
Carlin Gold Corp. Acquires Nevada Copper-Gold Property

Carlin Gold Corp. Acquires Nevada Copper-Gold Property

Carlin Gold Corp. 收購內華達州銅金地產
newsfile ·  2023/10/26 00:18

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 25, 2023) - Carlin Gold Corporation (TSXV: CGD) ("Carlin" or "the Company") reports that it has acquired a copper-gold property in northeastern Nevada USA through purchase of a 100% interest of a core claim group from a private party and additional claim staking by Carlin. The property consists of 49 unpatented mining claims (the IVY Property). The purchase price is US$25,000 and a 1% net smelter production royalty on gold and silver and 0.75% on all other metals, to the seller.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月25日)-Carlin Gold Corporation(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CGD)(以下簡稱“Carlin”或“公司”)報告稱,該公司從私人手中購買了核心索賠集團100%的權益,並由Carlin提出額外索賠,從而收購了美國內華達州東北部的一處銅金礦產。該財產由49項未獲專利的採礦權(常春藤財產)組成。賣方表示,收購價格為25,000美元,黃金和白銀的淨冶煉廠生產特許權使用費為1%,所有其他金屬的淨特許權使用費為0.75%。

IVY Property Description


The IVY Property is located within the Contact Mining District in northeastern Elko County, Nevada, 20 miles (32 kilometers) southwest of the town of Jackpot and 5 miles (8 kilometers) southwest of the small community of Contact. The claims are within 1 mile of State Highway 93, on land administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).


"We are pleased to find an undrilled copper/gold project of this caliber." commented Wayne Livingstone, President. "The elevated copper grades (+1% copper) and the finely disseminated nature of the chalcopyrite/bornite mineralization contained within a large well-defined area of skarn alteration are very encouraging. Carlin looks forward to evaluating the project further."


The IVY Property covers an area of late Paleozoic altered limestone/skarn in the western contact aureole of a large Jurassic-age granodiorite stock. Copper/gold mineralization occurs mainly in calc-silicate altered limestone/skarn both adjacent to and outboard of the granodiorite stock. Numerous historic workings on the IVY claims include prospect pits, shafts and adits. The copper mineralization observed to date defines a 2.7 km long northwest trending zone reaching widths of 0.7 km. Due diligence sampling by Carlin demonstrates that copper mineralization is widespread. Mineralization occurs in sulfidic skarn zones containing 1-3% disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite and ±bornite and in narrow oxidized zones of calc-silicate altered carbonate rocks containing secondary copper minerals. Lesser covellite and chalcocite have also been described in a 2019 MSc study of the skarns. 57 initial samples were collected by Carlin geologists, from select dump samples in old workings and outcrop/subcrop samples. 36 of the samples contained > 0.5% Cu, with 27 samples grading over 1.0% Cu. The highest copper value (15.2% Cu with 1.7 ppm gold) came from a small dump of an adit. Twenty three of the samples contained > 0.100 ppm Au. Silver values ranged up to 231 ppm. Lead and zinc values were generally low.

常春藤地產覆蓋了一片晚古生代蝕變石灰岩/夕卡巖,位於侏羅紀時代大型花崗閃長巖群的西側接觸光環中。銅、金礦化主要賦存於花崗閃長巖群兩側的鈣矽酸鹽蝕變灰巖/夕卡巖中。常春藤上的許多歷史工作包括礦坑、豎井和山洞。迄今觀察到的銅礦化定義了一條長2.7公里的西北走向帶,寬度達到0.7公里。卡林的盡職調查採樣表明,銅礦化普遍存在。礦化賦存於含1~3%浸染性黃鐵礦、黃銅礦和±斑銅礦的硫化矽卡巖帶和含次生銅礦物的鈣矽酸鹽蝕變碳酸鹽巖的狹窄氧化帶中。2019年對夕卡巖的理科碩士研究中也描述了較小的斜方巖和輝銅礦。卡林地質學家收集了57個初始樣本,這些樣本來自於選擇的老工作面排土場樣本和露頭/露頭/次露頭樣本。其中銅含量大於0.5%的樣品有36個,銅含量大於1.0%的樣品有27個。最高的銅值(15.2%的銅和1.7ppm的金)來自一個小平坦的垃圾場。其中23個樣品的Au含量>0.100 ppm。銀價最高可達231ppm。鉛和鋅的價值普遍較低。

Carlin geologists believe that the observed mineralization may represent "leakage" from a deeper intrusive system capable of generating skarn deposits in the carbonate units or disseminated intrusive porphyry-style mineralization. A variety of intrusive rocks have been identified in addition to the granodiorite, including quartz monzonite (termed leucogranite in old reports), andesite porphyry (reported to locally contain secondary biotite), syenite and quartz porphyry.


A 1912 United States Geological Survey Bulletin describes a 400 ft. (122 m.) wide sulfide zone extending for about 6,000 ft. (1,830 m.), lying about 1,200 ft (366 m.) outboard (west) and parallel to the igneous contact, located within the current IVY Property. It is described as following the strike of the steeply dipping sedimentary rock package. This report states that "Chalcopyrite, bornite and molybdenite are disseminated throughout silicified skarn consisting of garnet, epidote, diopside and iron oxides." Carlin's initial investigation supports the USGS description of this feature.


The only documented previous "modern" (post 1975) exploration in the IVY claim area is limited to a trenching permit in which the work may have taken place in early-mid 1990s. Public BLM records show that there has been no exploration drilling since records started to be maintained in the mid -1970s. The initial Carlin field investigation did not encounter any obvious previous drilling activity.


Carlin is planning to follow up on this initial due diligence work with additional surface sampling and geological mapping to evaluate and delineate future exploration work.


The Contact Mining District was established in 1870 as a gold camp, but since 1876 the main commodity has been copper. A copper deposit occurs near Contact, 4.5 miles (7.2 km) northeast of the IVY claims, where prior exploration has delineated a reported historical resource estimate of 831 million pound measured/indicated resource grading 0.20% Cu, amenable to heap leach SX/EW extraction (). Most of this resource is hosted in sheeted quartz vein zones within the granodiorite.


About Carlin


In addition to IVY, Carlin controls two 100% owned gold exploration properties in Nevada, the Cortez Summit property and Willow property, both containing Carlin-style gold targets. Cortez Summit lies about 1 kilometer north-east of the north end of Nevada Gold Mines' ("NGM") 13.0 M oz Goldrush deposit (43-101 Technical Report effective 12/31/21 prepared for Barrick by NGM) and east of Barrick's Fourmile 3.19 M oz resource (Barrick 2022 Annual Report). Cortez Summit is contiguous with Barrick and NGM claims on all sides. NGM has submitted a final Environmental Impact Statement for Goldrush and a Record of Decision is expected in Q4 2023 (Barrick Q1 2023 MD&A).

除了常春藤之外,卡林還控制著內華達州的兩處100%擁有的金礦勘探物業--Cortez Summit物業和Willow Property,這兩處物業都包含卡林風格的金礦目標。Cortez Summit位於內華達金礦(“NGM”)13.0 M oz Goldrush礦藏(43-101由NGM為Barrick編制的技術報告生效日期12/31/21)東北約1公里處,Barrick的Fourmil3.19 M oz資源(Barrick 2022年度報告)以東。Cortez峰會與巴裡克和NGM的所有主張都是相鄰的。NGM已經提交了Goldrush的最終環境影響報告書,預計2023年第四季度將有決定記錄(Barrick Q1,2023年MD&A)。

The Willow property is an early-stage project in Elko County north of the town of Wells, Nevada. Willow is located within a potential new gold belt that contains the Long Canyon mine operated by NGM.

柳樹地產是內華達州威爾斯鎮以北埃爾科縣的一個早期專案。Willow位於一個潛在的新金礦帶內,其中包括由NGM運營的Long Canyon礦。

"K. Wayne Livingstone"

K. Wayne Livingstone,
President and Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: (604) 638-1402





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Robert Thomas CPG, Vice President of Carlin and a qualified person as defined by Canadian National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release on behalf of the Company.


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