
It's Not Just Lithium: Tesla, Rivian, And The Green Revolution Rely On These Precious Metals

It's Not Just Lithium: Tesla, Rivian, And The Green Revolution Rely On These Precious Metals

不只是鋰:特斯拉、Rivian 和綠色革命依賴這些貴金屬
Benzinga ·  2023/10/24 18:26

At the heart of the green revolution lie Lithium-Ion batteries. They are the lynchpin that enables companies like Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) and Rivian Automotive Inc (NASDAQ:RIVN) to forge new paths in the automotive industry, electrifying the countries' vehicles. They allow for efficient energy storage systems that make renewable sources like wind and solar more reliable and effective.

綠色革命的核心是鋰離子電池。它們是使像這樣的公司成爲可能的關鍵 特斯拉公司 (納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)和 裏維安汽車公司 納斯達克股票代碼:RIVN)將在汽車行業開闢新的道路,實現兩國的汽車電氣化。它們允許高效的儲能系統,使風能和太陽能等可再生能源更加可靠和有效。

Although much of the focus in the press has been on lithium – and to be sure, it is a critical component – only a small fraction of a Li-ion battery is actually comprised of it. Other precious metals like cobalt, nickel, silver, and graphite are equally important to the batteries and the larger global energy transition.



Cobalt is known for its ability to stabilize battery chemistry and enhance performance. The metal is also essential in devices like the Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone.

Cobalt 以其穩定電池化學成分和增強性能的能力而聞名。金屬在諸如以下的設備中也是必不可少的 蘋果公司 (納斯達克股票代碼:AAPL)iPhone。


Nickel is another essential metal used in battery cathodes. Higher nickel content can lead to greater energy density and longer driving ranges, both of which are highly sought after in the EV market. In fact, Elon Musk recently made a plea to the global mining community to "please mine more nickel."

鎳是電池陰極中使用的另一種必需金屬。較高的鎳含量可以帶來更高的能量密度和更長的行駛里程,這兩者在電動汽車市場都備受追捧。事實上,埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)最近呼籲全球礦業界 “請多開採鎳”。


Silver plays a crucial role in battery terminals and connectors. It's an excellent conductor of electricity, ensuring efficient energy flow within the battery system.




Graphite, a crystallized form of carbon, is an essential component of EV batteries. In fact, by weight, it is the single largest component. The metal is used in the anodes of the battery.


Future Trends


The future of electric vehicles holds exciting possibilities. Researchers and engineers are constantly exploring new materials, battery chemistries, and manufacturing techniques. Some emerging technologies include solid-state batteries, which have the potential to revolutionize the EV industry by offering higher energy density, faster charging, and improved safety.


However, as the automotive industry continues to evolve, the role of various precious metals in electric vehicles is likely to remain constant.




As the EV market and other green technologies continue to grow, investing in the space is top of mind for many. Using a diversified approach, as always, is key to long-term success in the market. Investing in the companies themselves, but also the metals and materials driving the industry, casts the widest net.


Investing in commodities, however, can be difficult and often involves dealing in futures, a market that surpasses many investors' level of sophistication. An alternative would be investing in a diversified ETF, like the USCF Sustainable Battery Metals Strategy Fund (NYSE:ZSB).

但是,投資大宗商品可能很困難,通常涉及期貨交易,而期貨市場的複雜程度超過了許多投資者的複雜程度。另一種選擇是投資多元化ETF,比如 USCF 可持續電池金屬策略基金(紐約證券交易所代碼:ZSB)。

A more targeted approach is also a viable option. The USCF Aluminum Strategy Fund (NYSE:ALUM), for instance, allows you to get more granular and invest in aluminum specifically – a metal currently being researched as the basis for next-generation battery technology.

更有針對性的方法也是一個可行的選擇。的 USCF 鋁業策略基金 例如,紐約證券交易所代碼:ALUM)允許你更精細地投資鋁——這種金屬目前正在研究作爲下一代電池技術的基礎。

