
“日特估”芯片龙头创最大日内涨幅 与台积电、Arm合作开发2nm芯片

“Daily Special Evaluation” chip leader recorded the biggest intraday increase and collaborated with TSMC and ARM to develop 2nm chips ·  Oct 18, 2023 18:43

① Socionext announced that it has collaborated with TSMC and ARM to develop 32-core CPU Chiplet products; ② will produce engineering samples as soon as possible in the first half of 2025; ③ From the IPO in October last year to this summer, Socionext's stock price had a cumulative increase of 770% at its peak.

Finance Association, Oct. 18 (Editor: Shi Zhengcheng)On Wednesday local time, the “daily specials” chip leader Socionext (Socionext), which trades in the Tokyo stock market, once had an intraday increase of a record 16%, and an increase of 12.76% at the close of the day.

According to the news, the company issued an intraday announcement saying,An innovative 32-core CPU Chiplet product will be developed in collaboration with TSMC and ARM, and it is planned to use TSMC's 2nm process.The product will provide scalable performance for hyperscale data centers, 5/6G infrastructure, DPU, and edge networking markets. The company expects to produce engineering samples in the first half of 2025.


(Source: Socionext)

Unlike general-purpose chip vendors such as Intel and Nvidia,SocioNext follows the path of customized SoC, customizing SoC solutions (ASICs) that meet business needs for customers in the automotive and industrial fields. This company was formed from the merger of Fujitsu Semiconductor and Panasonic SoC in 2015. In this field of business, its main competitors include companies such as Zhiyuan Technology, Shixin Electronics, and Creative Electronics.

Take Apple's M-series chips as an example. In recent years, there have been more and more industry-leading manufacturers, which are increasingly interested in proprietary SoCs that can provide differentiated competitiveness. With the continuous advancement of semiconductor production, packaging, and testing processes in recent years, the resources involved in the superposition of the entire industry chain have continued to be abundant, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find SoC solutions that suit the needs of manufacturers. This is also an opportunity for companies such as Socionext to rise.

Socionext is also a member of the Chiplet Standardization Organization's “Universal Core High Speed Interconnection” (UCIe).

SocioNext completed its IPO in October last year.As AI and Chiplet concepts have continued to be hyped up since this year, the highest stock price rose to 7.7 times the IPO price this summer.However, as major shareholders Panasonic, Fujitsu, and the Japan Development Bank announced the sale of shares worth nearly 277 billion yen (nearly 13.5 billion yuan) at the peak of stock prices, Socionext has been falling intermittently for almost three months since then.


(Socionext daily chart, source: TradingView)

Yugo Tsuboi, a strategy analyst at Daiwa Securities, explained that the company drew this “cake for 2025” todayAlthough it is unclear whether this project will have a significant impact on the company's performance, many people now have very high expectations for it, and at the same time, the company's international image has also improved.

According to Socionext's previous quarterly report, during the period from April to June of this year, total revenue was 61.4 billion yen, up 53.9% year on year; operating profit was 10.1 billion yen, up 80.7% year on year. The company will release its latest financial report on October 31 this year.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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