in soils up to 1.95 g/t

  • 幾千米以上的土壤中的銅和金

  • 土壤異常與高 IP 可充電性之間存在良好的相關性

  • 土壤中的金含量高達 1.95 g/t

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 6, 2023) - MTB Metals Corp. (TSXV: MTB) (OTCQB: MBYMF) (FSE: E8H) ("MTB" or the "Company") reports assays for soil geochemistry samples along the Dok Trend which infill and extend the mineralized trend. Assays are pending for four drill holes recently completed in the area. Additional induced polarization (IP) geophysical work was also carried out along Dok Trend and the results are now being processed.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 11 月 6 日)-MTB Metals Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MTB)(場外交易代碼:MBYMF)(FSE:E8H)(”MTB“或者”公司“) 報告了對 Dok Trend 沿線土壤地球化學樣本的分析,這些樣本填充並擴展了礦化趨勢。該地區最近完成的四個鑽孔尚待化驗。Dok Trend沿線還進行了額外的感應極化(IP)地球物理工作,目前正在處理結果。

The combined drilling, soil geochemistry anomalies and IP chargeability anomalies have so far outlined a prospective area that extends for at least 5 kms. The recent drilling tested 4 widespread targets along 3 kms of that trend.

迄今爲止,鑽探、土壤地球化學異常和 IP 可充電性異常相結合,概述了延伸至少 5 千米的潛在區域。最近的鑽探沿着該趨勢的3公里測試了4個大範圍的目標。

The geological setting of the Telegraph property is similar to four world-class porphyry copper-gold deposits in the same region, all of which are being advanced by major mining companies. MTB assembled a 344 square kilometer land package beginning in 2021 and is now exploring this area for the first time on a consolidated basis.


The Telegraph porphyry mineralization exhibits alkalic affinity, a subgroup of porphyry deposits with typically copper and gold mineralization. They are found in only a few locations worldwide, including British Columbia. Alkalic porphyries frequently occur in clusters, typically several hundred meters across. Alteration halos are less extensive than typical calc-alkalic porphyries. The Galore Creek deposit, 30 km south of the Telegraph property, hosts a cluster of porphyries, collectively containing 1.2 billion tonnes of measured and indicated resource grading 0.46% copper and 0.29 grams per tonne gold, containing 12 billion pounds of copper and 9.4 million ounces of gold. The Galore Creek deposit is currently being advanced in a joint venture between Teck and Newmont. The neighboring porphyry deposits highlight the prospectivity of the Telegraph area.

Telegraphy 斑岩礦化表現出鹼親和力,這是斑岩礦牀的一個子組,通常具有銅和金礦化作用。它們僅存在於全球少數幾個地方,包括不列顛哥倫比亞省。鹼性斑岩通常成群出現,通常橫跨數百米。蝕變光環不如典型的鈣鹼斑岩那麼廣泛。Galore Creek礦牀位於《電訊報》地產以南30公里處,擁有一組斑岩,共含有12億噸經過測定和指示的資源,銅品位爲0.46%,每噸黃金含量爲0.29克,含有120億磅銅和940萬盎司黃金。泰克和紐蒙特的合資企業目前正在開發Galore Creek礦牀。鄰近的斑岩沉積物凸顯了電報地區的前景。

In the Dok trend, 648 soil samples were collected during the 2023 field season. Samples were analysed in camp using a portable X-ray fluorescence instrument (pXRF). This allowed real-time estimates of copper content without having to wait for assays from the laboratory. The samples were then sent to ALS laboratories for analysis of 49 elements including gold.


Drill targets in 2023 were chosen using a ranking system that included results of the pXRF copper soil geochemistry, the historic IP surveys, Short-wave infrared analysis (SWIR) and geological mapping.

2023 年的鑽探目標是使用排名系統選擇的,該系統包括 pXRF 銅土壤地球化學、歷史知識產權調查、短波紅外分析 (SWIR) 和地質測繪的結果。

Core from the drill holes has clear visual evidence of copper. The success of the 2023 drill program has highlighted the importance of overlapping soil geochemistry anomalies and high IP chargeability. The recent soil geochemistry assay results have confirmed the reliability of the pXRF data for copper. The gold values are particularly significant as they highlight the presence of gold in the porphyry system and show a moderate correlation between copper and gold. The copper and gold values are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

鑽孔中的岩心有明顯的銅跡象。2023 年鑽探計劃的成功凸顯了重疊的土壤地球化學異常和高 IP 可充電性的重要性。最近的土壤地球化學分析結果證實了銅的pXRF數據的可靠性。金值尤其重要,因爲它們突顯了斑岩系統中金的存在,並顯示出銅和金之間的中等相關性。銅和金的價值如圖 1 和圖 2 所示。

Soil samples taken along a 2012 IP line traces a 400-metre copper and gold in soil anomaly coincident with a high IP chargeability anomaly. Copper values up to 0.7% are associated with gold values up to 0.45 grams per tonne. The location of DK2023-01 was chosen to test this anomaly (MTB NR September 28, 2023.)

沿着 2012 年 IP 線採集的土壤樣本追蹤了土壤中 400 米長的銅和金異常,該異常與高等離子可充電性異常相吻合。銅值高達0.7%,黃金價值高達每噸0.45克。選擇 DK2023-01 的位置來測試這種異常(MTB NR,2023 年 9 月 28 日。)

Another copper and gold soil geochemistry anomaly was identified to the northwest of drill hole DK2023-04. The 300 metre by 150 metre anomaly is on the margin of a high IP chargeability feature and has not been tested by drilling.

在 DK2023-04 鑽孔的西北部發現了另一種銅和金土壤地球化學異常。300 米 x 150 米的異常處於高 IP 充電功能的邊緣,尚未經過鑽探測試。

A broad copper and gold soil anomaly occurs between the two historic IP grids. The soil anomaly includes a high of 0.39% copper and 0.357 grams per tonne gold. The southeast end of the anomaly is coincident with the IP chargeability high identified in the 2022 survey and drill hole DK2023-03. Due to the success of coincident soil geochemistry anomalies and IP high chargeability, an IP survey was commissioned in October over this broad soil anomaly which fills in the gap between the two historic IP surveys. The results are currently being processed. This area will be a high priority area to further evaluate in advance of drilling in 2024.

兩個歷史知識產權電網之間出現了廣泛的銅和金土壤異常。土壤異常包括高達0.39%的銅和每噸0.357克的黃金。異常的東南端與 2022 年調查和鑽孔 DK2023-03 中確定的高知識產權收費率相吻合。由於成功出現了重合的土壤地球化學異常和高電荷率,於10月委託對這一廣泛的土壤異常進行了一次知識產權調查,填補了兩次歷史性知識產權調查之間的空白。目前正在處理結果。在2024年鑽探之前,該區域將是進一步評估的重中之重。

Beyond the copper and gold values, the soil samples provided an enormous amount of information in the form of trace element geochemistry. Over the coming months, the geological team will be compiling and evaluating this information as a basis for the next phase of drilling.


About MTB


MTB has six active projects spanning 670 square kilometres (67,587 hectares) in the prolific Golden Triangle of northern British Columbia. With the focus on the Telegraph project, discussions are now underway leading to joint ventures and/or spinouts of other projects.


  1. Telegraph is located in the vicinity of 4 world-class porphyry deposits being advanced by major mining companies: Galore (Teck / Newmont), Schaft (Teck), Saddle (Newmont) and the operating Red Chris copper-gold mine (Newcrest / Imperial Metals). Field work by MTB on its 344 square kilometre property, together with earlier results, provides compelling evidence for the presence of one or more porphyries, similar to others in the area.

  2. The American Creek project is centered on the historic Mountain Boy silver mine. The project is road accessible and 20 km from the deep-water port of Stewart. There are multiple silver, gold and copper occurrences on the property, including a 2006 drill hole that encountered 5 kgs of silver over 5 metres.

  3. Red Cliff is a past producing gold and copper mine in which the Company holds a 35% interest. Recent drill results include 2 meters of 26 g/t gold.

  4. On the BA property, 182 drill holes have outlined a substantial zone of silver-lead-zinc mineralization located 4 km from the highway. Several targets with high-grade silver potential remain to be tested. Surprise Creek, to the north, hosts the same prospective stratigraphy. The George Copper target was recently drilled with results pending.

  5. On the Theia project, work by MTB and previous explorers has outlined a silver bearing mineralized trend 500 metres long, highlighted by a 2020 grab sample that returned 39 kg per tonne silver (1,100 ounces per ton). Two other zones on the property produced copper values over 5%.

  6. Southmore is in the midst of some of the largest deposits in the Golden Triangle. It was explored in the 1980s through the early 1990s and was overlooked until MTB consolidated the property and carried out airborne geophysics and field work which confirmed several zones of gold and copper, with values up to 20% copper and 35 g/t gold.

  1. Telegraph位於主要礦業公司正在開採的4個世界級斑岩礦牀附近:Galore(泰克/紐蒙特)、沙夫特(泰克)、薩德爾(紐蒙特)和正在運營的Red Chris銅金礦(紐克雷斯特/帝國金屬)。MTB對其344平方千米的土地進行的實地考察,加上先前的結果,爲該地區存在一個或多個斑岩提供了令人信服的證據,這些斑岩與該地區的其他斑岩相似。

  2. American Creek 項目以歷史悠久的 Mountain Boy 銀礦爲中心。該項目可通過道路通行,距離斯圖爾特深水港20公里。該物業上有多個銀、金和銅礦點,包括2006年的一個鑽孔,該鑽孔在5米處發現了5千克的銀。

  3. Red Cliff過去曾生產金銅礦,該公司持有該礦35%的權益。最近的鑽探結果包括2米的26克/噸黃金。

  4. 在 BA 地產上,182 個鑽孔勾勒出了距離高速公路 4 公里的大片銀鉛鋅礦化區域。一些具有高品位白銀潛力的目標仍有待測試。北邊的 Surprise Creek 擁有同樣的前景地層學。最近鑽探了喬治銅業的目標,結果尚待公佈。

  5. 在Theia項目中,MTB和之前的探險家的研究概述了長達500米的含銀礦化趨勢,2020年的採集樣本突顯了這一點,該樣本每噸銀回收了39千克(每噸1,100盎司)。該物業的另外兩個區域的銅價超過5%。

  6. 索斯莫爾位於金三角一些最大的礦牀之中。它在20世紀80年代至90年代初被勘探,直到MTB整合了該物業並進行了空中地球物理學和實地考察,確認了多個金和銅區域,銅的價值高達20%,金的價值高達35克/噸。

The technical disclosure in this release has been read and approved by Andrew Wilkins, B.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術披露已由P.Geo. 理學學士安德魯·威爾金斯閱讀和批准,他是國家儀器43-101中定義的合格人員。

On behalf of the Board of Directors:


Lawrence Roulston
President & CEO


For further information, contact:
Caroline Klukowski




This news release may contain certain "forward looking statements". Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of this news release and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.

本新聞稿可能包含某些 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性、假設和其他因素,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。任何前瞻性陳述僅代表截至本新聞稿發佈之日,除非適用的證券法另有要求,否則公司不承擔任何更新任何前瞻性陳述的意圖或義務,無論是由於新信息、未來事件或業績還是其他原因。

(1) Of the 344 sq kms of mineral rights, MTB has an option to earn a 60% interest in 21% of the total, an option to earn a 100% interest in 9% and holds a 100% interest in 70% of the 344 sq kms.

(1) 在344平方公里的礦產權中,MTB可以選擇獲得佔總量21%的60%的權益,可以選擇獲得9%的100%權益,並持有344平方公里70%的100%權益。

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