Innovation Creates More Sustainable Meat Alternatives
Innovation Creates More Sustainable Meat Alternatives
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 18, 2023 / Rockwell Automation
Meati Foods is the producer of a meat alternative based on nutrient-rich mushroom root. Using novel food processing techniques, Meati Foods can create this protein-rich product with a fraction of the land and water required to grow animal protein, while emitting substantially less greenhouse gas.
Meati Foods是一種以營養豐富的蘑菇根為基礎的肉類替代品的生產商。使用新的食品加工技術,Meati Foods可以用種植動物蛋白所需的一小部分土地和水來創造這種富含蛋白質的產品,同時排放的溫室氣體大幅減少。
To fast-track commercial production of mushroom root - known as mycelium - consistently and efficiently, Meati Foods collaborated with Cybertrol Engineering, a provider of plantwide automation systems and information integration solutions. Cybertrol used Rockwell Automation (NYSE: ROK) technologies in the design.
為了持續高效地實現蘑菇根的商業生產,Meati Foods與植物自動化系統和資訊集成解決方案提供商Cybertrol Engineering進行了合作。Cybertrol在設計中使用了羅克韋爾自動化(紐約證券交易所代碼:韓國)的技術。
Meati Food's new production facility in Thornton, Colorado, includes all processes required to grow, harvest, process, and package the product. The Rockwell-based Cybertrol solution, launched in March 2023, allows for deeper and continuous visibility into the data required to maintain product quality - and optimize water and energy usage within the processes.
Meati Food位於科羅拉多州桑頓的新生產設施包括種植、收穫、加工和包裝產品所需的所有工藝。總部位於羅克韋爾的Cybertrol解決方案於2023年3月推出,允許更深入和連續地查看維持產品質量所需的數據,並優化過程中的水和能源使用。
"We made conscious decisions early on to use renewable energy to electrify the facility and to implement a large water reuse system," said Justin Whiteley, CSO and co-founder, Meati Foods. He added, "We knew automation and access to the right data was critical to improving our process - and key to a successful scale-up. Data will provide the information we to need to become even more efficient in the future."
Meati Foods首席技術官兼聯合創始人賈斯汀·懷特利表示:“我們很早就做出了明智的決定,使用可再生能源為工廠通電,並實施一個大型的水再利用系統。”他補充說,“我們知道,自動化和對正確數據的訪問是改進我們流程的關鍵,也是成功擴大規模的關鍵。數據將提供我們在未來變得更加高效所需的資訊。”
For its work with Meati Foods, Rockwell recognized Cybertrol Engineering as the winner of its first-ever Sustainability Award. The award acknowledges a Rockwell Automation PartnerNetwork firm that has demonstrated outstanding efforts, initiatives, and programs in the field of environmentalism. The recipient company must align with Rockwell's mission to integrate control and information across the enterprise to help industrial companies be more productive and sustainable.
由於與Meati Foods的合作,羅克韋爾承認Cybertrol Engineering是其有史以來第一個可持續發展獎的獲獎者。該獎項表彰了一家羅克韋爾自動化合作夥伴網路公司,該公司在環境保護領域表現出了傑出的努力、倡議和計劃。受援公司必須與羅克韋爾的使命保持一致,即整合整個企業的控制和資訊,以幫助工業公司提高生產率和可持續性。
Learn more about this innovative partnership.
Pictured: Manufacturing operations at Meati, a Colorado-based producer of an alternative protein made from mushroom root. Meati's proprietary process is rapid and yields as much "meat" as five cows - in just three days.
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SOURCE: Rockwell Automation