
Opus One Gold Corp Observed Several Pegmatites on Its Recently Acquired Lithium Properties in the Eeyou Itschee James Bay Area

Opus One Gold Corp Observed Several Pegmatites on Its Recently Acquired Lithium Properties in the Eeyou Itschee James Bay Area

Opus One Gold Corp 在其最近收購的 Eeyou Itschee James 灣區鋰礦產中觀察到幾塊偉晶岩
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/10/25 21:00

James Bay Lithium District Map


Opus One Lithium Projects Location
OPUS One鋰專案地點



MONTREAL, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Opus One Gold Corp (TSX-V: OOR) (the "Company" or "Opus One") is pleased to announce that it has observed several pegmatites during the completion of its field season on its Wemindji and LaGrande properties located in the northern portion of the Eeyou Itschee James Bay mineral district.

蒙特利爾,2023年10月25日(環球通訊社)--OPUS One Gold Corp(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:OOR)(“公司“或”作品一“)很高興地宣佈,在其位於Eeyou Itschee James Bay礦區北部的Wemindji和LaGrande礦區的野外考察季節結束期間,它觀察到了幾塊偉晶巖。

As the world's focus on sustainable energy sources continues to grow, the demand for lithium has surged, primarily driven by its critical role in lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems. To meet this increasing demand, exploration for lithium resources has expanded to previously untapped areas, and one such area of great interest is James Bay.


Eeyou Itschee James Bay, located in Northern Quebec, is known for its geological potential, and recent surveys have identified significant lithium prospects in the region's pegmatites. These lithium pegmatites are rich in the mineral spodumene, a key source of lithium.

位於魁北克北部的Eeyou Itschee James Bay以其地質潛力而聞名,最近的調查發現該地區偉晶巖中有重要的鋰礦遠景。這些鋰偉晶巖富含鋰輝石礦物,這是鋰的主要來源。

The first property acquired by Opus One Gold is called 'LaGrande" and is located within the La Grande lithium exploration district. The property is located approximately 70 km to the west of the Corvette discovery (Patriot Battery Metals) and 10 km to the south of the Cancet discovery (Windsome Resources). The property consists of 3 claim blocks covering an area of 1,541 hectares. Prospecting programs outlined the presence of at least 18 pegmatites on the three blocks. Two of the three blocks are accessible by the Trans-Taïga road using ATV's. The third (and smallest) block is more remote.

Opus One Gold收購的第一個物業名為“LaGrande”,位於La Grande鋰勘探區內。該物業位於克爾維特發現(愛國者電池金屬)以西約70公里處,Cancet發現(Windome Resources)以南10公里處。該物業由3個索賠區塊組成,佔地1,541公頃。勘探計劃概述了這三個區塊上至少存在18塊偉晶巖。三個區塊中的兩個可通過橫貫泰̈的公路通過亞視到達。第三個(也是最小的)區塊較偏遠。

The second property, called 'Wemindji', is located near the village of the same name, immediately to the west of the MIA Lithium discovery (Q2 Metals). It consists of 1 claim block covering 2,590 hectares. The property is located north of the road leading to Wemindji and is easily accessible with ATV's. The MIA Lithium discovery consists of a series of spodumene bearing pegmatites located along an ENE-WSW axis which might continue west onto the Wemindji property. Our initial prospecting program outlined a dozen pegmatites sites on the Wemindji property.

第二處礦藏名為‘Wemindji’,位於同名村莊附近,緊靠MIA鋰礦(Q2 Metals)的西面。它包括1個索賠區塊,佔地2590公頃。該礦藏位於通往Wemindji的道路以北,乘坐ATV很容易到達。MIA鋰礦的發現由一系列鋰輝石偉晶巖組成,它們位於一條ENE-WSW軸線上,該軸線可能向西延伸至Wemindji礦藏。我們最初的勘探計劃勾勒出了Wemindji地產上的十幾個偉晶巖遺址。

The summer field program was delayed because of severe wildfires covering the entire region. Only in the fall could the properties be finally accessed by land. A prospecting and sampling program was completed on both properties in September. The prospecting program identified multiple pegmatites occurrences on both properties. The pegmatite intrusions range in thickness from a meter up to several meters. Their length is quite variable but could be hundreds of meters. In most cases, pegmatite extensions are hidden under overburden which makes it difficult to assess their true length.


Lithogeochemical sampling was carried out on both properties in order to identify lithium mineralization which is mostly in the form of spodumene (lithium silicate) in the region. All samples were sent to an accredited laboratory for analysis. Results are pending.


Louis Morin CEO of Opus One commented: Because of the large territory covered by exceptional regional scale wildfires during summer 2023 period, access by road to our Eeyou Itschee James Bay projects was blocked until September. Fortunately, compliant weather in September allowed two prospector crews to access properties, open trails and perform exploration work on two distinctive trips. Many pegmatite occurrences have been observed on both properties. Collected samples have been submitted to ALS laboratory for assays. We consider our initial pegmatites observations as very encouraging for future work follow-up on our lithium properties.

Opus One的首席執行官路易斯·莫林評論道:由於2023年夏季異常區域規模的野火覆蓋了大片領土,通往我們Eeyou Itschee James Bay專案的公路通道在9月份之前被封鎖。幸運的是,9月份的天氣允許兩名探礦者進入房產,開闢小徑,並在兩次不同的旅行中進行勘探工作。在這兩種性質上都觀察到了許多偉晶巖的產狀。採集的樣本已提交給ALS實驗室進行檢測。我們認為,我們最初的偉晶巖觀察結果對未來鋰性能的後續工作非常鼓舞人心。

Coming up before year end is a field sampling program both on Noyell and Courville gold properties to collect more data for future drill programs. Although our Noyell is at a definition drilling stage, we intend to acquire better knowledge from some unexplored portions of the property. Those planned sampling programs for 2023 are fully financed.


OPUS ONE Resources Inc.

OPUS One Resources Inc.

Opus One Resources Inc. is a mining exploration company focused on discovering high quality gold and base metals deposits within strategically located properties in proven mining camps, close to existing mines in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, north-western Quebec and north-eastern Ontario - one of the most prolific gold mining areas in the world. Opus One holds assets in the Val-d'Or and Matagami mineral districts.

OPUS One Resources Inc.是一家礦業勘探公司,專注於在已探明礦營的戰略位置物業中發現高質量的黃金和賤金屬礦藏,這些礦藏靠近Abitibi Greenstone帶、魁北克西北部和安大略省東北部的現有礦場-世界上最多產的金礦礦區之一。OPUS One在Val-d‘Or和Matagami礦區擁有資產。

A qualified person, Pierre O'Dowd P.Geo, has verified the data disclosed, including sampling, analytical, and test data underlying the information or opinions contained in the written disclosure as required by section 3.1 and 3.2 of NI43-101.

合格人員Pierre O‘Dowd P.Geo已根據NI43-101第3.1和3.2節的要求對披露的數據進行了驗證,包括支持書面披露中包含的資訊或意見的採樣、分析和測試數據。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains statements that may constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information may include, among others, statements regarding the future plans, costs, objectives or performance of Opus One, or the assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. In this news release, words such as "may", "would", "could", "will", "likely", "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "intend", "plan", "estimate" and similar words and the negative form thereof are used to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether, or the times at or by which, such future performance will be achieved. No assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the forward-looking information will transpire or occur, including the anticipated exploration program on the project, the results of such exploration program, the development of the project and what benefits Opus One will derive from the project, the expected demand for lithium. Forward-looking information is based on information available at the time and/or management's good-faith belief with respect to future events and are subject to known or unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other unpredictable factors, many of which are beyond Opus One' control.

本新聞稿包含的陳述可能構成適用於加拿大證券法的“前瞻性資訊”。前瞻性資訊可能包括有關Opus One未來計劃、成本、目標或業績的陳述,或上述任何假設的陳述。在本新聞稿中,“可能”、“將”、“可能”、“將”、“可能”、“相信”、“預期”、“預期”、“打算”、“計劃”、“估計”以及類似的詞語及其否定形式用於識別前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述不應被解讀為對未來業績或結果的保證,也不一定準確地表明未來是否會實現這種業績,或在什麼時間或之前實現這種業績。不能保證前瞻性資訊預期的任何事件會發生或發生,包括該專案的預期勘探計劃、該勘探計劃的結果、該專案的開發以及Opus One將從該專案中獲得什麼好處、對鋰的預期需求。前瞻性資訊基於當時可獲得的資訊和/或管理層對未來事件的善意信念,受已知或未知風險、不確定性、假設和其他不可預測因素的影響,其中許多因素超出了Opus One的控制範圍。

These risks, uncertainties and assumptions include, but are not limited to, those described under "Financial Instruments" and "Risk and Uncertainties in Opus One' Annual Report for the fiscal year ended August 31st, 2022, a copy of which is available on SEDAR at and could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements. Opus One does not intend, nor does Opus One undertake any obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking information contained in this news release to reflect subsequent information, events or circumstances or otherwise, except if required by applicable laws.

這些風險、不確定因素和假設包括但不限於“金融工具”和“Opus One截至8月31日的財政年度報告中的風險和不確定因素”中描述的風險、不確定因素ST2022年,其副本可在SEDAR上查閱,可能導致實際事件或結果與任何前瞻性陳述中預測的大不相同。OPUS One不打算,也不承擔任何義務,更新或修改本新聞稿中包含的任何前瞻性資訊,以反映後續資訊、事件或情況或其他情況,除非適用法律要求。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the release.


For more information, please contact:


Louis Morin


Chief Executive Officer & Director


Tel.: (514) 591-3988


Michael W. Kinley, CPA, CA


President, Chief Financial Officer & Director


Tel: (902) 402-0388



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