
Pantera Silver Amends Option Agreement on Nuevo Taxco Silver-Gold Project

Pantera Silver Amends Option Agreement on Nuevo Taxco Silver-Gold Project

Pantera Silver 修訂了 Nuevo Taxco 銀金項目的期權協議
newsfile ·  2023/11/04 04:15

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 3, 2023) - Pantera Silver Corp. (TSXV: PNTR) ("Pantera" or the "Company") announces it has amended the terms of the Nuevo Taxco Option Agreement (the "Agreement") with respect to its right to acquire 100% ownership of concessions covering ~1,100 hectares at the Nuevo Taxco Silver-Gold Project ("Nuevo Taxco" or the "Nuevo Taxco Project"), located northwest of Taxco, in Guerrero State, Mexico.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2023 年 11 月 3 日)- Pantera Silver Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PNTR)(“Pantera” 或 “公司”) 宣佈已修改新塔斯科期權協議的條款(”協議“) 關於其收購Nuevo Taxco銀金項目佔地約1,100公頃的特許權的100%所有權的權利(”Nuevo Taxco“或者”Nuevo Taxco 項目“),位於墨西哥格雷羅州塔斯科西北部。

Mr. Jay Roberge, President and CEO of Pantera commented: "On behalf of Pantera I would like to thank Fred Davidson and the team at IMPACT Silver Corp. for their on-going support of our commitment to the success of the Nuevo Taxco project. Nuevo Taxco is an extensive epithermal vein system with great upside discovery potential. The revised agreement allows Pantera to retain our interests and to execute on our vision to unlock the potential of the Nuevo Taxco project coherent with our positive view on the long-term prospects for silver. We will continue to evaluate additional projects that may provide hedging opportunities to acquire undervalued assets in this challenging junior exploration market. This may also include projects that are in a more advanced development stage or outside our primary focus of silver."

Pantera總裁兼首席執行官傑伊·羅伯奇先生評論說: “我謹代表Pantera感謝弗雷德·戴維森和IMPACT Silver Corp. 的團隊一直以來對我們對Nuevo Taxco項目成功的承諾的支持。Nuevo Taxco是一個廣泛的超熱靜脈系統,具有巨大的上行發現潛力。修訂後的協議允許Pantera保留我們的權益,並執行我們的願景,即釋放新塔斯科項目的潛力,這與我們對白銀長期前景的積極看法一致。我們將繼續評估其他項目,這些項目可能爲在這個充滿挑戰的初級勘探市場中收購被低估的資產提供對沖機會。這也可能包括處於更高級開發階段或我們主要關注白銀之外的項目。”

Under the new amended terms, Pantera will issue 1,500,000 common shares in lieu of making a $150,000.00 final cash payment. A final share payment of 2,000,000 common shares will be due October 30th, 2024. Under the amended terms, the Vendor has the option to accept the 2,000,000 shares or $150,000.00 cash plus 500,000 common shares. In addition, under the amended terms, the final work commitment of $800,000 has been extended to be completed by December 31st, 2025.

根據新的修訂條款,Pantera將發行150萬股普通股 代替 即支付最後一筆150,000.00美元的現金。2,000,000股普通股的最後一股支付將於10月30日到期第四,2024。根據修訂後的條款,賣方可以選擇接受2,000,000股股票或150,000.00美元的現金加上500,000股普通股。此外,根據經修訂的條款,80萬美元的最終工作承諾已延長至12月31日之前完成st,2025。

All Shares issued in connection with the Agreement will be subject to a statutory 4-month hold period from their respective date of issue.


Nuevo Taxco Property Highlights


  • Twenty-one (21) high grade veins mapped and sampled within a ~135 hectare area of the property. All have substantial width and mapped lengths run from 150 to 800 meters and remain open along strike and depth.
  • Over 395 samples taken to date have returned assays ranging from 100g/tonne to over 1,000 g/t Silver including three (3) samples (1,430, 1,230, 1,100 g/t), one hundred and nineteen (119) grading over 100 g/t Silver including eighteen (18) samples between 500-900 g/t Silver and ninety-two (92) between 100- 499 g/t Silver.
  • Limited exploration drilling completed which confirmed mineralisation at depth and a new gold zone.
  • Fully permitted for exploration drilling.
  • The entire ~1,100-hectare property is considered substantively unexplored offering additional upside exploration potential.
  • 在該物業約135公頃的區域內繪製了二十一(21)條高等級礦脈並進行了採樣。所有都具有相當大的寬度,測繪長度從 150 到 800 米不等,並且沿着走向和深度保持開放。
  • 迄今爲止採集的超過395份樣本返回了從100克/噸到超過1,000克/噸的銀的化驗結果,其中包括三(3)份樣本(1,430、1,230、1,100克/噸),一百一十九(119)份銀分級超過100 g/t的樣本,包括十八(18)份在500-900 g/t之間的樣本和九十二(92)份在100-499 g/t之間的樣本。
  • 有限的勘探鑽探已完成,證實了深層的礦化和新的金礦區。
  • 完全允許進行勘探鑽探。
  • 整個約1,100公頃的土地被認爲基本上未開發,提供了額外的上行勘探潛力。

Qualified Person and NI 43-101 Disclosure

合格人員和 NI 43-101 披露

Carlos Cham Dominguez is a "qualified person" within the meaning of the NI 43-101, and is responsible for the technical information disclosed in this news release. Mr. Dominguez is a member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists and a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) No. 11760

卡洛斯·查姆·多明格斯是NI 43-101所指的 “合格人員”,對本新聞稿中披露的技術信息負責。多明格斯先生是美國專業地質學家協會的成員和註冊專業地質學家(CPG),編號爲11760

About Pantera Silver Corp.

Pantera Silver 公司簡介

Pantera Silver Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company committed to enhancing shareholder value by advancing a diverse portfolio of mineral projects through collaborative partnerships and highly experienced technical teams. Pantera will continue to seek out and secure high-quality, unencumbered projects through research, staking and strategic acquisitions. Throughout the process, our mission is to help maintain prosperous communities by exploring for and discovering resource opportunities that build lasting relationships through honest and respectful business and environmental practices.

Pantera Silver Corp. 是一家礦產勘探和開發公司,致力於通過合作伙伴關係和經驗豐富的技術團隊推進多樣化的礦產項目組合,從而提高股東價值。Pantera將繼續通過研究、質押和戰略收購來尋找和保護高質量、不受阻礙的項目。在整個過程中,我們的使命是通過誠實和尊重的商業和環境實踐探索和發現資源機會,建立持久的關係,從而幫助維護社區的繁榮。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Jay Roberge"


Pantera Silver Corp.

Pantera Silver 公司

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