
Dove and Nike Team Up to Launch BODY CONFIDENT SPORT, a First-of-its-Kind Online Coaching Program to Help Build Body Confidence in Girls Globally

Dove and Nike Team Up to Launch BODY CONFIDENT SPORT, a First-of-its-Kind Online Coaching Program to Help Build Body Confidence in Girls Globally

Dove 和 Nike 聯手推出 BODY CONFIDENCE SPORT,這是一項首創的在線教練計劃,旨在幫助全球女孩建立身體信心
PR Newswire ·  2023/10/25 02:27

VENUS WILLIAMS in partnership with Dove and LAURIE HERNANDEZ in partnership with Nike will help raise awareness of the program in New York on October 24, 2023

金星威廉姆斯 與 Dove 合作和 勞裏·埃爾南德斯 與耐克合作將有助於提高人們對該計劃的認識 紐約2023年10月24日

ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., Oct. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Girls who participate in physical activity – and stay with it through adolescence – are more likely to have higher body confidence and experience benefits throughout their lives. However, NEW research from Dove and Nike reveals 45% of teenage girls globally drop out of sports - at twice the rate of boys - with low body confidence as the biggest driver.

新澤西州恩格爾伍德懸崖2023年10月24日 /PRNewswire/ — 參與體育鍛煉並堅持到青春期的女孩更有可能擁有更高的身體信心,並在一生中體驗到益處。但是, N新的 Dove和Nike的研究顯示,全球有45%的少女退出體育運動,退出體育運動的比例是男孩的兩倍,而身體自信心低下是最大的推動力。

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Dove partners with Venus Williams and young athletes to celebrate the launch of Body Confident Sport, a first-of-its-kind Online Coaching Program, Co-Developed With Nike, to Help Build Body Confidence in Girls Globally. Photo Credit: JP Yim for Getty
Dove與Venus Williams和年輕運動員合作,慶祝Body Confidence Sport的推出,這是一項與耐克共同開發的首個在線教練計劃,旨在幫助全球女孩建立身體信心。照片來源:JP Yim 爲 Getty

For the first time ever, Dove – the world's largest provider of self-esteem and body confidence education – has teamed up with Nike – the biggest champion of athletes and sports – to launch the Body Confident Sport online coaching program. Body Confident Sport is a first-of-its-kind, scientifically-proven set of coaching tools to build body confidence in 11–17-year-old girls.

全球最大的自尊心和身體自信教育提供商多芬有史以來第一次與最大的運動員和體育冠軍耐克合作推出了 身體自信運動 在線輔導計劃。Body Confidence Sport 是一套首創的、經過科學驗證的教練工具,可增強11-17歲女孩的身體信心。

Coaches can be powerful role models to create a positive environment for girls in sports, one that prioritizes self-esteem over performance. In fact, 83% of girls in the US say their coach was the reason they felt more confident and 61% of girls would be interested in hearing from coaches about body confidence education.


Co-developed by the two brands over the course of two years, in partnership with world-renowned experts, including the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) and the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport, Body Confident Sport addresses new findings on how the sports environment impacts girls' body confidence and self-esteem.

由兩個品牌在兩年內共同開發,並與世界知名專家合作開發,包括 外觀研究中心 (CAR)塔克體育界女孩和婦女研究中心身體自信運動 探討了有關如何做到的新發現 體育環境影響女孩的身體自信心和自尊心。

Working in partnership with Dove, Venus Williams, tennis champion and entrepreneur comments, "In sports, girls often face a tremendous amount of pressure – not just around performance and abilities, but also because of unrealistic expectations around their appearances. I am excited to be working with Dove on this initiative to help nurture girls' self-belief and confidence, foster a positive environment, and shift the conversation from appearance to capability. Our shared goal is to make sports a more inclusive, welcoming space for girls everywhere."

與 Dove 合作, 維納斯·威廉,網球冠軍和企業家評論, “在體育運動中,女孩經常面臨巨大的壓力——不僅僅是表現和能力,還因爲對她們的外表抱有不切實際的期望。 我很高興能與多芬合作開展這項計劃,以幫助培養女孩的自信心和自信,營造積極的環境,並將對話從外表轉向能力。我們的共同目標是製作 體育運動爲世界各地的女孩提供了更具包容性、更溫馨的空間。”

"We know that sports offer girls enormous benefits," says Gold Medal Olympic Gymnast Laurie Hernandez. "Coaches and athletes alike have a collective responsibility to create inclusive spaces and positive experiences that give all girls an opportunity to discover the power of sports. Sports fuels confidence, which in turn enables girls to enjoy a lifetime of moving and playing the sports they love. This is why I'm so proud to team up with Nike to support Body Confident Sport."

“我們知道體育給女孩帶來了巨大的好處,” 奧運體操金牌運動員說 勞瑞 埃爾南德斯“教練和運動員都負有集體責任,創造包容性的空間和積極的體驗,讓所有女孩都有機會發現體育的力量。體育激發了自信,這反過來又使女孩們能夠享受一生的運動和享受自己喜歡的運動。這就是爲什麼 我很自豪能與耐克合作提供支持 身體自信運動。”

When girls reach adolescence, they experience significant changes to their bodies. As girls move and play sports, this can leave them feeling exposed and vulnerable to judgement for what their bodies can and can't do, but also how they look.


According to the new findings from Dove and Nike, the sports environment impacts girls' body confidence and self-esteem:


  • In the US, 48% of girls dropping out were told they don't have the right body for sports and 56% were objectified or judged on their physical appearance.1
  • 51% of girls dropping out were told that they are not good enough.
  • Yet girls understand the benefits of sport, with 69% saying they would be more body confident if they had stayed in sport for longer.
  • 在美國,48%的輟學女孩被告知自己的身體不適合運動,56%的女孩被客觀化或根據自己的外表進行評判。1
  • 51% 的輟學女孩被告知自己還不夠出色。
  • 然而,女孩們明白運動的好處,69%的人表示,如果她們在運動中待更長的時間,她們會對身體更加自信。

The Body Confident Sport online coaching tool is proven to reduce self-objectification and increase body-esteem and will be delivered through a global network of organisations in schools and sports clubs. The program builds on Nike's and Dove's longstanding commitments to support girls and aims to reach more than one million young people around the world.

這個 身體自信運動 事實證明,在線教練工具可以減少自我客觀化和提高身體自尊心,並將通過學校和體育俱樂部的全球組織網絡提供。該計劃建立在耐克和多芬長期以來對支持女孩的承諾的基礎上,旨在覆蓋全球超過一百萬的年輕人。

"Since 2004, Dove has been working to arm the next generation with tools to build body confidence and self-esteem so that no young person is held back. As the world's leading provider of self-esteem and body confidence education for girls, we have a responsibility to support girls wherever their self-esteem is at stake. Sports have the potential to make girls feel confident and strong, yet for so many, the judgement and criticism they face within the sports environment is damaging their confidence and limiting their self-belief. We are proud to team up with a likeminded brand like Nike to take action towards a more equitable future for girls – on and off the field," says Alessandro Manfredi, Chief Marketing Officer, Dove.

自 2004 年以來,Dove 一直在工作 用工具武裝下一代,以建立身體自信和自尊心 這樣就不會阻礙任何年輕人。作爲世界領先的女孩自尊心和身體自信教育提供者,我們有責任爲女孩提供支持,無論她們的自尊心受到威脅。體育有可能使女孩感到自信和堅強,但對於許多人來說,她們在體育環境中面臨的判斷和批評正在損害她們的信心,限制她們的自信心。 我們很自豪能與像耐克這樣志同道合的品牌合作,採取行動 爲女孩創造更公平的未來 — 無論是在場內還是場外,” 說 亞歷山德羅·曼弗雷迪,首席營銷官,Dove。

"Nike believes all kids should have an opportunity to play, and we're focused on expanding play and sports for girls who are moving the least," says Vanessa Garcia-Brito, VP, Chief Social & Community Impact Officer, Nike, Inc. "Globally, girls face complex cultural and social barriers, and they also enter sports later and drop out of sports earlier. Our partnership with Dove, and unique focus on coaching through body confidence, aims to change that. Together, we're taking action to break barriers by providing coaches with the tools to empower girls with a lifetime of confidence. By shifting the conversation from what their bodies look like to what their bodies can do – so more girls can stay in sports and experience the benefits – we believe we're creating the next generation of female leaders and changemakers who will move the world forward."

耐克認爲所有孩子都應該有機會玩遊戲,而我們 專注於爲動作最少的女孩擴大遊戲和運動範圍,” 說 Vanessa Garcia-Brito,耐克公司副總裁兼首席社會和社區影響官”在全球範圍內,女孩面臨着複雜的文化和社會障礙,她們進入體育運動的時間也較晚,退出體育運動的時間也較早。 我們與多芬的合作,以及對通過身體自信進行指導的獨特關注,旨在改變這種狀況。我們正在共同採取行動,通過爲教練提供工具,讓女孩終身充滿自信,從而打破障礙。通過將對話從她們的身體樣子轉移到她們的身體能做什麼,這樣更多的女孩就可以繼續參加體育運動並體驗其中的好處——我們相信我們正在培養下一代的女性領導者和變革者,她們將推動世界向前發展。”

Visit to learn more and access the Body Confident Sport program.

訪問 了解更多信息並訪問 身體自信運動 程序。



For Nike: Sandra Carreon-John ([email protected])
For Dove: Samantha Colton ([email protected])

對於耐克: 桑德拉·卡雷昂-約翰[電子郵件保護])
對於 Dove 來說: 薩曼莎·科爾頓[電子郵件保護])

About the Research


Dove and Nike have commissioned this survey to expose the reality of girls' experience in sports and the impact it has on their confidence, as well as the drivers behind girls dropping out and potential solutions.


We asked 4,917 children of different ages, ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds in Brazil, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and US to take part in a 15-minute online survey.

我們詢問了4,917名不同年齡、種族和社會經濟背景的兒童 巴西加拿大德國意大利日本、英國和美國將參加15分鐘的在線調查。

The study included 3,506 girls aged between 9-17 years old (approximatively 500 from each country) and 1,391 boys aged 9-17 years old (approximatively 200 from each country) who had the consent of a parent or legal guardian to take part.


About Body Confident Sport
Body Confident Sport provides coaches with the materials they need to tailor their coaching to inspire body confidence and keep girls from dropping out of sport. The program includes input from girls and coaches from 6 countries, including France, India, Japan, Mexico, the U.K., and the U.S, and the curriculum includes tools that were scientifically proven in clinical trials with more than 1,200 girls and are proven to improve girl's self-esteem and body confidence.

Body Confidence Sport 爲教練提供了量身定製教練所需的材料,以激發身體信心並防止女孩退出運動。該計劃包括來自6個國家的女孩和教練的意見,包括 法國印度日本墨西哥、英國和美國,課程中包含的工具已在針對1200多名女孩的臨床試驗中得到科學證實,並被證明可以提高女孩的自尊心和身體自信心。

About the Dove Self-Esteem Project
Dove is the largest self-esteem education provider in the world, offering no-cost, academically validated tools to parents, teachers, mentors, and kids for nearly two decades with the Dove Self-Esteem Project. To date, Dove has reached more than 100 million young people globally across 150 countries with DSEP, with a goal of reaching 250M young lives by 2030.

關於 Dove 自尊項目
Dove是世界上最大的自尊教育提供商,近二十年來,Dove通過自尊項目爲父母、教師、導師和孩子提供經過學術驗證的免費工具。迄今爲止,Dove已通過DSEP覆蓋了全球150個國家的1億多年輕人,目標是達到 250 米 到2030年讓年輕人活下去。

About Dove
Dove started its life in 1957 in the US, with the launch of the Beauty Bar, with its patented blend of mild cleansers and 1⁄4 moisturizing cream. Dove's heritage is based on moisturization, and it is proof not promises that enabled Dove to grow from a Beauty Bar into one of the world's most beloved beauty brands. Women have always been our inspiration and since the beginning, we have been wholly committed to providing superior care to all women and to championing real beauty in our advertising. Dove believes that beauty is for everyone. That beauty should be a source of happiness and not anxiety. Dove's mission is to inspire women everywhere to develop a positive relationship with the way they look and realize their personal potential for beauty.

關於 Dove
Dove 於 1957 年在美國開業,當時推出了 Beauty Bar,其專利混合了溫和的清潔劑和 1⁄4 保溼霜。Dove的傳統建立在保溼的基礎上,使Dove能夠從Beauty Bar成長爲世界上最受歡迎的美容品牌之一,這不是證據,而不是承諾。女性一直是我們的靈感來源,從一開始,我們就全心全意地致力於爲所有女性提供卓越的護理,並在廣告中倡導真正的美麗。Dove 相信美麗適合所有人。這種美麗應該是幸福的源泉,而不是焦慮的源泉。Dove的使命是激勵世界各地的女性與自己的外表建立積極的關係,並實現自己的美麗潛力。

For 60 years, Dove has been committed to broadening the narrow definition of beauty in the work they do. With the 'Dove Real Beauty Pledge,' Dove vows to:

60年來,Dove一直致力於在其工作中擴大對美的狹隘定義。憑藉 “Dove Real Beauty Pledge”,Dove 發誓要:

  • Portray women with honesty, diversity and respect. We feature women of different ages, sizes, ethnicities, hair color, type, and style.
  • Portray women as they are in real life, with zero digital distortion and all images approved by the women they feature.
  • Help young people build body confidence and self-esteem through the Dove Self-Esteem Project, the biggest provider of self-esteem education in the world.
  • 以誠實、多元和尊重的態度描繪女性。我們的特色是不同年齡、身材、種族、頭髮顏色、類型和風格的女性。
  • 將女性描繪成現實生活中的樣子,數字失真爲零,並且所有圖像均由她們所描繪的女性認可。
  • 通過世界上最大的自尊教育提供商 Dove 自尊項目,幫助年輕人建立身體自信和自尊心。

About Nike
NIKE, Inc., headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Converse, a wholly owned NIKE, Inc. subsidiary brand, designs, markets and distributes athletic lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories. For more information, NIKE, Inc.'s earnings releases and other financial information are available on the Internet at Individuals can also visit and follow NIKE on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

NIKE, Inc.,總部位於 俄勒岡州比弗頓,是全球領先的設計師、營銷商和分銷商,爲各種體育和健身活動提供正品運動鞋、服裝、裝備和配件。Converse是耐克公司的全資子品牌,負責設計、銷售和分銷運動生活方式鞋、服裝和配飾。欲了解更多信息,NIKE, Inc. '的業績和其他財務信息可在互聯網上查閱,個人也可以在推特、LinkedIn、Instagram和YouTube上訪問和關注耐克。

1Question: How often (if at all) do you experience each of the following when you do sports activities? Please think about your past and current experiences. Total girls n=3506, Total girls having dropped out n=1301

1問題:當你進行體育活動時,你多久會遇到以下每種情況(如果有的話)?請考慮一下你過去和現在的經歷。女生總數 n=3506,退學的女孩總數 n=1301


來源 Dove

