
Dr. Kevin J. Tracey Receives Hans Wigzell Research Foundation's Science Prize Amounting to USD 100.000

Dr. Kevin J. Tracey Receives Hans Wigzell Research Foundation's Science Prize Amounting to USD 100.000

凱文 J. Tracey 博士獲得漢斯·威格策爾研究基金會頒發的總額爲 100,000 美元的科學獎
PR Newswire ·  2023/11/02 21:06

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hans Wigzell Research Foundation (Hans Wigzells Forskningsstiftelse) awards its annual scientific prize to Kevin J. Tracey, MD, president and CEO, at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research. Dr. Tracey receives the prize of USD 100.000 for his contributions to the fields of neuroscience and neuroimmunology and his pioneering discoveries in vagus nerve stimulation, the inflammatory reflex and bioelectronic medicine.

斯德哥2023年11月2日 /PRNewswire/ — 漢斯·威格策爾研究基金會(Hans Wigzells Forskningstiftelse)將其年度科學獎頒發給 凱文 J. Tracey,醫學博士,費恩斯坦醫學研究所總裁兼首席執行官。Tracey 博士獲得的獎項爲 100.000 美元 以表彰他在神經科學和神經免疫學領域的貢獻以及他在迷走神經刺激、炎症反射和生物電子醫學方面的開創性發現。

Dr. Tracey's discovery of the body's "inflammatory reflex" – a neural circuit regulating inflammatory responses, is on of his most important achievements. This unique approach combines neuroscience, immunology and electrical engineering to develop therapies and medical devices to modulate the inflammatory reflex treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and potentially life-threatening infections.

特蕾****發現人體的 “炎症反射” ——一種調節炎症反應的神經迴路,這是他最重要的成就之一。這種獨特的方法結合了神經科學、免疫學和電氣工程,開發了調節炎症反射的療法和醫療設備,用於治療類風溼關節炎、炎症性腸病和可能危及生命的感染等疾病。

"The prize is given to Dr. Tracey for his innovative discoveries of the mechanisms of how nerves transmit signals to stop inflammatory diseases," said Hans Wigzell, MD, PhD, on behalf of the Hans Wigzell Research Foundation. "Dr. Tracey's research is a surprising new inroad to treat inflammation using computer chips targeting nerves instead of drugs."

他說:“該獎項授予特蕾****,以表彰他在神經傳輸信號以阻止炎症性疾病的機制方面取得了創新發現。” 漢斯·威格澤爾,醫學博士,代表漢斯·威格策爾研究基金會。“特蕾****的研究是使用針對神經的計算機芯片代替藥物治療炎症的令人驚訝的新途徑。”

"I am honored and sincerely grateful to Professor Wigzell and the Foundation," said Dr. Tracey, executive vice president of research and Karches Family Distinguished Chair in Medical Research at Northwell Health, New York's largest health system. "This prize celebrates the work of outstanding teams of brilliant colleagues who dedicated years of research in the shared hope of making discoveries that improve the lives of patients needing better therapies for inflammation. Having met some of the first patients who benefited from this work, we now in turn, dedicate this prize to them."

Northwell Health研究執行副總裁兼凱奇斯家族醫學研究傑出主席特蕾****說:“我很榮幸並衷心感謝威格澤爾教授和基金會。” 紐約的 最大的衛生系統。“該獎項旨在表彰由傑出同事組成的傑出團隊所做的工作,他們投入了多年的研究,共同希望做出能夠改善需要更好炎症療法的患者的生活的發現。在遇到了一些首批從這項工作中受益的患者之後,我們現在又將這個獎項獻給他們。”

Rhenman & Partners Asset Management is the initiator and founder of the research foundation.

Rhenman & Partners資產管理公司是該研究基金會的發起人和創始人。

For further information, please contact:
Hans Wigzell Research Foundation
E-mail: [email protected]

電子郵件: [電子郵件保護]

About Kevin J. Tracey, MD

關於 凱文 J. Tracey,MD

Dr. Tracey is President and CEO and the Karches Family Distinguished Chair in Medical Research at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research. Dr. Tracey is a Professor of Neurosurgery and Molecular Medicine at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra-Northwell and Executive Vice President, Research, at Northwell Health in New York.

Tracey博士是費恩斯坦醫學研究所的總裁兼首席執行官兼Karches家族醫學研究傑出主席。特蕾****是霍夫斯特拉-諾斯韋爾扎克醫學院神經外科和分子醫學教授,也是美國諾斯韋爾健康研究執行副總裁 紐約

Dr. Tracey participated in the discovery of the direct inflammatory activity of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) and the direct therapeutic role of monoclonal anti-TNF antibodies. He and his colleagues also discovered the role of HMGB1 in inflammation and identified the molecular mechanisms for signal transduction by signaling through pattern recognition receptors.

Tracey博士參與發現了腫瘤壞死因子-α(TNF)的直接炎症活性以及單克隆抗腫瘤壞死因子抗體的直接治療作用。他和他的同事還發現了 HMGB1 在炎症中的作用,並通過模式識別受體發出信號,確定了信號轉導的分子機制。

His laboratory discovered the molecular and neural mechanism for the reflexive control of inflammation, now termed the inflammatory reflex. They delineated the neurophysiological mechanisms dependent upon action potentials transmitted in the vagus nerve, which regulate a T cell subset producing acetylcholine. This lymphocyte derived neurotransmitter interacts with alpha-7 nicotinic receptors expressed in macrophages and receptor-ligand signal transduction in turn inhibits cytokine release.


These discoveries led to the first clinical trials of neuromodulating devices to replace anti-inflammatory drugs and spawned a new field, termed bioelectronic medicine. This work has been highly cited in the peer-reviewed scientific literature and in other media. Numerous other clinical trials of devices to stimulate the inflammatory reflex in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and other conditions are in progress.


His research has provided novel and basic discoveries that have been translated into clinical development and practice and his work has been published with more than 1,000 co-authors, collaborators, post-docs and students and Dr. Tracey is one of the most cited scientists in the world.


Dr. Tracey received his BS in chemistry, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from Boston College in 1979, and his MD from Boston University in 1983. He trained in neurosurgery from 1983 to 1992 at the New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center and was a guest investigator at the Rockefeller University before moving in 1992 to the Feinstein Institutes. He directs the Laboratory of Biomedical Science and was appointed president and CEO there in 2005.

Tracey 博士以優異成績獲得化學學士學位 Phi Beta Kappa 波士頓學院 1979 年,他的醫學博士來自 波士頓大學 在 1983 年。他從 1983 年到 1992 年在紐約醫院接受神經外科培訓-康奈爾大學 醫療中心,曾是該中心的客座調查員 洛克菲勒大學 然後在 1992 年轉到費恩斯坦研究所。他領導生物醫學科學實驗室,並於2005年被任命爲該實驗室的總裁兼首席執行官。

About Hans Wigzell, Professor of Immunology, Karolinska Institutet

關於 漢斯·威格澤爾,免疫學教授, 卡羅林斯卡學院

Former President of Karolinska Institutet, former Chairman of KI's Nobel Committee and former Director General of the Infectious Diseases Institute and National Bacteriological Laboratory. Hans is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences IVA. Hans is part of the Scientific Advisory Board within the Foundation.

曾任卡羅林斯卡研究所所長、KI 諾貝爾委員會前主席、傳染病研究所和國家細菌學實驗室前任總幹事。漢斯還是瑞典皇家科學院和瑞典皇家工程科學院(IVA)的成員。漢斯是基金會科學顧問委員會的成員。

About Hans Wigzell Research Foundation


The foundation promotes its support of scientific research and education in the medical field, in particular through scholarships and other grants. It will also organize and/or support seminars and conferences. Foundation board: Olle Stenman (chairman), Dan Hoflund, Lynda Ondrasek Olofsson and Göran Nordström. The Foundation has established a Scientific Advisory Board for nominations and decisions. In addition to Hans Wigzell, the scientific advisory board consists of professors Ulf Eriksson, Mats Wahlgren and Ingemar Ernberg.

該基金會促進其對醫學領域科學研究和教育的支持,特別是通過獎學金和其他補助金。它還將組織和/或支持研討會和會議。 基金會董事會: Olle Stenman (主席), 丹·霍夫倫德琳達·昂德拉塞克·奧洛夫森 還有戈蘭·諾德斯特龍。該基金會成立了負責提名和決策的科學顧問委員會。除此之外 漢斯·威格澤爾,科學顧問委員會由教授組成 烏爾夫·埃裏克森馬茨·沃爾格倫英格瑪·恩伯格

About Rhenman & Partners Asset Management


Rhenman & Partners Asset Management AB ("Rhepa") was founded in 2008 and is a Stockholm-based asset manager with a focus on the healthcare sector. Rhepa is responsible for the portfolio of a sector fund registered in Luxembourg. The fund is managed by FundRock Management Company S.A. who has commissioned Rhepa to manage the fund's portfolio. Rhepa's experienced investment team is supported by a scientific advisory board consisting of medical experts with a global network of researchers and specialists.

Rhenman & Partners 資產管理公司(“Rhepa”)成立於2008年,是一家 斯德哥爾摩一家專注於醫療保健領域的資產管理公司。Rhepa負責註冊於該行業的行業基金的投資組合 盧森堡。該基金由FundRock Management Company S.A. 管理,該公司已委託Rhepa管理該基金的投資組合。Rhepa經驗豐富的投資團隊由具有全球研究人員和專家網絡的醫學專家組成的科學顧問委員會提供支持。

The following files are available for download:


Press release (PDF)

Dr. Kevin J. Tracey

新聞稿 (PDF)

凱文 J. Tracey 博士

SOURCE Hans Wigzells Forskningsstiftelse

來源 Hans Wigzells 研究基金會

