
Stakeholder Identifies Two Kilometer Scale Gold in Soil, and Multiple Further Anomalies on Ballarat

Stakeholder Identifies Two Kilometer Scale Gold in Soil, and Multiple Further Anomalies on Ballarat

newsfile ·  2023/10/20 21:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 20, 2023) - Stakeholder Gold Corp. (TSXV: SRC) ("Stakeholder" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of a 5,036 soil grid and ridge and spur sampling program undertaken by GroundTruth Exploration Ltd. on the Company's 100% owned Ballarat Project over the summer of 2023. The sampling program was designed to cover previously identified gold and copper ridge and spur anomalies and also to evaluate unexplored, and recently staked(1), portions of the 18,741 ha property. Highlights from the program include:

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月20日)-股東黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SRC)(以下簡稱“股東”或“公司”)欣然宣佈,GoundTruth Explore Ltd.於2023年夏季對該公司全資擁有的巴拉拉特專案進行了5,036個土壤網格、山脊和馬刺採樣專案的結果。抽樣計劃旨在覆蓋以前發現的金和銅脊和突起異常,並評估未勘探和最近確定的異常。(1),18741公頃房產的一部分。該計劃的亮點包括:

  • Identification of two distinct, subparallel, anomalous gold in soil trends of 1.9 km and 1.3 km on the Skye Zone. The Skye Zone extends west-southwest off of the route proposed for the Northern Gateway Road where the road traverses the northern section of the Company's claim holdings.
  • 在斯凱帶1.9公里和1.3公里的土壤趨勢中發現兩個截然不同的、次平行的異常金。Skye區從擬議的北部Gateway路向西南偏西延伸,該路橫穿公司索賠所在的北段。
  • Detection of multiple further spot gold anomalies associated with ridge and spur samples. These newly identified gold in soil and ridge and spur anomalies, which now warrant follow up grid sampling, are located west and east of Ballarat Creek in areas several km south of the Sky Zone and also proximal to the route proposed for the Northern Gateway Road.
  • 探測與山脊和支線樣品有關的多個進一步的現貨金異常。這些新發現的土壤、山脊和馬刺異常中的金,現在需要進行後續網格採樣,它們位於Ballarat Creek以西和以東,位於天空地帶以南幾公里處,也位於擬議的北部門戶公路路線附近。
  • Identification of a 500 m wide zone of anomalous copper ridge and spur samples associated with a Jurassic aged intrusive unit. Regional mapping indicates that this unit has surface dimensions of approximately1,000 m by 300 m and is located east of Ballarat Creek within the southeast sector of the Company's contiguous claim holdings, and approximately 1 km east of the route proposed for the Northern Gateway Road where it traverses the southern section of the Company's claim holdings.
  • 識別與侏羅紀古老侵入單元有關的500米寬的異常銅脊和脈狀樣品。區域地圖顯示,這一單位的地面尺寸約為1000米乘300米,位於Ballarat Creek以東,在公司相鄰索賠所在的東南區內,位於擬議的北部網關公路以東約1公里處,橫穿公司索賠所在的南段。

(1) See the Company's News Release dated April 14, 2023. Available on SEDAR.

(1) 見該公司日期為2023年4月14日的新聞稿。在SEDAR上可用。

2023 Soil Program


A total of 5036 samples were collected during the 2023 summer program. The program consisted of 4 grids (100m spaced lines x 50m spaced samples on each line) and several line km of ridge and spur sampling (50m spaced samples). The sampling was conducted by GroundTruth Exploration Ltd. of Dawson City, YT using dutch augers and targeting 'C' horizon material at the bedrock interface. Individual results for gold ranged from trace to 200 ppb Au and for copper from 3 - 1,213.3 ppm Cu.

在2023年夏季計劃期間,總共收集了5036個樣本。該程式包括4個網格(100米間距的線×每條線上50米的間距樣本)和幾行公里的脊線和支線樣本(50米間距的樣本)。採樣是由伊利諾伊州道森市的GoundTruth Explore Ltd.使用荷蘭螺旋儀進行的,目標是基岩介面上的C層物質。金的個別結果從痕量到200 ppb Au,銅的結果從3-1213.3ppm銅。

Sky Zone Extension


Highlights of the sampling program include the identification of two NE-SW trending, subparallel, gold in soil anomalies in the north central portion of the property that expand the previously identified Skye Zone. The Skye Zone was identified in 2016 and consists of gold in soil anomalies which are associated with sericite altered quartz-feldspar gneiss hosting quartz veining and disseminated-vein controlled pyrite along an interpreted NE-SW oriented fault zone. The 2023 sampling program has extended the Skye Zone anomaly to over 1.9 km of strike length with soils up to 107.9 ppb Au and has also identified a second subparallel trend of gold in soils up to 101.7 ppb Au approximately 700 m to the south. This second subparallel gold trend remains open and untested to the SW. The soils anomalies are 'gold only' with only slightly elevated lead (+/-molybdenum) and this geochemical association, plus the style of alteration/mineralization observed in 2016, indicates that these are potentially structurally controlled targets with similarities to the Golden Saddle deposit located approximately 32 km to the northwest.

採樣計劃的重點包括髮現了兩個東北-西南走向、次平行的土壤異常,這些異常位於該物業的中北部,擴大了之前發現的Skye帶。Skye帶於2016年被識別,由土壤中的金組成,這些異常與絹雲母蝕變石英長片麻岩有關,沿解釋的NE-SW向斷裂帶賦存石英脈和浸染脈控制的黃鐵礦。2023年採樣計劃已將斯凱帶異常擴展到超過1.9千米的走向長度,土壤中的金含量高達107.9 ppb Au,還發現了第二個次平行趨勢,土壤中金的含量高達101.7 ppb Au,向南約700米。這第二個次平行的黃金趨勢仍然是開放的,對西南偏南來說還沒有受到考驗。土壤異常為‘純金’,鉛(+/-鉬)僅略微升高,這種地球化學組合,加上2016年觀察到的蝕變/礦化風格,表明這些潛在的構造控制目標與位於西北約32公里處的金馬鞍礦相似。

Newly Identified Gold Anomalies


Multiple, spotty gold in soil anomalies were identified in newly sampled areas during the 2023 summer program and these anomalies now warrant follow up work. Highlights include a series of anomalies of up to 200 ppb Au approximately 2 km northwest of the Skye Zone; ridge and spur anomalies in the southern portion of the property of up to 128.4 ppb Au; and soils of up to 80 ppb Au in the northwestern portion of the property.

在2023年夏季計劃期間,在新採樣的地區發現了土壤異常中的多個斑點金,這些異常現在需要後續工作。亮點包括斯凱區西北約2公里處一系列高達200 ppb Au的異常;該礦區南部高達128.4 ppb Au的山脊和支線異常;以及該礦區西北部高達80 ppb Au的土壤。

Copper Anomaly


In addition to gold, an approximately 500 m zone of anomalous copper in soils has also been identified with the 2023 summer survey. The copper anomaly consists of two ridge and spur lines spaced approximately 180 m apart. Samples in the zone ranged from 52.4 ppm - 1,213.3 ppm Cu and occur within, and on the northern margin of, a Jurassic aged intrusive unit outlined by regional mapping. The samples returned low gold and other pathfinder elements and will require field evaluation to elucidate the nature of the anomalies.


"In April of this year we staked mineral claims allowing us to triple the company's White Gold land holdings to 18,741 hectares. Our objectives were to stay close to the proposed route for the Northern Gateway Road and to fully cover the area over the drainage basin into Ballarat Creek, which we know has been a prolific placer gold producer. By fully covering the area over the drainage basin into Ballarat Creek we had hoped to find the gold deposit sources for the extensive gold being recovered in placer operations on Ballarat Creek."


"Our 2023 summer exploration program has now identified two distinct and extensive gold in soil anomalies on the Sky Zone, as well as further gold in soil anomalies located further south on the property which have been detected on both the east and west sides of Ballarat Creek. A copper anomaly associated with Jurassic age intrusive rocks has also been identified. All of these anomalies are located within a distance of less than 3 km from the proposed route for the Northern Gateway Road which is expected to provide significant logistical advantages for regional development upon completion," stated Christopher Berlet, President & CEO of Stakeholder.


2024 Ballarat Project Exploration Program


Preliminary planning for the 2024 exploration season is already underway. Work will include follow up prospecting/sampling, geologic mapping, expanded soil surveys, LiDAR surveys, and, potentially, geophysical surveys. The goal of the 2024 program will be to clearly define drill targets for late summer drilling. Additional information and plans for the 2024 season will be released in the coming months.


Ballarat Property


The Company's 100% owned, 18,741 hectare, contiguous claim position covers key ground features in the center of the rapidly evolving White Gold Mining & Exploration Camp. Stakeholder claims are located in the relative center of the White Gold District, north and northeast of Newmont's (NYSE: NEM) Coffee Gold Project, due north of Western Copper and Gold Corporation's (TSX: WRN) Casino Project and west, south, and east of White Gold's (TSX: WGO) regional exploration initiatives.


QAQC and QP Statement


The analytical work for the 2023 program was performed by Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd., an internationally recognized analytical services provider, at its Vancouver, British Columbia laboratory. Sample preparation was carried out at its Whitehorse, Yukon facility. All soil samples were prepared using procedure SS80 (dry at 60 C and sieve 100g at -80 mesh) and analyzed by method AQ201 (aqua regia digestion and ICP-MS analysis).

2023年專案的分析工作由國際公認的分析服務提供商加拿大統計局Veritas Commodity Ltd.在不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華的實驗室進行。樣品準備工作是在育空的懷特霍斯工廠進行的。所有土壤樣品用SS80程式(60℃乾燥,-80目篩100g)製備,並用AQ201方法(王水消化和電感耦合等離子體質譜分析)進行分析。

GroundTruth Exploration Ltd., Dawson City, YT, managed all work for the Company. The reported work was completed using industry standard procedures, including a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program consisting of the insertion of certified standards, blanks, and field duplicates into the sample stream. The qualified person detected no significant QA/QC issues during review of the data.

位於伊利諾伊州道森市的Ground Truth Explore有限公司為公司管理所有工作。報告的工作是使用行業標準程式完成的,包括品質保證/質量控制(QA/QC)計劃,該計劃包括在樣品流中插入經認證的標準、空白和現場副本。合格人員在數據審查過程中未發現重大的QA/QC問題。

Jodie Gibson, M.Sc., P.Geo. is the Qualified Person for the Company, as defined by NI 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release.

朱迪·吉布森,理科碩士,P.Geo。是符合NI 43-101定義的公司的合格人員,並已審查和批准了本新聞稿的內容。

For further information please contact:


Stakeholder Gold Corporation
416 525 - 6869

416 525-6869

Figure 3 - New Copper Anomaly from 2023 Soil Sampling


Forward Looking Information


This news release contains forward-looking information. All information, other than information of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and includes any information that addresses activities, events or developments that the Corporation believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future including the Corporation's strategy, plans or future financial or operating performance.


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