
Bayhorse Enters Into Agreement to Rent Ore-Sorter to Canadian Critical Minerals Inc.

Bayhorse Enters Into Agreement to Rent Ore-Sorter to Canadian Critical Minerals Inc.

Bayhorse 簽訂協議,將礦石分揀機租給加拿大關鍵礦業公司
newsfile ·  2023/10/17 21:17

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 17, 2023) - Bayhorse Silver Inc, (TSXV: BHS) (OTCQB: BHSIF) (FSE: 7KXN) (the "Company" or "Bayhorse") reports that it has entered into an Agreement to rent its Steinert KSS100 Ore-Sorter to Canadian Critical Minerals ("CCMI") to allow CCMI to upgrade their approximately 180,000 ton run of mine mineralized stockpile at its Bull River Mine, near Cranbrook, BC.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月17日)-貝馬銀牌公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BHS)(場外市場代碼:BHSIF)(證券交易所代碼:7KXN)(“公司”或“貝馬”)據報道,該公司已達成協定,將其Steinert KSS100礦石分選機出租給加拿大關鍵礦產公司(“CCMI”),以使CCMI能夠升級其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省克蘭布魯克附近的Bull River礦約180,000噸的礦化庫存。

CCMI has issued a news release announcing an agreement to ship up to 90,000 tons of sorted, upgraded copper/gold mineralized material to the New Afton Mill, near Kamloops, BC.

CCMI發佈了一份新聞稿,宣佈了一項協定,將向不列顛哥倫比亞省坎盧普斯附近的New Afton Mill運送多達9萬噸經過分類、升級的銅/金礦化材料。

Bayhorse has operated its Ore-Sorter effectively since 2018 to increase grade and reduce the volume of mineralized material for processing at its Bayhorse Silver Mine flotation mill, thus reducing mill operating costs. The Steinert X-Ray Transmissive Ore-Sorter has proven to be a very effective technology for reducing milling operating costs by reducing waste rock from the mineralized processing stream.


Bayhorse has determined it is in its best interests to utilize its currently idle Ore-Sorter in this manner to generate revenue to the Company to offset operating costs while the Bayhorse Silver Mine production is temporarily halted during the ongoing Operating Permit Application. Bayhorse is investigating establishing the Ore-Sorter for use as a mobile unit, as there are prospective mines within 150 miles of its processing facility in Payette, Idaho, that could utilise such a facility and create additional feed sources for it.


The Company may use a portion of the funds received for the rental to drill its readily accessible and fully permitted Brandywine high grade gold/silver property, 14 km South of Whistler, BC, Canada.


In 2021, the Company conducted a QA/QC program on the 2010 Brandywine drill core that had been kept in secure storage. at Brandywine. Assays on the core, that included metallic screen assays due to the presence of visible gold in the core, returned 3.1 meters of 11.42 g/t gold in hole BRW05 at a depth of between 25.5 meters and 29.6 meters, including 1 meter of 20.2 g/t gold, and in BRW06, 3.1 meters of 3.35 g/t gold at a depth of between 32.6 and 35.7 meters, including 1 meter of 4.3 g/t gold.


The Company is in the process of completing a groundwater study at the Bayhorse Silver Mine as one of the last baseline study deficiencies required to complete the Operating Permit Application for the Bayhorse Silver Mine, Oregon. to Oregon's Department of Geological and Mineral Industries ("DOGAMI").


All costs to mobilize the Ore-Sorter to CCMI's Bull River Mine and re-establish it at the Bayhorse Mine on completion of the rental will be borne by CCMI.

將礦石分選機調動到CCMI的Bull River礦並在租賃完成後在BayHorse礦重建的所有費用將由CCMI承擔。

This News Release has been prepared on behalf of the Bayhorse Silver Inc. Board of Directors, which accepts full responsibility for its content. Mark Abrams, CPG, a Qualified Person and consultant to the Company has prepared, supervised the preparation of, and approved the geotechnical content of this press release.


On Behalf of the Board.


Graeme O'Neill, CEO
866-399-6539, 604-684-3394


About Bayhorse Silver Inc.


Bayhorse Silver Inc. is an exploration and production company with a 100% interest in the historic Bayhorse Silver Mine located in Oregon, USA. With state of the art Steinert Ore-Sorting technology reducing waste rock entering the processing stream by up to 85%, we have created a minimum environmental impact facility capable of mining 200 tons of mineralization per day and the ability to process and supply 3,600 tons per year of silver/copper/antimony concentrate ranging between 7,500 to 15,000 g/t using standard flotation processing at its milling facility in nearby Payette County, Idaho, USA, with an offtake agreement in place with Ocean Partners UK Limited. The Company also has an option to acquire an 80% interest in the Brandywine high grade silver/gold property located in B.C. Canada. The Company has an experienced management and technical team with extensive mining expertise in both exploration and building mines.

貝馬銀公司是一家勘探和生產公司,擁有位於美國俄勒岡州的歷史悠久的貝馬銀礦100%的權益。隨著最先進的Steinert礦石分選技術將進入選礦流程的廢石減少高達85%,我們創建了一個對環境影響最小的設施,每天開採200噸礦化,並在其位於美國愛達荷州佩耶特縣的磨礦設施使用標準浮選工藝,每年加工和供應3,600噸銀/銅/銻精礦,範圍在7,500至15,000 g/t之間,並與Ocean Partners UK Limited簽訂了承購協定。該公司還有權收購位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的Brandywin高品位銀/金礦80%的權益。該公司擁有一支經驗豐富的管理和技術團隊,在勘探和建設礦山方面擁有豐富的採礦專業知識。

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