
前三季度利润端承压 科力尔:惠州项目或明年上半年建成投产|财报解读

The profit side was under pressure on Collier in the first three quarters: the Huizhou project may be completed and put into operation in the first half of next year|Financial Report Interpretation ·  Oct 25, 2023 00:10

External demand in the ① home market is weak, with revenue up 8.74% and net profit down 21.3% in the first three quarters compared with the same period last year. ② currently accounts for a small proportion of robot business; the main body of the Huizhou project has been capped and may be completed and put into production in the first half of next year.

Financial Associated Press, October 24 (Reporter Huang Lu)The external demand of the household market is weak, and it still takes time for the robot-related business to account for a small proportion of the volume. 002892.SZ did not increase its profit in the first three quarters. A person from the company's securities department told the Financial Associated Press that the company (products) has grown to a certain extent in the field of motion control, but other traditional areas, including household appliance consumption (market), are not growing so fast. In addition, if the progress is fast, the company's Huizhou project is likely to be completed early next year or in the first half of next year.

This evening, Collier announced that the company's operating income in the first three quarters was 969 million yuan, an increase of 8.74 percent over the same period last year, and its net profit was 42.3977 million yuan, down 21.3 percent from the same period last year.

The quarterly financial report of split Q1-Q3 shows that the net profit of the company fluctuates greatly in each quarter due to the change in investment income and fair value. Q1-Q3 's quarterly net profit growth rate was 184.59%,-121.57% and 170.86%, respectively.

The above-mentioned company personage indicated that the company handles the forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange, raises funds and own funds for financial management, securities investment and so on will produce fair value changes. Among them, the forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange is mainly linked to the company's main business, in order to reduce the risk impact of foreign exchange (volatility).

Combined with the China News, Collier's list of "securities investment" shows that a number of listed companies, including Olympian Electronics, Yonghe Technology, and Tianze Information, are listed, with a total investment cost of about 61.36 million yuan. The source of funds is self-owned funds.

A reporter from the Financial Associated Press noted that in February this year, Collier issued a notice that no more than 400 million yuan of idle self-owned funds would be used for entrusted financial management and securities investment, of which no more than 200 million yuan would be used for securities investment other than entrusted financial management.

According to the third quarterly report, the company's investment income increased by 216.74%, mainly due to income from long-term settlement and sale of foreign exchange, fund-raising, financial management and securities investment, while fair value change income increased by 270.85%. It is mainly due to the fair value changes caused by the long-term settlement and sale of foreign exchange, fund-raising financial management and securities investment.

Deducting non-net profit is even more objective, with Q1-Q3 net profit growth of 7.46 per cent,-7.84 per cent and-8.15 per cent, respectively.

Compared with the sharp fluctuation of the company's fair value, many investors are more concerned about the volume schedule of the company's products in the field of motion control. According to the company's previous reply on the investor interactive platform, the company's servo system is mainly used in the fields of robot and industrial automation, lithium battery equipment and high-end CNC machine tools.

Collier's sub-product application areas are mainly related to three major areas, namely, smart home products, health and care products and motion control products. In order to increase the company's production capacity, the company is expanding investment and setting up new production bases in Yongzhou, Huizhou and Shenzhen one after another.

Combined with the results of the first half of the year, smart home products accounted for 75.82% of its revenue, and motion control products accounted for 14.65%. According to the company, its motion control products are used in popular fields such as 3D printers and robots.

What is the percentage of the company's products in the field of robots? The company said that the specific data are not roughly counted, because the company's products can be used in many areas, if motion control products account for 14.65%. In that case, the proportion of products involved in the robot field must be less than this value.

According to reports, after the completion of the Huizhou project, the company will mainly produce servo systems and controllers, stepper motors and stepper drivers. At present, the main body of Huizhou project has been capped. As for the specific time for completion and commissioning, the company said that according to the previous plan, it would take two and a half years, that is, mid-to-late next year, or early next year or the first half of next year if the progress is fast.

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