
VIDEO - Invest Yukon: Unlocking the Mining Potential of the North

VIDEO - Invest Yukon: Unlocking the Mining Potential of the North

newsfile ·  2023/10/28 02:24

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 27, 2023) - Invest Yukon – The Yukon offers rich mineral resources and favourable conditions for modern exploration and critical metals extraction. With a supportive government, extensive mining history, and robust infrastructure, the Yukon attracts companies shifting focus from traditional mining to critical metals. Collaboration with local communities and First Nations provides valuable insights, while incentive programs and geological information support mineral exploration. Recent discoveries highlight the potential of the underexplored Yukon region.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月27日)-Invest Yukon-育空地區擁有豐富的礦產資源,為現代勘探和關鍵金屬開採提供了有利條件。憑藉政府的支持、廣泛的採礦歷史和強大的基礎設施,育空地區吸引著企業將重點從傳統採礦轉向關鍵金屬。與當地社區和原住民的合作提供了有價值的見解,同時激勵計劃和地質資訊支持礦產勘探。最近的發現突顯了未被勘探的育空地區的潛力。

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Yukon Mining Alliance


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Contact: Trina Schlingmann (604) 664-7401 x 5

聯繫人:Trina Schlingmann(604)664-7401 x 5

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