
This Sustainable Energy Company Just Landed A Deal To Build 40 Megawatts Of Solar Powered Microgrids For One of California's Largest Privately Owned Oil And Gas Company

This Sustainable Energy Company Just Landed A Deal To Build 40 Megawatts Of Solar Powered Microgrids For One of California's Largest Privately Owned Oil And Gas Company

Accesswire ·  2023/11/03 21:00

SHREVEPORT, LA / ACCESSWIRE / November 3, 2023 / Correlate Energy Corp (OTCQB:CIPI) held a live investor summit webinar recently following the news that the distributed energy company had landed a major microgrid deal with one of California's largest privately owned oil and gas corporations. Correlate's largest deal to date, the microgrid project would see the development of 40 megawatts of solar power and storage capacity across twenty sites in the Los Angeles metro area.

洛杉磯什裏夫波特/ACCESSWIRE/2023年11月3日/Correlate Energy Corp (OTCQB: CIPI) 最近舉行了一場投資者峯會直播網絡研討會,此前有消息稱這家分佈式能源公司已獲得 重大微電網交易 擁有加州最大的私有石油和天然氣公司之一。作爲Correlate迄今爲止最大的一筆交易,該微電網項目將在洛杉磯都會區的20個地點開發40兆瓦的太陽能和存儲容量。

The Role Of Microgrids In America's Clean Energy Transition


Microgrids are independent, local power grids that power anything from a single building to an entire community. Sustainable ones, like those Correlate is building as part of the new project in California, can offer cheaper, cleaner and more reliable energy for the users connected to it.


Typically connected to the main grid, these local grids can flexibly switch between supporting the larger grid with sustainable, supplemental energy and providing electricity directly to the customers connected to it.


So, during ordinary use, microgrid owners can benefit from lower energy costs and even generate revenue by selling surplus electricity back to the grid. Then, in emergencies when the main grid goes down, owners have the agility to switch to using their own microgrid to avoid any interruption in power. In California especially, where electricity customers experience 5.4 hours of outages per year on average, that kind of flexibility and resiliency is becoming more and more important.

因此,在普通使用期間,微電網所有者可以從較低的能源成本中受益,甚至可以通過將剩餘的電力出售回電網來創收。然後,在主電網出現故障的緊急情況下,業主可以靈活地切換到使用自己的微電網,以避免電力中斷。尤其是在加利福尼亞州,那裏的電力客戶體驗 5.4 小時 在平均每年的停機中,這種靈活性和彈性變得越來越重要。

When set up to generate renewable energy, these microgrids are also more affordable. Electricity generated from fossil fuel is volatile today and can cost anywhere from $0.05 to $0.17 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) but will continue to get more expensive faster as regulations around it become increasingly strict, and the impact of inflation continues to drive the price higher.

當設置爲產生可再生能源時,這些微電網也更實惠。如今,化石燃料產生的電力波動性很大,成本可能從 每千瓦時 (kWh) 0.05 至 0.17 美元 但隨着相關監管變得越來越嚴格,通貨膨脹的影響繼續推動價格上漲,價格將繼續以更快的速度上漲。

Solar power, on the other hand, is a fixed rate and typically is at least ten percent cheaper today is projected to trend lower as the technology to build solar panels and storage infrastructure becomes more and more efficient. Moreover, microgrid owners are generating their own power, which gives them more control over the cost of the energy they generate.


As reimbursement programs, carbon credits and other policies aimed at incentivizing renewable energy use gain traction, microgrids often end up becoming a source of revenue that quickly outpaces the operational costs.


These benefits all hold true across the United States, where aging grid infrastructure and intensifying climate change-related natural disasters are causing electricity customers to experience as much as 80 hours of outages per year in some states - all while the cost of that electricity continues to get higher.

這些好處在美國各地都適用,那裏的電網基礎設施老化和與氣候變化相關的自然災害加劇正在導致電力客戶承受同樣多的損失 80 個小時 在某些州,每年都會停電,而電力成本卻持續上漲。

In fact, the Department of Energy estimates that by 2030, between 30% and 50% of power generated in the United States will come from distributed microgrids based on the current rate of new installations. This would substantially lower the burden on the nation's aging infrastructure, reduce the number of outage hours and help the country meet its decarbonization and emission reduction goals.

實際上,能源部估計,到2030年, 30% 和 50% 根據目前的新增發電量,美國的發電量將來自分佈式微電網。這將大大減輕該國老化的基礎設施的負擔,減少停電時間,並幫助該國實現其脫碳和減排目標。

The Oil And Gas Microgrid Deal Marks The Achievement Of A Key 2023 Milestone For Correlate


The microgrid deal recently announced by Correlate Energy puts the country a step closer to reaching the 2030 distributed renewable energy target. It also marks Correlate's official entry into the microgrid market.

最近宣佈的微電網協議 關聯能量 使該國離實現2030年分佈式可再生能源目標又近了一步。這也標誌着Correlate正式進入微電網市場。

The first phase of the project is projected to exceed $23 million and will serve as a blueprint for similar collaborations with other companies in the oil and gas sector. The California Oil and Gas Corporation operates multiple locations with a total load of 100 megawatts and needs to achieve net zero to comply with the state's ambitious climate policy - AB 32 Climate Change Scoping Plan - under which 100% of California's electricity must be zero emission by 2045. The 40 megawatts of solar and storage capacity that Correlate will develop as part of the deal puts the oil and gas corporation well on the way toward achieving that target.

該項目的第一階段預計將超過2300萬美元,並將作爲與石油和天然氣領域其他公司進行類似合作的藍圖。加州石油和天然氣公司在多個地點運營,總負荷爲100兆瓦,需要實現淨零排放才能遵守該州雄心勃勃的氣候政策- AB 32 氣候變化範圍界定計劃 -根據該規定,到2045年,加州100%的電力必須爲零排放。作爲交易的一部分,Correlate將開發40兆瓦的太陽能和存儲容量,這使這家石油和天然氣公司朝着實現該目標的方向邁進了一段順利的道路。

"This Microgrid portfolio is a long-awaited milestone that we expect to be the first of many for our company," said Correlate Energy CEO Todd Michaels in a statement on the news, adding, "This project not only marks our material entry into the oil and gas sector but also doubles our largest contract size to date."

“微電網投資組合是一個期待已久的里程碑,我們預計它將成爲我們公司衆多投資組合中的第一個,” 說過 Correlate Energy首席執行官託德·邁克爾斯在關於該新聞的聲明中補充說:“該項目不僅標誌着我們進入石油和天然氣領域的實質性進軍,而且也是我們迄今爲止最大合同規模的兩倍。”

This summer, the distributed energy company announced a joint venture with eDGe Renewable Partners that will finance up to $100 million to develop microgrid projects nationwide.

今年夏天,分佈式能源公司 宣佈了 與Edge Renewable Partners合資成立的一家合資企業,將融資高達1億美元,用於在全國範圍內開發微電網項目。



SOURCE: Correlate Energy Corp.

來源: 關聯能源公司

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