Unveiling Nechalacho: Vital Metals' Rare Earth Ventures and Growth Prospects
Unveiling Nechalacho: Vital Metals' Rare Earth Ventures and Growth Prospects
Paul Sanger: I'm Paul Sanger for the Finance News Network, and today we're talking with Vital Metals (ASX:VML) and they have a market cap of around 53 million. Vital Metals is Canada's first rare earths mining company, following commencement of mining at its Nechalacho Rare Earth Project in Canada in June 2021. It holds a portfolio of rare earths technology metals and gold projects located in Canada and Germany. We welcome today, Vital Metals Chairman, Richard Crookes. Richard, welcome to the Network.
保羅·桑格: 我是財經新聞網的保羅·桑格,今天我們正在與Vital Metals (ASX: VML) 談話,他們的市值約爲5300萬。Vital Metals是加拿大第一家稀土礦業公司,其位於加拿大的Nechalacho稀土項目於2021年6月開始採礦。它擁有位於加拿大和德國的稀土技術金屬和黃金項目組合。今天,我們歡迎Vital Metals董事長理查德·克魯克斯。理查德,歡迎來到網絡。
Richard Crookes: Thanks, Paul. Nice to be here.
理查德·克魯克斯: 謝謝,保羅。很高興來到這裏。
Paul Sanger: Richard, it's the first time we've had Vital Metals on the network. Maybe we kick things off with just a brief overview of who Vital Metals are.
保羅·桑格: 理查德,這是我們第一次在網絡上使用重要金屬。也許我們首先要簡要概述一下誰是Vital Metals。
Richard Crookes: Yeah, thanks Paul. So, Vital Metals is a rare earth-focused exploration and development company. Our flagship project is called Nechalacho. It's in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The project is about 100 kilometers southeast of the capital, Yellowknife, and it's an advanced project that's been the subject of previous exploration by a former company who took it all the way through to feasibility study and permitting. At that stage, that company had a billion dollar market cap. So it's a solid resource, solid project, and we've acquired the upper portion of the light rare earth component of the deposit and we are taking that through to feasibility study and hopefully into production.
理查德·克魯克斯: 是的,謝謝 Paul。因此,Vital Metals是一家專注於稀土的勘探和開發公司。我們的旗艦項目叫做 Nechalacho。它位於加拿大的西北地區。該項目位於首都耶洛奈夫東南約100公里處,這是一個先進的項目,曾由一家前公司進行勘探,一直到可行性研究和許可。在那個階段,該公司的市值爲十億美元。因此,這是一個堅實的資源,可靠的項目,我們已經收購了礦牀中輕稀土成分的上半部分,我們正在將其用於可行性研究,並希望將其投入生產。
So, Nechalacho comprises the Tardiff deposit, which is about 119 million tons at 1.4% TREO, which is significantly higher grade than a lot of the market peers in the space. So it's a great resource. We have some satellite deposits which are even higher grade, and they were the focus of our initial mining campaign over the last couple of years. So we have some beneficiated ore from that campaign sitting on surface stockpiles, and we'll look to monetize those as we can over the coming months and years.
Paul Sanger: And are there any prominent neighbours where your project is?
保羅·桑格: 你的項目所在的鄰居有哪些知名鄰居嗎?
Richard Crookes: No one really close by, apart from a few lithium explorers. So there's been some regional success in the hard rock lithium sector across all of Canada. And in fact, between us and Yellowknife, there's some significant lithium deposits. So they're our nearest neighbours, which does potentially open our tenements up for some future lithium exploration as well.
理查德·克魯克斯: 除了幾位鋰探險家之外,沒有人能真正靠近。因此,加拿大各地的硬石鋰行業都取得了一些區域性的成功。實際上,在我們和耶洛奈夫之間,有一些重要的鋰礦牀。因此,他們是我們最近的鄰居,這也有可能爲未來的鋰勘探開放我們的礦權。
Paul Sanger: Richard, can you talk us through the deal with Shenghe Resources and what it means for Vital Metals?
保羅·桑格: 理查德,你能否向我們介紹一下與盛和資源的交易以及這對Vital Metals意味着什麼?
Richard Crookes: Yeah. Well, we're very pleased to announce this cornerstone investment from Shenghe. It's a conditional investment subject only to their ODI approvals, but once we receive those, expected in November, we will bank $5.9 million and Shenghe will become a 9.9% shareholder in Vital. We're delighted to have Shenghe, a quality partner, rare earths expert on our register. They not only bring us financial support and the capital that we need to obviously continue our activities, but they are a global rare earths player across the entire value chain and we think they bring fantastic support, capability, and networks across the rare earths sector. So a fantastic partner to have in this space.
理查德·克魯克斯: 是啊。好吧,我們很高興地宣佈盛和的這項基石投資。這是一項有條件的投資,僅需獲得他們的對外投資批准,但一旦我們獲得這些批准(預計在11月),我們將存入590萬美元,盛和將成爲Vital9.9%的股東。我們很高興我們的名冊上有優質的合作伙伴、稀土專家盛和。他們不僅爲我們帶來了財務支持和我們繼續開展活動所需的資金,而且他們是整個價值鏈中的全球稀土參與者,我們認爲它們爲稀土領域帶來了出色的支持、能力和網絡。因此,這是這個領域的絕佳合作伙伴。
Paul Sanger: Richard, Vital shares are currently suspended on the ASX. When do you expect it to recommence trading?
保羅·桑格: 理查德,Vital股票目前在澳大利亞證券交易所停牌。你預計它什麼時候會重新開始交易?
Richard Crookes: We expect to recommence trading in November when the Shenghe transaction closes, but of course that'll be subject to us following the ASX relisting process, which includes the issuing of a cleansing prospectus and other approvals from them. But we anticipate it being certainly by the end of November.
理查德·克魯克斯: 我們預計將在11月盛和交易完成時重新開始交易,但這當然取決於我們是否遵循澳大利亞證券交易所的重新上市程序,包括髮布清理招股說明書和獲得他們的其他批准。但我們預計肯定會在11月底之前完成。
Paul Sanger: And Vital announced recent board and management changes. What do these mean for the company?
保羅·桑格: Vital還宣佈了最近的董事會和管理層變動。這些對公司意味着什麼?
Richard Crookes: So, we're super excited to have a new CEO. Dr. Geordie Mark has joined us. He started at the beginning of last week, and I spent a week with him in Vancouver recently just settling him into the company. He's a very capable, competent leader, hugely experienced in resource development analysis, growing companies, has a great network in Canada, and we're super excited to have him lead the next phase of our Nechalacho development. In addition, we've just appointed a CFO in Australia here, in our Sydney office, Lara Iacusso. She's a great resource, a great addition to the team, and a very solid, safe pair of hands in the financial aspects of our business.
理查德·克魯克斯: 因此,我們很高興有新的首席執行官。喬迪·馬克博士加入了我們的行列。他從上週初開始工作,最近我在溫哥華和他共度了一個星期,剛剛讓他進入了公司。他是一位非常有能力、非常稱職的領導者,在資源開發分析、成長型公司方面經驗豐富,在加拿大擁有良好的網絡,我們非常高興他能領導我們下一階段的Nechalacho開發。此外,我們剛剛在澳大利亞的悉尼辦公室任命了一位首席財務官Lara Iacusso。她是一個很好的資源,是團隊的絕佳補充,也是我們業務財務方面非常穩固、安全的助手。
Paul Sanger: And what are the upcoming catalysts for Vital, and when do you expect to announce these over the coming months?
保羅·桑格: Vital即將推出的催化劑有哪些,你預計在未來幾個月內何時宣佈這些催化劑?
Richard Crookes: So once we're back trading, we expect to have news flow, which will include the release of further drill results, study results from our scoping study. The big announcement obviously will be the completion of some sort of preliminary economic assessment of the Nechalacho Project, or the Tardiff aspects of that. And we're also looking to do some more work at North T and the surrounding high-grade satellite deposits, and we'd like to think that there's some news flow to come around some exciting developments in that area.
理查德·克魯克斯: 因此,一旦我們重新開始交易,我們預計會有新聞流,其中包括進一步的鑽探結果和範圍研究結果的發佈。顯然,最重要的公告將是完成對內查拉喬項目的某種初步經濟評估或其中的關稅方面。我們還希望在North T和周圍的高品位衛星礦牀上做更多的工作,我們希望有一些新聞可以傳出有關該領域一些令人興奮的進展。
Paul Sanger: Richard, it's been a pleasure to have you today. Thank you for your time.
保羅·桑格: 理查德,很高興今天有你。謝謝你抽出時間。
Richard Crookes: Thanks, Paul.
理查德·克魯克斯: 謝謝,保羅。